Saturday, July 16, 2022
on Napoleon
self-empowerment 72.
decision/solemnity 42 + God-direction, Kuthumi Lal Singh 68. 42+68=110
=2x integrity55 .
golden/phi ratio goes very close to pattern 3, 5, 8, 21, 34, 54, 87. Saint Mark34,
54, angel 21+ immaculate35+concept31
The Comte de Saint-Germain thoroughly understood the use of herbs and plants and discovered medicines and elixirs to prolong life and maintain health. Many of his demonstrations of mastery are described in the diaries of Mme. d’Adhemar, who knew him for at least half a century. She records Saint Germain’s visits to herself and to the courts of Louis XV and Louis XVI, noting in his glowing face the appearance of a man in his early forties throughout the period. She mentions a personal conversation with the Count in 1789 in which he appeared “with the same countenance as in 1760.” In the same conversation he predicted the Revolution of 1789, the fall of the House of Bourbon and the course of modern French history. Introducing the science of modern diplomacy he carried out many secret diplomatic missions for the king to the courts of Europe. Had Saint Germain’s counsel been heeded by Louis XVI it would have prevented the French Revolution. Later Saint Germain sought to establish a United States of Europe through Napoleon (1799-1810), who failed his initiation and misused the master’s power to his own demise. Speaking of his efforts in the 18th century Saint Germain said “Having failed in securing the attention of the Court of France and others of the crowned heads of Europe, I turned myself to the perfectionment of mankind at large, and I recognized that there were many who, hungering and thirsting after righteousness, would indeed be filled with the concept of a perfect union which would inspire them to take dominion over the New World and create a union among sovereign states. Thus the United States was born as a child of my heart and the American Revolution was the means of bringing freedom in all of its glory into manifestation from the East unto the West.” -Saint Germain, Pearl 20:52
The Third Antichrist. Nostradamus predicted the coming of three Antichrists. Interpreters have speculated that the first two were Napoleon and Hitler. On April 4, 1997 El Morya said: “You have been called upon to make calls for the binding of the third Antichrist. The conglomerate of this individual must be bound and with him all of his fledgling components. Antichrist is both a person and a state of consciousness. Antichrist permeates where there is weakness, where there are no moral foundations, where society crumbles” -in Pearl 40:40
The Master stood with Portia beneath the statue of the Goddess of Liberty. Immediately following her execution, they took the soul of Marie Antoinette to the Cave of Light, the Great Divine Director’s retreat in India. Three months after their retirement Portia withdrew to the octaves of light where she remained in nirvana until she stepped forth on April 9, 1939 to assist Saint Germain with his activities in the United States. While in nirvana Portia both held the balance for Saint Germain’s outer world activities and cleansed the records and pain of his (i.e., their) European experience. Sometime after Portia entered nirvana Saint Germain returned to Europe by himself to sponsor Napoleon in the establishment of the United States of Europe. From 1810 on Saint Germain was, for want of a better word, “resting” in the Cave of Light and regrouping his forces. From time to time he sponsored activities in the United States and spent calculated cycles in nirvana.
-footnote to Portia, Pearl 52:56
As I behold the far-flung reaches of the body of light-bearers unascended and ascended, all striving to reach the ultimate expression of the Mother- flame, I think of the hierarchy of the beehive imported from Venus, the hexagonal design symbolizing the six-pointed star, dwelling place of the Christ within the heart and the victory of lightbearers. I think also of the tripartite manifestation of the bee, the body and wings forming a threefold flame of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva and bringing to mankind the sweet elixir of golden pink light from Lord and Lady Venus. Thus did Napoleon take the bee as his symbol from the knowledge of Hierarchy imparted to him by the Wonderman of Europe.
-Lanello, Pearl 15:20
I point out my own experience. You might also say of me, Could you have not seen the end from the beginning? Why then did you try? Why did you place your trust, your flame, your mantle upon that one Napoleon? Why did you bother going to the courts of Europe to convince those individuals too superficial to understand your Word? Why did you go before the Karmic Board and secure a grant and dispensation only to incur for yourself, an ascended master, more and more karma? Could not you, the great Saint Germain, have seen what would be the outcome and avoid it for yourself—so much more misery? -Saint Germain, Pearls of Wisdom 23:48
Blessed hearts, the wars that have continued upon that soil could have been averted—all the way through World War I and II. Realize this! It is because George Washington accepted my flame that this nation America has had the protection of the ascended masters and there has not been that bloodshed that there has been in Europe. It was the denial of my person by the heads of state nation by nation! And, lo, I came again and again—and I gave even to Napoleon the offer and dispensation to go forth and unite. And yet he would do so to his own name and glory; and therefore he could not have the dispensation of Elohim.
-footnote to Archangel Jophiel and Christine, Pearl 24:12
Take heed then that your consideration that this life is not your lifetime for the ascension—and therefore you need not make it your goal—does not become in itself an excuse, a subtlety of the carnal mind to avoid my gaze, to avoid my retreat and those initiations which would give you the very power you seek to control conditions. But if you desire that power, you must first pass the initiation of power. A little power is given, and then we see what you make of it. Do you squander it? Are you now puffed up with pride as Napoleon was, thinking you can do anything with impunity? Many have failed the test of power -Serapis Bey, Pearl 27:20
Others have ascended yet have elected of their own freewill to work and serve with embodied mankind to engineer and assist mankind in utilization of elements of freedom that the Law requires. I want you especially to pay heed to the marvelous manifestation of your beloved Saint Germain and to take note of the fact that while he was utterly free, he did descend from the ascended state in the era of Napoleon and act in the hope of producing a United States of Europe. -Mighty Victory, Pearl 43:6
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