Tuesday, August 9, 2022
in the history of the universe
Never in the history of the universe upon any planet or system of worlds has darkness triumphed. Where darkness has been temporarily sustained thru the misuse of freewill
it has ultimately destroyed itself and those who have given it life. Their place is no more, for only in light is self-conscious being sustained. How senselessly then do individuals allow the tramps of darkness to trample upon the tender virtues of the Christ building within. There can be no lasting peace without honor; therefore let the cosmic honor flame be invoked for
its saving grace and protection from all harm. -Archangel Chamuel: Pearl 14:48
(on 5-3-83 at Chicago the American Roman Catholic bishops voted 238-9 to endorse a "no nuclear first-strike" policy even in defense of Western Europe against a sudden Soviet invasion) have not the least idea of who is The Faithful and True and The Word who leads the armies of heaven against the fallen ones. And if they had the slightest perception of prophecy itself and of the binding of the tares who are the seed of the Evil One, they would recognize that God has already necessitated war itself as an act of the vengeance of our God against the original perpetrators of murder, death and the lie, who are the fallen angels. And until they be bound and judged, this war must continue.
-Mother Mary: 5-15-83 at Camelot via Messenger E C P.
there are two Babylons: the ecclesiastical and political Babylon, one the false hierarchy of anti-Christ in church, the other the false hierarchy of the International Capitalist/Communist Conspiracy. Both of these false hierarchies comprise the world cult of idolatry41 and abuse12 of12 power32 (=85=bane13 x 5)....Thus with the judgment of the ruby ray upon the tower of Babel and Ninevah and the modern Babylon, those who have become drunk23 with24 power32 (=89+85=174=3 x mediocrity58)--the power of the blood of the saints, the essence of their light--are also judged. -Morya, ~9-8-1985 to staff on Susan Krister.
And therefore what amounts almost to a doctrine of pacifism, what amounts to a denial of the active force of the Woman in this world to defend the Manchild, must be judged by the right hand of the Mother that I AM and of the Son of God and of the Christ within you. For these individuals may influence untold millions to move against the full power of Alpha and Omega in the true active and true passive roles.
I might say that these individuals who have partaken in this document and the signing thereof (on 5-3-83 at Chicago the American Roman Catholic bishops voted 238-9 to endorse a "no nuclear first-strike" policy even in defense of Western Europe against a sudden Soviet invasion) have not the least idea of who is The Faithful and True and The Word who leads the armies of heaven against the fallen ones. And if they had the slightest perception of prophecy itself and of the binding of the tares who are the seed of the Evil One, they would recognize that God has already necessitated war itself as an act of the vengeance of our God against the original perpetrators of murder, death and the lie, who are the fallen angels. And until they be bound and judged, this war must continue.
-Archeia Mary: 5-15-83 at Camelot via Messenger E C P
there are two Babylons: the ecclesiastical and political Babylon, one the false hierarchy of anti-Christ in church, the other the false hierarchy of the International Capitalist/Communist Conspiracy. Both of these false hierarchies comprise the world cult of idolatry41 and abuse12 of12 power32 (=85=bane
13 x 5).
....Thus with the judgment of the ruby ray upon the tower of Babel and Ninevah and the modern Babylon, those who have become drunk23 with24 power32 (=89+85=
174=3 x mediocrity58)--the power of the blood of the saints, the essence of their light--are also judged. -Morya, ~9-8-1985 to staff on Susan Krister
Our Spiritual Community has suffered because there appears little will or desire within the closed circle of Church leadership to do anything other than offer polished legal self-justifications --in the place of open, genuine, and honest communication that comes from the heart.
Our Spiritual Community has suffered because there are circles of idolaters within the community who go to great lengths to manage and justify HQ's reaction to every situation that comes up. They argue peace when there is no peace. They fear that a divisive truth will splinter or divide the Community.
Our Spiritual Community has suffered because there is cowardice within this community. Individuals sidestep the initiations right [in] front of them, in silence.
-Raymond Ziemkowski, Los Angeles, 12-19-2003 email
"I call to the mandala of lightbearers to be magnetized by the magnet of love that is now placed by Heros and Amora in this Community as a forcefield of divine love. This magnet of love is so great, beloved, that those who allow themselves to become out of alignment with it will not long remain here, for they will not be able to bear to be in the presence of that magnet while they entertain the perversions of the ruby cross in their beings." -Rose of Light: 6-29-1990 at RTR via ECP
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