Saturday, June 18, 2022
some men must be challenged and in some matters you cannot afford to sit idly by
The words “Thou shalt have no other gods before me” show the necessity for the Godhead to counteract the travesty of man’s acceptance of fiats of imperfection. These have been issued by lesser minds and by the deceitful ones who are self-deceived.
-Morya, Pearl 12:9
To Have the Wisdom of Serpents While Maintaining the Harmless Flight of the Doves
To the Wisdom Neophytes:
The flow of thought into the arena of action may be swift or slow, but in either case destiny is mediated. The individual sense of being cast aside, subject to the whims of the elements of primeval force and human consciousness, should be denied by the ascending valor of hope.
Let men learn to hope on the grand scale. They need not be lacking in discernment, as self-deceivers who stumble into pits of delusion; for the story of the men who held their shields on one arm while drinking with the other <1> typifies mankind’s dual need to have the wisdom of serpents while maintaining the harmless flight of the doves. <2>
The little bird of hope will gather his companions when he is fed by hands of love. The sign of the cross in the sky, invoked by Saint Francis, was the communion of the inner being, the microcosm of his consciousness, with the Macrocosm, the outer world of natural order.
We are summoning the elect. We call to those who see the world need and who understand the lineup of forces which are bent upon the destruction of order in society and of those guidance systems that of old were framed by wise men.
We have heard the calls of the students in search of themselves, and we are preparing mighty answers this very summer. You know, beloved ones, there is an allegorical summerland of universal love, a haven of refuge from the shadows of mortal thought and feeling, a place where the hand of God can radiate the mystical sweetness of his communion with his servant-sons.
We see how the old Atlantean rebels, with their dark red fires and their fuming smoke, move to obscure the face of reality and we are determined to bring forth the clearness of the crystal stream of divine truth! Using the hand of divine decree we will cut out the diamond of the will of God for man.
Each one has a plan,
Each one is a man—
Of God-intended, God-defended
Beauty in manifestation.
Roll back the dark clouds of illusion
And the dust, blown by an ill wind of confusion!
Set forth the straight path, the straight knowledge
Before the vanguard of victory
That marshals brotherhood on Earth!...
Those who have eyes to see and ears to hear will realize that from the beginning we were winning, as I told you long ago. Even now behind the obscuring screens, you can see evidence of the seeds of victory we have sown, coming up with shoots of hope. Yet we dare not cease the vigil or engage in a release of such tranquillity as we would desire to do. Rather must we as captains of the Lord’s hosts keep men on the qui vive lest they be caught in unwariness.
Each time that I am wont to spin a tapestry of the beauty of the will of God and of the wonders of his unfolding plan I am also aware of the forces of opposition that manifest as doubt and unbelief in human hearts. These must be dealt with forthrightly, for too frequently they cause men to take the gravitational route that shatters bone and spirit.
But I cannot resist telling you that the strands of hope are beaming from the high tower of God’s reality, that the showing of His magnificence, His coming wavelike in ever-ascending levels of the reality of His musing, is emanating through the universe the pulsations of God and Christ-reality—the reality of the Father and the Son. These pulsations touch the heart, and the auric field is increased.
But o how the angels pray that men will shed their willful ways of human thought and feeling so that transmutation can prepare them for the higher way, so that the light that is in them and the light that is given never becomes darkness!
Hold the hand of the thread of light that pierces the gloom and never let it go; for the joy of song, the laughter of the overcomer, and the sweetness of the face of God await the solitary climber who can unravel the skeins of destiny that are his in a universe whose vastness defies comprehension....
When we consider the many releases of our love that we have given, when we contrast these with the momentary, ever-present pulsations of God’s grace and then combine them as one in the sweet humility of being we see clearly that men are surrounded with breathing reality, that God lives in the universe and in them, that God lives in nature and everywhere, and that it is only a lack of perception that produces the distortion ring on which the dark ones circle.
They are as mischief-makers at a carnival, whereas the servant-son climbs the stairways to the stars. He is a cosmic astronaut! Requiring no material vehicle for his penetrations, he soars in the oneness of universal reality and then returns to the vessel of responsibility where he can perform his good works in God’s name right where he is.
