Sunday, August 7, 2022
with what judgment ye judge ye shall be judged
Void is unfruitful energy. The alchemist must develop a sense of the value of time and space and the opportunity to manipulate both. Freedom is won by quest and conquest but mainly by the conquest of the finite self. True mastery of the finite comes through indrawing love, the compelling, almost magnetic heartcall of the soul to its divine Source.
Only the great inflow of cosmic light of God can release the soul from the imprisoning shadows of its human creation. Summon then the purity of purpose which will make your creative design good; relentlessly challenge base elements which arise like hobgoblins to disturb and try the plan you have begun; then patiently evolve your God-design—the purpose of your alchemical experiment.
The true science of Spirit is more exact than mundane measures can yet determine. Therefore know thy Self as the white stone or elixir from whence all thy creation must proceed in orderly fashion. If the key ideas are not created from within thee who art the alchemist, then the whole act is either hapless or an imitation of the work of another.
Now if it be God thou wouldst imitate, then “Well done!” may truly be spoken of thee; but if the vanity of mankind, then piteous let thy consciousness remain. The true Self of man, from whence cometh every goodly design, is worthy to be consulted as to what it is desirable to create. Therefore the true alchemist begins his experiment by communing with himself in order to perceive inspiring thoughts of the radiant mind of his Creator.
It is in imitation of lesser qualities and lesser states of consciousness that society has molded many of its erroneous concepts. To correct these concepts, to forge an ennobling culture, to draw the lines of good character man and society must look to lofty examples.
Let men who would practice alchemy learn first to mirror the great examples of all ages who have used heaven as their design and then let them learn to select the best qualities of their lives so that alchemy can be used as it was divinely intended, as the most noble method of achieving the desires of the heart right here and now.
I strongly suspect that many of my auditors, but few, if any, of the most sincere students are anxious to have imparted unto them at once the philosophers’ stone or magical properties that will make them at will a combination of Aladdin and Midas with a trace of benevolence sprinkled in.
I here declare for those who think thusly that while I shall impart tremendous knowledge concerning the science of alchemy in the whole of this nine-part study I doubt very much that unless they absorb the secrets of the first lessons with utter humility, allowing me as the instructor the privilege of preparing the teachings as God would have me do, they will not at the very end find themselves wanting. And it will not be the fault of either teaching or teacher!
I do not intend to give a lengthy discourse on the vanities of worldly life, but I would like to point out that it is the hope of the Brotherhood in releasing these teachings at this time to avoid for our students the mistakes of some early alchemists whose sole purpose seemed to be the acquirement of riches and honor and ability to produce from universal substance the energies to change base metals into gold.
Let me hasten to say that not all early alchemists confined their goals to temporary gain. Indeed many stalwart souls pursued alchemy with the same reverence they would a quest for the Holy Grail, seeing it as a divine art and the origin of Christian mysteries, as when Christ changed the water into wine at the marriage in Cana of Galilee.
We desire to see the original concepts about alchemy given new meaning, and we desire to see the meaning it acquired in the mystery schools brought to the fore. For the uses to which this science is presently put must be translated to a higher dimension if mankind are to reap the full benefits thereof.
Unless this spiritual science is applied to the freeing of individuals and society from drudgery, confusion and compromise with densities of human thought—as is our wish—the purposes to which God ordained it will remain unfulfilled. We who pursue the high calling of the alchemist aspire to see all attain a place where they can both teach and extol basic purposes of life to the youth of the world as having far greater than mere temporal pleasures which in reality serve a lesser purpose to a divine alchemist than does a pacifier to a suckling child.
Let no one think because I spend this time in introducing the heart of the subject to you that my discussion is not pertinent to the facts at hand. Unless each one understands that he individually must exercise his God-given right to use power wisely and lovingly, he cannot help but fall into pits of self-delusion and rationalization.
Now it is God’s plan that everyone on Earth pursue the understanding of himself and his destiny. Conceit born of intellectual pride has caused many a sincere student, and even a number of worldly masters of one science or another, to fall into traps of their own creation; and in many cases they never knew when the snare was sprung.
