Monday, June 6, 2022
As beloved El Morya leads the caravan of the chosen across the desert of self-delusion into the promised land of all that is real (Israel), let the chant of multitudes determined to crumble the walls of Jericho (old entrenched evils in the walled city of materialism) be heard in Victory’s name! Thus shall the Summit Lighthouse expand this year, and you can easily quadruple or even exceed that number of the faithful chelas who will, as priests of sacred fire, bless the world with victory, freedom, light and peace flowing without limit into the mainstream of human thought, carrying the radiance of the Elohim of Purity and changing the world for love’s own sake into a state of eternal happiness and divine triumph!
-Kuthumi, Pearl 5:9
Men may think attention to heaven impractical, but then let us be aware of their position. Long ago God spake of the serpent of human deceit, self-delusion and misdirected energy and said of his sinuous, devious and winding ways that leadeth to destruction, “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel” (Gen.3:15) and so to the present day the heel of the Christ- =man is bruised as he seeks to journey back to the Father’s heart. The thorns on the path of Becoming are not blunted for those treading the vale below, and all of the human misdirection of sensuous energies continue to be the source of men’s own self-generated torment. -Archeia Mary, Pearl 6:51
Men ought not to be overly concerned with those secrets of the universe which are under the protective custody of God and heavenly hosts, but those who would demonstrate wisdom in her many facets ought to be willing to devote some time to introspection and examination of their own motives so that they can clearly see those which are selfish and divest themselves of these hindrances to spiritual progress. Strange as it may seem, selfish motivation acts to call a halt to progress at a certain point in the game of life. There is only one way to escape from such stultification, and that is to remove the obstacle by removing selfish motivation from consciousness. Without introspection individuals may often move on in the great stream of life and time, perpetuating their own errors and wandering in the wilderness of self-delusion and self-desolation. -Saint Germain, Pearl 9:5
Once you are trapped in the psychic it is almost impossible to extricate yourself.
Expectancy is a much needed virtue, blessed hearts of love; and this cannot be the expectancy of personal fulfillment through another, but the expectant hope that waiteth on the Lord day and night. And when the triumph of an individual’s faith brings him at last out of the smoke of doubt and self-delusion into the fire of cosmic purpose, how very wonderful is the counsel of God to each one concerning his life that is so precious. We must then make calls to angels of God to rescue you from illusion, self-delusion and the sense that that which is entirely unreal is absolute reality. -Daniel Rayborn, Pearl 38:18
The tidal wave that is oncoming from out the Great Central Sun is the messenger of the new age of Aquarius. It is the energy of the Cosmic Christ that transmutes all in its cosmic pathway, buoying up the evolutions of light into a higher evolution, flushing them out of the murky waters of the astral plane and the mire of self-delusion.
-Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 21:50
Your deliverance from all self-delusion is our goal in these Corona Class Lessons. In relation to the foregoing, your freedom from sin and the sense of sinfulness should liberate your soul from an oppressive apprehension of the hurdles of the Law—and what has seemed to be your own limitation in jumping over those hurdles.
-Kuthumi, Pearl 4:46
The human problem of self-love, self-pity or self-delusion (and this includes every addiction, binding human habit, and predilection to sexual perversion) is no longer of concern to those who abide in the true knowledge of the indwelling Father and Son. No malady of over-self-concern exists for them with its attendant sinful state and sense of struggle to hinder or further delay their progress or trap their energies while they painfully speculate, and woefully, as to whether or not they have found favor with God and man.
