Tuesday, September 20, 2022
on fantasy
Now I realize geographically that this centering is not exact. But as a matter of fact the centering of the heart in your temple is not exact either, yet it is the center. Realize then that those forces moving in Central America through Castro’s Cuba and the rest are also aligning themselves. And they hold their fantasy of moving against Texas because they understand, at some level of their being, that to assail the Mother- flame is to defeat a nation! And thus they move against that Mother- light. -Archangel Michael, Pearl 25:28
I am the miracle worker midst my people. Fear not. Cast out fear and doubt and enter into a real living relationship with your own God-Self and Christ-Self, with the Messenger and with the ascended masters. Let all fantasy and illusion be put aside and let the reality of the Christed ones spring forth as we enter into the springtide of Aries, of Helios and Vesta who do now expand their light in the very heart of Earth for this spring equinox! -Saint Germain, Pearl 24:59
My angels now open the Book of Life for you each one in private consultation with your Christ-Self, with your soul and with your etheric memory that you might observe written upon this book the unfinished tasks, the beginnings that have had no endings—only frayed ends of non-accomplishment, only a looking back to what might have been and even a glorying in the very fantasy of the idea itself with non-realization that the idea is totally ineffective for Good because it has been stillborn. -Archangel Chamuel and Charity, Pearl 24:10
I therefore call to task and call home each and every prodigal son who by some fantasy of fallen one is self-deceived perhaps to believe that somewhere else is the greater Grail of freedom than in the heart of one’s own Christ- Self! -Maha Chohan, Pearl 24:66
My beloved ones, I come to you in the historical stream of Israel, of Sanat Kumara, of the twelve tribes, of the I AM race, of those who are come to be priests and priestesses of sacred fire. I come to you with an intense understanding of the history of the United States. And I admonish you all to study that history; for it is a history not merely of those who are past, but it is a history of the unfoldment of the Word, even as sacred scriptures East and West and in the Old and New Testaments unveil the history of the individual soul and overcoming of every foe and fantasy of illusion that would beset the path of lightbearer. -Saint Germain, Pearls of Wisdom 24:27
The celebration of the Christmas Child may remain a Santa Claus fantasy unless responsible Keepers of the Flame recognize that the guarding of the incarnate Word must become the supreme sacrifice and ultimate affection of the disciple of Christ. -Archangel Gabriel, 21:50
Lest some be affrighted by my message in which the fantasy of science fiction suddenly becomes a fact of galactic life, let me first remind you, precious ones, that although I am Gabriel, bearer of good tidings of great joy, I am also sent to warn those who would receive the incarnate Word of that which opposes the light of the Incarnation wherever it is destined to appear in God-manifestation. I am sent by God as co-creator with the Keeper of the Scrolls, and I would read to you from the scrolls of the Mother that record the uses and abuses of the light of the Mother in these several systems of worlds. -Archangel Gabriel, Pearl vol. 22
Thus, my beloved, we come. We press down and in and through. We are all light, here to remove every blight of mortal fancy and fantasy that has hypnotized a generation to their distorted sounds and rhythms and, alas, the perversion of the very light we bear. -Portia, Pearl 23:29
Why do I speak to you of love, my beloved? It is because so many have been toiling to enter in. They come, they go. They bask in the light. They store the light. They go out on the high seas of life, the proud captains of their ships. But when their batteries run low and they are high and dry on some desert isle of their fantasy they suddenly return. They knock upon the door expecting to be received as before—expecting to have access to all light and love of Father and Mother. But they have loved neither light nor love nor person of the Great Guru in His first and foremost chela, the beloved bride who wears the mantle of her Bridegroom. -Paul the Venetian, Pearl 23:3
Thus I come to pierce illusions of fantasy, illusions that come down from the motion picture industry and their productions of this century and the playing on screens over and over and over again of the dreams of married love and childbearing outside of the inner temple court and path of initiation. -Morya, 31:77
Thus each and every one in his own way becomes highly opinionated and when his stubbornness of mind does therefore enter the realm of spiritual matters where fantasy and the psychic enter in, some of our own who might have been our best servants are found simply out in the field, not centered where the action is. I speak of the fields of this property and beyond and not of the general field of our membership which has many fiery hearts who are realistic while others dabble in any number of ways and paths and communications purported to be from our octave. -Morya, Pearl 31:1
Let those chelas who are imitating the fantasy of fallen ones and ways of mechanization man cease to do so! Let those who admire the world and its levels of a material perfection remember that [the worldly] have not entered in, lo, in aeons! Yet they may perform well. They may be thought well of. They may appear to have genius. But where genius leaves off, beloved, there is the mind of Christ and many do not have it. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 33:49
Love includes the love of the will of God, the love of harmony, the love of maintaining one’s God-control in honor before Helios and Vesta and the love of reality that will not manufacture fantasy or phantoms or pure nonsense nor will it allow the covering of the human by the speaking of untruths. Love, beloved, fulfills all lines of the clock when you understand it. -Saint Germain, Pearl 54:49
We have seen enough Walter Mittys on the path. We have seen the deluded ones filled with fantasy. We have seen the more malicious ones who have determined at all cost to control the Messenger, to seize the light but never to bend the knee before the Law of Love. They take the path for their own way. It is always tragic. -Maitreya, Pearl 45:34
I particularly want to warn people that no one who is interested in tethering himself to reality should indulge in this to the extent of living in a world of fantasy or delusion. These experiments in consciousness should be controlled and carefully engaged in for a limited time only because of the lever, the lever of relativity. -Mark Prophet, Pearl 44:1
I say, the spiritualization of consciousness, the etherealization of consciousness—this is what is needed. And when you have it as Archangel Gabriel spoke, when you have that union with God you will discover that the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit may come unto you not in a sense of fantasy but in a realization that the Holy Spirit has meshed with your soul and heart and mind. I ask you to pursue that Holy Spirit and to bring into the fold those who know the flame of liberty and the flame of freedom, to bring them in the fold of the ascended masters that they might go forth again and again. -Saint Germain and Portia, Pearl 46:36
What is dangerous in going from step two to step three is the assumption that one has passed from step two to step three. I have noticed how quickly individuals assume that they have been elevated to a level when they do not have the attainment to be elevated to that level. They assume this by fantasy (they just fantasize a relationship with a master that they do not have) or spiritual pride or ignorance—some sort of out-of-alignment state.
-Messenger ECP, Pearl 52:2
Of hope I AM certain the world is at times bereft. Let it pour forth upon the Earth now in torrents. Let us diligently provide new avenues of spiritual adventure—not in some half-baked fantasy but established out of the internal magnificence of sacred fire! -Morya, Pearl 6:3
Mankind in their sophistication have neglected, have rejected the angelic hosts. They have a momentum on denial of our being as fantasy and fairy tale. They will rue the day when they understand that they have denied the very present help of the Lord Himself. Be therefore “not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.”
-Listening Angel, Pearl 19:47
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