Tuesday, June 7, 2022
The Strange Case of Doctor Pretentious (Justified)
The spirit of terrorism, anarchy and assassination abroad in this world must not go unchecked, for it is the wedge which fallen ones seek to drive between the soul and ordered evolution of the incarnating Word.
-Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 21:51
And thus you see, there does remain from ancient times the severed [tie of] souls of the twelve tribes [who were severed] from their God, from their I AM Presence [through their exercise of their own freewill]. And [their karma–for all except the remnant have not repented of their deeds unto the present hour–] is the cause of all woes [that have come] upon Earth today and all vulnerability of North America and Europe to [a] Soviet first-strike attack. See it, beloved. They were not wed then [to their Mighty I AM Presence] and they are not wed today [to their Mighty I AM Presence]. Thus Assyria and Babylon came between them and their God[–through the wedge of spiritual pride and intellectual rebellion they had allowed themselves to manifest which became their point of karmic vulnerability]. -Lanello, Pearl 32:8
The fallen ones and Luciferians who were able to penetrate this sphere after departure from the consciousness of holy innocence have taken advantage of the division between man and woman because of their identification and their separation. And thus they have thrust into the consciousness of man and woman—even into the very seed, into the very egg—the wedge of division, the wedge of carnal mind, the wedge of brutality, of rebellion, of cruelty that has been passed on from generation to generation as man and woman have abandoned crystalline fires of regeneration that are theirs as they commune with the Holy Spirit.
-Meta, Pearl 61:30
Remember the divine spark. Remember the Presence of the I AM THAT I AM. Remember then, beloved, that I AM Saint Germain, that I AM your father and the father of this activity. And therefore you shall understand, positioned as a wedge of light, as has been explained to you, that during the period of the opening of the seventh seal, during the period of intensification of the seven trumpet judgments there shall be the wedge of ruby ray, the wedge of whitefire, the wedge of violet flame. As you invoke it we multiply it. As we multiply it, invoke it again, beloved.
-Saint Germain, Pearl 30:37
You must understand, beloved hearts, that ascended masters do take their chances and do attempt to sponsor those, even if the outcome of their free will and their human will is not known. We must attempt to drive a wedge of light, and we will use anyone who declares himself to be instrument of that wedge of light. This individual has so declared it, and we desire to see also a son of Afra come to the fore and be given the opportunity once again to raise the standard and self-esteem of all sons of Afra in this nation. -Maitreya, Pearls of Wisdom 26:38b
…………… via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet April 4, 1983 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 26:38b
The crown chakra has 972 petals; the third eye, 96; the throat, 16; the heart, 12; the solar plexus, 10; the seat of the soul, 6; and the base of the spine, 4.
Would you, beloved, receive from an Archangel an empowerment this day? I tell you, there must be that inner discipline that does not repeat over and over and over again those silly mistakes, those flaws of character which each and every time you indulge them become therefore a wedge. And through that wedge the forces of anti-God, anti-El Morya come through you. And I tell you, without self-discipline enlightened by the Holy Spirit you are just as easily a tool of that force as you are a tool of Almighty God.
-Archangel Michael, Pearl 30:35
I prophesied to this Messenger and gave ample warning that during the past three-month period there would be a trial of the Summit Lighthouse organization and an attempt to overtake it to its very roots by the intrusion of intellectual pride within the very members of that body. Thanks to the discipline and obedience of the Mother of the Flame those individuals who failed to conform to obedience, to precepts set forth as law, as governing principle for our retreat were removed; and the crisis of the intrusion of darkness through the wedge of consciousness that was aligned to discord was removed immediately upon discovery.
-Goddess of Liberty, Pearl 17:13
O blessed ones of the unfailing light of God, do you see how that Fallen One has sought to break the intimate love of twin flames spanning the cycles of a cosmos by the inter-dimension and introduction of a forcefield on the 10/4 axis of the cosmic clock that would be a wedge of love’s perversion? Blessed ones, then see how it is the calling of twinflames in the hour of Wesak to dedicate their love to a higher acceleration into creative fires of the One. Study then the full implications of opportunity under the cycles of Taurus and Scorpio and know that in this year of the Dark Cycle of Libra all that you do will be the foundation when you will stand on the line of Scorpio to challenge all that opposes the vision that God has given unto you of fulfillment of your life.
