Tuesday, October 4, 2022
If man would only grasp this principle
Beloved ones, I am come and I come from the altar of God where I have deliberated profoundly, where I have communed in Him. And I am sent by the Father to intrude a light from heaven’s altars into the community of the servants of health and life worldwide. I have come then with a special dispensation of light to assist those who have proven themselves to be servants of light and revolutionaries for life. -Archangel Raphael, Pearl 29:45
Beloved Devotees of Reality,
The posture of man in meditation is examined. Among those who would meditate upon God are men of action and diligence as well as men of sloth and carelessness. The men of action and diligence may prefer to meditate in the upright posture—alert, awake and alive. Men of sloth or of waning strength may have little choice in the matter, and they perhaps will wish to meditate lying down.
Heaven is not concerned, and therefore man should be concerned only with results. Good results are achieved while sitting up. The use of a blanket or a piece of silk in the chair of meditation will of course act as an insulator against intruding vibrations if the supplicant is careful to select one of the color rays indicated in my first discourse on meditation. A stick of pleasant incense or floral fragrance may help to clear the atmosphere of undesirable odors. Music may be used or dispensed with according to inclination of the meditator.
Prayers or decrees can be used prior to the period of meditation. The ascended masters know that for mankind, caught as they are in the snares of human feelings and thoughts, a decree session given in full voice before meditation period will serve to insulate, to protect and to harmonize the four lower bodies so that each lifestream can be best prepared to receive the fruits of his own meditation.
It should be understood that at inner levels according to teachings of the Great White Brotherhood a period of meditation is regarded as a journey into the temple. We call this temple the Temple Most Holy; and it is in a very real sense the laboratory of the Spirit.
Man is dual. His higher Self is created in the divine image and it abides in perfection. The lower self with its personality complexes, its subconscious forcefield—cause, effect, record and memory—is a maze of intricate and disturbing arrangements. Yet within this id, or “identity-density,” must be anchored the bond upon which God depends for climactic fulfillment of individual creation and final raising of the individual into union with his real Self.
This concept may be a bit difficult for some to understand. I would suggest, rather than reject it because it does not fit a specific dogma, that each chela who cannot fully accept or understand it “put it on a shelf” (as he ought to learn to do about many things he cannot accept at first) until his understanding has improved. Thus his steps on the spiritual path will not become strewn with stones of rejection which he must eventually retrace and pick up one by one in order to complete his journey.
Let us make clear that it is the dual nature of man that must be harmonized. Let us outline that labor in the Temple Most Holy is needed in order to prove and to improve the relationship of individual to higher Self. Are men irreligious? Are they lacking in faith? Are they bored with life’s experiences? Let them learn to travel the most thrilling pathway of ascent—the ascent through meditation upon the Christ consciousness above and upon the divine Presence above.
That which is below must enter the Temple Most Holy. It must come as it is. The outer faculties must first be cleansed and charged with vibrations of the higher so that you may enter the temple, but the transfiguration of the whole man cannot take place all at once. And so you must come as you are with all of your errors, mistakes, misconceptions and negative vibrations. You must come intending to correct these outer conditions, to bring them into harmony with the divine. You must recognize that each meditation period is intended to enfold you in the character of God, and this brings us to the most important point of all.
In order to avoid the awful sin of unrighteousness which can be the worst hindrance to the disciple on the path you must learn (1) to accept the character of the Most High God as your own, and (2) to do so without overpowering sense of pride that lords it over those who have not thus learned to identify with God. You are among the fortunate few to whom is given knowledge of the path of meditation and holy prayer. You are able to enter the temple of the Brotherhood where you can serve to surround yourselves with the nature of God; but you must not, you dare not let a sense of loftiness, of an ivory tower take hold of your consciousness.
Yours is the mission of Christ, the lowly Nazarene carpenter. Yours is the role of humble child in the crèche. You may be surrounded by adoring ministrants—angelic hosts, cosmic beings, ascended masters, your own Holy Christ Self, the great God Presence—but your recognition among men may be so little that they may even spit upon you. You must be willing then to endure any suffering for Christ’s sake, for God’s sake and for man’s sake.
Your meditation must be for one sole purpose—in order that the beauty of the divine may come into manifestation within you, that the higher image may surround you and that you may literally become that image. This is the highest teaching which God can impart to man before opening the portal of reality and Self-awareness. Know then that each thought that unduly lifts up self is your worst enemy and that meditation is best accomplished by clearly understanding its purpose. The purpose of meditation, I repeat, is that God above may manifest in man below—as above, so below.
