Monday, August 1, 2022
how to be overcomers
We would not still in the noble of heart the aspirations for peace nor would we stifle a glaring realism that at the current hour is seen as an undercurrent and undertow threatening to plunge the world into a wretched condition where leftist uprisings hither and yon throughout the world will give the world tremendous problems to handle for many a year to come. -Gautama Buddha, Pearl 26:13
Those who walk after the flesh allow the concerns of the flesh, the outer senses and world of material things to fill the four lower bodies with the memory of experiences, impressions, data, facts and figures of all kinds. They allow emotions and sympathetic attractions within the mass consciousness, not to mention effluvia that collects in the physical body itself, to cave in on the heart chakra, to stifle the flow of energy through it and to prevent the natural flow of spiral of Christos through the vehicles that are provided solely for the experience and expansion of soul consciousness. -Djwal Kul, Pearl 17:36
As the fig tree puts forth her sign so does the dawn of cosmic prescience in the divine aspirant manifest the signs of the divine Appearing within the human monad. There are gusts of hope laden with the balm of summer and = portent of good things to come, yet men must stabilize consciousness during the time of testing.
The deviations from perfection occurred not in the flash of a moment but, in most cases, they were the result of a gradual weakening of character, less and less acceptance of responsibility and desire for mortal ease. Just as flabby muscles occur from a lack of exercise so do spiritual senses grow dim when the loud outcries of a maddening world are heeded.
Men pay respect to science for they feel it has brought them the good life. But without the scientist of the Spirit there would be no life whatsoever upon the planet, and all would dwell in darkness or in the shadowed state of groping even for physical sensory perception. The lumens of the Spirit have softly caressed the darkness and pushed back the shadows as the will of God which is good has magnified His purposes for His created sons.
Men lament the pains and sufferings occasioned by their own karma. But what of those karmaless Masters serving in Hierarchy whose hopes are blighted again and again by unresponsive men? These are asked to stand as bulwarks against the hordes of mortal, shadowed substance and to intervene for and on behalf of mankind; whereas once men have received the little satiety of lesser purpose for which they crave, they sometimes quickly turn again from the light and immerse themselves in darkness as though their hopes lay within the turmoil of the world.
We ask ourselves at inner levels, “Is it because they doubt, and when they are convinced is there no permanence to their conviction? Must they be reassured again and again as to the reality of the octaves of light?” What more shall I say than that God hath wrought the miracles of His perfection which are the momentary and eternal perceptions of the ascended masters’ consciousness?
Ours is a forte of immortal rejoicing, and the trumpetings of our hopes echo even over the human sea. Men speak of Serapis with awe and reverence. They honor El Morya and the thrust of power. They “oh” and “ah” over the beauty of the consciousness of Paul the Venetian, but where are the legions of God upon Earth and where are the staunch ones applying to is today for initiation into highest steps here at Luxor?
Returning again to the science of the Spirit, let me release knowledge whether or not there are any to hear, to appreciate, to appropriate or to revere. When men fail to progress it is always because there is imbalance in the threefold flame of Life. The Life that beats your hearts is a triad of motion consisting of tripartite energies. The Holy Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, of body, mind and soul, of thesis, antithesis and synthesis, of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, of love, wisdom and power is also the pink, blue and gold of divine consciousness. The will of God is a predominant third of the whole, but lacking the wisdom of God, the golden illumination of His supreme knowledge, even power is stifled of action; and without love power and wisdom become but the brittleness of self-preservation. The balance of threefold flame creates a pattern of the ascension for all.
Dominant emotions are controlled by love and by the power of love in action. Because the wisdom of men is foolishness with God they perceive that not in the psychology of the world but in balance of energies of heart do men bank the fires of ascension against the day of their victory. The furnace of Being, heated white-hot, must needs manifest the colors of the sacred fire and the coil from the serpent’s nest rise upright, being lifted by wings of faith, hope and accomplishment until Christ-Man is enthroned in all. This is a scientific victory of the Spirit.
