Sunday, July 3, 2022
out from darkness into light
Strident voices raised in a cacophony of mockery reminiscent of the last days of Atlantis echo as a solemn warning to those who are dedicated to producing a spiritual climate upon Earth. That which can be brought to pass through many hearts and hands united in holy service will enable all people, from the little children to the aged, to receive the bountiful gift of divine aid, if those who have been called will stand, ready and willing to do whatever is necessary to produce the miracle of the golden age.
Men say that social pressures and the trends of the times like crushing and grinding gears have eliminated the high standards of living and have trapped them into those degrading actions which throughout the entire historical stream have spelled the doom of civilization. Let me say then to those men and women of cosmic vision who can see the beautiful glyphs of spiritual initiation standing as marble stairs, whitened and waiting the feet of the initiate: Now is not the time to raise the white flag or to throw in the sponge!
Those who know how to divide humanity have been quite successful in so doing. The battle has been long, but the war between Legions of Light and denizens of darkness is not yet ended, although the victory is unquestioned.
They have sought to divide those whose skins are darker from those whose skins are lighter. They have gloried in the responses they have evoked from the ignorant to promote a din of destruction in the family of nations. They have exulted in racial dichotomies and in their dividing of the generations, turning fathers against their children and children against their fathers. They have gloated in the mockery of one religion by another, hoping all will fall under the hammer of self-destruction.
Without recognition of their divinity, without compassion for their humanity civilization cannot mount; the nations of the world will be as nothing–reduced to the chaos of whistling winds shrieking in the dark night of their souls’ anguish and desolation.
Ours is the hope that climbs into the Master’s chair. The tiny babe born in hope, nurtured with wisdom and schooled in courtesy and order will bring to fruition a golden age society longed for by many hearts, both Above and below–and there the light shall beam.
Two thousand years ago a wise carpenter born in Bethlehem prophesied the signs that would appear in the last days. Later Apostle Paul, tutored by this Prince of Peace, commented, “When they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them.” The beloved Master in his presentation of timeless truth always showed the great unity of life and its divine purpose. He revealed this purpose as the kingdom of God within every man. He taught Paul that this kingdom was not meat or drink “but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost,” albeit he also stated that all substance is holy–vibrating, dancing electrons, joyously fashioned by the eternal God–saying to Peter, “What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common.” Thus the Great Alchemist affirmed for all time the impartial law of the kingdom of the Spirit, the mighty airy voice of a cosmos directed.
Without cosmic direction so beautifully born within him by divine decree, man could not govern his thoughts, his feelings, his desires. He would fall deeper and deeper into the bottomless pit of carnal mind. And as the theologians of the world have through the centuries distorted the great Christine truths, so without cosmic direction humanity would continue to distort the interpretation thereof.
But we are concerned to open the eyes of all, to show them cosmic consideration. His Eye is over the righteous and His ear is open to their prayer. Men seek in mysticism, in theology, even in the study of ancient art of necromancy to find some power unto salvation or unto their own design. Let them know that a God of infinite love has long ago completed that design which is the joy of the eternal Spirit, the cup that runneth over.
Let men hasten to do His will. Let men understand that in all their getting they have not gotten understanding. Let them be made to know that their theology is devoid of practical meaning and of infinite perceptions of the Masters of spiritual wisdom. Let them understand that there are great treasure houses of knowledge guarded by the Hierarchs of the Brotherhood who stand ready to reveal the Law of Life, waiting hopefully to bestow upon mankind the eternal truth that will make them free. But when they hear it they do not recognize it; for they suppose that some strange craft of the wit, some ancient ritual of darkness will lead them to a higher dominion.
There is only one way, and that is the Way of the eternal Christ. It is the way of victory, of vision, of beauty, of transcendence, of eternal love.
Let the little children be taught cosmic truth. Let them be taught how to live in harmony with the universe. O mankind, awaken to the world of true spirituality, the golden circle of pure light and love vouchsafed to you in the name of the Christ! This is the cup of cold water that you may drink in hope and thereby perceive that in him your life is at last elevated out of the harshness and cruelty of a mundane existence. “They shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest,” the Lord has said, “for they shall see Me face to face. And I will be their God and they shall be my people.”
Let all men understand that they must garland together those spiritual flowers of cosmic devotion that in united love speak of the promise of one kingdom under God. These are not the harbingers of schemes of dark ones who would rally mankind under the satanic banner through a host of traps they employ to hypnotize the brains of the people. Let all understand that the Spirit does not require such underhanded devices to achieve its glorious ends; for the great bond of cosmic love is a magnet of such force and dimension as to call all homeward through that sweet obedience which is true cosmic joy. Other devices may temporarily titillate the senses, holding mankind’s beating heart in a vice grip of passion; but these can never deliver the human race from its misery nor can they provide the sacred eucharist that will change them from darkness into light.