If it is truly God who manifests below, there will be no room in your being for the sin of self-seeking, desire for achievement, recognition or competition with others among men. You will know that the strength of divine unity in the body of God upon Earth is the requirement of the hour; and you will know by their fruits that those who claim to be great teachers, great leaders, great souls, gurus and ministers of righteousness—who foster the sin of separation from mankind, who exalt themselves into positions of fame and fortune—are15 often24 in14 danger31 (=84=be7 x 12) of having their works burned by great transmuting fires of the Law.
Make no unnecessary karma in your meditations but learn the path of humility which will make you great because you already are. This is the greatness that you share with every son of God on Earth and in the universe. It is the greatness of the light itself which33 belongs29 to8 all7 (=77=7 x see11). It does not weaken your joint-heirship with Christ to share it with the mass of illumined believers. It can only strengthen it, for each son of God who attains his perfect reunion with God and his manifestation of God, fulfilling the command “Be ye therefore perfect even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect” is also enriching the borders of God’s kingdom upon the planet.
How men individually need this, I say! How the world needs it, the Brotherhood reiterates! Meditation then can be a delight; but you must school yourself to understand that the Brotherhood is concerned not only with manifestations of high states of consciousness but also with consciousness of service. This has been dramatized in the ideal of the bodhisattva.
Not all are called or elected to the same office. Each year a certain number of individuals ascend from this planet under auspices of beloved Serapis Bey of Luxor, Egypt; yet not all candidates for the ascension are destined for Luxor this year. Each year a certain number of individuals attain to the state of nirvana. Each year a certain number of individuals are healed of dire conditions. Each year so many are raised a step in initiation, and each year so many are given their first initiation into the spiritual hierarchy.
Preparation for progress is needed at all costs, and suggestions we are making in this series on prayer and meditation are for expansion of the soul’s awareness of God. The Master Jesus said in his final embodiment “They that be whole need not a physician.” Those of you who already know all of these things and do them need not be reminded.
We remind that you may live the more abundant life. We teach new things from day to day; and we clothe the old mysteries in a more palatable form in hopes that men who on this planet seek to magnify the good in life and pray that nature and nature’s God may be made visible unto all will be willing to make any necessary changes in their lives and to accept any new hint from our octave. Thus it is our prayer that universal love of God may increasingly release men from error’s bane, blight and pain and lift them to the golden Sun again.
True knowledge is power.
Graciously, I AM
Kuthumi Lal Singh, Pearl 11:19
O if only the mankind of Earth knew the great enfolding love which God feels for every child of His creation, wheresoever that one may be physically located upon this broad expansive planet! Often as men think upon this great whirling sphere with its myriad creations of nature and its temporal creations of mankind it seems ever so difficult for them to understand God’s great love which though so very real does not always seem to appear to their outer senses! Oftentimes individuals who embrace the spiritual path find it easy to accept the teaching that God loves every nation and its people, but meanwhile certain erstwhile feelings seek to intrude themselves into the consciousness of students, and when the time to test principles which they profess to believe in comes there is found expressing in them a negative feeling toward this or that person, place, condition or thing which is completely foreign to the teaching they have accepted as true. -Morya, Pearl 2:39
Truly in the sun-center of thy being all life is one. Therefore I intrude not but am in my own causal body of light expanding and expanding and expanding through the Mighty I AM Presence of all this which is the light of wisdom’s fount. -Archangel Jophiel, Pearl 29:53
Beloved Children of the Flame of Liberty,
The thrust of man’s desire for liberty has its origin in the very sun- center of the universe. Man was conceived in the expansive flame of liberty from God’s own heart. This reality dimmed now by intruding factors remains the goal of the wise and sincere.
The billions who call the planet Earth home are broken fragments of a universal oneness. The liberty of oneness has been lost to the multifaceted sense of separation and thus beneath his own fig tree and attached to his own vine man goes his separate and several ways.
No specific good would occur in the community of being by forcing the separated segments of the Universal into an unwilling alliance; for there the liberty of oneness would be ignored and the pull of the senses, like snorting wild steeds, would create its tides of restless energy to pull man away from the balance of true being. Only the pull of the sun- center of universal reality, only the recognition by mankind en masse of the great laws governing cosmos and the spread of understanding about cosmos can develop within the unfolding identity of the individual a sense of harmony of universal liberty.
