Tuesday, August 16, 2022
One could go back to old Egypt
for a lesson. Edgar Cayce did. Hierarchy exerts a beneficient influence to bring evolutions which waver into a greater accord, alignment, rapport. The architectural design of the Great Pyramid and its construction have made a mark. From 10,500 B.C. then, thanks to Hierarchy drawing its initiates to reestablish post- Atlantis God-direction for Earth. Yes, high initiates undertook to forge a rallyingpoint of old which has endured at Giza, Egypt, just south of Cairo. Many many centuries pass wherein only gradually do souls of mankind learn of the golden or phi ratio—the organic growth ratio—and of many other wonders. Napoleon was there in 1798, and the French managed to find a Rosetta stone. The process of awakening is definitely long overall.
Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo helped open the way. Genghis Khan had rather set back some things, but the forward march was underway from before the time of Jesus, but it was often obscured to mankind. Penetrating the mists of time/space has been quite a rough process. Bacon born in 1561 secretly became a rallyingpoint because some 30 years earlier another setback had occurred with Henry 8th as an initiate breaking his inner vow and going against Thomas More, a fellow initiate and against others in Henry’s monopolistic course. Bacon could not directly address this problem but determined to reset the English-speaking realm, and he did so. He was himself sphinx-like so that it has taken centuries to fathom his work, as in the case of the Great Pyramid.
The nefarious forces are in point-counterpoint relation to initiates of light. Their order is highly warped from the path of light, but they write history too, perhaps not with as fine a quill and with a more cruel sword certainly. Suddenly we reach a new and current millenium and as usual there is difficulty as consciousness exists in many many levels and in two main directions: toward darkness and toward light.
The first 33 year span of a century is still currently underway, then will follow in 2033 another one-third of a century. The pattern keeps repeating longterm. Gradually the light of dawn comes in and a fresh cycle gets coordinated aright. Stonehenge was for a reason, like various menheir stone formations of the ages. There is an inner urge, an inner calling. Gradually we form up again to go forward in unison of beingness. One could say that the first 33 years of each century is that very opportunity or doorway of cyclic poteniality.
Reviewing where the path of drama has taken us, we end up trying to sift out the marble from the mud, the principles that endure fromcrosscurrents or tangles of differing interests that do collide at times. Take 1833. Napoleon’s period was over, Lincoln’s influence was not yet known, Andrew Jackson was in that 33 year period before Lincoln’s leadership and assassination and was in rivalry to a national bank that already was causing ripples. The US National Bank had 20 year allocations from Congress to operate, going back to times of Washington and Pres. Madison. Jackson though was not happy with that force, that banking force that advanced monopoly a great deal, nor had Jefferson liked it. Assassination threat did not stop Jackson. The stakes went up; Lincoln was stopped in his tracks but his vice-president Andrew Johnson still did not fall to the coercions of Radical Republicans and entrenched moneyed interests. It took more than a hundred years for initiates of truth to even find the trail that shows how light and darkness vie in a land for supremacy.
Will it take another hundred years amid internet age to sift through this period’s dramas and again find our way? It is a hope, a dream that we can come through the test more simply, more intact, more willingly. Rivalries exist but the course still must be forged by some as united coordination, direction , as challenges do not allow us to endlessly dabble and falter.
So the 21st century opened. A Skull and Bones presidency with influence of Kissinger monthly upon that president did not set in place a good omen. 9-11, the 2008 bailout, etc. There is a spirit of division going on that goes more deeply than mere differences of two political parties. One must go to the root to find out what is afoot.
Novice-level and many at amateur-level are also troubled but have not much training and discipline to cut through. The professional level, either toward light or dark, kicks in. That is how the first third of a century goes. We see flecks of depth at work, amid amateur levels or novice levels. Because consciousness is not so easily brought to one-pointedness, is it? No, So dramas occur that spur a few here and there to find the root, the way. For the Illuminati-types it is messy but there is alot of bluster and such involved. For the ones who are wavering it is dangerous. For well-focused souls there are clues to be found. Pressures mount, life’s drama where tide and time press hard upon the window of opportunity; well, everyone is tested. everyone experiences the grinding millstone of the gods or, more accurately, of life itself.