-Gautama Buddha, Pearl 21:42
Beloved hearts, you add to this that which could become a spark to ignite across America—the attempted assassination of Vernon Jordan —and you realize why there is concern among leaders of the community in all races. And there indeed must be concern!—I am concerned, Portia is concerned, the Lords of Karma are concerned that this division in the body of America be the very wedge whereby the fallen ones overcome this civilization. -Saint Germain, Pearl 23:32
Beloved hearts, you know the connection between the Himalayas and Lake Titicaca and the service of Himalaya and the God and Goddess Meru. Understand then that a wedge of light in India and in America will stop the whirling of planetary astral forces round and round and beating against the borders of the United States. Thus we set ourselves to a mighty purpose to stop the advance of World Communism. -Morya, Pearl 21:26
And doubt and fear leads, as you know very well, to indecision. For if you have doubts about a certain action you surely cannot arrive at the right conclusion! And as you know, indecision is the beginning of the perversion of Mother- flame in the base-of-the-spine chakra and therefore the beginning of the wedge to tear from you that flaming sword of the Divine Mother and of beloved El Morya. -Ray-o-Light, Pearl 25:29
Remember Jesus’ words: “The prince of this world cometh and hath nothing in me.” Jesus couldn’t be tempted by anything of the world because he had nothing of the world in him. The best way to batten down your hatches and get ready for changes in Earth is to be certain that no element of outer darkness can tie into any subconscious or unconscious anger that is within you.
Although we think we are justified in consciously targeting our hatred and our anger against this one or that one, at the core we are really directing our hatred and our anger against God. It is because of our non-resolution with God that we find ourselves evolving here on Earth. We seek resolution with God through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We must seek that resolution now. We must understand that it is our karma and our inordinate desire that have placed a wedge between ourselves and our God. And we must do something about that separation now.
When this anger against God interacts with Aquarian energies at a personal level people become excessively dissatisfied with their circumstances. They sometimes get an intense desire to experience greater personal freedom, as though it were the most important thing in the world to them, and this blinds them to all other responsibilities.
Sometimes their desire for freedom is blocked by responsibilities, finances, psychological limitations or an inability to figure out what they want to do. Sometimes they simply want to throw off responsibility and restriction and do their own thing. They can become eccentric and feel “I gotta be me!” and that becomes the driving force in their life. They often feel angry, tired, depressed, pessimistic and overburdened. They want to set limits but don’t know how to innovate, as Aquarius says they can, in order to meet their responsibilities, as Capricorn says they must. -Messenger ECP, Pearl 36:43
O beloved hearts, wherever Keepers of the Flame two in number enter a city it is as though the magnet of Alpha and Omega had come. And when they begin the spiral of dynamic decrees the forces of light are polarized instantly; therefore two per city will checkmate chaos and confusion. Wherever there is chaos and confusion there is an opening and a wedge into terror and guerrilla warfare. -Sanat Kumara, Pearl 42:16
The fallen ones know that to destroy memory is to destroy identity. And those who have identified with causes of the Brotherhood and with the teachings of ascended masters for centuries find themselves at a loss to remember the most precious words of Jesus or of Kuthumi or of Archangel Michael. They are not able to retain the memory because there is that driving of the wedge of darkness in the Dark Cycle. -Nada, Pearl 62:43
I say to you, cloven tongues of fire, the twin flames of the Holy Spirit are the twin flames of yourself and your own beloved divine complement! Each time you compromise the Law and Spirit and practice self-deception you place a wedge between yourself and your twin flame. For the cloven tongues of fire can only blaze forth in unison and in oneness where there is honor in love, honor in freedom, honor in purity!
.. -Saint Germain, Pearl 62:12
Therefore your calls for freeing of those who are incarcerated should in many ways be for the binding of the entities of rebellion. For rebellion is the wedge of all that transpires that is out of balance. Every form of insanity has its origin in rebellion and in the karma of rebellion. And therefore our sympathy is never with the carnal mind in rebellion which is enmity with God, but our compassion is with the soul buried within and beneath the rubble of the consequences of this chaos and confusion. Our compassion is with the flame in the heart that is God. Our compassion is with the Christ crucified by fallen ones who abuse the consciousness of those who have gone their separatist ways in past incarnations. -Portia, Pearl 63:33
numerology again, bear with me, it won't be long now:
BABYLON, IMAGE, wedge=26.
DOCTOR 30, PRETENTIOUS 54, JUSTIFIED 40. 30+40+ 54=124.
madcaps 21 + infiltrate 51=72=self-justification.
The Scottish family of Duffy (originally meaning “black peace”) has had spots of the insane and noise in it, as have many families. A doctor might prescribe some sort of medicine for such cases, . but in the long run one must get to the root. Now Doctor Pretentious liked the cover of JUSTIFIED, a cloak with which to obscure or hide, as pill doctors are rather wont to do. Reality may be considered bleak, so a doctor may recommend sedatives or stimlants to color the page, eh? It’s a long road that has no turning. But turn it must at last. -r., regards to all.
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