Sunday, August 7, 2022
Revolution in Lower Consciousness
…to think that death20 is10 the15 portal28 to8 eternal30 life23 (=134=2 x 67). Nothing could be further from the truth….You must go back, go back, go back to those places where you16 initiated46 spirals31 of12 death20 (=125=5 x your25) in various ages where you allowed yourself to be cursed by black magicians and have not broken those curses. And your body elemental has to this day continued to outpicture those curses because you have not enlightened your body elemental to the fact that those curses have no power over him. -Shiva + Parvati, via
Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Easter, April 3, 1994 at RTR, MT,
Pearl 37:19
numerology here follows:
revolution52 in14 higher46 consciousness49 (14+46+49=109; +52=161), a program launched by Pallas Athena38 at Washington D.C. at the bicentennial. Opposed by revolution52 in14 lower28 consciousness49 (14+28+49=91=carnal mind calcination=peter neroli duffy=spiritual director; 91+52=143=junk11 x 13.) This pristine thoughtform counting to 161, prime #, is unusual but one can add its architect, Pallas Athena38, hence 161+38=199. Hmm, prime. Goddess28 of12 Truth24=64; 64+161=225=9 x create25. This design came at the conference setting forth “our service for the next hundred years,” with many key dictations via Guru Ma.
Now “we do not intend to submit to human nonsense”
-Nada, Pearl 4:6, I believe, does show that there is no room for the wayward games of the Duffy clique who of course are not the lawgivers of the Summit and are not the spiritual directors nor anything of that order at all. Since August 7, 2003 is 20 years ago today, I know we cannot go another 20 year cycle with the Duffy clique and their program and their resolve, though some appear to be heading that way indeed. It is a revolution in lower consciousness for these reasons: 1) rejection of less top-down organization model presented by Mother on 6-30-1997 in “Paradigm Shift”, 2) rejection of due process of the law in 2004, 3) the tripe of their 2004 “White Paper on the Sponsorship of the Summit Lighthouse in the Twenty-first Century and Beyond”,
4) the trashing of the Moscow Board in Aug. 2003 and the dumping of 5 Elders standing for due process, 5) the requiring of CUT ministers to sign a contract with them, 6) the online deleting by 2004 of Kuthumi’s expose of Loyola, Lenin and Henry 8th in Pearls 19:13-15 from 2003 or 2004 on (see, 7) the Duffy claim to be spiritual director and their apparent locking-in so that an RTR core group cnnot be voted out. That is not a good legacy26, nor is it a good idea to have a deal with the Kremlin37 (Putin26, Loyola26, Rasputin37) to operate in Russia, nor is it a good sign that there is no willingness to discuss anything major by Duffy clique. Nor is it a good sign that Duffy at 26 and Peter Duffy at 54 and Neroli37 Duffy26=63 numerologically is so peculiar. For example,
Serapis stated in a Pearl: “vainglorious37
apostles26 of12 orthodoxy”54.
This very mediocrity that Saint Germain in the 1990s addressed at length, posted by me just lately!, well, we are in no position to travel with Duffy junk for another 20 years, let me tell you point-blank. No way! It is all junk as I have listed above and posted now at length repeatedly. Here and now, hearken!: No Room for the Wayward Games of the Duffy Clique and Duffy program and the wedge of darkness that uses them, in the I AM THAT I AM, and that is forevermore from this date, amen, by God’s will, justice, mercy, illumination, purity, righteousness, peace, truth, alchemy, loving-kindness, ruby ray and blessed real direction. Let the full lesson be learned!; expose the truth! expose the lie! cut asunder the real from the unreal, o holy Trinity, to its very cause and core. Thank you, Mighty I AM, thanks to Russian board of Ketino and Sergey for pointing the way! -r, siskiyou county, ca
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