In the days of Genghis Khan, just a bit earlier than Magna Carta, the main influences on the Mongols were simply winter, the Gobi and some trade mainly with China, a bit with Moslems. That was pretty much it. But centuries have a way of driving a lesson home and the fact that smalll Mongel horses and Mongol tight-knit cultural tradition and will to survive made this group a factor on the world stage despite the unusual context of living in the far northern cold and wind-swept area. Like northern wheat that grows shorter and is adapted to cold. It has its hour, its place. There is a flow that is involved, a kind of tao of the north; this does not apply to southeast Asia particularly or to an area without extensive grasslands for horse-grazing. So it turned out. Probably the world could not be turned into horse-grazing lands, except perhaps in sci-fi. So what is the way of life? It is broad, iit is comprehensive, mult-dimensioned, deep and far-reaching. It is not a local anomaly, a matter purely of incredible horsemanship on smaill, wiry horses that however when coordinated to military methods did have significant meaning for several centuries. Then reality on a larger scale must kick in.
The march of Tao, of I AM used in its natural positivity, buoyancy, potentiality—there you have something all right. Yes, stout ships of oak rule for awhile, then the oak forests are heavily diminished. So larger realities prevail over a more localized or passing condition. This is significant and man learns to adapt. We are on a water planet. Well, we learn to adapt. Reality is not a passing whim or something so easy to blacklist across centuries. The verities tend to hold weight. Some anomaly of circumstance or condition may prevai awhile, but what of overall perceptive, of lasting relevance across centuries? Yes, this is the broader and deeper vision/ perspective that ends up resonating quite well, though it may have been mocked or denigrated or laughed at for being peculiar. Certainly the idea of a universal law of gravity was a kind of embarrassment to Newton because he was on to something and knew that the reception would not be overnight. How could it be overnight? But at the same time it is universal for matter, though not quantumly, as far as we know. So he was in a sort of dilemma because how can you hide reality?—or let us say, a slice of reality. As some receptivity came his way it may have surprised him.
Events can force one to become philosophic, to muse at greater lengths, to dive deeper. Adversity according to Lord Bacon is like a jewel. And it still is so.
The world so far has a common denominator closer to mediocrity than to the pristine or inherent or Tao, I AM. Conventional stuff is like comprised stuff which is like watered-down stuff, not sharp and definitive like Newton, Einstein, not like the Taj Mahal or Great Pyramid. Egypt did not use the same pattern as the Great Pyramid design over and over again, no. The pyramid angle of ascent differs and many other things as well. Michelangelo is not an everyday artist nor is Rodin nor Lincoln nor Kahlil Gibran. The original stuff is sometimes startling. Michelangelo’s La Pieta shows Mary as vibrantly young holding the inert body of Jesus. Michelangelo did counterpoint in that. Bacon loved counterpoint in his Shakespeare stuff. But who revealed the evidence for Shakespeare-Bacon? It was Catherine Potts, true humble Baconian, who did the steady work by 1890 that shows the connection. (There are many frauds in this game, I’m sure you have come across some!) In several portraits we can also see the secret, as these Elizabethan-day portraits illustrate this mystery, Bacon=Shakespeare. Many notions afoot but hardcore stuff is much more rare! Records of the Spanish intelligence service operating in Elizabethan England, in present-day Spanish archives, have shown that Spanish top intelligence of Elizabeth’s secret marriage and so forth report that Robert Dudley was in a secret marriage with the Queen. Yes, some knew, certainly head of English intelligence Burghley knew of the parentage of Francis Bacon, and Bacon knew he knew. Well, in the days of Lincoln, John Wilkes Booth and Jay Cooke, NY financier, and of Edwin Stanton, there was the head of counter-intelligence for the North, one Lafayette Baker (working under Stanton) who knew alot of stuff. Ray Neff found Baker’s Colburn Magazine scribble in the margins of one volume which when decoded revealed ALOT! Yes, but the conventional bureaucracies are sort of lethargic and so Stanton does not appear nor Jay Cooke appear alongside John Wilkes Booth in the mainstream. Why are historians so slow? Well, there is an inertia, there are Establishment types and a momentum including monopoly central banking. Rothschild sent his five sons to the five European finance centers of the day to coordinate his master plan and that was centuries ago. Central banking came from somewhere, hey! Many many do not go to the root, and so there are few Buddhas so far relative to the whole course of the last 5000 years. There are many fables or watered-down versions, many pretenders to high seats. Adversity like a jewel in the crown of a frog; he has travelled a long path too. Nature tends not to hide and deceive so much; it is more an open book especially to genuine devotees of life who favor the sincere stuff over half-baked garbage, half-truths and sleight of hand; you noticed? Adversity, ho. The revisionists take a comfortable easy road, “not much spadework please, the hands get dirty,” and so I let you know. Run with i; use the window of opportunity one-on-one right where you are without feigning and padding your so important position. Ha!
-r, 8-16-2022.
Bacpm=Shakespeare portraits I have posted here several times previously.
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