Saturday, August 20, 2022
on Babylon
The trends of human life have moved increasingly toward a gregariousness reminiscent of the days of ancient Babylon. These trends are understandable when viewed as by-products of scientific achievements of the age. For instance, advanced methods of communication have been employed to spread the message around the world that has involved men in a false sense of social reform as though the power of God Himself were inadequate to bring the kingdom of God into manifestation upon Earth. -Saint Germain, Pearl 12:18
Understand, beloved, that the mighty men of Babylon and their king did put to the sword the mighty men of Israel. And among those in Israel who were the princes and mighty men there were the sons of God and there were also fallen angels. Therefore they put to the sword the serpents of their own kind, for they are in an intergalactic rivalry. And it is the rivalry for domination of the seed of light. Then they put to the sword the Christed ones lest they lead a rebellion of the people, the humble people, against their rule. -Elohim Cyclopea, Pearl 29:86
Thus we summon you, O people of God, to understand that the city of Babylon and person of the Great Whore represent the empire of the Satans in church and in state—the ecclesiastical and secular manifestation of that civilization of fallen ones. Therefore in one hour is thy judgment come, O Babylon the great! -Jesus Christ, Pearl 25:16
The dribblings of human inadequacy continue to plague mankind. “Enough!” they cry when it is not enough. The being of man, surfeited by an abundance of mortal excess in weariness of soul wantonly seeks new and bizarre methods of pleasure-madness. The innkeepers continue to turn away the infant Messiah, and the marketplaces of life are crowded with the afflictions of Babylon. -Morya, Pearl 8:28
Deliver thyself, O Zion, that dwellest with the daughter of Babylon.
For thus saith the Lord of hosts; After the glory hath He sent me unto the nations which spoiled you: for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of His eye.
For, behold, I will shake mine hand upon them, and they shall be a spoil to their servants: and ye shall know that the Lord of hosts hath sent me.
Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Zion: for lo I come, and I will dwell in the midst of thee, saith the Lord. -Nada, Pearls of Wisdom 28:46
The local application of Zechariah’s ninth vision is therefore evident. The Jews then in the land had been in captivity in Babylon. Outwardly they had put away idolatry, but they had learned in Babylon that insatiate greed of gain (Neh. 5:1-9; Mal. 3:8), that intense commercial spirit which had been foreign to Israel as a pastoral people. Therefore freedom and liberty aborning in the soul of the seed of light did encounter the most difficult and horrendous of tests. This confrontation, beloved, with the power elite of Babylon, the Chaldeans themselves, is a confrontation which this reincarnation of the lightbearers must once again face in order to counteract the forces of anti-freedom.
Understand, beloved, that the mighty men of Babylon and their king did put to the sword the mighty men of Israel. And among those in Israel who were the princes and mighty men there were the sons of God and there were also fallen angels. Therefore they put to the sword the serpents of their own kind, for they are in an intergalactic rivalry. And it is the rivalry for the domination of the seed of light. Then they put to the sword the Christed ones lest they lead a rebellion of the people, the humble people, against their rule.
-Elohim Cyclopea, Pearl 29:66
The Babylon phase of the apostate church is symbolized by an unchaste woman, sodden with greed and luxury -Maitreya, 28:41
When Asian conqueror Cambyses launched a savage invasion of Egypt c. 529 b.c., Pythagoras was exiled to Babylon where the prophet Daniel still served as king’s minister. Here rabbis revealed to him the inner teachings of the I AM THAT I AM given to Moses. Zoroastrian magi tutored him in music, astronomy and the sacred science of invocation. After twelve years Pythagoras left Babylon and founded a brotherhood of initiates at Crotona, a busy Dorian seaport in southern Italy. His “city of the elect” was a mystery school of the Great White Brotherhood.
It would be well then if the student body would understand the meaning of the vision of John the Beloved upon the Isle of Patmos—most specifically, those parts pertaining to Babylon and the fall thereof. Never before in the recorded history of the current age of man has the world population possessed so much outer abundance and so rich a trading in that abundance. Only the planetary archives from unrecorded times could indicate approximate periods of worldly prosperity upon Earth. -Saint Germain, Pearl 8:38
Just as Antichrist attempts to usurp the throne of the living Christ in the seat of God-government in this and many nations so it is the Great Whore that usurps the position of the Divine Mother. Now this day she is dethroned, and the legions of our angels and legions of Archangel Michael‘s band have seized those cohorts of the fallen ones, those who actually caused what has been known as the fall of Eve and descent of the energies of the feminine ray. Now let them rise through the Mother! Now let those energies be restored to the children of light as lost inheritance usurped by those whose perversion of the Divine Mother is known as Babylon the Great.
