Saturday, June 18, 2022
stand fast and see how
1) The gods of Baal and Moloch have their adherents today; as Antichrists they have their servers. We uphold liberty and universal purpose. This year of decision, sons of liberty, hearken and live and let live.
-Goddess of Liberty, Pearl 11:26
2) Men have accused me of hardness. Let me tell you there are two kinds of hardness: (1) hardness of heart which is wholly selfish and wedded to pride and ambition, that never says die to its Moloch of self, and (2) the hardness that identifies with the diamond of goodwill—God’s will for total good, total intelligence, and total opportunity. -Morya, Pearl 12:12
3) In divinity schools where the knowledge of God is supposedly taught the lines of dogma often give rise to conditions of argument between people who have been forbidden to have “other gods before me”; yet sadly enough such argument creates above all the Moloch of the human self in its anti-God manifestation. There is no god that is a greater enemy of truth than the god of the personal person, which is typified in the story of Moses and Pharaoh who hardened his heart against the children of Israel and then softened it because of fear which came upon him.
-Amaryllis, Pearl 12:19
4) Some men seem to forget that when they have given their all to the moloch of human greed and hatred they cannot by wishful thinking instantly reap the greatest cosmic experiences. Many times throughout the millenniums heaven has issued her own mandates with scarcely a response from human levels; but the moment individuals begin to turn toward God they expect the heavens to literally fall upon them and to shower them with such love as will wipe out all activities of negation in which they have engaged. -Goddess of Liberty, Pearl 14:2
5) If man can become his own worst enemy, shall he not perceive how he can escape from the buffeting of this consciousness? Shall he not determine how he can cease to feed the Moloch of human ego that so easily becomes the snare of his soul? Shall he not recognize the beauty of the divine Ego? For, as it has been told in the story of Jacob and Esau, man’s spiritual birthright is mighty indeed and ought to be zealously guarded. The divine Ego is the firstborn in every man; then comes the human ego into carnal manifestation. And of this men ought to beware. Esau, being firstborn, was given the first opportunity to manifest Christ-dominion; but because victory is in spiritual election–in each man’s freewill choice–Jacob, who more eagerly pursued identification with the divine Ego, must in honor be preferred as the elect of God. Thus to him Esau, who identified with the wants and desires of human ego, bowed and sold his birthright.
-Hilarion, Pearls of Wisdom 15:9
6) How often the intelligentsia, so-called, counting themselves to be above such childishness, have rejected the sacredness of the personality of God as it manifests above in the heavenly hosts and below in devotees, pilgrims and disciples the world around. The elite who follow the cult of Serpent are the ones who worship the Moloch of human greed. Operating as they do outside the body of God, they are the electrodes of a mass entity that makes up the pseudo-personality of Antichrist.
-Djwal Kul, Pearl 17:40
7) Thus, my beloved, I have a continuing mission to do this. And those who are called the Gentiles, supposedly those who have not a threefold flame or very little soul substance, are the ones to whom the light must be passed even in this age. Thus we are in search of the remnant —the true whitefire core of the seed of Sanat Kumara, the seed of Abraham who have never sacrificed their light or threefold flame to material pursuits, to greed or its Moloch or to any of the other gods of the Canaanites. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 26:35
8) O beloved, stand fast and see how—see how, beloved, they have all gone after the way of the Moloch of human greed and sensuality and abortion and defense of those unclean things that are not lawful with God and therefore in sympathy with devils incarnate who have led the children of light astray in all manner of perversion and uncleanness of spirit. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 29:43
9) Thus the sign of the cosmic cross of whitefire does portend and foretell even at inner levels to every soul of this city that one cannot serve the Divine Mother and the Moloch of human greed.
-Serapis Bey, Pearl 31:12
10) In this day the sanctity of life has so declined that fathers and mothers may legally elect to abort a child without considering the consequences their actions will bear for lifetimes to come. It is almost as if people were sacrificing their unborn children to the god of lust, even as the inhabitants of ancient Jerusalem and Judah sacrificed their children to the god Moloch and the fertility god Baal in the Valley of Ben-hinnom [also known as the Valley of Gehenna]. So hear the Word of the Lord delivered to Jeremiah:
-Archeia Mary, Pearl 40:26
11) Yes, better that we teach our children today of the ancient Watchers and Nephilim who yet walk the Earth “seeking whom they may devour.” Do not leave them as fair game to fallen angels who will surely sacrifice them to the God of Moloch. But do give fierce calls on behalf of all children that they might triumph over evil and consume the very fires of hell. Moreover apply the science of the spoken Word by giving fiery implorations to God that the godless be taken to planets where they can be quarantined as they wait in line for their judgment to descend.
Come to our university of the Spirit anchored in matter that is at the summit of life on Earth. You who have given years and years of your precious life and your precious energy to Moloch and Baal and Ashtaroth,1 come and give twelve weeks of respite and reprieve to your soul. Give twelve cycles of the seven rays in time and space to Jesus the Lord whom you profess to serve yet whose teaching you belie. Come and give yourself an opportunity to live, not die. Give yourself the opportunity to know the Mother as she is, to make contact with her flame that you may nevermore go out again from the skeins of her fiery love.
-Elohim Cyclopea, Pearl 40:20
12) Nevertheless you can see that in the war of Armageddon and warfare for the souls of light, if a soul be lost because it fall down and worship the Moloch of the fallen angels—their gods, their ways, their perversions, their drugs—unless the Good Shepherd in embodiment shall go off and find that one and seize that one and deliver it from that hellfire then the soul may be lost and suffer the same fate that is reserved for the Devil and his angels. -Maha Chohan, Pearl 26:37b
via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Palm Sunday, March 27, 1983 at Camelot, L.A., published on 16-cassette Easter album, dictation available separately (cassette B83064).
13) And you must claim that in this hour—the victory over death and hell, the victory therefore over the marijuana entity, over morbidity and suicide entity and its increase in the younger generation through the very presence in the world of marijuana composite which has become a beast of planetary proportions fed by organized crime, fed by the Moloch of human greed—greed for money and refusal to turn the mighty fire of the heart into a sacred labor to produce that income for livelihood. -Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 26:24
14) With some preparation, all of which is known to the Department of Defense, this nation can permanently deter nuclear war. Let it be done, I say! And let those who have ear to hear know that the prophets have spoken again and again and not been heeded. And the very people of Israel and Judah have gone down again and again into slavery because they heeded the god of lust, the Moloch of human greed and false prophets of peace
-Morya, Pearl 30:54
15) Yes, beloved, nation by nation by nation I am in the hearts of those who have dared to strike against this Moloch of human greed, against the towers of Babylon and Assyria and of ancient ones of Atlantis who did betray the people. -Saint Germain, Pearl 34:22
6-32-3-33Solstice comes in at 8:14 a.m. PDT on 6-21-2022
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