Not without precedent was this universe created. No idle experiment was behind the program but the ageless wisdom of the infinite Creator whose purposes are dimly perceived by men of lesser vision. Emotions controlled by love in balance with wisdom create a sharp etch of power which life cannot resist. Progress stems then from attunement with all triune aspects of God in perfect balance.
Blessed ones, if your tendency is to excessive study and the feeling of egoistic wisdom gleaned from the world’s storehouse of knowledge, remember that with all thy getting unless thou hast wisdom, thy knowledge is but a tinkling hell or a clanging cymbal. And if the love which thou art manifesting is a love in expectation of return as a dowry from the beloved, thou art not cognizant of the will of the Great Giver, whose every desire is to give the allness of Himself unto the beloved. If thy power is as a flood or a raging fire which covers the mountains and plains, or consumes that which it seeks to benefit, thou must then master holy wisdom and holy love that thy power may be within the reins of the Trinity of balance.
Classification is not so complicated as men imagine. The opinions of the mental body concerning the self, the overly-protective aspects of the emotional body which often expends itself in beating the air as Don Quixote and his windmills, the strenuous appeasement of human physicality as the satiation of every human desire and thirst is placed above the Spirit, the flagellation of self by the memory body as self condemnation mounts over a trifle--all take their toll of human happiness while defeating divine purpose.
Men must summon the energies from the heart of God that teach them, by communion and friendship with the Divine One, how to govern the three and fourfold aspects of Being until the seven bodies of man manifest the sevenfold plan of perfection according to the law of the square and the triangle. Then the cosmic circle of life remains unbroken and the triangle within the circle becomes the symbol of personal victory. The circle can be placed within the square and form then becomes comprehensible as a schoolroom of the Spirit and place of consecration where omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence of God becomes a reliable forte for the ascending soul.
Your consciousness is a priceless tapestry. Each day you weave upon it a motif of Spirit which is forever, or a jagged pattern in a relative sense, which must be meticulously disengaged and rewoven as heaven intends. We are staunch and we remain the friend of all who earnestly, honestly seek to serve our cause and to find their freedom in allegiance to universal law which is universal love.
In the sense of divine commeasurement,
great or small, man’s consciousness is his chief obstacle or his chief advocate. The gateway to consciousness is seldom guarded by contemporary men. Like a vast funnel they take in as living truth all that they see around them, whereas the things of the invisible world, the links with true being are denied because they are invisible to physical senses. These denials seem at first a harmless pastime, like a parlor game. In reality they stifle and cut off the flow of creative majesty within the being of man.
-Serapis, Pearl 10:15 or Morya, Pearl 13:31
What a pity that men often forget that Christ was tempted. What a pity that they do not realize that the best instruments are sometimes partially strung. Morya stands with everyone who stands with righteousness, with all who sense the struggles of these hours and with those who perceive that with the approach of solstice the thick and gathering darkness moves in to stifle the cry of the newborn babe of righteousness. -Morya, Pearl 12:46
Expand the flame of hope in a single heart!
Turn up the light, increase the flow of radiance, and let man see clearly the way in which he should go. Let him see clearly how hope is a vital and expanding force to create in advance a sense of victory and progress.
Darkness has ruled in the land of Egypt. Darkness has ruled in the hearts of men, creating a Babylonian civilization. They have builded tall towers, monuments to their own vanity. They have ignored the Lord God of Hosts. They have sought in avarice and a false sense of security to amass to themselves fortunes in securities, in gold and in good opinions of men. But they have not thought upon the good opinions of God or the respect for his Laws which the great fire of initiation demands.
For the first demand of the fires of initiation concerns a sense of proper perspective—to recognize that the light and life within is of old. It was not created, for it always was. It did not begin to be; therefore it could not cease to be. The light of this reality, the light of God that never fails is a spiritual light of spiritual victory that overcomes the world.
Humanity suppose in their vanity and deceit, their allowance of bad conscience that the world thought is correct and that by outer reports and knowledge they can subdue life and obtain satisfaction. We know that all such matters are transitory, that all human concepts vanish away and become as darkness. Only the light sustains and can sustain. Only the light endures and will create the fabric that endures—that becomes the mantle of the God-realized individual.