Behold, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, and the hosts of the Lord come forth with the defenders of light and great teams of conquerors and the legions of angels from the God-star, Sirius. And there is a cordon of lightbearers defending the Divine Mother and the Mother-flame within each and every one of you and all who serve that flame with utter humility, devotion and purity
-Elohim Purity and Astrea, Pearl 58:16
The pouring-out of the vial of mankind’s misuses of the light of the sixth ray must precede the judgment of the great whore, that perversion of the feminine ray that sitteth upon many waters. And in her fornication she has perverted the sacred Mother flow of whitefire core in Mater. And this flow of the great river Euphrates was for the nourishment of the body of God upon Earth who formed the Church of our Lord. And yet that Church is become as Babylon the great, the apostate Church that “is become the habitation of devils and hold of every foul spirit and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.”
And I am the angel who talked with John. And I showed him that woman sitting “upon the scarlet-colored beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns,” that woman “arrayed in purple and scarlet color and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication.” And John saw the name written upon her forehead: “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.” And he saw “the woman drunken with the blood of the saints and with the blood of martyrs of Jesus.” And I told him that the waters which he saw where the whore sitteth, even the waters of the great river, are the peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues who gave their energies to Babylon the great.
-Archangel Uriel, Pearl 18:45
I have stood in the atmosphere of Earth high over the city of Babylon. I was present when the great love ray of God descended over the Tower of Babel to cause confusion of speech to enter into the hearts of those who were there present, to divide them and separate them from one another because of the manifestation of wickedness.
-Archangel Chamuel, Pearl 25:47
And who is this Great Whore, Babylon the Great? Surely this Mother of Harlots is the misqualification of the pure white light of the Mother. Surely it is the epitome of injustice that has fashioned a cult of materialism and death in both church and state. And that which they would separate is truly not the church that is composed of the Lamb and the hundred and forty and four thousand or the state that is the New Jerusalem that appears out of heaven even as that bride adorned for her husband. -Saint Germain, Pearl 23:52
…..........................…The fall of Babylon depicted in the Book of Revelation signifies the ultimate destruction of the material concept and victory of Spirit over flesh. For has not the flesh of man been declared to be as the grass of the field?
-Saint Germain, Pearl 8:40
How art thou fallen, O Lucifer and Babylon the Great? Shall this city in one night be no more? And shall all the merchants mourn before her destruction? Shall it come to pass as the prophets have foreseen? -Morya, 30:54
The interference by commercial interests with natural outflow of the rhythmic cycles of God’s grace in food and substance is a source of great destruction in this present time. The overabundant consumption of carbonated substance interferes with natural digestive juices which when left alone function to manifest beautiful body temples to house the Spirit of the living God. We cannot fail then to acknowledge that the power of human interference has affected man. To prevent the spoilage of goods upon the marketplaces mankind kill the soul of the food and leave the husks behind for the hungry bellies of the world. Is it any wonder then that the Babylon of human experience must fall and that the cycles of longevity which have been so long interfered with must be returned to those diligent ones who will seek perfect balance of body, mind and soul? -Maha Chohan, Pearl 9:24
There are those whom men feel deserve to die, but we would raise all unto life that none of those in whom the Father has vested the mighty threefold flame of life should ever be lost. Take hope then for the spiritual forces of the planet are marshaling themselves as never before to rally around our banner of complete freedom from every oppression, self-imposed or projected from the ignorant who “know not what they do.” The hour is at hand when the Christ must, as the great Comforter, unite hearts and hands in a thrust to end all thrusts and struggle. “Except the Lord keep the city the watchman waketh but in vain.” Can Babylon be transformed to become the New Jerusalem? Can the sinner become the saint? Can freedom flourish? We shall see as to what response we evoke. -Saint Germain, Pearl 9:8
The continuing campaign by the merchants of Babylon to popularize the smoking of cigarettes in the face of an ever-rising incidence of lung cancer is another why which mankind should ask themselves. The steadily increasing statistics numbering from 22,000 to 60,000 suicides per year in the United States alone, the rising tide of crime, religious and political apathy and the sinister strategies of unscrupulous knaves who deny the Lord that brought them and cast stones against the servants of God upon Earth all appear as landmarks of misfortune to the planet and indicators of the need for a regrouping of the energies of mankind. -Morya, Pearl 10:2