Therefore if any subject be included here, let no one think he can omit it simply because he may seem to know it already or because he has considered it before. We place many gems of thought in the most unlikely sentences which though plain enough of speech and easily seen may require more than the diligence of even an honest heart’s scanning.
Saint Peter voiced the query “And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?” It is well for the would-be alchemist to realize that this is an exact and true science whose illumination is conferred upon man by God Himself. Its purpose is to teach mankind how to obtain for themselves every gracious gift and virtue which their lifestreams might require in finding the way back home to God’s heart.
I do not say that you cannot learn to materialize every wish of your being—and this aspect of alchemy is for some the easiest part of the whole, while for others it remains the most difficult. I do say that the design of those wishes ought to be contemplated more than the wondrous science of bringing them into manifestation from the invisible. For to create a worthy design is a most noble endeavor, worthy of the God in man which alone can set him free to fulfill his immortal destiny.
We have labored below and waited above for the children of this world to cease the plunder and pillage of war, to cultivate the education of underprivileged, to relinquish the desire for class distinction and to offer themselves as would princes of the realm to serve effectively the needs of their impoverished yet noble kin. We are presently determined to seek out the faithful of all nations and to empower them with means whereby they can individually escape from self-imposed bondage of the times and obtain their own priceless inheritance.
Naturally this heritage is neither temporal nor ephemeral. However when serving in Europe to dissipate some of the poverty and confusion so prevalent there I did use universal alchemy to produce the substance which, although temporary in nature, supplied many human needs and was both comforting and helpful to the world and to the personal lives of my beneficiaries.
I conceive nothing wrong in the idea nor do I look with disfavor upon your having a divine source of supply to meet all your needs. I do feel it is needful for you to keep constantly humble and grateful as God places within your hands the key to the control of natural forces.
Again and second to no idea contained herein is the constant need to understand the universal scheme or plan of creation so that all that you design and do will be harmonious with eternal Law and cosmic principles.
I hope that I shall have neither affrighted nor discouraged any of the students of alchemy from pursuing this marvelous divine study. I am however now free to proceed with more relish, for I have magnified the eternally manifest principle of the immortal intelligence of God which some call inspiration while others call it simply the mind of God.
Whatever men may call a quality it is its possession that counts the whole nine points of the Law. Therefore love the emanation of divine wisdom contained herein which like sunlight shimmering through the trees touches with its fingers of light all through which it passes. For only by love can you truly possess.
I AM the resurrection and the life of cosmic purpose within you.
In the name of Freedom I remain
Saint Germain: Studies in Alchemy
Some men rejoice in the fact that the fashion of the world passeth away. But remember, blessed hearts of love, that it is your victory won right within the framework of your experiences that skims off the dross of human misbehavior and produces divine alchemy of purification. This is the trial by fire that separates your darkness from your light.
Man should understand that one day all qualification both good and evil must receive its reward. Through the great mercy of God the karma of a planet and its people has again and again been withheld that new opportunities for experience might continue to come to all. This is that aspect of the Law which allows little children maturing through the round of experience to find the emancipation that reveals the grace of God to those whose eyes are open to His benign bestowal and to His desire to create out of the substance of opportunity the best possible gifts to life in all of its manifold parts. It is the Mother aspect of God that can examine human hurts with the eye of understanding and then yield the heart back to God with total surrender.
Now in examining the fabric of what in this age has been called a Christian civilization, we cannot stop with just the present era but must reach back into the pages of history where we find manifesting the o so frequent barbarities that have been brought forth upon humanity in the name of my Son, Christ Jesus. It is a great pity that today’s smug and conceited Christianity often fails to utilize the honest eyes of heart and soul to extract a valued lesson from both present and past church history.