The masters of wisdom in their great outreach in every age and at the beginning of this century have not neglected to inform mankind about the reality of the Brotherhood. The cloak of religion which has smothered rather than swaddled mankind’s beginnings in truth has masked the face of creative expansion, set brother against brother, absorbed mankind’s energies in fruitless struggle and weakened the plan of the Brotherhood for unity of this age.
As we inspired the leadership of Abraham, Noah, Moses and other great patriarchs, as we spoke through Zarathustra, Apollonius of Tyana and Jesus, as we released holy wisdom to Socrates, Plato and Emerson, so did we come through Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky in Isis Unveiled and The Secret Doctrine. We have also released our instruction through other adherents of divine truth, both metaphysical and occult, until the occult law was set aside and the pure passion of the flames of liberty and truth was unleashed in the early 1930s.
Man—caught in the miasma of his separatist dream, deigning to be fooled—has created a thousand foolish splinters that have taken him from the truth-center of his being. It is not that the germ of reality and truth is not active within many spiritual organizations upon Earth; it is simply that individuals do not grasp truth when they find it but prefer instead to form their own anthropomorphic God (a god made in their own image) and to embrace concepts that are foreign to reality.
How now shall we draw every man to the truth- center of his being and thus unite wanton children of this age? Beloved ones, in reality the hearts of men are hungry; their hands reach out and their minds soak up information of all kinds. It is up to us to call to God that they might be filled with His holy wisdom and to trust His higher wisdom to reach those who cannot be persuaded by outer means.
Your beloved Hilarion, Chohan of the Fifth Ray, when embodied as the Apostle Paul said “We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against
principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Thus do those who are wise as serpents but harmless as doves understand that liberty is often self-denied by those who have great spiritual attainment. The meaning of the phrase “spiritual wickedness in high places” is high spiritual development without assimilation of the divine character. This20 brittleness44 of12 spirit38 is10 a1 disease26
=151 which33 threatens38 most13 advanced27 disciples42
(=153; 153+151=304=8 x threatens38); its cure is that humility of heart which retains its hunger for the Spirit of the Lord which is the Spirit of Liberty. The Spirit of the Lord that is the Spirit of Liberty is also the Spirit of cosmic unity that places cosmic good of all above the aggrandizement of self.
It is a strange thing, blessed ones, but from time to time even some of our advanced chelas are caught in delusion’s net, singing43 their33 own16 praises33 and10 accomplishments60 (=195=5 x vain19) whereas the Law clearly states that the Lord is the rewarder of them who diligently seek Him. If men would only grasp this principle and rest in the blessed assurance that God does reward well- doing even as His Laws bring full circle the reward for iniquity they would not feel the need to “blow the trumpet,” as you say, in honor of themselves and they would be more hesitant before speaking the sharp word of criticism of another.
If the Spirit of Liberty is to be honored, it must be honored not only by the man of low degree who rejoices in the hope of his exaltation but also by those older sheep of the Lord’s flock whose hoary heads of wisdom are crowned not in order to bring personal adulation but to focalize spiritual offices of great responsibility.
The time has come when we shall muster in all who would make their calling and election sure on behalf of the Brotherhood the determination to give their all to the cause of liberty. The world welters in turmoil, confusion is apparent; yet we dwell not in the sense of this unrighteousness, for we hold up the crown of understanding and the Spirit of Liberty to the eyes of men. More precious than rubies and diamonds or treasures of the world is the Spirit of Liberty. By this Spirit great nations have arisen, monumental scientific discoveries have been made and prophetic revelations have been released.
The miracles of Christ regeneration have brought new masters to heaven’s fold and sons of victory out of the density of mortal delusions. Graduates are these from the schoolrooms of Earth—men and women tried and true, tested in the fiery furnace of devotion to universal principle. Shall those who would follow in their footsteps “trailing clouds of glory” scatter their birthright by whirlwinds of their own nostrils as they seek to gather for themselves objects20 of12 personal37 gain22 or shall they commit themselves into the keeping of the justice of universal law and thus release into the world the blessings of their purified hearts?
