Tuesday, September 20, 2022
These shepherds among you are the living saints who are pursuing the path of the World Teachers. For in this day is the judgment come upon the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture: “Ye have scattered my flock and driven them away and have not visited them. Behold, I will visit upon you the evil of your doings, saith the Lord”
-Sanat Kumara, Pearl 42:3
Beloved ones, it is not that God is a respecter of persons, but that among the sheep in the flocks of the Lord we must have a head sheep. Also, beloved ones, the quantity of energy of sacred fire that must be deposited within the heart of the one who becomes the pacemaker and sets the rhythm of the movement is such that few among you would be able to contain that energy and that light. Fewer still would understand its immense responsibility and the fact that the Messenger is the prisoner of the mission—the glad, free, willing prisoner of an all-consuming passion, one that you have observed in not a few but in many of those who have walked among you for thousands of years. -Sanat Kumara, Pearl 42;20
Beloved ones, it is the very nature of the transfer of the consciousness of God that this should occur, for it is this concentrated energy that becomes the chalice for concentrations of Elohim and archangels. Therefore out of the Law of the One comes the descent of light, and through the One millions have the opening of the way to become that One.
-Serapis Bey, Pearl 10:23
The wind blows and men see it not, but the manifestation of its effect is everywhere apparent. I do not presume that by a mere wave of my hand those who do not believe in my reality will suddenly be transformed into true believers. I choose solely to cite the law, to warn most sternly, and to reveal the treachery of this enemy of faith. Without faith it is impossible to please God; and therefore with faith and by His grace all things become possible, for “He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”
It is not that men themselves desire to give power unto the “world’s wits” or to those who would presume to be manipulators of others. It is that the power of negation is often unwittingly assumed over others without their knowledge and without their recognition of the source of influence which attempts to defraud them of the great blessings which God intends man to have. -Morya, Pearl 7:16
Now I AM thinking as to just how I can best direct the balm of light to each chela, making the unguent of our love an ever- present radiance to sustain the best possibilities. Why should human discord thwart the will of Good continuously? Why should men presume to be disrespectful of one another when each breech is contempt of the Brotherhood? Is the fashion of a man so preferred above the towering reality of the Christ that, like preying leeches, people shall constantly search for the lame and halting step, the lisping sound and those congenital distortions which we are ever striving to correct in all? -Morya, Pearl 5:38
And this is also an opportunity which I think life has given to you. I do not for one minute presume to think that you are the only individuals upon this planet who have received that blessing. I do not for one minute presume to think that you are the only individuals who will ever receive that blessing. For I would like to point out that there is not any individual within the range of the hearing of my voice or any individual within the range of my aura (which I believe is able to compass the earth) that is not able to outpicture the glory of his own Presence if he would actually believe that and would actually try. -Saint Germain, 58:5
An even greater step of ambition in this direction—which may seem a bit farfetched to men in lesser stages of spiritual development—would be for mankind to attempt also to create laws governing segments of the universe. If mankind can presume to create laws governing a segment of the cosmos, will they then contemplate the possibility that they may one day manage the entire cosmos? We might term this a manipulation (a man-i-pollution) of the cosmos by a manifestation (a man-i-infestation) of the cosmos. -Rakoczy, Pearl 8:3
Do not presume to find God, but do. One with the Spirit, everlasting hope is born in our hearts as a flame kindled by a momentum of agelessness, of immortality. Our love for Him who both conceived us and, in each Christlike manifestation, forgives us is the tone of a great bell making all aware at last of the diligent momentums of the universal mind of God. -Magda, Pearl 55:24
It is mockery to presume that the shallowness of mortal concepts can bring deliverance to the soul, that the hollow echoes of men’s intellectual strivings can be a source of true freedom. Only the joy of cosmic interdependence between God and man can bring awareness; only inner dependence upon the faculties of grace and truth descending from the great Mediator can provide a merciful and acceptable sacrifice for the shortcomings of the outer self. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 14:51
Let all understand the refuge of the consciousness of God, the impenetrability of the Christ mind, the radiance of the holy drama enacted and reenacted as the cycles of life turn. Needless to say the excuses of men are drawn from the supine and sickly who presume in the stun they experience through their own callousness that heaven will heed their excuse-mongering. -Morya, 14:42
The world in its ignorance may presume that the Godhead will permit all things to continue as they are, but with the coming of each new year a new cycle is introduced. Some years portend great good to mankind or to the individual. Others are charged with fear, doubt and destruction through the imminent descent of mankind’s karma. The Karmic Lords–those who have been given the responsibility for the administration of universal justice to the Earth–may well offer to men and women in the compartment of the forthcoming year the vital opportunity to choose whom they will serve.
And though I do not presume to speak on behalf of the Almighty One it is not out of the realm of possibility that He would destroy the world before He would allow the youth of the nations to be destroyed in body, mind and soul by the international drug cartels. To arrest the worldwide momentum of traffickers in recreational drugs who focus on the youth of every nation is a challenge of epic proportions. -Saint Germain, Pearl 39:27
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