It is the yielding of heart to the beat of joy in every situation that purifies the understanding of man that it might one day become a repository of strength to those who are willing to surrender unto God all human desires and their need for self-importance. This does not mean, O hearts of light, the extinguishing of man’s life or light; rather it brings about an intensification of its shine, for the intensifying power of the Christ does descend from the Godhead into the chalice of individual lives.
It should always be a joy to contribute thoughts of dignity and worth into the flowing stream of energy which constitutes life. How often men sit on the bank of the river of life and watch it flow, taking from it all that they possibly can yet contributing nothing to its course or movement. Surely justice and mercy must follow man, both contemporary man and man to come. Surely all shall come to understand one day that it is only that which is yielded unto God through love that endures. As Saint Paul said long ago “Now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.”
You who read my words through the Pearls of Wisdom should understand that these are not written for the glorification of human ego, but for the exaltation of soul in the divine flame and light. Thus one day mankind will come to know and to understand how beautiful and complete the light is because he will have added to that light the best gifts of his own Self-realization, intensifying them in the filaments of his being so that he too may let his light shine. It is the energy of God that glorifies the soul of each one. And when the electrifying concepts of His grace are made known to the world the right use of both His masculinity and His femininity will be adhered to and the androgynous being of God seen at last in fuller measure in the stature of the Christ.
Mankind often say that it is a tragedy that greater understanding does not prevent wars, rumors of wars and the darkening attitudes of the race of men. But after all, beloved ones, it is to high places in human thought rather than to high places in divine thought that mankind aspire. Is it any wonder then that they yield themselves so easily to self-glorification and self-righteousness? Is it any wonder then that they are prone to error almost from the beginning of their mistaken monadic expressions, which are in reality no part of the divine Monad but are of the synthesized personality they have come to regard as the real Self? When the real Self of man is perceived as Universal Spirit, all-flowing and all-enfolding, the power of love comes to be realized to such a marked degree as to produce the profoundest of changes in the nature of man. And if these changes be produced in the individual, must they not then permeate all substance and structuring?
“Let not your heart be troubled,” my Son declared. “Ye believe in God, believe also in Me.” Why, in the name of heaven, if all men were really created by God, should they deem it an unworthy act to hold, in addition to self-esteem, esteem for other parts of life? Certainly we do not say that mankind should respect evil or those things which are hurtful to men. But there is enough virtue in the soul of man which God so lovingly placed there that those who look can surely perceive that virtue in man and, seeing it, amplify it so that all may partake of the sacred Eucharist, the tiny wafer of life by which they are made aware of their unity in Christ.
The world today lives in a time of great depreciation of values, in a time of deterioration of a sense of their own worth and hence of the worth of others. Because of this and because mankind do not understand true religion nor the fact that the world has produced saints in the past as well as in the present they seem to look askance at all who hold fast to good. There is a trend today to expose all action of a truly divine nature as if it were fraudulent, as if it were deceptive. I am sure that more shall be said on this subject, but let mankind perceive how seldom men really do believe in motives of worth in others.
Little do they dream of what is in the heart, for we perceive the virtue of God in the hearts of many. But by the same token we also observe in the temporary strands of human petulance and greed the tendency on the part of many to condemn others for the same thing that they themselves desire to do but in some cases have not done and in other cases have done. It is dangerous for mankind to point an accusing finger at others when many times they are not aware of their own imperfect patterns from past ages. They do not foresee what they will one day do as a result of the very trends they are now creating.
O mankind, how lovely you are in your God Identity! And so it is with our prayer for the redemption of all that is beautiful and real about you that in this hour of mounting `human affliction and distress the hearts of many will turn to my Son as a part of their real Self, as a part of their God Identity. His mission in life was not for self-glorification, but for the eternal glory of God. If men are able to perceive this glory in all, then all will find themselves identifying with such perfection as has never come to Earth before and the divine genius native to man will let fly out the window of life never to be anymore those elements of human distress that presently conceal the face of God from a weary and a hungry world.
