Tuesday, August 2, 2022
on the Logos
I AM Surya of the Great Central Sun. I descend in the shaft of light that is the eternal Logos sent from God. It is God. For by His ineffable light, the relentless light of the Almighty, I come into the octaves of Mater and I present the body of God from on high within the body of the Messenger and within all devotees of light as extensions of that Logos. -Surya, Pearl 21:30
Thought and the thought process must be guarded lest the egg of the serpent be admitted unguardedly and the mind play host to the dragons of the lesser world. Thought must then be guarded and its process governed by the Logos, by the Logos that is the activation of the Word within you. -Oromasis and Diana, Pearl 48:48
The Word is all and everything. The Word is the eternal Logos. It is the voice of the Ancient of Days thundering the Ten Commandments from Horeb’s height, etching out of living flame the markings of the law on tablets of stone. The Word is the will of the aum and the ray of your divinity. The Word is life and love and truth. The Word is law and principle. The Word is individuality through and through. -Morya, Pearl 18:16
From the fount of the Mother arise the energies of the Trinity—of Mother, Son and Holy Spirit—sacred Mater-realization of the Law, the Logos and the Life. -Djwal Kul, Pearl 17:47
In The Masters and the Path C. W. Leadbeater tells us that Lord Maitreya bears a special Rod of Power during the yearly Wesak Festival. He says that the rod is in some way a physical centre or fulcrum for the forces poured forth by the Planetary Logos and was magnetized by Him millions of years ago when first He set mankind life-wave in motion round our chain of globes. We are told that it is the physical sign of the concentration of the attention of the Logos, and that it is carried from planet to planet as that attention shifts—that where it is that is for the moment the central theatre of evolution, and that when it leaves this planet for the next, our Earth will sink into comparative inertia. Whether it is carried also to non-physical planets we do not know, nor do we understand exactly the way in which it is used nor the part which it plays in the economy of the world. It is kept usually in the custody of the Lord of the World at Shamballa, and so far as we know this Wesak Festival is the only occasion on which it ever leaves his care. It is a round bar of the lost metal orichalcum [a yellow metallic substance], perhaps two feet in length and about two inches in diameter, having at each end a huge diamond shaped into a ball with a cone projecting from it. It has the strange appearance of being always surrounded by fire—of having an aura of brilliant yet transparent flame. It is noteworthy that no one but Lord Maitreya touches it during any part of the [Wesak] ceremony. -Messenger E C P, Pearl 45:38
Golden ratio sequence keyed to 23 which in numerology is the count of letters of Logos: ( have added a word that counts to the whole number involved)
aim 14.215, logos 23 or life 23,
liberty 37.214, endeavoring or evolutionary
60.21, 97.42--so we see that the golden ratios are fairly often not close to a whole number, but we do find some close to whole numbers. I surmise that the golden ratio sequence 8.79, 14.215, 23.0, 37.214, and 60.21 has indeed been a growth ratio or evolutionary unfoldment for life. Yes, this is using English--this sequence makes an example, not a dogma, not a doctrine, more like a clue, a possible indicator. Having 5 in a row that are mathematically fitting golden ratio, yes. Many English words count up to between 9 and 60 numerologically; other alphabet languages are similar in that respect. -r.
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