Tuesday, August 9, 2022
as my hands become the hands of this Messenger \
The consummation of our love in this victory surely is a celebration of all this cosmos. And as waves of light move outward in concentric circles from our presence see now the vast cosmic sea and yourself a part of it, a part of our love, a part of this union that is, unto all who have that love of Jesus, the great miracle of victory over death and hell itself.
The meaning of my humble victory is that there is no longer division between the Lamb and bride–the Lamb of Jesus, the bride of your soul/my soul; for the archetypal pattern of the soul is one. Therefore until I should fulfill my reason for being many others have waited in line for their own bridal call.
This marriage in heaven, beloved, opens the way for many many ascended masters to now receive their twinflames. And among you are a number counted who have waited for this moment: the union of those in heaven and those on earth who serve on opposite sides of the River of Life. This [union of love] becomes deeper. And in the oneness of that beauty, sponsored of course by our Lord Sanat Kumara and Lady Master Venus, there is a new dimension of wholeness that descends to those who have pure love for one another on Earth and share life’s mission in the vows of holy matrimony.
Realize then that in anticipation of that celebration of the marriage supper of the Lamb many of you were called to consecrate your vows. And by that imminent dispensation of our union you also found the great love of our Great Guru.
Heaven rejoices each time Alpha and Omega are truly one! This is a great strength for planet Earth, a new strength. It is the healing of schism and divorce and division among members of the body of God, even within the individual psyche itself. Blessed ones, it is against this union and my victory (Magda pased in 1944 from Oakland) and this hour of consummation that fallen ones have labored long.
Know then the message of Chamuel and Charity and understand that they have taught you how the forces of darkness have sought to separate you from the love of one another. It is through the Guru, beloved, that this love can be sealed and guarded, protected, unfolded.
Thus through Padma Sambhava there is established in Earth that focus of [the lineage of] Sanat Kumara in your Messenger. And therefore realize that the strength and safety and very purpose and the fulfillment of your mission depends upon your openness to that heart through her heart.
[It depends on your] recognizing that without the Mighty I AM Presence and intercession [through the lineage of Sanat Kumara] the forces of darkness who oppose vehemently the union not only of twin flames and twin souls but also of other compatible lifestreams would move to destroy every relationship of love upon Earth.
And therefore let the Holy Spirit be that bond between you as brothers and sisters serving together. Where there is the destruction of love at any level at any time–[or] if for any moment even for a day you retain resentment toward the intercession of the Messenger, who must rebuke [you] to strip you of those conditions that by and by could take you from the very path itself–and you let go [of your link in the chain of Hierarchy, even as you let go the hand of your Holy Christ Self and Mighty I AM Presence], you must realize that you begin to slip into the abyss and you know it not.
Therefore let there be the celebration of this great lineage from the heart of Sanat Kumara through Lord Gautama Buddha so very near, through Lord Maitreya, through my beloved Jesus, [through Padma Sambhava]. Understand that these hierarchs and masters have placed themselves in a very close proximity to this retreat, for it is the hope of the world. It is the hope of love! It is the hope of individual resolution with divine love personified in the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the precious Mother.
Guard then that love and do not allow it to slip from you for any cause! But be understanding of just what is the experience of the soul that [often] must travel many lifetimes through its dark night in many areas of the planet and sometimes elsewhere before even a single lifetime may be spent again with the beloved.
Some of you experience a deep pain that is not understood. Some of you experience an inner sorrow. Many times it is the sorrow of the loss [of the beloved] and separation and the desire to find [one another] again. And when you are on this path which is surely the true path of my Jesus you have every opportunity to swiftly balance karma and to hold the balance for your twin flame so that you can be assured that that union will take place just as soon as the great Law will allow.
Thus, beloved, you can look at my service in my most recent embodiment and you can see that without [my having had] the violet flame in that lifetime how long it has taken me since my soul’s passage from the screen of life to realize the full balancing of my remaining karma. I can tell you, beloved, that out of my love for Jesus and for you each one I have worked very, very hard from the very moment of my untimely passing [to accomplish this].
Beloved ones, I knew the pain of aloneness and of sorrow. And even though I was of tremendous vigor in rejoicing in the Lord I can tell you from personal experience that the day-by-day burden of the press that was relentless to deny the light and truth and the very presence of our service did take its toll.
And so, beloved, from that hour when Jesus took my hand and lifted me gently from the last earthly body I would wear I have not ceased to labor a profound labor for the balancing of the karma unfinished in that life and of certain karma made in that life.