Christ said so long ago “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled.” The moments of that infilling are thrilling beyond belief! The soul gasps in individualized mankind that it might receive a breath of this reality, that it might perceive the infinite hand of God reaching through all experience and beckoning all to move onward into the universal light without fear and with the fullest of confidence.
I remain ever your Mother in the service of the Universal Christ,
-Mary, 1972 Pearls of Wisdom
It is to thee and to the measurement of God’s purposes upon earth that we proclaim Christ-dimension for all. Individual resurrection is a necessity, and it can occur daily as the gauge of the Law is applied to the seeking heart.
When I gave forth the teachings of the Brotherhood that have been handed down as the Sermon on the Mount I stressed the need for disciples to observe the laws on judgment and brotherhood. And if I were to address the multitudes on the hillsides of the world in this day and age, my sermon would be much the same: “Judge not that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again... Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.”
Truly those who make the greatest progress Godward are those who are aware of the importance of being their brother’s keeper. By contrast how strange it seems that men would worship me without understanding my presence in all parts of life; for I AM in the prisons, in the marts of commerce and in the high noon of man’s busyness. In the face of the child or adult is the realization that I am come to the meek and lowly and to those who need the wholeness of the Good Physician.
The stigma that is attached to the man who strays from the “strait and narrow path” may cause him to react with a certain conceit that in the stronghold of ego often proclaims his liberty while in reality binding him to those wrong concepts which he has so readily allowed. The hem of our garment is yet with men, even with the lost sheep of the house of Israel; and wise are those who understand the depths and riches of our immortal love that restores the afflicted in mind and body to a state of wholeness.
We do not ask “What virtue is this?” Nor do we dwell upon the lack of virtue that may exist momentarily in the life of man. The quality of spiritual ongoingness embodied by the unascended devotee, while at times appearing as a cross to those who have not known the joys of overcoming, does most assuredly raise him up the ladder toward his own God-perfection.
The diligence of the Law in heralding its own perfection conveys the miracle sense which moves men and nations to the fulfillment of the divine hope. O diligent ones who seek to do the will of God, perceive how sweetly the union of cosmic purpose is accomplished, how men are drawn together by that immutable bond that exalts peace within their hearts. How often we have warned mankind who look to the world for that peace which can only come from the Christ within: “When they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.”
The world cannot exist half slave and half free–half involved in those concepts of spiritual truth which acknowledge the universal plan and half involved in mortal error which supposes life to be a rubble of fractioned energies. Through the mercy of God and strength of immortal purpose my mission continues to the present hour to unite hearts with their own Divine Presence. And as the Holy Spirit affirmed within me so long ago “Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.”
I came to set the captives free, and so shall it be both now and forever. In this world of delusion and despair the multitudes wander upon the shores of life that are strewn with the blasted hopes of yesterday. The few in every age who find the kingdom that is within feel their hearts swelling with joy as they discover their own life as a mission to uphold the faith and to bring my sheep into the fold of the Ascended Masters’ Teachings.
The darkness of atheism is everywhere apparent. Men presuppose that they shall win through the doctrines of socialism, through submission to mass pressures of mediocrity or through worshiping our person without manifesting for themselves the law of universal love. That Spirit whom I glorified as my heavenly Father is alive today to raise mankind up, to lift him from the cross of man’s inhumanity to man that makes countless thousands mourn and to reveal each soul either as a candidate for the ascension or as one to whom the path of righteousness must yet be revealed for my name’s sake.
The valley of the shadow is in itself purposeless unless it becomes a goad urging man to climb the peaks of light. Only out of the sense of an indwelling faith can men light the fagot of their being with the torch of Omnipresence. In reality God is ever nigh; yea, He is at the very door of being. Yet He is denied entrĂ©e by man’s own false momentums and by his yielding to the patterns of inertia which, if unchecked, will ultimately destroy him through the blight of boredom, doubt and fear. The years show forth either fruitfulness or fruitlessness. The same taper that has burned for darkness can declare itself a taper of light. A man’s life, in moments of seeking, affirms itself to be either darkness or light, and so it is; for as a man thinketh in his heart so is he.