Be clothed then with the garments of true humility and hold the chaste mind of a being of Love. Be not discouraged by the vibrations that come from old weavings of imperfection that return to you for redemption. Touch them with fingers of light that make your hand to be the hand of God. Take dominion over the earth, as He said, and with a sunburst of magnificent light disperse the veils that seek to enshroud thee! What you give unto yourself, you can give in larger measure unto others. For in the dark the hand of God is a touchstone that glows ‘gainst the velvet curtain of night as a splendid new star.
He has made the day and the night, he has made the greatest light to light the day. This is no reflected reality; it is the clear crystal of hope, the pertinent diamond that every bringer of victory must wear. Bring victory to yourself! It is the will of God. Flick off the passions of the dust, and replace them with the passions of the Spirit!
These are the cords that bind the heart by its own response, that make the heart to cry, “Welcome, O God, I bid thee come!” These ties of immortal love do not repel you from God or man, but they draw you closer to the hour when you can understand the mission of individuality and perceive that within you is a jewel to be cherished, to be polished, to be balanced and to be shared with all the universe....
This rest of action is the continual will of God.
Be patient, understand the need to strive not with a sense of struggle but with the sense of yielding to the great cosmic pressures of inner light of true knowledge. Man has often studied to show himself approved unto God, yet he has not always received cosmic approval; for he has neglected the first principles of cosmic love: he has poured love over himself while ignoring the flow of love as it applied to others. The result is an inward dearth of soul which he will not admit; and so, in the sense of unreality, he remains self-deceived.
-Morya, Pearl 9:23
Let them understand the light and warmth of the Spirit that melts the winter snows. Let them understand the strength that can destroy and the simplicity of duplicity that mars the perfect image. Only Love kindles the great conflagration. Certainly Love is wise. Is it wise to be self-deceived, to be encased in the rigors of age-old hatreds? Embodiment after embodiment, the same mistakes are faced. The Lords of Karma hope for triumph and individuality. If heaven can be perfect in patience, should man be less perfect? -Morya, Pearl 14:52
The key to divine justice is in the realization that all life is one. Injustice is intolerable within the forcefield of self, and yet I tell you that mankind are so self-deceived that they continue on a pathway of self-destruction through injustices practiced against themselves. Such tendencies of masochism have the race of people abiding upon this planet! So imbibed have they become with their own momentums of self-annihilation, of death and decay, that they do not see the hurt which they inflict upon themselves. Therefore how can they see the hurt which they inflict upon others? -Portia, Pearl 19:23
And the people of Jerusalem and Judaea and the region of Jordan went to receive the initiation of the baptism—the confessing and the cleansing of sin in Jordan. And there followed them the seed of the Wicked One—now the murderers of the prophets, now the imitators of the prophets. For so long had they grown accustomed to deceiving and being self-deceived, regaling in the absence of the Lord’s anointed, that they did not figure on the God-power of the reincarnated Elijah, great Guru of Elisha, who had “come again” as the messenger of the Promised One. -Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 22:8
“Let God be true, but every man a liar.” In breaking the sacred bread of the Scripture let all understand the duality of self, that the true meaning of salvation may dawn in every consciousness, absolving none of personal responsibility but giving to all the reins of the great heart of the Real Self of man so that the will of God may be multiplied in the domain of the mind and consciousness and that God be glorified.
I make a plea then this day, for the great blessings of pure truth. The world is filled with subtlety and deceit, and often the consciousness of man crawls upon its belly and by sinuous and devious ways seeks even to subvert the morality of self-honesty and self-appraisal. None should search themselves for the purpose of condemnation, but all should be willing to acknowledge the streaks of discord that have discolored their worlds....“You cannot always prevent a bird from alighting upon your head, but you need not let him build a nest in your hair.”
The great tragedy of life when it is carelessly lived is that men are prone to accept a subtle statement, calculated to spread doubt, discord or negative reflection upon another. Thus do untruths, calumny and viciousness spread among men and nations, disturbing the balance of harmony and causing many sleepless nights.
You know, blessed ones, that if you find the conduct of another person reprehensible in your own eyes, there is very little that you can do about it but pray, in many cases; for men are often in a strong tower of their own thoughts and feelings and their rightness therein. Each challenge of their thought often evokes a strengthening of the wrong thought in that person—yet some men must be challenged and in some matters you cannot afford to sit idly by.
The Spirit of Truth is ever to be desired and supported; and those who are prone to deceive and who seek to deceive others do but deceive themselves, and they are their first and worst victims, for they not only receive the calumny they had sought to pass on to others but they also have accountable to their own soul the responsibility for having generated this feeling and sent it forth into the universe....
