Tuesday, August 23, 2022
to overtake the Summit Lighthouse to its roots
I prophesied to this Messenger and gave ample warning that during the past three-month period there would be a trial of the Summit Lighthouse organization and an attempt to8 overtake34 it 11 to8 its12 very25 roots24 (=122
=61 x 2)
by9 intrusion49 of12 intellectual44 pride34 within38 the15 very25 members30
(=256=defiant 32 x 8; 122+256
=378=6 x 63;
63, neroli duffy63) of that body. Thanks to discipline and obedience of the Mother of the Flame those individuals who failed to conform to obedience to precepts set forth as law, as governing principle for our retreat were removed; and the crisis of intrusion of darkness through the wedge26 of12 consciousness49 that was aligned34 to8 discord36
(=165=5 x inner33--this involved Stanley Petrowski) was removed immediately upon discovery.
-Goddess of Liberty, Pearls of Wisdom17:13
Would you, beloved, receive from an archangel an empowerment this day? I tell you there must be that inner discipline that does not repeat over and over and over again those silly mistakes, those character41 flaws16 (=57
=Duffy26 clique31=57) which each and every time you indulge them become therefore a wedge. And through that wedge the forces of anti-Archangel Michael, anti-God, anti-El Morya come through you. And I tell you, without self-discipline enlightened by the Holy Spirit you are just as easily a tool of that force as you are a tool of Almighty God. -Archangel Michael, Pearls of Wisdom 30:35
You must understand, beloved hearts, that ascended masters do take their chances and do attempt to sponsor those, even if the outcome of their freewill and their human will is not known. We must attempt to drive a wedge of light, and we will use anyone who declares himself to be the instrument of that wedge of light. This individual has so declared it, and we desire to see also a son of Afra come to the fore and be given the opportunity once again to raise the standard and self-esteem of all sons of Afra in this nation. -Maitreya, Pearl 28:38b
The fallen ones and Luciferians who were able to penetrate this sphere after departure from the consciousness of holy innocence have taken advantage of division between man and woman because of their identification and their separation. And thus they have thrust into the consciousness of man and woman—even into the very seed, into the very egg—the wedge of division, the wedge of carnal mind, the wedge of brutality, of rebellion, of cruelty that has been passed on from generation to generation as man and woman have abandoned crystalline fires of regeneration that are theirs as they commune with the Holy Spirit. -Meta, Pearl 62:30 via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 3, 1974 at Spokane
The spirit of terrorism, anarchy and assassination abroad in this world must not go unchecked, for it is the wedge which the fallen ones seek to drive between the soul and ordered evolution of the incarnating Word. -Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 21:51
ditch, walk-ins, sewers, noise, Gollum, desert, wimp, fife, irate, hide, conceal, cancer,
funny, darken, Duffy, disease, Putin, stinky, dodge, secure, wedge, ranch, secrets, peeve, stupid, strict,feckless, gamer, stifle, schism, fetid, faith, hope, sports, Icarus, moment, medics,
mellow, robots,banish, Babylon, devils, abhor, mutters—each at 26. a=1, b=2, c=3, j=1, etc. numerology
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