Blessed hearts, I desired and set as my goal, as Jesus so instructed me, that by this time, by Christmas 1990, this goal must be accomplished. And therefore I have not lost a moment or an hour so as not to interfere with the timetables of our oneness that should be a mighty increment of love for the victory of this Community and Church.
Therefore, beloved, I come in this hour with tears in my eyes. I come in the great weeping of rejoicing and great moment almost of relief that this event is come and even did take place a month earlier, that therefore the Law could be gratified and you yourselves could receive that protection of our circle of wholeness and our mantle.
And therefore I, above all, look forward to being with you in the celebration of the marriage supper of the Lamb; for you understand, beloved, that the first day of this new year does bring with it portents of options for great victory as well as options for severe tragedy on the world scene.
It is our desire that this love so complete, so profound might be a buffer to every Keeper of the Flame, to all who are servants of God, to all whom we may reach, even though they so vehemently deny Christ’s true doctrine that was surely released to these Messengers.
O beloved, my tears are also shed for those whom I love so profoundly all over the world who are beautiful hearts of light and who, in their fervor for Jesus, have truly made great soul progress on the inner. Yet because they withhold their support of Jesus’ mission through this Church and because they even fight against it there is that sense [of burden] in my heart of what karma they too will have to face and what they will have to return to undo.
So you see, beloved, there is a certain burden among all who are the angels of Jesus, all who attend us, comprising our court as you would say for they do know that this great burden that is then placed upon this Messenger and yourselves is in fact grievous to be borne and surely unjust, defying even cosmic justice.
Beloved ones, can one know such bliss and happiness and the heights of the grand finale of a mission and yet know pain and sorrow of those who are not and have not been able to enter in to a true and profound understanding of the presence of Jesus with them through their Holy Christ Self?
O beloved ones, I am sure that you can understand my own burden upon realizing that the very Messengers of the I AM Presence and violet flame and this path were in embodiment concurrently with my mission, preaching what they had to give to me and everyone, [and that I did not recognize them or the truth of their teachings].
You must understand, beloved, that individuals work on certain chakras and certain assignments in [their] embodiments, such as I did. It was necessary for me to manifest the presence of Jesus [in the context of Christianity and the Christian world view]. And we were always one, although I myself many times did not feel so one with him. Yet he was there. And, beloved, [it was given to me to] manifest his presence to Christians of the world that they might no longer be led astray by a certain liberal theology and a materialization of that which can only be spiritual, a stepping aside [from the centrality of Spirit] by the intellect and a non-receiving of the Holy Ghost.
Beloved ones, as my hands become the hands of this Messenger there is a burning fire as we clasp, as we merge, for we too have known the path together for many thousands of years in attendance of our beloved Jesus.
Blessed hearts, there had to be the opportunity for Christians to know Jesus directly through healing and through my presence. Beloved ones, their souls knew [the truth] at inner levels as we all knew [it] at inner levels, and yet [we] could not articulate [it] in the terminology that you have so carefully refined to explain the great mysteries of God.
And therefore though time has passed, those who speak of that mission and remember the great wonder of their union with their Lord through my heart by the grace of Jesus [recognize that our mission] has truly been the phenomenon of the twentieth century, a long-awaited event during these two thousand years.
Surely there were days when Jesus actually was so present [through me at the pulpit] as to come in his Second Coming unto those who were ready to receive him. And yet they would not call it the Second Coming, for they were waiting for him to appear in clouds of glory which of course he did in descending in their midst. And many of those souls who were so profoundly devout and humble and who were healed were taken up into great temples of light to study under Jesus at the conclusion of their lifetime; and many others are still in embodiment, beloved.
O we desire now with all of our hearts to continue this mission through you that those who are true Christians, who truly are the embodiment of the Christ, and that many who are fused to the Christ will no longer be able to deny the Holy Spirit that descends upon the Messenger and the presence of Jesus and myself with her always.
We are trusting that this Church [will bridge the gap] through this heart and every one of your hearts who are so precious to us–O if you only knew how precious you are to us! We desire then to bridge the gap and to bring in those who have the developed threefold flame, those who no longer fear to stray from orthodoxy or to believe what they have been taught for centuries not to believe: that the Christ is indwelling in them, that they do have a threefold flame, a divine spark, and that they do have the potential to unfold that rose of Sharon as they are tied to Jesus, whom they adore as Lord and Master.
