Friday, September 23, 2022
by the pure potential of be-ness
The life-force in man must be governed not just by reason and desire but by9 the15 pure24 potential40 of12 be-ness19 (=119=7 x God17), the mysterious47 comprehension73 of12 light29 by9 itself26 (=196=7 x lovely28). If the fingers of the Law of God discover anomalies in the life pattern of an individual and the result be a chastening, it is always for the purpose of greater spiritual fruit and a more abundant life to the one whom God has desired to try. To know God is to be known of Him, and the rule of order by law establishes in all dimensions a steadfast rise in the comprehension levels of spiritual grace. -Maitreya, Pearl 10:10
First, as we have indicated previously, while the material released through the Summit Lighthouse is usually couched in easily understood language we have consistently expounded sustaining truth, enlightenment and revelation through this source. Second, we have stressed the need for personal perfection for all sincere chelas of the ascended masters so that genuine39 and excellent37 examples32=108 (=4 x secure26) would stand out on the world-screen. Cooperation is thus increased together with a real expansion of God’s own design through this avenue of light. We have always preferred to have our chelas specialize in externalizing God-virtue rather than become too speculative concerning mysterious phenomena or those questionable adventures into the so-called unknown (which may or may not be valid) and can result in mere satisfaction for a curious appetite. -Hilarion, Pearl 4:9
Now the Great White Brotherhood is not a fable, nor is it a mysterious organization to be dangled before the uninitiated as something which sets you apart from others, or distinguishes you with temporal honor; neither is it intended to extinguish you in the ignominy of sincere but abject humility but rather in the dignity of Divine Providence to provide an avenue or protected outlet where the Christ- light of the many can go forth in ordered service, divine dignity and everliving purity. This will glorify that precious Spirit of divine unity which good fortune has so wisely enscribed in these words from the Great Seal of the United States of America as E Pluribus Unum (One Out of Many) which in its greater meaning comes full-circle to read: Many Out of One in Unity of Action—political, educational and religious who shall draw nigh unto their Creator in a feeling of such oneness as will glorify the ageless Christ of all whose active unity is ever dwelling in the one light of every man! -Maitreya, Pearl 3:5
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