I am called the Initiator, but how shall I initiate those who do not even understand the meaning of initiation? Men have a long way to go, “because strait is the gate and narrow is the Way which leadeth unto Life, and few there be that find it.” Wise is the man who understands the tactics of dark ones who would divide the world and plunder its temporary glitter. Wise is the man who understands that the real satisfactions of soul emanate from the Spirit of Life and from those cosmic dogmas proven by angels, archangels and cosmic beings to be a measure of the eternal path.
Follow onward, for my Way is light! Those who walk in darkness as the deceivers of mankind, those haughty spirits who disavow the Laws of God and the calling of the saints–they shall fall into their own snares, and when they cry out no man will answer them.
Long ago he said to the children of light “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Let all take on themselves the burden of the Lord and be diligent workers in the Father’s vineyard.
While the day is yet with man I remain devoted to the salvation of humanity from darkness unto light,
Maitreya, Pearl 14:13
Blessed seekers after Life, I cannot withhold my presence from you as you keep the vigil of the hours with the child. I AM the Maha Chohan. I have heard your call. And I AM in the very midst of thee, O daughters of Zion, sons of Israel.
I AM here, O children of Sanat Kumara, to give hope, to give life, to give word that the Law is not thwarted, neither is the Law frustrated. For the Lawgiver himself as Sanat Kumara, as Moses, Maitreya and the members of the League of Shamballa, move across the world and upon the world to deliver the mandate of cosmic justice.
This is a moment of fervor and of intensity! An entire nation is aroused against this outrage. And the cry is heard across the land that this is the intolerable, the unthinkable, and this is the abomination.
Blessed hearts, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and his servant-sons, I empower you with the Holy Spirit with which he has empowered me. In the name of the I AM THAT I AM as you are able to bear it I give that portion. For others I come and touch you to remove the uncleanness, that therefore you might be more ready to receive this light in another day.
I AM the blazing light of Helios and Vesta, the Father/Mother of this system of worlds! I assure you that on the occasion of this vigil and this happening, these twin flames rise from their thrones in the Temple of the Sun to stand in the hour of infamy and of blasphemy of Christ on earth.
Their very standing is an act of disapproval and disavowal of these fallen ones. It embodies the full force of the deliverability of judgment of Almighty God through them. They are willing and able instruments. As vengeance is mine, saith the Lord, I will repay! So hear then the word of Helios and Vesta this day.
Helios and Vesta:
We stand in the Sun of this system of worlds, and we recall from physical incarnation those who have placed their weight on the side of the slaughter of the holy innocents. We accelerate the spirals of their own degenerate life. And therefore we call the cards from the Keeper of the Scrolls upon those lifestreams who have contributed, not to the flow of Life, but to the River of Death!
Beware then the vibration of Styx. Beware the vibration of all of those who sing the songs of the River of Death. For they take you, my beloved, with them coursing. And the subtlety of the River of Death moving through then these rock stars is that the river flows downward, deeper and deeper into the canyons of astral plane until you arrive at the destination that was intended from the beginning of the spiral—the place of hell itself.
Beware the River of Death, for when you enter it in the barge of life, the scenery is pleasant, the entertainment certainly entertaining at a certain level, and all things seem peaceful. And there is even a sort of bird that sings a sort of tune. All things are mimicked, including the sweet things of human life. Death itself becomes the sweet candy that is passed around on this barge of death.
Blessed hearts, beware when you enter the spiral of the downward beat, for you do not know where it is taking you until you have arrived.
I speak to the heart of every son of light on Earth! And I reveal to you by the light of my own heart as Helios and my own heart as Vesta the unreality of the rhythm of hell and its inability to convey to you the permanency of Life but only to peel from you layer upon layer even of the permanent atom of the seat-of-the-soul and base chakra until you know not that you have been stripped of the very necessary life, energy, and consciousness.
Why do you think, O sons of God upon Earth, that you sense the tiredness and fatigue in your own bodies when you ought to be young, youthful and virile? Why, this generation is experiencing the very stealing of the light, as though robbers would break in and leave no trace of their coming or of their going.
These fallen angels, by deliberate design, have lusted after your light! They have come for you! They pipe their tunes and you dance.
Shame on you!
Lightbearers from the Sun, I call you home! I rebuke you, I warn you, and I say: Leave them! Leave them all! For you have no part with them. And if you tarry, you enter unmistakably the death coil.
Death is an addiction on Earth in all of its forms! It becomes the binding habit of nicotine or alcohol or self-abuse or rock or drugs. Every addiction has its withdrawal syndrome, its crisis. You must be willing to withstand the inconvenience and discomfort.