As the four sons of Judah–Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah set the perfect archetypal pattern of the Christ in the court of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon who besieged Jerusalem during the reign of Jehoiakim, so the children of God-reality across the planetary body must set the pattern of the Christ consciousness in the etheric, mental, emotional and physical octaves of humanity’s evolving consciousness. -Maha Chohan, Pearl 16:19
Now among the captive Israelites in Babylon, Ezekiel beholds the opening of the heavens even as I AM the opener of the door of the third eye of the prophets and the saints unto the visions of God. There is no time and space. I, the Lord thy God, stand within thy midst, O children of the Sun. I AM come for the repentance and restoration of the true Israel in the United States of America. I AM come with the vision of the restoration of the City Foursquare, built upon the likeness of the four living creatures. And the name of the city is THE LORD IS THERE. -Sanat Kumara, Pearl 22:19
The tyrannies and treacheries of a Babylon or an Assyria, of a Gog or a Magog have no power to deter the unalterable divine plan of Almighty God for the hundred and forty and four thousand, for the City Foursquare, and for the path of the ascension for those who elect to do the will of God. -Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 22:2
New York, you say, is far away. I say, not so far! Only so far as vibration. And some yet contain the vibrations of the city Babylon the great. -Morya, Pearl 25:25
Those commands often went unheeded and, as a consequence, Israel and Judah ultimately were led captive into exile in Assyria and Babylon. And the lost tribes, save for a remnant, were scattered abroad in the Earth and have not yet known or understood the true communion of the Holy Spirit whereby they might also make their mark in this age. -Paul the Venetian, Pearl 36:32
All of the involved economics, the money systems of the world, where have they led mankind but to the brink of self-destruction. The toppling towers of the financial world are as the beasts of Babylon. They sow confusion, they reap the whirlwind. And they take from mankind not only their physical supply but their spiritual well-being, their moral understanding, their memory of divine Selfhood. -Fortuna, 52:10
There is always the universal threat of nuclear holocaust, of nations destroying nations; for Russia can well destroy the United States today as the United States can well destroy Russia. Although their powers are not equal, both have enough to do the job. And then there is the rising threat of darkness from the mainland of China. O China, land of illumination, how thou art fallen as Babylon is fallen, is fallen, the mighty city!
-Lanello, Pearl16:31
The world is often devoid of the Spirit of the Christ mass and of the true Spirit of the Law because they have forsaken the true image of the Mother and erected in her place the great whore and lusts of Babylon the Great. These idols continually drain the chakras and aura of mankind of that light which flows from the I AM Presence, the light of the Christ “which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.” What a pity that mankind who are the recipients of that wondrous light of the star of his appearing “consume it,” as James said, “upon their lusts.”
-Djwal Kul, Pearl 17:47
This is my message for those who would bring forth the foundation of the New Jerusalem that is already laid in Christ Jesus—to understand the microcosm and the macrocosm, the fulfillment in you of the law of each and your responsibility to prove where you are the conquering Spirit of the Lord Christ. See then how these initiations are revealed chapter by chapter and ask yourself: “Have I made invocation to the law of my being this day to release the fire of God for the consuming of the last plagues of my own karma, for the consuming of all manner of deception and betrayal and of Babylon the Great and of Antichrist and of all that has gone against the fulfillment of the promise?”
-John the Beloved, Pearl 19:37
We are determined to save this planet. We are determined that no energy coils will challenge the life that is God’s love. We are determined to give our all. And we are determined that as you claim our life that you also will challenge these challengers of the night, that you will win and that the towers of Babylon will fall, will fall. And as they come tumbling down I say in the name of the Christ, claim that energy for the spiral of the victory of the magic mountain of life.
-Elohim Hercules, Pearl 21:10
Mighty I AM THAT I AM, blind and cast into sacred fire unquenchable “The Devil in the person of Babylon the Great; the anti-State and the anti-City; her sins and sorceries, her devils and foul spirits; the Watchers and their godless creation, their fornication–misqualifying the light of the Mother chakra, suffering the abuse and abortion of Her children; their cults of money and the money beast, of greed and gluttony, their beasts of sensuality and materialism and their murder of the prophets and the saints; the False Guru and his false hierarchy of false gurus and their false chelas; the councils of black magicians and practitioners of the black arts and adepts of the left-handed path; witches and warlocks and their covens of wit-craft and wish-craft, death and hell–and all who subvert the authority of the Mother, the embodied Lamb and the Lamb’s wife, The Guru Ma and her unascended chelas, and usurp the office of the flying Eagle occupied in matter by the Woman clothed with the Sun and her Manchild embodied in the initiates of ruby ray who keep the flame of the Mystery School in the Community of the Holy Spirit; -Sanat Kumara, Pearls of Wisdom 22:38
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