How diverse are the origins of man, yet how universal! Coming into manifestation from a common source the diversity of the people of the world is a witless cloak that conceals their common origins. This shroud of pseudo-independence, while purporting to give man a feeling of freedom that makes him “his own man” binds him ever more tightly to the festering rood of self-delusion. -Morya, Pearl 12:46
Now one of the factors that I would like to point out to students that governs the amount of negative radiation taken in is the feeling of self-condemnation. The Christian Church in its mission of saving men’s souls has frequently emphasized the nature of sin in the human psyche and thereby many have been burdened with feelings of guilt which they have inadvertently accepted in place of the joy of their own individual Christ identity. Those who desire to have dominion over the consciousness of others may seek to achieve it through the imposition of intense feelings of self-condemnation upon their victims who, in their resultant state of self-delusion, are easy prey to those evil designs which the malpractitioner then masquerades as good. -Morya, Pearl 7:16
Neptune rules Pisces, the sign that on the positive side indicates liberation through ultimate self-sacrifice, and on the negative side indicates physical or psychological imprisonment due to self-delusion. Neptune rules matters that are often shrouded from public sight but that have physical consequences such as drug abuse and the transmission of venereal diseases. -ECP, Pearl 33:10
I speak to the very core of self-delusion and the lie perpetuating the liar that is the mask and synthetic self and the anti-Buddha force in each one of you. I step up sacred fire. And I make you uncomfortable in the presence of that element which, when it is immersed in sacred fire, does experience pain. -Gautama Buddha, via Messenger ECP, Pearl 28:25
The more you desire Mother the more you pursue Her, the more you will find a stripping and fiery action where there is contact between the lightning of the Mother and substance of self-delusion. Blessed ones, this is a game that you too can play. It is a serious game, but you can enjoy it. It is the joy of seeing and knowing that the fierceness of the Mother is come to dissolve by sacred fire those knots of substance, nuts and bolts that have no place any longer, for you are not mechanization man; you are fiery spirits soaring. -Elohim Peace and Aloha, Pearl 30:38
Now to you and you and you who have been chelas and staff members for so long I say: It is time! It is time that you come into a rapprochement with me and my Messenger, that you cast into the fire all blame, all burden and all self-justification or non-Self-justification. Some of you need liberation as liberation can be and has never been before for you. -Morya, Pearl 37:40
I speak then of those whose hearts are right with God and of those whose hearts are not right with God. This is an hour to make peace with your God. We will not allow the dalliance in the in-between state of indecision, self-pity, self-justification that becomes then the criticism, then condemnation and then judgment.
-Elohim Peace and Aloha, Pearl 26:21
Blessed hearts, I will show you how to get rid of self-justification.
Embody the works, beloved, and be quickened by the Word. Be not satisfied in that state of consciousness that is somewhere between the astral and mental body, somewhere around the six o’clock line [as you chart your cosmic clock], engulfed in a sea of indecision and self-pity and all that self-justification. It is as simple as the nose upon your face. Simply get rid of the self! Then you may serve your life out justifying your Christ Self, justifying your I AM Presence, justifying their trust in you, their love in you, [you who are] that soul of light cast into the sea as a glistening pearl. Fear not, beloved. Thou shalt be made whole. Let thy God descend!
-Jesus Christ, Pearl 32:60
However, people should understand that self-justification is one of the greatest dangers in the world; it blinds men to truth and the beauty of clear vision. Humility is completely otherwise; it seeks not so much the power of condemning judgment or the pastime of listening to vain words of humans who talk for want of something better to do, but rather the drawing forth of the real beauty of love as a cosmic bond of truth far above all human personality, which lies even within the reach of a babe who in faith reaches out to touch it! Religious history, as so many know, has a long record of infamy spread among its virtues. The godly, who in physical appearance often looked no differently than their opposites, have often been shamefully abused, stoned, vilified,
misunderstood, spat upon and hated. Yet in most every case their revilers felt self-justified in so
doing. -Saint Germain, Pearl 4:7
It cannot be denied that the subtle serpentine-like qualities of this type of energy usually find justification in the ego of the one sending them out so that in truth a form of self-righteousness and self-justification is assumed by the critic, somewhat in the mode portrayed by Mark Antony who stated, “I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.”
-Morya, Pearl 44:34
Find joy in service then and find mastery at that point where you cease to set aside time and space for the lesser self, finding your renewal in service, finding your strength, your regeneration in communion with the great God Self. So let it be as a testimony of the oneness of the devotees of light this day that one and all resist sympathy of the Luciferians–the self-pity, self-justification, self-preference. -Nada, Pearl 20:1
Sometimes it is necessary to ask to be taken where the Guru is so that you might abide for a time and discover the understanding, see through the pitfalls, dense layers of ignorance, self-justification of the past. -Maha Chohan, Pearl 46:15 .....................
What folly that mankind pursue the opening of the chakras in brittleness of the intellect. They must first contact the two-edged sword of love that is for the chastening and confirming of the Word in the soul. Far more important that you should receive the chastening of love than the pampering of your human emotions or the tolerance of your self-justification. Far more important that you have the clarity of the stream of our consciousness to be stripped of all that is less than your real Self and all that would hinder you from being the flow of the Governor of the teachings. -Gautama Buddha, Pearl 21:20
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