Tuesday, July 12, 2022
rancid and bitter
The solutions to Earth’s evolutions are at hand. In some systems of worlds there has not been one who could keep the flame for the many. And those systems have perished. In this system of worlds many avatars have come to play their roles upon the stage of life.
Your hour has come. The music has played. All is in silence. The stage is empty. It is waiting for your performance. And in the great amphitheater are gathered saints, ascended beings, buddhas, elemental life, disciples, those who have overcome, those who are overcoming. Thousands upon thousands then watch the stage of Terra. And the disciples of Buddha and of Christ, of Krishna are called one by one.
Now who do we see coming to the center of the circular stage? A single devotee has ventured forth. That devotee stands, bows toward the side of the north, toward the side of the east, toward the side of the south, toward the side of the west. That devotee standing in a pillar of violet flame has determined to be the Buddha where I AM. That devotee has determined to be that God who has said “I will save the Earth.” That devotee has said withi “If God will save the Earth, let Him save the Earth through me.” That devotee stands, stands within your midst, the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, the one you have called Guru Ma.'
-Milarepa, Pearl 51:27
As the current stage is set, wherever the immortal light appears on Earth there darkness seems to opaque its radiance by a rancid and bitter shadow. Let the true students of the light be not surprised that wherever Christ is preached, antichrists are also found. Once man has separated himself from heavenly principles, dwelling in the realm outside Eden where distortion rears its ugly head he must expect to find compromise. Here on Earth where man is plagued by his uncertainties, he often casts aside the preponderance of triumph and unprecedented virtue to be moved by trifles from the very truth which alone can set him free. -Morya, Pearls of Wisdom 15:12
distortions, compromise, pretentious, orthodoxy, conventional,
censorship, self-deceived=54, numerologically. self-
by9+ their33+ fruits30=72. flimsiest40+ excuse23=63.
Ignatius37+ Loyola26=63.
Kuthumi exposed this Loyola, previous incarnation of Lenin, in his Pearls of Wisdom 19:13-15 which are NOT AVAILABLE since 2003 from Summit Lighthouse hq online. (searchpearls.summitlighthouse.org) Kremlin and P. & N. Duffy made some kind of deal; so sorry, Kuthumi and your lightbearers, sniff, sniff! I might even cry a tear or two or just take the Russian money and run. Putin, Babylon, Duffy, hide, betray, spoil, Icarus=26! each one. -r.
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