I, Helios, will help you. I, Vesta, will help you. We together, by Elohim—we together by the Central Sun Magnet—will help you to be free! But you must be willing to enter the fight, else we cannot engage our strength with yours nor exorcise these fallen angels even from your very garment.
Therefore it is the hour of the Battle Victorious!
It is the hour of the Battle Victorious! And we are come by enlightenment, by power, by the love of heart, by the pure Christ, to draw you to the plane of your innocence which is not lost but temporarily sullied that you might reenter the mainstream of Life, even the River of Life, and be filled with crystal clarity of your own heart that is the heart of the Buddha and Christ and the heart of your own I AM Presence!
Though you think you take pleasure from all these things they take pleasure from you. And they are the ones who are enjoying the prey when you know not that you are already prey and supper for fallen ones.
Why, beloved ones, you have been invited to the supper of the great God where the feast is of the captains, the kings and mighty men as they are judged. And you are the ones who ought to, by your fiery hearts, assimilate, transmute and balance planetary darkness.
You have allowed the reverse to take place. Take care, for they will eat you up! And by and by you will not have the good fortune of Jonah who also came forth from the belly of the whale, but you may find yourself hopelessly locked in the belly of Tiamat!
We are Helios and Vesta. We direct the full force of our light-ray on that situation in Indiana and everywhere upon Earth where parents, doctors and scientists are daily sacrificing the life of lightbearers.
We say to you: Be our instruments!
Seek freedom by the dispensation of our son Ray-O-Light.
Seek forgiveness, repentance.
Watch the remission of that sin.
Watch how you are made whole.
Watch how you are free from every pull of the senses to rise and be who you really are!
This is our star and our home. It is the star of God-reality. Thus, you are here on Earth to prove the unreality of unreality and to become a son of God to this world.
We are your Father/Mother Presence comforting you in life.
I AM the Maha Chohan. I stand first and foremost for the victory of your soul that you might give the gift of victory to another—a single heart, one child! May you live to save that child and not to mourn or lament.
In the blood of Jesus, be washed clean—all of you, all of you. -Maha Chohan and Helios and Vesta, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on May 2, 1982 at Camelot; cassette B8238. Pearls of Wisdom 25:31
This is the goal, beloved, and none of you here this day began [the process] in this life. All of you bear memories, conscious or unconscious, of previous lifetimes, the peaks of the sine wave when you were closest to God and yet descended again in the next life to levels of your karma, so very deep and deeply mired in astral plane. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 48:3
Let all then consider deeply the calling of life and assignment of the Lords of Karma in the hour of thy birth. Let all consider then this gift of God of this incarnation. And let the decisions be rendered. By thy word, by thy word, blessed heart—so shalt thou be justified or judged. -Archangel Uriel, Pearl 24:15
There were journeys previous to this crossing, some less and perhaps some more spectacular; but none more dramatized as representative of that “spirit of seeking freedom,” such as the early Pilgrims so beautifully outpictured as they planted deeply their roots in the land of America. -Morya, Pearl 2:40
The greatest initiations and greatest revelations of the sacred mysteries can be invoked through simple faith in the imminent possibility of deliverance from those conditions which seem so deeply entrenched that one could very easily consider them to be hopeless. Not so with God. As was spoken to Abraham of old by the angel visitant “Is any thing too hard for the Lord?”
-Maitreya, Pearl 11:8
Enter in then. Now move deeply. I bring you down to levels of the subconscious and unconscious mind. I dare you to descend to those levels. I dare you to shoot arrows of violet flame to consume those levels, making them habitable to yourselves. Recognize that all that is in you must come up for transmutation, must be cast into the fire; and you must let go of human pride. Let human pride be no more; it will be your undoing. -Kali, Pearl 45:4
The boy remarks to himself in his inward musings, “How beautiful the country is this morning! How glorious and how fresh everything appears to me! The warmth feels wonderful upon my body. How I love the sun!” The boy stands within the cart in order to inhale more deeply of the mountain air and draws in the fullness of a most deep and penetrating breath. In joy he knows the meaning of breathing in the air of freedom. -Saint Germain, Pearl 20:34
The difficult will is the one tied to selfishness. The fervent will out of tranquillity will give birth to an idea. And that idea will drink deeply of the cup of fervor. Thus a fervent will is born. It cannot fail to acknowledge the old electric engrams. Like lightning they flash forth; and in the glare of their appearing, as at noontime, the most hidden objects appear. But their desire to crawl and hide or to masquerade cannot prevent the penetration of the lightning. -Morya, Pearl 14:52
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