Sunday, July 17, 2022
There are so many wondrous lifestreams on the planetary body, beloved. Even from our realm it is difficult to conceive of the millions and millions of souls who have right hearts including yourselves. Having a right heart, beloved, means having a heart that is loving, a heart that is pure, a heart that is indeed right. -Helios and Vesta, Pearls of Wisdom 41:37
Therefore surrender. Surrender to the light and the beings of light. And do not give an inch to the fallen angels who come as impostors to lead the children of light astray. Let the angels empower you. Do not attempt to empower yourselves but self-empty and be filled again and again with the light of God. -Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 38:17
So I , let go! This is the time to “hang loose,” as they say, and to let your substance fall by the wayside. And think not forward or backward but only think yourselves into the arms of God.
I do not number these reinforcements, beloved, for they come in proportion to your calls to the seventh ray and the seventh-ray nasters. They come in proportion to your willingness to gain your mastery of the seven rays under the seven chohans and to truly immerse yourselves in sacred fire of the Maha Chohan….
Yes, beloved, take the high road, take the tough road. Toughen yourselves! Do your daily exercises. Do not let your bodies or your minds become flabby. Watch what you take in through the mouth and watch what comes out of the mouth. For by the power of the spoken Word as you use it correctly and purely and do not violate it in any way you will increase your stature as a son of God, one with your own Holy Christ Self. And do this quickly, for cycles are accelerating….
Count yourselves then as those who were there, who have championed the cause of liberty throughout the ages. You have known it all. You have been thrown to the lions. You have been burned at the stake. All these things you have known….
How then can I or the Maha Chohan empower you this day if you have not even considered empowering yourself by your own call to your own Mighty I AM Presence, by your own determination that God has already empowered you from the beginning, that the Seven Mighty Elohim have empowered you? -Saint Germain, Pearl 37:37
Some of you have expressed burden, fear, a sense of being judged, all manner of miscalculations even of the Gods or of yourselves. Know this, beloved, that you are valued and treasured not only for what you are or what you do but simply [for the reason] that you move, that you move with the undulations of God's power and that you are ready, ready indeed to internalize an interior awakening that we would bring to you seven days from this day.…
This is the way to empowerment. On the one hand you are empowered by God. On the other hand you and only you can empower yourself by right decision, by preferring the greater than the lesser, the longterm than immediate gratification.
So know, beloved, that Gods of many octaves are observing. As you are able to transcend the self so you shall know great strength for yourselves and for others who truly have a vessel strong enough to receive the light. Strive. Climb the mountain. Move with Hierarchs of Light!
I am Shiva. I see you now as I have seen you long centuries ago. I tell you, propel yourselves forward! For these are days of brightness, of possible accomplishment, of parting the veil, of seeing beyond the scope of the planes of mortality. -Shiva, Pearl 45:9
You can empower yourself by mirroring God within your soul. Entering into the path of bhakti yoga, the path of personal devotion to the Guru is one way to do this. As you give your devotions bow to your Gurus as they appear before you in your mind’s eye and spare not your undying gratitude to Helios and Vesta and to the God and Goddess Meru for sponsoring your lifestream on the path of the Sun.
Thus Jesus knew to whom he was speaking when he said “Feed my sheep.” There are those who are rightly able and called by their karma and destiny of dharma to feed the souls of the millions upon Earth. I call you all to this calling, for you may be adoptive sons who have chosen to enter in to claim your joint heirship with Jesus of the sonship that does belong to all of this seed of light. Therefore whether you are adoptive sons or [count yourselves as] those who truly trace their traditions to the beginnings, I am come to draw you into the office of the high calling of your destiny.
Therefore the Lord has promised to empower you even as He empowered Jesus with all the power of heaven and earth as the sealing of his mission. Nothing shall be withheld from you if you shall proceed on the path of love and embrace a path of initiation under the ascended masters. For every soul, no matter how advanced, requires nurturing and correction and even the chastening rod of love which does not leave the soul where it finds
I AM Moses in the fullness of the mantle of God. You have known me in my human state of ultimate frustration and anger with the children of my people. You have known me pleading before God, before Sanat Kumara, before the I AM THAT I AM on behalf of yourselves for centuries to spare the judgment; and thus you have been spared on many an occasion. You have known me in the days of my burden and the woe upon my soul in the attempt to bring this people to a new covenant
In another sense, beloved, to go back to the point of childhood is to seek your resolution with what modern psychologists have called “the inner child of the past.” You must grow again through those years and choose and separate and pick the very best [attributes] of parents and teachers and siblings and all [who were] around you and disassociate yourselves from the negatives, pulling the dark threads out of the garment, reweaving new threads, building again.