By his grace they then have a living Guru, a living Ascended Master Guru. And this, beloved, is what is sustaining [them] above and beyond all [false] doctrine [they have been taught] that simply does not fit into the cosmic scheme of things.
These Christians, beloved, are as children when they first learn to put together a jigsaw puzzle and they want the pieces to fit but they don’t fit; and therefore they squeeze them in and they push them in, and of course they distort the total picture, for they are out of place. And for every piece that is out of place another will [be used to] compensate and be out of place as well.
And so when you miss the keystone in the arch, the very key of Jesus being the one who unlocks the door to your own Christ Self and union thereto, O beloved, understand that that is such a supreme loss! And therefore by faith and by truly an amazing grace [are such souls saved for the new day of the Everlasting Gospel]. For it does require grace when [the lost teachings of Jesus] are left out, does it not? Is it not a wonder that they therefore do accept that grace, beloved? For surely [by grace] there is a leaping over the gap and the hole in the wall created by orthodoxy.
And these souls therefore who know [the truth] at inner levels ascend in spite of their doctrine, in spite of the refusal [of their conscious minds] to accept truth. And when I say ascend I mean they rise in consciousness and they are able to reach the etheric octave. But they do not make their ascension, beloved, for the Law will not allow it except in extraordinary cases where one’s service and background have been so tremendous that [even] a final lifetime of not having fully understood the divine doctrine cannot take from that one his reward.
Blessed hearts, those who have denied the fullness of the expression of Jesus Christ in the lineage of Maitreya, the great Cosmic Christ, of Lord Gautama our brother, our teacher, truly the great hierarch of Earth, of Lord Sanat Kumara–they therefore do not receive that portion of the lineage of Jesus.
They receive only that which they accept, beloved, and thus they do limit their capacity; and that limitation shows [itself] largely on a world scale wherein they are powerless to put down the forces of evil manifest in World Communism, totalitarian
movements, the International Capitalist/
Communist Conspiracy, which even I did fight in my humble way. They are not able to deal with it and wrestle with it, beloved, because they have not accepted
this great lineage of the coming of the Sons of God and Christed ones and the buddhas.
Beloved hearts, this is the pain that knows no surcease. This is the pain that does not become bliss–[the pain of seeing souls] come to the time for their resurrection only to find that they have believed and swallowed the whole lie, the whole cloth and that they must come again.
And what kind of a world shall they come to? This is the glory of the finale of an age! This is the hour prophesied when many should be in the resurrection with Jesus. And so I am here in the resurrection with Jesus and my tears are tears of joy mingled with tears of sorrow.
And therefore I ask you, as many ascended masters do ask you, to truly come to the place of perpetual prayer on behalf of those who are a part of the mystical body of God with you who recognize this at inner levels and yet fight you daily with their prayers against you.
Blessed ones, I say pray for them who know not what they do and call fiercely for the judgment of fallen angels who lead them astray!
My beloved hearts, I am now counted as an apostle of Jesus Christ and therefore I intend to be with every one of you. I intend to assist you, to preach through you if you will let me. I intend to implore my beloved to give to you gifts of the Holy Spirit as you are willing to be purged of those elements within self that deny the full presence of that Holy Spirit.
Therefore honor sacred fire within you and honor the light of your chakras. Keep it safely! And remember the parable concerning the wise virgins who kept their lamps trimmed. Your lamps must be trimmed if God would speak through you and use you.
Let the fire grow and let it increase! Let your fervor for fire and ability to be the instrument of a great grace to anyone whom you might meet be greater than the desire to misuse that sacred fire or to squander it.
Surely God has given you a mighty temple and [surely] God has given you so great a light as the crystal cord! Let it be widened just a little bit and let the heart expand just a little bit to make more room for our beloved to enter therein. Practice this, beloved, for the joys will be great and the opportunities will be great when you shall have won your course and victory.
[You have] the violet flame at your disposal, beloved. I should only tell you that if you were out of embodiment this day at inner levels, not having completed the balancing of your karma, you yourself would weep tears of lamentation that you took for granted so great an opportunity as the violet flame itself. You would weep that you did not give [to your violet flame decrees] every extra moment you had [while in embodiment]–every extra moment that you might have spent in idle chatter and conversation that benefited no one, that whiled away the hours and that squandered energy. [Yes, you would weep] that you had allowed this in the place of immediately getting out a violet flame tape and giving two minutes, five minutes, twelve minutes, twenty-four minutes of violet flame decrees.