All religion that has had its origin in the Spirit of truth ought (1) to bring to mankind a greater awareness of his divine potential, (2) to serve as a bond of union ‘twixt the Brotherhood of Light and unascended man, and (3) to illumine mankind as to the pitfalls of worldly living. These21 pitfalls32 are15 not13 absent16 from25 the15 spiritual44 path18 (=199), not by any means. No immunity has been guaranteed the advancing chela. Indeed those who consider themselves wise in the teaching are expected to be more alert than those sweet young disciples whose laughing hearts first come to the newness of divine understanding.
The business of living is a serious business, but it can be indulged with a steadied merriment and a bubbling joy. The mists that have clouded the minds of men must be dispersed. The sun of hope must rise as many hands unite to pluck the harmonic strings of genuine brotherhood.
The sons of liberty will rally and the world will know the mounting passion of hearts who love freedom. These love freedom enough to hold high her torch, to look ‘round about them and to pick up the debris that the flame will gladly transmute. No service is too lowly for these, for they follow in the wake of angelic vows offering eternal service to God.
Does a humble heart need assistance? They serve. Must a thankless task be done? They do. Shall16 a1 seemingly46 archaic34 matter23 require48 study?17 (=185; 185+199=384=8 x 48 They apply their minds. Is organization needed? They organize. Whatever the exigency, they reach up to the abundance of God, magnetize it, and offer it in the service of the light.
The gods of Baal and Moloch have their adherents today; as Antichrists, they have their servers. <8> We uphold liberty and universal purpose. This year of decision, sons of liberty, hearken and live and let live.
For the peaceful advancement of the golden-rule order and all mankind, I AM
The Goddess of Libert
-Goddess of Liberty, Pearl 11:16
The folly of man’s unwitting rejection of great opportunity ought never to intrude between the heart of the sincere seeker and his own wonderful Divine Self. Human fatigue, boredom and the sense of sameness can be wisely replaced with an ever-new feeling of the daily resurgence of God’s life whose energy like a fountain of youth renews, restores and raises each one into the happiness of hope eternal. -Chananda, Pearl 5:20
Looking backward from the mountaintop after the climb, the way seems less arduous. But gazing upward from the base, fear of unknown chasms and of unheard-of dangers may intrude itself upon the mind. -Rakoczy, Pearl 8:19
It should be understood that the will of God actually beats man’s heart, stimulates his digestive system, and provides the impetus for perfection throughout the physical domain. When interfering activities are allowed to intrude themselves upon the perfection of the divine pattern that is inherent in man—even within the cellular structure of his physical body—there is a jangle of inharmony, a friction between the perfect model and that which challenges the harmonious relationship of the parts with each other and with the whole, and disease follows. The quickening of man’s entire consciousness and the harnessing of the four lower bodies for maximum efficiency is best accomplished, then, through his understanding of the nature of the divine will. -Divine Director, Pearl 11:36
The Subject of Momentums
To Those Who Would Pursue the Momentums of God’s Will:
The subject of momentums is brought to mind by the great need for every student of Ascended Master law to recognize that the stream of time which he sometimes so carelessly allows to slip through his fingers is in reality God’s energy allotted to his lifestream for a specific purpose. He is accountable for his expenditure of time and can, through the release from his Christ Self that descends as a magnificent stream of Light and energy, apply a certain portion of that Light and energy to the freeing of his world from those emotional burdens which consume his time, his attention, and his energy in fruitless manifestation.
It is important that each individual should begin to pursue the correct use of the commodity of time. The idle mind has been called various things, the “devil’s workshop” being among them. The human ego, as it continually torments itself with visions of human misapprehensions, of human statements made against one’s lifestream, of the sharp cutting of criticism, condemnation, and judgment can play no other role in life, beloved ones, except to consume God’s energy fruitlessly. Not only are such activities not constructive, but they are used deliberately to introduce destructive trends in thought and feeling.
Now the subject of momentums is closely related to the use of time; for it is ever true that the more mankind indulges in the habit of consuming his energy in hapless activities of ego the more he is apt to continue to do so. Thus he builds a negative momentum. And this applies to every human tendency, constructive as well as destructive. Let the student then learn the power of habit. For it is through bad habit that man becomes the victim of negatively qualified energy; and it is through constructive effort which results in positive momentums that mankind becomes the conqueror of negative patterns which he himself has either created or permitted to invade the otherwise happy precinct of his mind.
