Saturday, June 11, 2022
Shiva comes
Human governments founded since Noah have been founded to protect human life. A nation of a government that creates legislation allowing murder is doomed to go down. It will go down by cataclysm. It will go down by economic collapse. It will go down because it is not consistent with the laws of universal life. Abortion is first degree murder of God. -Saint Germain, 1982
If the spiritual leadership of America does not cry halt to this massacre and this holocaust, then I tell you, you may count the number of July fourths that will remain to be celebrated. For this nation stands to lose the sponsorship of the Brotherhood for this very infamy! -Saint Germain and Portia; Pearls of Wisdom 33:28
I counsel all those who have retained any point of self-justification, any point of criticism or being at odds with the Messenger. May you search your souls. For the Messenger is shown by me indeed to those who across the miles of the Earth have that non-oneness--non-oneness with the heart of the Messenger. I tell you, beloved, the Messenger may be anything you think she is but, for one thing she is the Messenger. And if you would have a messenger, then you ought to support that messenger. And you should realize that you must quickly if you would be one with my heart in the offer I have given to you, to be with you and to be with you unto the victory of the age, then I say quickly, quickly go after those ancient resentments that you have held that truly have nothing to do with Morya and nothing to do with this Messenger and yet you stop dead in your tracks, in your paths and you go no further. And because you are going no further and you are stuck in the mud, as it were, then in that place where you are stuck because you do not surrender and you do not call upon the law of forgiveness you become angry and more angry. And what can you do? Because you have not surrendered unto God then you must give criticism, condemnation and judgment to our representatives. I ask that this be stopped throughout this movement. ...I say to you, my beloved, in deepest and most profound love that you who are in this state of not being able to go forward or backward as your car is stuck in the mud, I say to you it would be better for your lifestreams, for your karma and for your future in future ages that you disconnect yourselves from this movement and go at a path where you can work your own day and work your own night and be a part of what you believe in. You are getting nowhere but making heavy karma by staying around this organization and turning away others who see you in such a sorry state that they no longer would be even interested in joining such an organization.... Beloved hearts, I have personally sponsored you who have become embittered, you who have attacked this organization and Messenger. I have sponsored you. And Saint Germain has told me this day that as of this day he will not allow me to sponsor those of you who are of this ilk and state of consciousness any longer, beloved. And that is the fact and that is the reality. And all of you who carry the torch of the Goddess of Liberty should rejoice because every one of you has been burdened by those individuals who have pressed on and pressed on and pressed on in their gossip against this or that or the next situation. -Morya, August 6, 1995; Pearls of Wisdom 47:21
those helpers who wish to give a hand to others on the path find their reward through the Summit that leads home to peace, progress and power restored.
There is a place for those who need help, instruction, healing and an outworking together of love, which transcends the shattering impact of diverse doctrines, religious speculation and casuistry.
Here all can assemble under the canopy of one God to seek and to find that glory to God in the highest which is the summit of every man--the search, the seeker and the attainment merging into self--transcending planes of identity. The veils part and new hope is born as one incorporates the written or spoken Word released in the ever-present now from the Ascended Masters’ realm....
Much is still hidden from our eyes, but God is revealing His plan day by day, from glory unto glory even by His Spirit. -Mark Prophet lecture of 1965
The roar of the lion is heard in the streets and the cub lingers. And I come today to rend the veil of the temple in twain and reveal to all the most holy place within the center of the heart of man.
Guru to chela, Christ- self to personal self, the divine one to the human monad in the search that perceives in the dark a glimmer and lightingflash of the love of truth that men have forsaken because they have accepted dens of iniquity that in the world sometimes are called the courts of justice.
Morya speaks. And the roar of the lion is heard within the soul. And the summoning of individuals around the banner of universal goodwill is made known.
Ours is no threat impending upon men. Ours is the assistance of universal valor. It is the cognition of Spirit that must penetrate the density of the age and reveal to individuals that within themselves there is that atomic electrifying power of universal and holy will and love for truth that equates to their source and frees them from densities of mortal form fixation.
I have stood in courts of law amongst the learned of the world and I have seen the honors that men have sought to heap upon me with one breath at those moments when I was esteemed by men. And then I have watched as how they fled away and I stood alone. But this was not a unique experience unto me alone, but one that comes to everyone who takes his stand for justice and truth and is not afraid of the reproaches of men but fears rather the reproaches of God and scathing of the divine rod. This is a chastening and pruning for universal expansionism.And as we look at the concept of the round table where all sit not in a corner or a post of honor but in that universality of the soul, and we say--where are those bold knights and gracious ladies who would rather be a spiritual firebrand than to hold court in worldly realms and points of honor?
Lords and ladies of the flame, universal lovers of Cosmic Christ truth, pursuers of individual destiny, dare we lie then upon the arms of flesh? I tell you nay! But we will rely upon that dedication of soul that men can invoke out of sheer desire and aspiration of being a part of the vanguard of God’s progressive heart as He seeks to bring to the world His holy will.