Man must overcome his own darkness by proclaiming his own light, for the Father willed it so from the beginning. Never has the way of the cross been so challenging, the mockery and misunderstandings of men so blatant, the engines of destruction so bloated with viciousness. Never has the world been so divided, its communications so garbled with blocks of despair. These moments in history precede what could well be the proclamation of universal victory for mankind–a victory crowning the hill of our purpose revealed, burning new hope in the hearts of all who love me, and establishing by the light of cosmic reason the lives of all in a new order of the ages.
What a pity that mankind do not see the need to stand steadfastly behind the purposes of the eternal Brotherhood. What a pity that they do not understand the fruit of our endeavor made manifest within our own triumph and made possible thereby to all mankind. They refuse to grasp the hands of faith and to walk into the light; instead they turn toward the pall of senses that defraud. Yet the light is nigh them, even at the very door.
Greatly to be praised are the Spirit of the Resurrection and those miracle hopes that each one must obtain for himself. Those who become good Samaritans and cosmic emissaries of our light merit not only our friendship and our love but also our assistance in the darkening days that lie ahead while the new age is forming. For upon the rubble of the past God will build the stairway of a new hope whose rising majesty shall reveal the ascension as the goal of life for every man. The communication of faith to child hearts, unsullied by the world thought, can at any age pave the way for new approaches to God and make plain the wonders of heaven from which the very spirit of triumph over death and confusion emanates.
The serpent said to man “Ye shall not surely die.” I have proclaimed the Son of Righteousness who sheds new hope into the lives of all who admit His transfiguring radiance. But unless man earnestly seeks to rise his natural momentums will deliver him to a gradual downfall.
Keep on keeping on! For the success of the Brotherhood’s mission upon Earth–of all that we have built in former days–appears to your vision now in a cosmic burst of our purpose. And the energies of that purpose while resurrecting the individual shall raise the whole wide world until the glory and peace of universal love shall cover the Earth and preserve it according to the eternal plan.
Devoted to the unfoldment of the flowers of hope within you and that which is ever of good cheer, I remain
Your brother and friend eternally, Jesus, Pearls of Wisdom
My Most Beloved,
I AM in the Holy Temple of Shamballa, the Shamballa of the West whose etheric retreat has also been established from everlasting. In relationship to the Retreat of the Divine Mother that is vast over the territory now called the Royal Teton Ranch, my own holy temple in the etheric octave over the Heart is, as it were, the antechamber, the secret chamber of the heart where the soul does journey here to enter to be God-taught.
Thus, beloved, the celebration in the Heart of the Inner Retreat each summer is the celebration of the eightfold chakra and the Eightfold Path. It is the entering in to the holy temple of the Great White Brotherhood whose path through our Mystery School under Lord Maitreya does bring the individual to the consecration of his life, his tabernacle as the holy temple of being.
Thus, beloved, I come to place myself in this city, for it is indeed the heart-chakra of America. All know well that without the heart life does not continue in this body. Therefore in this city where the winds of the Holy Spirit blow there is the necessity for reinforcement from divine levels that the heart of America might be renewed, that the hearts of individuals in this nation might be restored by the power of the Resurrection Flame.
Blessed ones, there are organs and even chakras that may be missing by injury. But the heart must beat on and forever beat on, one with the heart of God. Therefore the restoration of nations must receive a divine impetus. And the saying must now be “As Chicago goes, so goes the nation.”
Let the Sacred Heart and path of its journey through Jesus Christ be known to you that the threefold flame might be balanced and you might also know the initiations of his Teacher, Maitreya.
Therefore to this purpose I come, well pleased that this building and sanctuary might be dedicated by yourselves as that “Holy Temple.” Angels of the Lord of the World so gather, entwining this building in a spiral of garlanded white flowers. Thus the grace of God does ever appear midst illusions and confusions and the travail of the Earth Mother to give birth to her children in light.
