Tuesday, July 12, 2022
=aexamine carefully the activities of spoilers
As a point of spiritual discernment, the students of light ought to examine carefully the activities of the spoilers, so-called by reason of their immature conduct and their alliance with the powers of darkness who utter unfounded statements against the laborers in the Father’s vineyard.
-Divine Director\, Pearl 14:35
I am the flame of the will of God, and devotees of that will know me in their souls the world around. I have seen to that. For I understand that discipline is the way—the way for Terra to move into the golden age. And I have chosen many among mankind who will come forth in the appointed hour to defend that will and freedom of Saint Germain. You may rejoice then that there are devotees of freedom and the will of God who know not of the Great White Brotherhood or of the ascended masters, yet they are dedicated, as the sword of living truth, to cosmic purpose. -Morya, Pearl
Among these husbandmen are those who were once rulers in heaven who lost their high estate, and now they are rulers in Earth; for the Lord of the vineyard has created the vineyard not only for the maturation of souls of His children but to give final and conclusive opportunity to those who were the mighty among legions of the Lord. They were cast down from their seats of authority by their non-alignment with him that sitteth on the great white throne. Now they must prove their allegiance, and in order to do so they must be given the seats of the mighty within Earth. -Sanat Kumara, Pearl 22:29
This presents a taxing equation for the ascended masters and their chelas: to intricately withdraw the threads of evil from the fabric of the nation, from the body politic. How can one take the crochet hook of the Mother and remove these threads—some of them not entirely black but woven as gray and subtle gradations? -Saint Germain, Pearl 27:61
Lord Christ, now enter this city of Los Angeles and every city and nation in the Earth in this hour. We summon thee, that Christ be victorious in the leaders of the nations, in the multitudes, in the people, and that the fire of Christ as the rock of David shall go forth to confound the wicked and their seed. -messenger ecp, Pearl 26:37a
“Thy seed shall bruise the serpent’s head” was the word of God to the unregenerate manifestation symbolized in the Adamic creation. I am calling today to the precious lifestreams occupying space upon Earth-star to govern the life-force that flows through their beings in the manner of an avatar and of the Christ expression of God. This compassionate control of energy can never harm any part of life; rather does it bring forth untold blessings of creation to all who will grip within their right hands the staff of being and knowing. Your spinal ladder is a staff through which light energy is raised by radiant wings of divine magnetism to glorify God and retain for all time the treasured fullness of power of sacred fire within the four lower bodies. -Saint Patrick, Pearl 4:24
Did not beloved Jesus say “By their fruits ye shall know them”? Therefore while we would not encourage you to concentrate on seeing ought else but an immaculate pattern for all—we find it more advantageous today, in selecting lifestreams to serve together, to examine the four lower bodies with care, probing much more deeply into previous associations and intent of heart than we ever did heretofore. This is a raising of our standard of inner intentional purity—which is often not remotely connected with outer manifestations. From this selection of individuals to form a diamond heart we expect to offer to the world through the Summit Lighthouse the most advanced transcendent and clarified teachings of the ages. -Archeia Mary, Pearl 3:37
Now the Great White Brotherhood is not a fable nor is it a mysterious organization to be dangled before the uninitiated as something which sets you apart from others or distinguishes you with temporal honor; neither is it intended to extinguish you in the ignominy of sincere but abject humilitybut rather in the dignity of Divine Providence to provide an avenue or protected outlet where the Christ light of the many can go forth in ordered service, divine dignity and everliving purity. This will glorify that precious
Spirit of divine unity which good fortune has so wisely enscribed in these words from the Great Seal of the United States of America as E Pluribus Unum (One Out of Many) which in its greater meaning comes full-circle to read: Many Out of One in Unity of Action—political, educational and religious who shall draw nigh unto their Creator in a feeling of such oneness as will glorify the ageless Christ of all whose active unity is ever dwelling in the one light of every man! -Maitreya, Pearls of Wisdom 3:4
John the Baptist was confronted by the Pharisees and Sadducees, who came in their cunning to be baptized of him. They desired the initiation of light but would not give obedience to that light. Lifetime after lifetime they had rebelled against the Law—they who had been cast out of heaven with Lucifer by Archangel Michael and the hosts of the Lord. -Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 22:8
We send forth Messengers of the Word whose souls, anointed by God Himself, have knelt before the altar at the Court of Sacred Fire and received the commission of the Four and Twenty Elders. And their authority is that of the Great Central Sun Messengers. To be a Messenger for Hierarchy is a high and holy calling–one that is not lightly given, one that ought not to be lightly received. -Morya, Pearl 18:16
The students must remember that in throes of Armageddon \ the price of holding the hand of God is diligence to the utmost. It is always easier to take the way of condemnation which is the way of antichrist even when it is founded on hearsay or derived from sinister plots designed to destroy and maim the image of the Christ in the servants of God. The criterion “By their fruits ye shall know them,” while it applies to children of light, is not always applicable to children of darkness; for their masquerades are many -Morya, Pearl 15:12
Those deplorable states of consciousness that some men allow to occupy their minds are reflected in the state of their lives. We speak not to condemn but to affirm the glory of victory and t perfect performance that does overcome darkness with light.
-Morya, Pearl 15:20
The cup trembles and the cup of wrath that mankind have fabricated—to which they have contributed in banal ignorance their attention—is now ready to be delivered. Yet the angels of compassion unite with the ascended masters to stay the hand of world karma and say “Yet a little while, stay that men may be quickened into wakefulness.” -Maitreya, Pearl 27:17
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