The world wallows in deceit and misery. They remain beneath the canopy of darkness of their own creation. They do not pay proper heed to the voice that speaks from on high—the voice of conscience within their soul. They ignore divine precepts and they permit their tie to higher octaves to be sundered so easily.
We then today, mindful of past ages, past failures of men to appropriate their God-given gift—the divine prerogative to exercise their heavenly options— say to humanity: Beware, for the day of judgment is at hand when the gift of freedom that lies so easily before thee now will be no more!
Men and women have not sacrificed for freedom; they have accepted it as a right, handed down to them from posterity to posterity. Let us now then say that the perils of this age created by the laggard civilization, the perils of this age fashioned out of darkness, exalted upon wings of darkness cannot ever sustain the light of freedom. The light of freedom is not so much stifled as it is removed. If men and women continue on their present downhill course, they will wind up beneath the wheels of a cruel juggernaut of their own creation.
The time is short. The day of the Lord is at hand. And if the Lord removes from the planet the upper light radiance of the flame of freedom, mankind will fall as a house of cards and there will be nothing but stench of henchmen of darkness to fill the world. Succor will not be available. Aid will have flown with the light.
For help lies only in the Lord and in His light. Help does not come from man but from God. Those who turn their back upon Him and who forget Him will surely face one day their own destiny with a certain knowledge that they, and they alone, contributed to it.
In the hope that men will adjust their minds and hearts to the holy vibration of hope that becomes pure charity, in hope that becomes faith inviolate I remain affectionately the brother upon the mountains with helping hand.
Thank you.
Maitreya, via Messenger Mark Prophet on June 28, 1970 in Colorado Springs, Pearl 27:20
Now let the light go forth—the untrammeled light! Let it descend in the clear air of purified consciousness and of hearts moved by the Word to come closer to the heart of Jesus Christ.
In this hour of rebirth there is the opening wide of a door of opportunity to come to the Savior’s heart and to feel your heart infilled with light as the light incomparable of our Alpha is His Christmas gift to hearts around the world who will reach up and out unto the Father through the Son and know that he liveth and that our God is the consuming fire of an eternal Christ mass celebrated every day of your life, dear heart, even within your heart.
How well does your mother and your own Christ Self remember the hour of quickening—remember the hour and the moment when life is known within the womb and the hour when the breath of Holy Ghost is inbreathed and the temple of the living Word does become the temple of the Holy Spirit! How can God the Father or holy angels forget thy birth, O living Savior!
O living Savior of the world, O Christ of every one, know that thou art come and that I, Pallas Athena, celebrate the mission of holy truth through the incarnate Word! I come to collect unto myself souls of light that I might hold you in my arms as a mother of truth and infuse you once again with holy light of thy birth.
The hour of the unwritten page is the hour of thy birth. Despair not of those scrawlings of pen that thou hast made upon the opportunities of life. This is an hour when the Keeper of the Scrolls will take the misused papyrus of life and roll it and put it to the torch. It is an hour of new birth.
Let the holiness of holy night of the Christ mass in this year of celebration of the birth of Christ and of his messenger—let it be. And let it be celebrated as the moment in truth of your own new birth, a fresh start in life.
Think of it, beloved hearts—no need to wish to be reborn in another life or circumstance, no need to wish for another chance to start all over again. For this is the dispensation, this is the proclamation that I read. For I stand in the Great Hall of the Lords of Karma and I do read the record of truth, the divine plan of Almighty God, and certain teachings of truth that may be revealed time-upon-time as the great Law allows.
First then let us open with this splendid opportunity to be once again at the point of initiation and origination of life, and there at that point to recognize that the descent is in the full, waking consciousness of the mature and ripened soul who descends with the fiat: Lo, I AM come to do Thy will, O God!
You need not roll back experience gained. You need only to know that in the hour of thy birth thou art the fullness of the living Christ. Therefore nothing lost. all in readiness,
all ready to proceed.
