Saturday, June 11, 2022
inner discipline
1) Thus, beloved, understand that balance between the indoor and outdoor [activities] is going within to the secret chamber of the heart where the child may learn inner disciplines of energy and mastery of detail within the mind and within his world, and the going without to discover that there is an infinite potential in God, that there is an infinite potential in the fire infolding itself. And the challenge of life on Earth is the wedding of the twain. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 28:23
2) Thus, beloved, it is understood that those in training under the Lord of the World are preparing themselves one and all to be public servants in one path or profession or another. Their retreat is only for preparation. In the latter years, so far removed from Shamballa, our disciples have spent one and several lifetimes in retreat in recitation of the mantra and inner disciplines whereby they might return to the point of the One and that point of integration where their office should bring them to the fore once again as community servant.
-Maitreya, Pearls of Wisdom 29:22
3) Let me hasten to tell you that self-discipline is never rigid nor is it unlawfully proud. It is not accomplished at all by the carnal mind. It is the discipline of the disciple who has first loved, who has placed his head on the breast of Jesus, who has known the heartbeat of the Lord and that tenderness which the human heart can scarcely contain.
Yes, beloved, true self-discipline is never rigidity but it is love fulfilling itself by intuitive powers of the soul, by discrimination of the heart, by true discernment of mind. These are inner qualities of the five secret rays that sensitize even the soul to the understanding that though all the rules be followed, yet without love the disciple cannot succeed.…
The geometry of the soul is impelled into manifestation by discipline. And so I come, sent by God, as the Guru of initiates of sacred fire. If you would wait a million years for mastery, go find another, for Serapis is impatient for perfection. If you would while away the hours in self-indulgence, find another teacher.
-Clara Louise, Pearl 34:55
4) Would you not, beloved ones, desire to be one who when people meet you presents to them an image of another way, a higher plane of being? And even your very presence should quicken within them the sense that they have known etheric cities of light or an inner experience. Perhaps your presence might even be the key to quicken and awaken them to a path of great peace or a path of inner discipline, a path of inner satisfaction in the inner God and inner Christ. There are many among you and among lightbearers of the world who have that potential of being signposts. -Djwal Kul, Pearl 48:6
5) O beloved hearts, when the soul has not been truly nurtured here on Earth and the soul does not remember heavenly nurturing, then it is difficult for the soul to embrace God–to embrace God as Mother or Father and to enter the path. Therefore we come to nurture. We come to unveil to your inner sight the beautiful image of the Divine Madonna who does care for you, does caress you. And in Her presence you know no loneliness at all. -Archangel Michael,
Pearl 36:12
6) Therefore I say it is necessary that you accelerate in order to be the counterpart of these chelas who, at inner levels, hold a chalice of the wine of Spirit that they would pour into your chalice. Co-measurement, balance, Alpha/Omega, let the inner and outer chelas be one. -Maitreya, Pearl 43:44
7) We do it through self-discipline. I am talking about the discipline that comes because we truly love ourself—our God-Self and our precious soul. In this sense we can see how the word discipline comes from the word disciple. I am not talking about the self-discipline of holding ourselves to some rigid standard imposed upon us. For that is a form of self-punishment and co-dependence. …
Both El Morya and Kuthumi had the necessary self-discipline, but Kuthumi allowed himself to receive the reward of his efforts and remember the Master’s (Himalaya's) message (in an event of 600 years past).
-Messenger E C Prophet, Pearl 41:33
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June 2022
Śrāvaka (redirect from Disciple (Buddhism))
Śrāvaka (Sanskrit) or Sāvaka (Pali) means "hearer" or, more generally, "disciple". This term is used in Buddhism and Jainism
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