Tuesday, October 4, 2022
a wilderness of fear and frustration
Thus the Lord God assigns this day the greater guilt to the children of God who have descended to a relative goodness and are therefore entirely responsible for the intrusion of the fallen ones as the aggressors who have invaded the earth, nation by nation from East to West, in the plus/minus karmic configuration of the international capitalist/communist conspiracy. <10>
—Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 22:4
When you understand the science of alchemy that is taught by Saint Germain,1 when you experiment with that science and seek to prove it in the full faith that the law of God and his science will work if you properly apply it, then you can have results that are unconditional. And you can begin to count upon a science that works for you and through you in your day-to-day overcoming on the Path. Is this not far greater than a haphazard existence based on superstition and the intrusion of unknown forcefields and unknown gods? Truly the era of science is the era of the one God, the known God, rather than the unknown god, whom men have ignorantly worshiped despite the sermon of Saint Paul on Mars' hill.2 -Maha Chohan, Pearl 57:7
I would also speak to you of the ring-pass-not. For in situations of danger, it is an added protection, sealing your tube of Light in an armor that is like the bars that are placed on automobiles so that when they roll in their testing, they roll on the bars. This means that when you are in situations and you have to roll with the punches and with the knocks, there is a ring-pass-not that is an extra protection that seals you from the intrusion of violence against your physical body and from the penetration of poisons, rays, and all manner of sophisticated weapons that are used against the legions in the Cosmic Secret Service in embodiment. K-17, Pearl 17:12
I prophesied to this Messenger and gave ample warning that during the past three-month period there would be a trial of The Summit Lighthouse organization and an attempt to overtake it to its very roots by the intrusion of intellectual pride within the very members of that body. Thanks to the discipline and the obedience of the Mother of the Flame, those individuals who failed to conform to the obedience, to the precepts set forth as law, as governing principle for our retreat, were removed; and the crisis of the intrusion of darkness through the wedge of consciousness that was aligned to discord was removed immediately upon discovery. -Goddess of Liberty, Pearl 17:13
Now that you have created a thought matrix and sealed it against the intrusion of impinging mind radiation from others, set up either consciously (in some cases through jealousy or ego) or unconsciously by the mass mind’s collective resistance to progress, you must observe the third rule to protect your creative intent and “tell no man.” This, too, is a law of precipitation—one that allows you to circumvent concentrated beams of human thought and feeling patterns which can be most disturbing to a successful alchemical experiment unless certain safeguards are activated.
So the power of the presence of the Mother that God has given to me has been a mitigating factor against the falsehoods of the false hierarchy of religion East and West. Nothing can separate the child from the love of Mother except it be the intrusion of the false hierarchy of the Mother and the false hierarchy of the Father. -Archeia Mary, Pearl 33:48
Wisdom is justified by Her children. Think ye, O, mankind, that the mark of CAIN would ever have been placed upon the brow of Man had Love held sway over vanity and envy? Think how Love, as a feeling of Infinite, all-encompassing Wisdom, enfolds the Sons who guard against the intrusion of every repulsive human vice. How ridiculous was the first vibratory sensation of hatred between man and man. All were born of the same Flame, entertained the same hope, and had the self-same glorious Opportunity of spiritual unfoldment. However, the contagion of mental and emotional disease is very great, and one person of discord infected thousands until, like a wildfire across the prairie, the sea of humanity roared in dissension as a wilderness of fear and frustration -Theosophia, Pearl 6:34
-Saint Germain, Pearl 5:32
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