Let us realize what opportunity lies ahead as we consider the coming of Elohim and as we consider the prophecy of Saint Germain now at the nexus of the hourglass, now the point of precipitation of confrontation. For this too is contained in my proclamation to the world. It is a Christmas proclamation of the new birth, it is a report of the Lords of Karma and it expresses the concern of Alpha that all of His sons might understand their positioning to hold the line of light.
Beloved hearts, may I give you a few comments of Saint Germain upon the gathering of forces at the Keepers of the Flame service for Saint Germain. He has said it is an uncommon event:
—uncommon and unprecedented in this, that previously in the hour of crisis and confrontation, the ingredient of Keepers of the Flame who would make all the difference was not there. Thus the Soviet penetration of Hungaria or of Czechoslovakia, met by freedom-fighters not reinforced by Keepers of the Flame of your standing, had its consequences and its ramifications.
Therefore mindful of the new ingredient of alchemists of sacred fire, this uncommon event can indeed make all the difference. Nevertheless Saint Germain has said before the Lords of Karma that the events in Poland might very well change the face of the Earth. It is like the pulling of the rip cord.
Beloved hearts, how each one reacts to the reaction of the Soviet force (the Nephilim force) against lightbearer will make all the difference. Those who are lightbearers of Poland have determined to take their stand and hold the line on all freedoms won. Yet the Communists have determined to take away all freedoms won, in the name of a declared state of emergency—even a declared state of war. It is indeed the real war. It is the war of the Watchers against lightbearers.
Beloved hearts, Saint Germain—who knows the character of his own sons of light and who knows only too well the character of the fallen ones—has read the handwriting on the wall that you now see outplayed. This is not a mere precipitated crisis, whether of the Messenger or of any other factor upon Earth. This is a real crisis and one of cosmic import.
The effect of reactions of all powers—those holding power in seats of governments of nations, those who hold the ultimate power of God in their hearts, those who have stolen that power and who now determine to defend their position of anti-power—all of these form a giant planetary chemistry.
Whether this chain reaction can be controlled by the Word or whether not depends not alone upon Keepers of the Flame giving the call, nor upon lightbearers (who have the majority upon Earth) but also upon every interaction and determination of those to whom the people have given the authority to rule over them.
Samuel is no longer in embodiment to take from Saul his power. Therefore you see, circumstances are different. The seizing of authority and power of Brezhnev and the Soviets who have designed this action in Poland must be forged and won from the heart of David—from the heart of the dedicated son of God who understands that the king truly is the Christ who lives within his temple.
If you can see, my beloved, as David saw the authority of Almighty God within him, if you can bring yourself to the point of understanding this authority of the Word—the balance point then of the edge of the sword where you and God meet at the point of the Word—in that point of infinite consciousness of the One, you may open heaven to release the light for the withdrawal of the authority of the Nephilim upon this planetary body. And in that hour armies of lightbearers must also be prepared to move in where a vacuum is created because of the downing of the fallen ones as they continue down, down, down to the very depths of the place where they originated the original karma against Almighty God.
The chain of events of this week ought to be watched. And when you have moments or hours to spend this way or that—let not, I pray you, yourself allow the preparations for the holiday to tear you from your lawful place before the altar of God, invoking intercession that Christ might be born this year in the heart of Poland.
The perpetual prayer of the righteous will avail much, but the prayer must be given and given as a continuing stream—a river of light, a river of love, a flowing river, a moving river! This is the message of the Virgin of Guadalupe. This word Guadalupe refers to the flowing river of light—the descending light of the I AM Presence and the ascending light of ascension flame.
The Virgin Guadalupe came then to proclaim the proclamation of the virgin birth of every son of God, of the divine sponsorship of the Mother of all peoples of Earth and the dispensation of the Aquarian age of the individual path of the ascension through the river of light flowing—flowing perpetually out of the Mother’s heart of love.
Tenderly, tenderly come the saints of God. And the flame, flickering and leaping to heights of the will of God, must not be stifled or shortened; for the leaping of that light and of that sacred fire is a sign unto all that the unusual and uncommon event is about to occur through you.