The mind of man should become an altar upon which the thoughts of God may be projected. If by His thoughts and will God created in the universe the manifestation of every lovely star, of a diamond or a rose, does it not follow that the mind that becomes the altar of God in sweet and gentle surrender is a creative mind whose play of creativity intrudes itself directly upon every area of that individual’s life, producing God-happiness, God-control and good fruit?
Who, beloved ones, determines what thoughts shall use your mind if it is not yourself? O we are aware of the interplay of forces, some of which while they are constructive on this planet and in many environmental situations can and do become destructive through misuse. We are aware of the need for the student of light to invoke his tube of light, putting it firmly in place around his every thought and feeling and to seal himself in God’s magnificent violet fire and the feeling of mercy and compassion that it engenders. This he must do at the same time that he is building a continuous momentum of those thoughts that will eventuate in the happiness-producing vibratory qualities of divine loveliness.
It is not only wise man who takes advantage of the correct use of momentums but also a host of divine beings, including God Himself. Therefore do not be afraid or unwilling to invoke in your behalf any or all of God’s Laws in the balance of perfection that can and will produce miracles in manifestation as the result of wise use of those laws.
It would be very nice if all life could be taught the correct use of momentums, but unfortunately many are still in the position of learning how to employ not only Laws of God but His energy as well. It is necessary that people should begin to understand that while some from the standpoint of development are in colleges and universities of the Spirit, others are very busy being delighted with kindergarten manifestations of God’s beauty. To them the simplest laws require explanation. Wise then is the individual who does not consider himself to be above reviewing those precious aspects of the Law that when properly applied lead on to self-mastery and God-control.
In reality the Brotherhood is taking every part of life forward according to its own gait and ability to receive. But this forward movement of soul can only be assimilated by the outer consciousness through correct use of thought and feeling and by correct application of freewill. After all, beloved ones, what are you from the standpoint of your personal self if you are not in effect living in your thoughts and feelings as the very expression thereof? Watching the quality of those thoughts and feelings, guarding against manifestation of negative momentums and establishing in their place those positive actions which Jesus exemplified–this will provide you with a godly determination for your future and for the future of all mankind. And this is the most cosmic action you can possibly take to produce upon the screen of your heart and mind the thoughts and feelings of the Christ.
Sometime, somewhere you must learn to guard against development
50 of12 negative38 momentums!
34 (=134=2 x 67) Sometime, somewhere you must learn to school yourselves in the development of those benign momentums which like a giant wave of tidal intensity will sweep you with the greatest of ease over all human barriers and those destructive trends which dominate humanity today.
In the interest of humanity’s well-being and progress of students of light I have released these thoughts to you today that you may think about them and recognize the great truth contained in these simple statements. By your acceptance and practice of these principles your own good momentums will rise and propel you forward upon the spiritual path until those former actions which brought so much distress into your worlds will seem as chaff before a hurricane.
Trusting for the glory of God and development of true Selfhood that you will pay heed to what I have spoken, I, Kuthumi, seal you in the gentle, unpretentious momentum of devotion to the wisdom of God that in its practical manifestation enfolds you now as you summon the will to make your world a world of cosmic generosity unto yourselves and humanity.
In the name of the abundant life of thoughts and feelings dedicated to Him and under the burden and blessing of God-control I remain
Kuthumi, Pearl 15:25
37 x 1.618=
59.866; 96.866;
22.867; 14.132; 8.735; 5.4; thus the phi ratio series anchored at 37.00 runs:
5.4, 8.73, 14, 23, 37.00, 60, 97; adding words via numerology:
bat(s)5.4, aum(s)8.7, deals14, bazaars23, intrude37,
progressor60, 97=irreversible70 diseases27.
Around the start of 2000 a fair number of RTR veterans retired. This may have boosted Peter Duffy to a key position in the IT department, in international communications sector of the Summit. Hence Neroli37 could get to preview all incoming communications (what about outgoing?) to RTR staff for security purposes, for example. Exactly when that took place I don’t know of course. If the Board of Directors comprising about 8 weighed in upon the notion of essential services at RTR, IT would be one of these. Peter did early in his career work for IBM in Australia which shows he early on had skills. He may have updated his skills. That would fit then the idea of “permanent” or “non-replaceable” employees at RTR even though Hierarchy’s principle is that all positions are replaceable, as Mother declared. -r
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