Monday, August 22, 2022
wedges of darkness projected by fallen ones
And you will see, beloved, that God-victory of the ascension was yours and is yours because you dared to challenge every point of darkness in that etheric body and that etheric body became a vessel for your Holy Christ Self! And that etheric body became so clear that the mirror of that etheric body received the I AM Presence [and] directed that [sacred] fire into the astral body and that electronic belt could no longer stand. And those beasts and those fallen ones beneath the surface of consciousness were blinded by light that you could contain. -Lanello, Pearl 32:8
As the Christ child is born within you and matures, ripening the soul into higher consciousness of selfhood, seedtime and harvest and the order of life must continue. Thus the seed of the wicked come in the person of Antichrist, directing their venom against the little child before the child has become child-man–wary and aware of the real meaning of light and darkness. -Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 21:51
To quote an expression of your own, mankind are out of whack. They are not aligned or attuned with inner fires of life. Their four lower bodies are askew, and wedges27 of12 darkness28 projected42 by9 fallen23 ones17 (=148=4 x connive37) in their discord, in their manipulations separate the flow of light from the within to the without. Therefore men and women who live on the periphery of existence do not experience the great reservoir of light that flows within, that burns on—burns on as the crystal river of living flame. -Godfre, Pearl 63:12 via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on November 23, 1975 in Washington, D.C.
Mankind have reached that point of evolution when even though they invoke violet flame, certain conditions of the subconscious—of etheric patterns, mental aberrations, derangement in the structure of the brain caused by the taking in of harmful drugs, substances foreign to the soul, the wedges of darkness, the splinters of darkness, schism in the emotional body and chronic diseases in the physical—require the touch of the healing light of Mother. -Angel Deva of the Jade Temple via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 29, 1975 in Anaheim, California, Pearl 63:15
I say then, rise from the consciousness of duality! See yourself as one in the flame—of your twin flame, of your soul mate or of the one with whom you share the promise of life and love. See yourself not as two but as one. For as one heart, one mind, one hand, one body in Christ you can go forth as a sphere of light whirling as the Sun to consume all of that darkness that assails the divine family and bringing forth of the Christ consciousness. It is the consuming of all that assails those little ones who are waiting in the wings of life to come forth, who are as cherub faces peeping through the clouds, waiting for the smile of father and of mother in the -Meta, Pearl 61:30 via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 3, 1974 at Spokane
As I contemplated my address to you this evening and as I examined the four lower bodies, the state of consciousness, the soul attainment of each devotee here I said to myself: There is a need for a matrix of the cosmic cube; for so many are not able to expand God’s energies according to the perfect square of the Holy City for their four lower bodies are not aligned, wedges of darkness come between the mind and emotions and there is an off-centeredness, a crookedness, an energy and a grid that does not conform to the inner blueprint. -Elohim Cyclopea, Pearls of Wisdom 21:14
You have heard of the judgment of the Lords of Karma and of the Four and Twenty Elders that is being meted out by the archangels and their divine complements. You have heard of the descent of karma upon Terra which is increasing during these months of autumn 1975. This oncoming darkness takes its toll upon the bodies of the children of the light, and the Lords of Karma are concerned lest fallen ones—who manipulate planetary energies to the destruction of souls of mankind—are able to precipitate the early demise of students of light before their blueprint, their divine plan is fulfilled in these bodies. -Nada, Pearl 62:43
via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 12, 1975 in San Francisco
Therefore we have always counseled against wearing reds or colors near red or maroon, beloved hearts, for these shades are best ensconced in the stone itself and in the heart, as they represent the blood of Christ. That energy of light being most intense evokes great darkness by great light and we would therefore avoid the day-to-day confrontation. -Sanat Kumara, Pearl 42:16 via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, on October 7, 1979 at Camelot, Los Angeles, /////////////
And therefore we direct your attention to the city of Chicago as the heart chakra of America. We direct your attention there that you might understand that a mighty battle of light and darkness is now taking place in the mayoral race; for the election of the new mayor of Chicago may have great and widespread effect and influence in this hour. -Maitreya, Pearl 26:38b
Godfre's dictation at Spokane waws in July 1974. -r
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