Saturday, July 2, 2022
How deeply, how deeply many have yearned to know how to produce constructive change both in themselves and in the world. Let them realize then that to bring about change is a creative act. Alchemy is the creative science whereby man is enabled to obey the original fiat of God “Take dominion over the earth!”
-Saint Germain, Pearl 13:11
Remember this, beloved. This is still a planet of war. And war is taking place from household to household and nation to nation. Thus you ought to be concerned. You ought to be deeply concerned when men prefer armaments and nuclear armaments to peace with their neighbors. Jesus Christ, Pearl 48:4
My wife and I had some superficial understanding about earthbound spirits. We were deeply concerned lest our son should be confused by the great trauma of sudden untimely death and would be fearful of leaving the familiar. We sensed that he needed our support and instruction to leave his body, our family and the life he knew.
Let the radiant flame of my grace and peace anchor into your etheric bodies now—today—and awaken in you all the feelings of joy and praise you have ever known in past ages, when your accomplishments of light were very great. Those memories live in you, even though buried deeply in the folds of your etheric garment. -ArcheiaMary, Pearl 2:10
The constant repetition of past mistakes comes about because of old habits of thought, feeling, spoken word and deed (the patterns of which are sometimes quite deeply enmeshed in your etheric body (memory world), and create discord and unhappiness for you today. These are but the outpicturing again in the world of form of old destructive etheric records from the past—momentums of imperfection which have been. -Maha Chohan, Pearl 2:4
As the Messenger has said, this is the hour of alignment of Sirius with your Sun this day. Breathe in deeply and know the fires of creation out of the God-star. And know deeply that the Divine Mother broods over all, that the Divine Mother comes to bring you surcease, to heal your pain, to [help you] enter into levels where life becomes more tolerable, for you understand the Middle Way. -Elohim Astrea, Pearl 45:5
Such a lifestream with love of country deeply ingrained within him will always endeavor to hold its standards high--being a credit to its God-virtues and principles all ways. Such a one will always conduct himself and his affairs in such a manner as to make his nation respected, protected, loved and admired--all ways. After all is not every nation just an aggregate of individual lifestreams? You know how easily the activities of even one often can seriously affect the many! -Goddess of Liberty, Pearl 2:25
Wherever love is extolled and embodied it is always under fierce attack. And so, many people in the Earth know profound sorrow, for though they have loved deeply they are not able to hold steady the cup of divine love. And alas, the forces of anti-love dash the cup from their lips before they can quaff love’s elixir.
-Paul the Venetian, Pearl 38:34
Continue building the building blocks of the body, mind, soul–the building blocks that steady the emotions because you are deeply rooted in that soil of the great Tao. -Gautama Vuddha, Pearl 37:22
I care deeply, beloved, for the children of the world. As you may know I was embodied as Saint Joseph, the father of Jesus. In my July 4, 1995 address at the Royal Teton Ranch in Montana I related to you that in the past month I had held every single child on planet Earth on my lap and that I had placed a portion of myself in their hearts. I promised that I would care for each child as I had cared for my Son Jesus.
-Saint Germain, Pearl 39:15
It is a moment, beloved, when all could be won and all could be lost. Do not discount your Godhood! One individual who is God and knows it is the pillar of fire, the rod in the Earth that shall be the focus of the Great Central Sun Magnet. And many coming together in this place, even once a year, beloved, does produce that concentration of fire whereby we may penetrate and probe in the Earth and place our probes, allowing the light you invoke to penetrate more deeply and more deeply.
-Victory and Justina, Pearls of Wisdom 35:28
It is a wonderful thing to have known someone so long and to know that they are ascended. It touches my heart so deeply because what one can do all can do. We can all make our ascension if it means more to us than anything else in the whole world. It’s the kind of thing where you say “This I’m going to go for and I’m going to keep going for it until I have my victory.” When you earn your stripes you will realize that the challenge is very very great but the reward is everlasting life so it is worth having that challenge. -Ruth Hawkins, Pearl 48:31
If you were but able to envision the causative realm where there is a mingling of the benign and most offensive of human nature, you would more easily perceive man’s need to return to the pristine beauty of his Source. For only by so doing can he extricate himself from the tendency to become so deeply enmeshed in the human maelstrom that he can no longer see what is really taking place in his world–what influences are affecting him more for evil than for good. -Cuzco, Pearl 15:19
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