Tuesday, August 16, 2022
Great Pyramid
You see millions of mankind untethered to any light at all. You see a great multitude arising out from among them with a certain self-awareness. You see the saints leading the multitude to the Great Pyramid. And you see the Two Witnesses witnessing unto the vastness of the Solar-El. -Maximus, Pearl 48:49
Well, we are not content merely to rearrange energy. We come to challenge energy to rise. And the matrix of the rising of the flame in you is ascension’s flame, ascension’s pyramid. -Paul the V, Pearl 48:51
America is destined to bring forth the culture of the Divine Mother that was once on Lemuria and Atlantis and in previous golden-age civilizations. The founding pyramid of her civilization is the path of the soul’s reunion with the Divine Mother.
The capstone of this pyramid is the highest spiritual teaching of East and West which Gautama Buddha and Jesus Christ taught to their disciples. But in order for the capstone to be placed on the pyramid that lost teaching must be regained and embodied heart by heart through the Lord Our Righteousness whom we address as our beloved Holy Christ Self. On this path of the putting on of the garment of the Lord the sons of God in America must become the living Word if we are to see the sealing of the capstone of this civilization. -Divine Director, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on June 30, 1995 at Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana, Pearls of Wisdom 47:4
Realize then that that which has endured upon Earth such as the Great Pyramid has endured because some soul of light was present in the building not only for the focus of the flame of the seventh ray but also for the focusing of divine geometry that itself is the outpicturing of the flame. For true divine geometry of the Divine Architect Himself is designed to contain an interchange of energy and of flow—by the angles, by symmetry, by arrangement of space and time—in order to capture the light of God that endows the entire physical universe with a semblance of permanence or with a duration that may be calculated. -Archangel Zadkiel, Pearl 24:6
How great is the love of chelas for physical sacrifice and physical accomplishment! Why, many of you can hardly wait to get out and build yourself and your family your own house, your own log cabin or chalet or whatever the design of the architect of your heart. You can hardly wait to use your hands, to become one with the earth and the elements and to see the fruit of your labor and the building of this foundation of (y)our pyramid. -Serapis Bey, via Messenger ECP, on 7-2-1983 at RTR, MT, Pearl 48:3
Pray without ceasing! Pray at the wheel of life! Pray at the motors of life! Pray at the drawing board and let the Master Architect draw the blueprint of the expansion of this mandala from your heart, from the heart of the Mother, and from the heart of the children, bursting forth to cover the Earth with the network of the antahkarana of the divine mandala. -Lanello, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Pearl 62:48
Hear our cry! For I have said to you that many John the Baptists are needed. And it is true that many shepherds coming in my name are needed. Understand the roll call and the calling of your role. And do not miss your cues upon this foundation of Life. For it is the foundation of the crystal white, dazzling pyramid of Life which ye are! -Jesus Christ, Pearl 24:24
For you are sending energy back to God and receiving it again. And as quickly as you send to God light for the transmutation of error so as quickly does He send to you light that is truth incarnate within you. And this oscillation from your heart to the center of the sun of your I AM Presence, to the center of the Great Central Sun is the beginning of the acceleration process whereby you shall know that oscillation to the point of the speed of light and then beyond. -Phylos the Tibetan, Pearl 34:25
Yes, I AM Gautama Buddha. I stand in the flame of peace and I give the warning that as there has been great accomplishment for light, yet still there are those of the fallen ones who are allowed greater freedom than they ought to have and a freedom which they would never be allowed in the Great White Brotherhood or in the octaves of light. Let therefore the binding of fallen ones come forth by the love of twinflames. It is your wholeness and your standing fast together in the offices of the two witnesses that will bring the full momentum of your causal bodies to bear upon the judgment of those in embodiment who would if they could at this very moment destroy you personally because of the outspokenness of the Messenger and of chelas in this regard.
-Gautam Buddha, Pearl 21:44
You see, the energy passing through the cosmic interval is a very precise acceleration of the threefold flame and three-quarter time until, at the moment of precipitation in matter, the cosmic waltz becomes the cosmic march, and for the coordinates of the Great Pyramid you experience that grand manifestation, left, right, left, right—one, two, three, four. -Lady Venus, Pearl 43:53
Thus life is the great suspense. It’s the great mystery story. At the level of highest being there is the matrix of that absolute God-victory, but at the level of the soul and heart the individual must come and do all these things for the mission and yet be burdened by his karma that he must balance, as you have been burdened, as the Messengers have been, as I have been and every ascended master has been. -Saint Germain, Pearl 35:65
Let us lay the foundation of truth as master masons of old! By the light of Godfre, even George Washington who laid the foundation of mystic masonry and led the cause of freedom in America, truly it is the building and rebuilding of Solomon’s temple and ultimately the pyramid of Self [that we are about]. -Archangel Raphael, Pearl 24:72
I speak for those who listen well, who have followed me for centuries, who have been called, who have heard long ago the call of Darjeeling. Those who have been a part of our Brotherhood now stand to place the capstone on the Great Pyramid of our endeavor—thus the converging in India of many lifestreams ascended and unascended. And we are grateful that many of you are thrilled by the pull of the heart and promise of all that is to be accomplished there -Morya, Pearl 23:26
We call to the great causal body of Solomon, who contains the blueprint of the temple that shall be built. We call to the avatars who have been born and will be born; for as they converge in a mighty V from inner to outer levels their causal bodies become also stones in the pyramid of Life. -Morya, 24:42
The vision of God-identity which you have first beheld and then held in the chalice of your consciousness is that which you are outpicturing, however limited that concept might be. The Law states that unless you are outpicturing in your four lower bodies (the four sides of the great pyramid of Self) the fullness of the divine image, you have not, in fact, accurately perceived that image: As a man seeth in his heart so is he in outer expression. Conversely he cannot be or become that which he has not seen. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 8:16
Therefore you see, my secret chamber is also as a secret chamber in a great pyramid, a secret chamber in the mountain of God. In all eras initiates processioning into the interior place prepared have signified that the hour is come when for the individual and even for a civilization there is the great inbreath—not that which draws in all of a cosmos but the drawing in, beloved, of the seven rays of attainment that these might be condensed into the crystal that is formed in this interior castle. -Archeia Mary,
via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on March 11, 1987 at RTR, MT, Pearls of Wisdom v. 56
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