-Lord Ling, Pearl 34:32
I say, if you would be rid of prejudice practiced against this Church and your path, you must be rid of prejudice within yourselves—you must be rid of the tendency of the carnal mind to be prejudiced in favor of itself. You must dig deep and discover whether when seeing individuals of this or that class you feel prejudiced against them because they are too rich or too poor, educated or uneducated, or because they are this or they are that…
So then as you study to show yourselves approved unto God as teachers and you multiply the number of those who can truly bear the mantle of the Good Shepherd you will find that many who go forth from this altar to the four corners of the Earth will surely have my blessing and my empowerment. And if you as good shepherds will daily seek the anointing of the Holy Spirit to be upon you—yes, the Spirit of the living God—you shall know an empowerment for which you have been waiting and which we have been waiting to bestow upon you.
There is scarcely a role to be played in human life that you yourselves have not acted out. Some of you have gone astray from your spiritually ordained path for several lifetimes and then with hearts contrite you have returned again to the altar of the Great White Brotherhood. So, beloved, we have all had our dark moments and we have all had our light moments….
Attempt this refinement, beloved. Attempt to convey the greatest sweetness to one another as fellow disciples on the path. Let that sweetness melt all hardness of heart, for many hold on to their hardness of heart because the soul has gone through intense travail in a past life, an intensity so great that her hardness of heart has become a shell of protection. And sometimes even though you have been on the spiritual path for some time you forget to unwind the coils of hardness of heart in which you have encased yourselves….
Children of God, I address you. Pray for your parents and pray for your teachers. Do not allow yourselves to become hardened by difficult situations. For all people are mortal and all people are spiritual. All have the Christ within, yet all have the capacity to err. Therefore be grateful for the good and put into violet flame that which is the bad….
My children, when you have an argument on the playground and you are angry at this one and that one apologize to those you have wronged, call on the law of forgiveness for them and yourselves and be certain that you kneel in prayer before you retire and ask God to forgive you and all whom you have injured. Do not go to sleep until you have invoked violet flame to transmute the cause, effect, record and memory of the incident. Be certain to send love to self-styled enemies as well as to friends who may have been out of line in their interchanges with you. Forgive and forgive again, beloved, for this is the way of the Masters.
… If you feel prompted to kneel at this altar on Saturday nights at any time during the service you are free to do so. As you kneel call on the law of forgiveness for yourselves, call on the law of forgiveness for others. And remember also that the call for the binding of the dweller-on-the-threshold of anyone who is out of alignment with Almighty God is an instrument of Divine Justice. It blesses the soul who is in the grips of the not-Self and it blesses those who are the victims of that not-Self….
I ask you to become spiritually astute and adept. For we wait to empower you. The Maha Chohan waits to empower you. Understand that Saint Germain also waits to empower you.
Why do we wait, beloved?
We watch and wait because we must observe each precious chela for a period of twenty-four months—twenty-four months. Yes, for two years you must not allow yourselves to become enangered, to enter into criticism, condemnation or unjust judgment of others or to pass on the latest gossip. You see, beloved, we must know that you will come into balance and stay in balance with right diet, right action, consistent prayer. For twenty-four months sustain this, beloved.
And therefore I say, take the way of tenderness. Tenderly, tenderly receive me. Tenderly receive one another. And do not condemn a brother when he confides in you that he has committed a sin or an act that is not lawful. Help that one to get through it, beloved. The word is tender...tenderness...tenderly. Yes, tender to me the good and bury the hatchet.
We need to empower you, and with that empowerment you will wear the mantle of the Good Shepherd. Though you may speak softly you may yet have an inner wrangling; for soft speaking sometimes belies seething anger that is just beneath the surface. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 37:45
There is no limit to the great God-mastery you can achieve. Recognize then the flame of the Holy Spirit as the multiplier of all good, of all righteous effort and sincere and noble purpose. Yes, beloved, know that inasmuch as you have seen in yourselves some measure of excellence and beauty as you rebuild and achieve resolution in your innermost being you can rise again and again, transcending yourselves many times over in the cycles of being.
Why, the Holy Spirit does not come to give the treadmill a spin once in a while! Why, the Holy Spirit comes to propel you upward, and usually it is with a spank–yes, beloved, a spank to wake you up to the need to move on. For you must not allow yourselves to be too comfortable where you are but know that if you have fought the good fight and won today, then tomorrow you can be on the next spiral of the staircase onward and upward. It is a spiral staircase that ascends to the stars and across interstellar spaces….
Whatever may come your way remember: evil is not real and its appearance has no power over you. Do not empower it with superstition, with gossip, with fear and doubt! Put it into the flame of the Holy Spirit and I promise you: I will consume it. Waste not the Word, the mighty Word of God that comes through you in your devotions. Do not pollute the stream of your dynamic decrees; for in some of you that trickle is becoming a stream, and it is sure to become a mighty river of Life for millions.
You who count yourselves chelas of El Morya: know what you are about. Know your goals and know that the overriding goal of your life is to concentrate the light in your heart that you might maintain the equanimity of your being no matter what. Then know who is your first love and your truest love in your Mighty I AM Presence, in El Morya and in the flame of Community and do not be moved, beloved.
-Maha Chohan, Pearl 36:31
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