The call to alignment is the call of the Buddha sent by the heart of a mother who cares more for your alignment than for the quietness of contemplation that may not be hers until the last child is drawn into the heart of Gautama. This is the era of the work and work again of the great universal Kali—defending, O defending! the purest light of each and every heart that it may not be lost, that it may not be eaten by rats who come.
O blessed hearts, there is a very ugly thought form, but it is there and it is projected against every lightbearer. And it is of rats of astral plane coming in the night to nibble and eat with their teeth the very hearts of holy innocents—to devour them and therefore steal the light of the eternal Christ and take away that life before it is even conscious to know and to understand and to speak the Word I AM THAT I AM.
I adjure you then, let there be the insert in the call to Astrea for the binding of astral rats that go after the children and youth of the world to take from them their souls’ and their hearts’ sensitivity to Life! These are the visions of hell. I will give you no more of them, for they are unsavory and not befitting this which I must speak to you in this hour.
Our contemplationthen of the equation of life on Earth and of the Inner Retreat is always and always the content of light in the hearts of lightbearers versus the pulling of the cords by fallen ones that unleash astral pockets of darkness—held back as ammunition until they may be released, hopefully, in an hour of unalertness when lightbearers somehow can be caught off-guard and
Earth inundated in the blackness of the astral plane.
It is a season of the holidays, of merrymaking. What better time then to launch the attack in Poland?—when the rest of the world is in a state of nonconcern or drunkenness or revelry, thinking they owe themselves time and space to indulge in pleasures.
Dear hearts, the hour of Christmas was also the hour of Pearl Harbor and also the hour of the putting through Congress of the Federal Reserve Act. Beware then of the deception of the people and unseating of Christed ones in those days approaching the greatest light of the year.
Each and every Keeper of the Flame upon Earth will face the most intense initiation in these weeks! If it were not so, I would have told you. And I am telling you the truth—to be on-guard and hold the light! For the physical drawing of the line and physical confrontation in Poland is also symbolical of the line that is drawn in the life of every lightbearer! Every one of you has your own confrontation.
And as you entered in to the ritual of placing your light body around the Solidarity union in Warsaw last evening, between them and the surrounding military police, some of you had a very vivid experience of looking into the very faces and into the weapons of the oppressors of the people. It is almost too shocking for souls of those in the West who have been brought up from birth, and for a number of incarnations, without direct, personal, physical confrontation with the forces of World Communism.
Realize then that the line is here. The line is wherever the light is burning! The line is wherever there is the pledge of allegiance to Almighty God! May you be defenders of the faith with Archangel Michael—fervently, with vision, with God-realization that it is the hour of the victory. And the hour of the victory is indeed the hour of greatest danger and need for greatest alert.
My reading of this proclamation then has penetrated your very soul and Christ Self. When you have insights and glimpses of truth in the coming week, write them down—for no doubt they are the memory of your soul’s experience in hearing this reading. It has to do with the outplaying of events in the remainder of this century and the consequences of alternatives that yet must be exercised by the free will of all concerned—those of light and those who are not of the light.
Our eye is upon the Inner Retreat and its potential and possibility as a focus of light and a place where many may come together to form the magnet for the entire planetary body. The movement of our troops, the movement of the legions of Maitreya from around the world must be called from the God Star by Surya directly to the heart of Gautama, to the heart of El Morya and distributed to the several hierarchies who intervene and intercede, including our own Karmic Board.
Realize then that all of you ought to be a part of the heart of El Morya, giving the call to the will of God to have the attunement and listening grace to realize the goal of your life, the steps you are taking and your own preparedness to respond—roots not too deep but deep enough to serve where you are, not too deep that when you must be uprooted to move with the stream of God’s current it will not be so difficult for your lifestream.
When all is in readiness then we have a company and hosts of light upon Earth who can respond, as the sylphs, to the gentle movement of our hand, and as the undines. When you are a part of the troops of the gnomes, having to move physical earth in order to survive, then there must be greater planning and greater anticipation. The moving of the physical plant of this organization requires not days or weeks but months and years of preparation.
Realize then that there are four planes of being and four levels of consciousness, and all of this is being released in this season from the Great Causal Body of the Divine Director. Happy are ye when ye respond and make attunement and hold the flame for your own leaders to be wise in the deliberation of life itself in the crucible.