“Are yea able to drink of the cup that I drink of and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?” is no idle statement. Where is the individual that loves me and loves to do my will? And one wonders just where this illusive will of God is, for men seem to have lost contact with it. It is as though they knew it not.
But so long as weak-willedness and vacillation and cowardice permit the cub to remain in the den, to pattern not after the lion that roars, to pattern not after the understanding of the will of God, just so long will men cry, “How Long Oh Lord? How long, Oh Lord? How Long?” -Morya, 7-21-68 dictation
weak-willedness 54=
compromise. vacillation46 + cowardice45=91=carnal mind calcination=
spiritual director. numerologically. -r.
The Touch of Shiva: The Initiation of Love Part 1
Now let purity's light roll from the vast cosmos of being. I AM in
the flame of love. I AM Shiva! and I AM come as the Destroyer of all that
is unlike love. So you have placed yourselves at my feet. So I come, and I
come to consume the cause and core of your unreality, your indulgence
in the unreal when love is knocking at the very door. I AM Shiva in the
flame, in that white fire. Now I say, jump with me! Jump into the
flame! Jump into the center of white light and dare to be consumed!
O beloved ones, do you understand the meaning of jumping into the fire
and not knowing if you will jump out again? This is the trial of Shiva. It
is a sacred fire. You will not come out the same. Do you fear? I assure
you that I already hold in my heart the reality of your life, and I know
where thou art. O mortal, come with me; for I have danced into the flame for
aeons, and the Lord God has formed and reformed me.
And if you will not jump into the flame with me, do you know what I
will do? I will jump inside of you. And then the flame will be as a hot coal
in your belly and you will say “Out! Out! Out! Shiva!” but I will not come
out until I have purged you of that demon of lesser self that claims to be love and is not love. For I know the mystery of love. O mortal, you think you know the mystery of love. You have not gone with me! You have not known where the doves have flown. You have not
discovered the mysteries of the heart of a mountain. You have not journeyed to the
heart of the Earth. Where have you thought that you have understood a
fire of such intensity?
I come then with the initiation of love, and this cycle will be for repealing of those self-imposed laws whereby you have determined to
retain flaws and leave the diamonds in the way. Do you know that I
have followed after you to gather the diamonds that you have not even
known, that you have scattered to the wind as pearls before
O beloved ones, you do not understand the great gorgeous quality of
perpetual love that is a life of eternal youth. You do not have to go
through the aging process. You do not need to be weighted down with
effluvia of this planet. Listen then to Shiva. For I come not only
with the mystery of love but with the mystery of eternal youth, and I am
here to transfer it to you in the innermost core of being so that you will
understand that life is joyous and love is free–free for the asking,
free for the saturation of your very pores, your eyes, your ears, your
sensitivities, your soul awareness.
Beloved ones, be in bondage no more! For if you would have a Coming
Revolution--and you will have a Coming Revolution if I have anything to
say about it!--then listen.
There is no need to go around being burdened by consciousness of fallen ones. I say, invoke Shiva! Now let me hear you say, Shiva!
Shiva! Shiva! And what do you think the fallen ones will say when they are in
the midst of their diatribes and their condemnations or you meet fallen
ones and betrayers at night and they attempt to stop you in your
way or to accost you physically or mentally or emotionally. You will say
“Shiva! Shiva! Shiva!” and they will be startled because I will appear
with full momentum of my energy, and then and there they will have
the trial by fire and initiation of Shiva.
-Shiva via Messenger ECP, at Miami as I recall.
No operation or transfer of physical organ can interfere with man's unity (unitie) with his Creator through the mighty
silver cord that connects threefold flame with the Presence of God, for the physical heart is merely the repository and outer focus of
the inner flame of life. The flame is not dependent upon the body temple for its existence, but rather the temple is dependent upon the flame
for its existence. When the flame returns to the Presence at the close of a
specific embodiment, the physical heart ceases to beat. The cause of death
is not the cessation of heartbeat but the withdrawal of the threefold
flame. The cessation of heartbeat is the outer effect of an inner cause. The threefold flame in one individual can never be transferred to another,
for the threefold flame is the very personal point of contact in the being of his own God- Self. It is the motor which produces the heartbeat; it is not
the heartbeat. When an individual's allotted lifespan is up, no amount of
surgical skill can prolong it, although this skill may definitely serve
to assist man in completing his appointed round which otherwise might
be interfered with by extenuating circumstances. Just as material forces
may hinder man, so material methods may help him. The heart itself
does not sustain life, but the threefold flame sustains the life of the heart
for the exact amount of time prescribed by law--the law of man's own karma.
The withdrawal of the flame is predetermined by this law.
-a master, no doubt
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