Monday, June 13, 2022
on firstfruits
In this hour of the Lord’s judgment there come to mind the words of blessed Paul “For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. And not only they but ourselves also which have the firstfruits of Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.”
-Archeia Mary, Pearl 18:44
Let not this founding religion of the age, O my beloved, become watered down by the firstfruits. For those who come after will indeed desire to water down the path of the ascended masters and to say “We also do those things, we also have the testimony” when they do not. -Saint Patrick, 28:16
Truly our Lord Gautama has said that we present the Everlasting Gospel. I have requested and I do request therefore that this volume of Climb the Highest Mountain, as that Everlasting Gospel, be read weekly as scripture from this altar by ministers serving in this church, that all might realize that the communion cup of our Lord—his body and his blood—is truly broken in this Teaching. It is for all people. And the firstfruits must have it and hear it, learn it from childhood and know the meaning of the Word as it builds upon the foundations of the Old and New Testaments and those ancient teachings which have descended out of the East. -Lanello, 28:27
Revelry then, revelry with the fallen ones and games that they have played in their misuse of sacred fire and in revealing of the mysteries of Almighty God—therefore drawing unto thyself unreality, the snare and the enmeshment has come upon thee. Therefore thou art, O children of light, drawn unto the Altar of Invocation, drawn to be the firstfruits who will put off the net of the seed of the wicked, even the net that has ensnared thee out of the way of the pure fount of living light -Archangel Uriel, 24:15
And therefore the Lords of Karma have withheld love until there might be found among mankind the very firstfruits of love–those who would come forth to understand great disciplines required to hold that flame within the heart and to keep it steady hour by hour. And therefore the dispensation is an opportunity for all souls of light who hear or read this dictation to know that unto you is given the opportunity before the Lords of Karma to prove your use of love in the highest order and light of service for a period of twelve months. -Lady Venus, 21:34
Understand, beloved, that some among this people must be and become direct initiates of Sanat Kumara, for always there has been the requirement of the ransom. Let those who are the inner circle of devotees, those who are the firstfruits who come and stand as ensign of the people raise up the banner of Christ as the one whom they serve, the one who by his very communion promise at the Last Supper designated each and every son and daughter of God for the internalization of the Word -Saint Germain, 28:34
We are the God-parents, and we come for the rescue of those who descended from light and are called to ascend to that light. Though you may be the firstfruits, beloved hearts, I must tell you that in some cases as I have studied your auras in my descent you are found wanting in full measure of the application of the Law. You are wanting in full honesty with yourself and with your I AM Presence.
-Maitreya, 27:48b
What shall come of an Earth and a body and a people who have denied their God in these little ones—even the least of these my brethren? I have said it before, and I say it again: it is the hour therefore in 1984 to look to the judgment of those who are the pagan ones, those who have professed me and the name of Christ and yet have denied in action the firstfruits of that love.
-Jesus Christ, Pearls of Wisdom 27:31
And individual and personal Christhood, as defined by the Lord Christ, contains the elements of Buddhahood but it is also a link in the chain of that full becoming: on the one hand, Christhood being the first step and firstfruits, and on the other its culmination in the crown chakra being the bodhisattva’s open door to manifold manifestations of the causal body—ring upon ring of the marks of the Buddha. -Maitreya, 28:53