I promise you, beloved, for I have been there all of these decades–I have been there [and] I promise you, you will sit in the etheric retreats giving your violet flame decrees if you do not give them here! And I can tell you, you will feel like you are missing a great deal, like the world is passing you by and decades are moving on and you have not yet fulfilled your mission of balancing 100 percent of your karma whereby you could perform the greatest service for those whom you love and a world that is in such profound distress.
There are those from among you [who have gone on] who are in that particular boat, beloved, in this very moment. And they are unascended and they have implored me, as I have come to speak to you in this hour, to remind you that when in embodiment you can balance the greatest karma.
You will take then the example of your Messenger. This Messenger, beloved, from the very hour of the ascension of her beloved Lanello was given such a heavy assignment of combined karma of both twinflames that from that hour onward you have seen her dealing with nothing but persecution and condemnation and betrayal and trials and all manner of testing.
Beloved, this was insisted upon by beloved El Morya and Lanello and agreed upon by the Messenger because she had the profound understanding at inner levels that this must be fulfilled so that both twin flames could have 100 percent of their karma balanced [by the time she should complete her mission]. Since the ascension of beloved Mark occurred at an early age in his lifetime, [100 percent of] his karma had not been balanced; and therefore she was given the assignment of [balancing the remaining 49 percent of] her karma and [of facilitating by her lifetime service] his [balancing of his] karma [from inner levels].
Understand then, beloved, that there does come a gentle smile to her lips when she hears people saying “There must be something the matter with her and with this organization because we are not so persecuted, we are not so burdened, we are not so condemned by the public.” Well, beloved ones, it is for a cause. And I can tell you, knowing this heart that the Messenger will not stop when the completion of the karma of her ascended twinflame is through. She will continue to assist you in balancing your karma because it is the urgency of the hour.
Now understand, beloved, how those of us who are enlightened may also have tears, may also have a certain solemnity and a certain soberness when we observe chelas who simply do not quite get it.
They do not quite understand that this is a moment in eternity when all things can be fulfilled, and it is simply not worth it to turn aside from the greatest challenge and most difficult [test] and most intense [initiation]! It is simply not the [time] to make the choice to take the lesser path! Believe me, I know it. I know it from many lifetimes and so do you.
But in this hour of the April 23 event you must understand that there is a certain dulling of the mind, a certain level of insensitivity where you can continue to justify seeking a path that is lesser, that has greater ease\ even while you are [serving on staff at headquarters] or within a community of striving ones.
So, beloved, do not waste the moments! For it is not only a loss to yourself but [it is also a loss to] all who are connected to you in the great mandala of Life.
So you see how I did feel as I did make that determination for Jesus showed me how all the hearts of the Piscean age [who are] of the mystical body of God are tied to us and if I should not hurry and accomplish [the balancing of 100 percent of my karma], I should be letting them down and therefore would progress [be let down].
So you and your twinflame also have such ties, such a mission, such a responsibility and it is also the interweaving of your causal bodies with our own. And this makes the great strength of the mystical body of God, and in that strength of oneness of our causal bodies that we all share as we are a part of the Great White Brotherhood we can be the strength unto those souls who get themselves into all kinds of entanglements in this world.
When you think of what I fought in the saving of our youth and saving of our children compared to what you must face today–why, these things were not even present! We did not even hear with our physical ears such a thing out of hell as rock music. We did not know the ravages of drugs and all diseases that have [followed in their wake]. Think of what has come upon the generations of children! My beloved, this calls for intense and profound compassion from your heart.
Open your hearts to Jesus now! Open your hearts through me! For as my tears that flowed long ago were for the washing of his feet, may your tears in this hour that flow freely at inner levels be for the washing of the feet of the youth of the world. May they be saved by your preaching, by your teaching, by your love, by your example, by your nearness!
O beloved, wash their understanding! Wash their blood of all of these chemicals! Call and call and call upon the Holy Spirit to move through you so that when you hold their hands and greet them when you are out on the highway of life going two by two there might be a transfer of that Holy Spirit from the heart of Jesus! Beloved ones, it is well, it is well, it is well to conserve that light to be able to help one of these little ones who is lost.
It is one thing to convince oneself that all those who are drug addicts and all those who are criminals and all those who are this and that must be terrible people with a terrible karma. Well, beloved ones, you may think that and you may then shirk your responsibility to all of the children of God who are caught in the trap, but I tell you it is not so!