Beloved ones, you have heard of the threefold-flame focus fixed on the etheric octave over the Washington Monument. Therefore in this hour, and note it well, I, Gautama, place over this city a focus of my heart, the threefold flame of the Lord of the World. This I give as a cosmic reinforcement to Victory, to the Cosmic Being from out the Great Silence and all other Ascended Masters who have ever delivered their powerful discourses and dictations in this city.
I come to reinforce a unity of hearts of all who know and love Saint Germain. Therefore crystals of light are affixed round this focus of the threefold flame positioned in the etheric octave for a guardian action and for a crystallization of the path of initiation for all who will listen to the song of the heart and hymn of the soul.
Therefore let the path of the Sacred Heart and of ruby ray under Lord Sanat Kumara and beloved Lady Master Venus open in this city through your own teachings and seminars and study groups. Let there be a mass of arteries and veins going forth from this heart center. And let all be touched by a new life.
We come in an hour, beloved, when all ascended Hierarchy seek ways and means to respond to the offerings that you give daily upon the altar of life. Therefore when such a thrust is made by the Messenger and Keepers of the Flame, when such an outpouring of gratitude does take place it does open the door once again for a member of Hierarchy to call forth some dispensation from the Cosmic Council of the Great Central Sun to assist mightily the lightbearers in the earth.
This is that occasion, beloved. Therefore let truth triumph in this city. Even as this threefold-flame focus is positioned, so, beloved, Pallas Athena does thrust into the ground that sword of truth. It does declare the warfare of the hosts of light against all conceit, deceit, arrogance and ego manifest in those lifestreams who are here to keep the trust of sacred office of representatives of the people in Church and State, in industry and commerce, in the arts and education and in all social and governmental services.
Blessed ones, the call for truth and for the all-seeing Eye of God in this city will indeed open the way for the pilgrimage to the heart, even the heart of the Central Sun and the outpost of that heart at the Western Shamballa, physically at the Inner Retreat—to this heart chakra and to the purification of their own heart-chakra until the knee is bowed before the I AM Presence and the Holy Christ Self.
O Lord of lords and King of kings, thou Christ Jesus, in thy name, most magnificent servitor of light, I, Gautama, summon the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and all saints here below and Keepers of the Flame.
May you extol the sacred fire of Freedom in the heart of Saint Germain.
May your meditation be upon the hearts of the ascended ones.
May you find love in your heart and that wondrous love for your I AM Presence that is never conditioned by a sense of human pride or a sense of human injustice.
As love pours forth from your heart, you shall merit day by day the visitation of the angels of the Christ and Buddha.
In that living awareness and in the folds of my garment I seal all who would be sealed—now in the third eye, now in the heart. May you go with God and take this open door to my heart as a means for victory, personal and planetary.
I shall receive you again this New Year’s Eve when in conclave at the Royal Teton Ranch and etheric retreat at the Grand Teton we once again deliver our message and our mandate. Let us look toward the day when cloven tongues of fire are the sign of all who love light and these cloven tongues are upon the very crown of each soul.
Thus, beloved, Earth is raised up increment by increment as you serve. And this day we celebrate the victories of this stump unto the finish. Hence we go to the focus of whitefire core of Alpha and Omega in the Twin Cities, there for the sealing of a round of releases intended to work from the inner to the outer in all America until the awareness of the glory of God and necessity to uphold it is sung by all who love faith, who love hope, who love charity.
I say, Hail, Saint Germain! Hail, Keepers of the Flame of Life! So I AM the Keeper of the Threefold Flame of Life within all evolutions of this planet. I desire and look to the day when from the Central Sun an initial impulse and increase shall give to all a quickening and a divine awareness that Aquarius is come with full portent and opportunity of a new age. Let it be written in that day that Keepers of the Flame have bought with a price the freedom and victory of Terra.
We have paid the price for your enlightenment gladly by our life and light. Blessed hearts, see what you can do.
Gautama Buddha, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 30, 1987 at Chicago .
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