Friday, August 19, 2022
As long as chelas are gathered with the Guru somewhere in time and space
I myself did pass into another incarnation and you have known me in my final embodiment as Lord Ling of China. There I perfected the wisdom, fulfilled the balancing of my karma and did espouse the flame of God-happiness. [This I did] in view of the great mourning and depression that is carried by so many of the children of Israel and Judah who have gone forth in a state of burden of their karma and in a state of depression concerning their absence of knowledge of the true path of salvation and the promise of heaven and victory on Earth. -Lord Ling, Pearl 35:32
As long as chelas are gathered with the Guru somewhere in time and space I shall be there. I shall occupy. I shall be the Ancient of Days. I shall be the resounding of a future which is already the past in the mind of God but which has not passed you by; it will simply come in the order of the cycling of evolution itself. -Sanat Kumara, Pearl 42:19
I speak of the heads of state of the United States, of the Soviet Union and of China. I speak of those individuals who are near them in power who pose as humanitarians of the age who conceal from the people their betrayal of the light. I speak of those then who will take the light and energy of lightbearers and turn and use it against other lightbearers, who will take the science of the Mother and, instead of giving it to Her children, will give it to the overlords who will betray and murder Her children. -Meta, Pearl 45:15
You take the destruction prophesied by Nostradamus [which some have interpreted as coming] out of the Middle East. You do not need an ancient prophet to tell you of the hatred in the heart of such an one as Osama who would send death squads against the Americans, British or whomever on the planet he deems may be threatening his survival. -Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia, Pearl 32:13
Therefore we know and we understand, as it has been said, that with the April 23 date there has come a certain finality. And certain individuals who have persecuted the light incarnation after incarnation, who have surely persecuted Christians and those followers of Buddha in Tibet and in China and of every religion upon Earth in its time–blessed ones, these persecutors of the religious upon Earth who do embody the God-flame must know that their time is exceedingly short and that they can no longer persecute that God-flame in these little ones, in these stalwart souls with impunity. -Lady Venus, Pearls of Wisdom 33:40
In this day the sanctity of life has so declined that fathers and mothers may legally elect to abort a child without considering the consequences their actions will bear for lifetimes to come. It is almost as if people were sacrificing their unborn children to the god of lust, even as the inhabitants of ancient Jerusalem and Judah sacrificed their children to the god Moloch and fertility god Baal in the Valley of Ben-hinnom [also known as the Valley of Gehenna]. So hear the Word of the Lord delivered to Jeremiah. -Archeia Mary, Pearl 40:26
I hope you will understand that even at our level there is a preserved remnant of the personality. We are not a bunch of china dolls, painted faces, radiant light-forms that have no preservation of our identities whatsoever. We are yet embryonic gods in the becoming. For the transcendent outreach of the Divine is a magnificent hierarchical plan, bringing men at different seasons and different times of their life to fulfillment. And o how sweet it is. -Paul the Venetian, Pearl 61:44
It is a psychological factor of control, beloved ones, to put oneself in the driver’s seat and say “I will do this and that, and they will render praise to me. I will choose what I will do, but I will not do what I am told by the authority of the Word with us. I will not obey the voice of God within me. I will not hear the call of the Ancient of Days through my Mighty I AM Presence in the day that the Lord hath need of me, but I will give to Him as I pick and as I choose. -Mighty Victory, Pearl 26:26
And the U.S. betrayal of Chiang Kai-shek in China in the late 1940s had the same result: World Communism devouring a nation that now has more than a billion people. And it was practically a gift to Mao Tse-tung from the powers that be in the White House and U.S. State Department.
-messenger ecp, Pearl 33:7
In recognition of “the power of spiritual consolation” Cyclopea declared that “the hour is here when you in consciousness may forsake the delusion of separation whereby you have thought yourself to be a separate and individualized person absent from God....Behold the domain of the ascended masters is revealed whereby former lives and consciousness are brought into the domain of the present and old powers are restored, and behold, the old boundaries of ancient temples are drawn out and the plumbline of perfection that leads to your God Presence is beheld. cyc virg
On July 1, 1966, Elohim Cyclopea: I saw thee go forth, I saw thee obtain the fire of God and enter into His heart. I saw thee descend into the world of form with thy vows ringing in the atmosphere of heaven....Lo, I am witness to all that thou hast done at inner levels of thy being to perpetuate the power of the sons of heaven and to understand the fulfillment of thy mission of life.