If therefore the Western powers fail to defend the freedom of life and lightbearers in Poland, then there will come upon them the karma of their nonallegiance to the living Christ, to the newborn Christ, to the Christ of the Aquarian age. And there will come upon those Western nations in Europe and elsewhere a plague of their own karma and the karma of their neglect.
And there is proclaimed this day by the Lord of the World the judgment of fallen ones who have aligned themselves with the position of neutrality that places them in the armed camp of World Communism and its backers throughout the West!
Therefore the Word goes forth this day from the Altar of Invocation in the Sanctuary of the Holy Grail that those who fail to defend life, in the ultimate sense, in Poland—whether in church, whether in state—will find themselves facing the accountability for all sin of the past two thousand years since the birth and the crucifixion of the Savior Jesus Christ. And this karma, cumulative for both the Nephilim and those who were once the sons of God, will descend! It will surely descend, thus saith the Lord—and none will turn it back!
Therefore take heed, ye lightbearers of Earth, of the signs that are written! For when you see the sign of the judgment of the failure to champion the cause of light, then you will know that the hour draweth near for the fulfillment of the purposes of the Great White Brotherhood by yourselves!
I, Pallas Athena, read to you from the scroll of the proclamation. Therefore you have heard the decree of Alpha. And as the right hand of the Lord of the World Gautama Buddha is raised in confirmation of the decree of Alpha, thus the light is lowered. And the right hand of Gautama Buddha does turn again to all those who have violated the light of the Christ and failed to defend its freedom.
Unto them then is returned their own karma thrice again; for they have violated the Son by way of violating the Father, and the Holy Spirit by way of violating the Son. Therefore threefold is the sin against the living Savior. Their karma has been held back and it will not be held back any longer.
Let the lines of force be drawn! And let the children of the Sun be prepared to go forth and to stump while there is yet time, while there is opportunity and while the streets of the cities of the
Earth are yet relatively safe for their own presence.
We guard the saints. Let the saints guard their position in the heart of Christ! Let them not be guilty of minor violations that leave them off-guard and out of the center, that they will be caught when the judgment descends upon the fallen ones.
Let the righteous understand the righteousness of Almighty God and His precepts, and that they are given for wisdom and for love and for the preservation of souls and never for their undoing, never for their confounding. The Lord confounds you not, my beloved. But the Lord must receive you where He finds you. And if He find you in error, He must rebuke that error. And you—you can afford to be grateful, you can afford to be merciful unto Him.
By the authority of the womb of the Cosmic Virgin I speak. By the authority of the Cosmic Christ in the womb of the Cosmic Virgin I speak. I speak out of the night unto the day—unto the daystar appearing! I speak. And my voice is the voice of beloved Alpha.
Therefore by the authority of the Cosmic Virgin let the light of the Manchild go forth and contact and tie the knot betwixt hearts of light and the Blessed Virgin Mary! By the Sacred Heart of Jesus and his presence in her womb let all life understand the immensity of the power of the Mother and the Son who is in reality transformed as the Guru Sanat Kumara and every living chela of the Word!
O celebrate, my beloved, this divine experience of yourself as a chela in the womb of Sanat Kumara—in the very being and temple of thy God! Prepare then once again to step forth in the hour of the Christ mass to work the works of God while there is light in this oncoming year of new challenge, new victory!
1982—a year of new freedom to take your stand for victory.
My beloved, I AM with you. I mean it as I say it, as my presence and my sword of truth now enters—by your command and by your welcome—into your heart. And I place your hand over my right hand that you might feel, O my child, how it is to wield my sword, that you might take a lesson from me in this hour in the use of the sword of truth. [Messenger extends right arm as if wielding the sword.]
Feel now my right arm as your hand follows my own! See the little child with little hand and know that I also know you as little child and as mature son of God. I teach you as a mother how to be overcomers, how to be overcomers, how to be overcomers!
Feel now the momentum of my right arm for truth!
-Pallas Athena, Pearl 25:2
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