\ it is the qualification or misqualification by man’s thought and feeling that is determinate in the manifest quality of the stream of energy emanated by each lifestream into the world.
The effects of others’ thoughts and feelings upon yourselves must be considered, and if you would know greater freedom, you must determine that human lies, human misconceptions must not supplant the great truth of God about the immortal created Self that God saw and called “good.”...
Let none then deny the divinity of Christ within themselves and let all who will, become surefooted in the doctrine of eternal being, seeking not to condemn the world, as the Son of man did not, but rather to bring to the world the great light that is already the light of men, which is also already within them. This light is reactivated with the first breath, through conscious knowledge of the power of God and through acceptance of the reality of His power within the individual soul. A renewing by the Holy Spirit of the goodness of God can then rush in and raise the consciousness of man to the divine level. As it has been said “Out of thy belly shall flow rivers of living water.”
The life of God is the life of the individual, and this is the truth. God is the sustainer and preserver of all life, and His purposes are not to destroy but to preserve. In giving dominion over the earth into the hands of men, God hath already given the mightiest stream of His consciousness to exalt those of low degree and to help the humble to rise in stature, through God-directed intelligent self-effort, to the full stature of the Christ-man.
There are many great servants upon Earth who do, out of the sincerity of a good heart but with a warped theology, seek to serve the eternal purpose. These men are often the source of perpetuation of error, for other men point their finger to them and say “Can you tell me that this good man who believes thus and thus is wrong, seeing that his life is filled with virtue?”
O blessed ones, when it comes to the true mysteries of God and of salvation it requires more than mere human goodness, but the determinant longing to know the whole truth that you may be wholly free. This truth can only come from the source—God who is ever true. Men do not mean to err; they are simply deluded by the long historical conspiracy that has sought to make out of religion itself a charade—a game between the virtuous and the sinful. There is upon Earth, and has been for centuries, a conspiracy of invisible forces which dwell in high places and seek to distort the truth so that lesser men will, in ignorance, continue to do wrong.
I cannot today do aught but pray that God will take the blindfold away from all among mankind who can accept the truth and let them see this gleam of pure Christ-truth shining not only in the life of beloved Jesus and other great world saviors, but also and above all today in the world of the individual who seeks to follow the gleam through all outer disturbances and find deliverance from error by the mercies of God. Let me hasten to assure you that the Brotherhood, by the flame of illumination in these documents released week after week, seeks to raise the veil little by little for all until all shall know all that is.
Graciously I remain,
I, therefore, call to task and call home each and every prodigal son who by some fantasy of fallen one is self-deceived perhaps to believe that somewhere else is the greater Grail of freedom than in the heart of one’s own Christ Self!
-Pallas Athena, Pearls of Wisdom 9:25
I therefore call to task and call home each and every prodigal son who by some fantasy of fallen one is self-deceived perhaps to believe that somewhere else is the greater grail of freedom than in the heart of one’s own Christ Self!
-Maha Chohan,
via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on June 7, 1981 in San Francisco, Pearl 24:66
Let the manipulators employing mass media to establish their focuses of paganism and of the sex cult give answer this day before the Court of Sacred Fire and before the throne of the Cosmic Virgin! Therefore, children of the One, be not deceived by the Fallen One. Above all be not self-deceived! For the Mother is not mocked: that which they have sown they shall also reap! -Maitreya, Pearl 18:52
Lightbearers are congruent with the mind of God. And the ones who carry the darkness, they are congruent with the minds of the self-deceived and self-hypnotized. And therefore there is a connection, there is a reason why the world movement of Communism (that despite the arguments of the Communists is one and is not separated from nation to nation) has seized upon Angola. -Elohim Arcturus, Pearl 44:37
...............ambitious, Neroli=37. chelas 21+
staff 16=37.
Babylon, betray, buggy, Duffy =26. self-deceived=54. Peter 28 + Duffy26=54.
Peter Duffy 54 + Neroli Duffy
63=117. 3x39=117. deceived=39.
tempt 20 +Law 9=29=clever.
sterilize51 +
=91. Peter28+Neroli
Duffy63=91. carnal mind44 + calcination47
spiritual44+ director47=91.
You are only as self-deceived as you want to be.
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