Saturday, September 24, 2022
the unwilling spirit cannot be exorcised
Therefore though it is but7 a1 tempest26 in14 a1 teapot23 (=72=self15-justification
57) that threatens to spill over, table by table, in the households of America we must place before you the seriousness and gravity of the mounting determination of those who are not of the light to discredit this our single avenue for the release of our dictations and our dispensations. -Sanat Kumara, Pearl 52:15, 1-1-1980 at Camelot via Messenger ECP
Thus as you look at the scroll, beneath the fire and descent of heaven’s fiery ones you can also see the panorama of that which cannot meet or match that fire. And those who move against that fire for the false belief that theirs is better, they will be in turmoil and in tempest, they will engage in their battles and their wars, they will attempt to draw lightbearers in as2 they22 have18 always18 done20 (=8 x test10). -Gautama Buddha, Pearl 34:6
If you tarry without the castle wall, you see, you will engage in and be engaged by every manner and matter of consciousness that passes by. Some would rather be there where free will is to experience every manner of life’s polluters and their pollutants. To others freedom is the chain that binds the soul as the prisoner of the Rock, safe and sound within the castle walls while roaring tempest and turbulent seas ram the fortress of the immovable Rock, unnoticed by the soul who waits upon the Lord. -Sanat Kumara, Pearl 22:58
To have and to hold the gift of the Mother is worth the exercise of patience. Therefore patiently, patiently invoke the transmutation of all that the Law doth require of thee. Patiently search for the four-leaf clover. Patiently pick wild- flowers in the fields of life. And receive both the tempest and calm as the sign of the coming of the Lord and the turning of the wheel of the Law–receiving, receiving the fruits of all planes into the fire of the heart for the glorious consummation of Alpha and Omega. -Gautama Buddha, Pearl 18:24
Now let us see how mankind by their misuses of sacred fire in the sixth ray of the Lord Christ have polluted the four streams of the consciousness of God flowing. And let us see how their own lifestreams have suffered from every extreme of flood and fire and drought and dire pestilence and pain, of tempest and tornado and foreboding stillness before the roaring hurricane, oncoming glacier, Vesuvius’ eruption or the great tidal wave. The calamities of Mater, as elemental life overthrow the misuses of the elements, break upon the back of fallen man and fallen woman: “For dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.”
-Archangel Uriel, Pearl 18:45
“Try not the pass!” the old man said:
“Dark lowers the tempest overhead,
The roaring torrent is deep and wide!”
And loud that clarion voice replied
"Excelsior!"47 -Lanello, Pearl 49:11
I speak of your feeling world. How quickly and easily the feeling world becomes depressed or excited or enangered. How easily emotions become a tempest in a teapot. And suddenly the sea begins to roar. This illustrates that the individual yet identifies with mass human emotions and with emotions that come upon the rock of his being, as it were, beating upon the rock of the lighthouse that is your mighty I AM Presence. I say, be not moved by these conditions. The measure of your God-mastery must be your ability to hold the flame when23 all7 assails17 you16 (=
63), when riptides of human emotion, condemnation or persecution or outright lies assail you or this activity of light. -Serapis Bey, Pearl 49:3,
given 8-11-1979 at San Francisco via Messenger ECP
Send these, the homeless, tempest- tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door! -Goddess of Liberty, Pearl 56:11, given 3-30-1975 at L. A. via Messenger ECP
We understand and we love. We understand man’s dilemma, his search for reality, his despairs and his most miserable hopes made more miserable when they fall short of fulfillment. Certainly our hopes for humanity are caught up in the reality of the Law, not in its unreality, for our hopes are not in conformity with human opinion but in obedience to the fashion of eternal principle meted out as a ladder of safety upon which even the weak ones need not fear to step.
-Morya, Pearl 13:39
You have heard of the chohans of the rays. Now I say, invoke the momentum of the seven archangels to amplify in your soul and in your desiring to be whole the feelings of God which compel the entire consciousness into conformity with the geometry of Selfhood. The seven archangels wield the power, wisdom and love of Infinity–of a cosmos yet to be born within you as microcosmic-macrocosmic energies converge to become the warp and woof of the creative life- force.
-Morya, Pearl 18:12
The fragments of the light- body of the eternal Logos, the same “light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world” are throughout the creation the fullness of the living Christ whom God, because He so loved the world, gave to every son and daughter. Understand that in the gift of life, the threefold flame, the Lord God literally gave to all His children the flaming essence of the Only Begotten that through conformity with this essence the world might be saved from sin, disease and death. -Morya, Pearl 18:7
We see then the spiraling to the center, the very heart-center of America on the etheric plane that is the Royal Teton Retreat. This center does not correspond to the physical center of the heart-chakra even as your own heart- chakra at the etheric plane is not with the alignment of the chakra in the physical plane. You see then by departure from the Law mankind have gone out of the way and they22 no11 longer34 act6 in14 conformity57 to8 inner33 matrices34 of12 energy38
(=269), but they22 are15 apart20 (=55+269=
324=9 x despair36) and impoverished. Nevertheless this then is a retreat in Spirit and matter to which the souls of the children of God may retreat for succor, for nourishment and for life. -Lanto, Pearl 20:10
Will is a matrix which the energies of life must follow. Will is never stubbornness of carnal mind, but it is an emanation of infinite mind that gives your eyes the set gaze upon the goal and mark and the face and word and gait in conformity with perseverance and courage. Now then when the will is set then divine forces of healing come into play. And the Lord God will send emissaries, angels of light whom you do not expect, to give to you whatever is necessary for transfer of the alchemy of Spirit to the alchemy of matter. -Theosophia, Pearl 20:8
Thus, beloved, it must be known by ye all who are sent from the altar of the Holy Grail to go forth as instruments of God’s healing in many ways: that13 the15 unwilling49 spirit37 cannot22 be7 exorcised48 (=192=4 x exorcised48), whether of foul spirits or uncleanness or diseases.
There must be a willingness and it must be profound—a willingness that this healing might take him into conformity of God’s wholeness, God’s Law, His loving Presence. -Archangel Raphael,
Pearls of Wisdom 29:45
numbers are numerology: a=1, b=2, c=3, j=1, s=1, etc.
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