Monday, June 13, 2022
how sterile?
1) But there is one great danger that often arises when individuals on the path first begin to apply the laws of harmony; this I should like to point out to the students of the light. It is the danger of insulating oneself against the doings and attitudes of others whereby one becomes hardhearted, cold and sterile in the attempt to implement the great desire to maintain harmony in his world. Under these circumstances the individual is not even willing to respond favorably to others–all in the guise of maintaining harmony. -Archeia Mary, Pearl 14:11
2) Perfection is a tangible reality here and now. I think that those who think they cannot be perfect imagine that perfection is a straitjacket or a sterile quality lacking any verve or energy or joy or spontaneity. Nay, perfection is the flowering of the lilies, of the gentle violets. Perfection is a smile upon a face.
It is the function of the Holy Spirit to act as the unifying principle in all life; but I ask you, precious ones, when the ministrations of the Spirit are rejected where is the possibility of continued effort on behalf of unity? The Lords of Karma who by divine appointment are responsible for the administration of divine justice on Earth have been forced to deny petitions made to them and unto God simply because the great Law could not grant more energy to be expended in a failing cause. Because of bigotries and religious hatreds of their followers, often based on an incomplete understanding of the Law, many religious movements have become sterile; meanwhile individuals continue to bemoan the awful travesty of disunity, failing to see that the power of change lies within their own hands.
-Maha Chohan, Pearl 9:33
3) Man’s first glimpse of true beauty conveys a fragile quality and an orderliness that appears as a stereotyping of the law, which of course it is not. As a matter of fact ugliness came about as the result of a contest between those who pitted their talents against the Creator to see who could create the most novel forms in contrast to what seemed to them to be the sterile environment of the Presence. Beloved ones, sterility never has been and never could be a part of reality; for the perfection of God in all of its infinite wonder is such that He literally dotes upon creativity.
-Paul the Venetian, Pearl 13:43
4) There is nothing sterile about white light, for it is after all acceleration of all paths and color bands. The white light is the joy of the bride adorned for her Husband, the Holy Christ Self. It is the joy of the soul who has earned and woven her deathless solar body and the sealing of all layers of filigree patterns. It is truly the joy of the saints who have washed their robes in the blood which is the light- essence of the Alpha and Omega of Jesus Christ.
-Amen Bey, Pearl 34:29
5) You may be like me without fear. I am not some sort of mummy or cement statue, sterile and silent! I move among the children of life, and I am determined to fight a fairly good fight for the victory of light in this nation and India and in Russia and in every nation. For I have hearts planted everywhere—and they are not sleepers, but they are awake! For they have heard my call and they have bestirred themselves. And they know my voice, they know my message.
-Gautama Buddha, Pearls of Wisdom 22:4
I need help.