Lo, as thy witness I am thy advocate. I am the beholder of thy perfection. For God through me has seen thy perfect attitude of mind. God through me has seen thy perfect attitude of soul and heart....And now behold, thou hast wrought in mortal form that which is unseemly.
It shall come to pass that I, Cyclopea, this night beholding the perfection of the vows of thy soul to God when thou wert a part of His frame and flame will covenant with Him and with the great Lords of Karma to bring to thee at inner levels awareness of thy covenants and awareness of His mercies which endure forever.
The presence of life within thee which beats thy heart is the life of God, all that is submerged within thee of divine grace must arise and must bring into the domain of mortal thought and feeling the focus of the God-flame of reality which is thy portion. The world awaiteth tonight the great magnificent illumination of divine flame of His immortal presence manifest within thee through a conscious focusing of the Godhead within the threefold flame within thy heart.
I AM Cyclopea. I AM one who beholds the face of God....And as I come to you in the blazing white garments of my Elohimic office, I am bestowing upon you the power to understand the former days of your perfection....
Lo, the power of the ascended masters is omnipresent within this forcefield!...
Lo, the beauty of heaven and melodies of the angelic host are heard in the atmosphere above!... (I come with) a multitude of great cosmic beings, those Angels of Perfection who are the beholders of God-intent and...sustain the divine radiance in the face of all mortal thought and feeling.
There shall occur an intensification of divine grace now and...they who are in the graves of mortal delusion shall hear the voice of the Son of God, the immortal Word by which the worlds were framed....I, Cyclopea, am speaking to you in order to generate the perfect ideal of God within your consciousness which has not manifest for centuries and generations upon this planet....
There is no other goal that is worthy of the total energies of man but only the divine one to which all savants and sages of all ages have paid allegiance....
There is no greater goal
Than the reintegration of thy soul
With mighty powers of truth and love....
There is a great activity taking place for and on behalf of the peril of America and the terrors of Vietnam, and...Communism and...mortal involvement in human thought and feeling. The great law has not permitted that the ascended masters and cosmic beings shall any longer sacrifice themselves for the sake of individuals who have only manifested ingratitude....They have turned a deaf ear to the great spiritual outpouring of Life.
The Lords of Light and mighty powers of God from on high are shaken. And He whose eyes are too pure to behold iniquity has turned over to the Lords of the Flame and the Karmic Board the wondrous and awesome responsibility of a new dispensation...that shall bring about a change in the consciousness of mankind all over the world but will be centered most specifically in the heart of America.
Mankind obstinately insist that there are no ascended masters or cosmic beings, that there are no invisible powers of light, but that all things are vested in the mortal domain. Therefore I come with a quickening power of the light: every son of heaven who will accept my hand this night will be able to receive some degree...of the ancient memory of themselves when they departed from higher octaves of light and descended and took embodiment here in mortal form. I am doing this in order to stimulate within you the great lodestone of spirituality that will cause you to change your minds about many things, and most especially
about the need and possibility of perfection....We are determined that a generation that is here upon this planet, namely the sons of God, shall receive the regenerative power to transform your souls as never before.
The great Angels of Record have determined now to give greater heed to thy calls when these calls are made with a God- determination to exalt the God within thyself and all men. Thy calls will be answered with greater swiftness, and thou shalt have the restored power that thou hast once had in part and portion.
Ladies and gentlemen, as I leave you may I place upon thy forehead the kiss of the great Elohim Cyclopea....
May I kiss that place upon thy forehead whereon is what is known in mystic lore as the third eye, the great Cyclopean Eye, and may this be the kiss of hope that the doorway of thy soul will open wide to receive grace, more grace, more grace, more grace and love and power.
On January 1, 1968 Elohim Cyclopea dictated: The maya of the world is reflected in the thoughts of men and their tendencies of change constantly, Learn then that the greatest polestar of your being...lies in the domain of the Spirit.
You are one with God now and always have been, Separation is an illusion fostered upon mankind by the senses.
Mankind turn from one mayic pattern to another and their eyes are not content to gaze fixedly upon one object. Turn toward the great radiant patterns of the living Christ...which are far more beautiful and lovely, once they are known and understood, than all others put together.
-Elohim and Their Retreats
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