There are many, many, many children of light among those who are caught in these situations. And their bodies and their minds are so out of alignment that they cannot draw from above, from within to bring together the forces that have been split and sawn asunder by the extreme conditions of yinness [or yangness] brought about by substances that they partake of daily.
My heart is with you! And the gift from my heart that I desire to bring and maintain–even as Thérèse of Lisieux determined to bring her gift–beloved, is perpetual sensitivity to pain and anguish of souls of our youth who are the souls that come from God.
Blessed hearts, that you should become numb to the cries of unborn lightbearers or those in embodiment whose missions are being aborted by the seed of the wicked, this should be the greatest crime and greatest karma that you could make!
Realize then that to maintain sensitivity to the pain of souls upon Earth is more than a challenge; it must become a way of life. There is a part of you that is always aware of world pain and [there is] a part of you [that] is always aware of the bliss of the kingdom of God.
This is not an easy path to be on, to [experience simultaneously] the extremes of both ends of the spectrum, and yet they are present in the earth. And if you tune out the pain, beloved, God will tune out the bliss, because only those who are willing to descend to the depths of hell with Jesus to comfort these [who mourn] can know the corresponding bliss. It is simply the Law.
Therefore if you would know heaven, remember that you must also know hell. This is the equation of the missionaries of Jesus. May you become these ministering servants! May you know that life needs you and not allow yourself to be insulated on the mountain of God that is for your protection and for your escape from the wiles of this civilization.
Beloved, it is a haven of light, but remember there are many on the other side of the wall that are not able to climb over. You must climb back over the wall and go down the mountain and you must speak to them! You must walk with them!
And I am not so necessarily speaking of physical action as [much as I am speaking of] action in consciousness–action in consciousness when you pray, when you go out of your body through your rituals and also when the Messenger will send you on a specific mission [in the physical octave].
I ask you not to turn it down, beloved. I ask you to remember that there are other Christian sects such as the Mormons, [in which] everyone who is of a certain age is called to go out for a two-year mission anywhere in the world, daily preaching what they teach of Jesus. Understand that for many churches it is a way of life, and they believe that they must continually share the teaching they have else not find the fullness of grace.
Blessed hearts, you do have the greatest teaching of all. And because it is real those who are real will receive you; and those who are real who are caught in some kind of web of darkness, they will see the light and they will recognize it!
Therefore if any one among you, hearing me, should not attempt with great groaning of soul to increase the auricfield to manifest a greater portion of the causal body at this level so that those souls will know you to be truly a mouthpiece of God and not a false teacher or a false prophet, beloved, shall you not be sorry one day?
I tell you, you will be in agony over missed opportunity when you see the souls who could not make it because you allowed yourself to be preoccupied.
You have the fundamentals of Jesus’ teaching taught directly to us and placed in our hearts [two thousand years ago]. Your Messenger has the gift of the elixir of Saint Germain (having attended that banquet when he did withdraw from that civilization in the Sahara Desert) and therefore that presence and that memory of that I AM THAT I AM.
Understand, beloved, that you are fundamentalists in the truest and most profound sense of the word, for Jesus has imparted to you, whether directly or through one of us, the sacred mysteries, even in the hour of his physical embodiment.
Remember the path of Francis. And remember how the simple life which you now find yourselves in with less encumbrancesis a way that enables you to give yourself to the world.
May you not shun supply but use all of it to rescue souls. This is the most important price that you can pay [to balance negative karma] in this hour: to use what you have to save souls. When you see how many souls are in heaven because you determined to espouse the path of Saint Francis who followed the path of Jesus you will surely rejoice, beloved. For as Mother Mary has told you, some souls will be lost and are being lost for want of those to pray for them.
May you be consumed by our mission of love!
In the name of my Lord and my Savior I bless you now with all of my heart, and I ask you to receive me always as your humble sister who looks to you even as elder brothers and sisters, for some of you have made greater strides in this life than I did in my own.
As I carried the roses of my Lord including the thorns to the altar so I am carrying them this evening. And I have a blessed pink rose for each and every one of you, and my angels bring them to you now.
May you receive now the amazing grace of our love to sustain you for the most glorious individual victory, one by one, which we envision for you. May you rejoice also to sing then “Amazing Grace” as you accept my rose which is my rose of Sharon, beloved Jesus, to your heart. -Magda , via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 27, 1990 at RTR, MT, Pearl 34:1
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