Saturday, June 25, 2022
Maitreya: a counterfeit path of initiation
The fallen ones who move among the children of God upon Earth have taken their training at inner levels from archdeceivers of mankind. In the same way as your souls journey to retreats of the Great White Brotherhood those who are committed to the path of ambition and pride journey to other retreats on the astral plane.
Meeting individuals there who pose as the most advanced adepts on the path they truly are convinced at inner levels that they are working with the elite of Earth’s evolutions who are descended even from Almighty God Himself. The false hierarchy has an entire evolution—all the way back to the one who sits on the throne of the impostor of the Almighty One, the counterfeit throne of God.
So the souls who are duped are souls who have not a sincere and pure desire for reunion with God. Nevertheless they seem sincere in their activities; and those who train them give them to understand, by a very distorted means what are the goals of life upon Earth and how they [the trainers] are concerned for the greatest good, greatest happiness and greatest expansion of Earth’s people.
When you consider this you must be aware of the fact that among spiritual groups and religious teachings there is a danger for individuals who have not left off or transmuted the desire for ambition (the desire for success through pride) to come into a circle of devotees and, by imitation, present a counterfeit path, a counterfeit initiation, a counterfeit manifestation of how the soul leaves the body temple and enters into the etheric octave.
Movements have in actuality promised soul travel to their devotees. They have invented names of masters and contacts on Earth. Many books and organizations in North and South America, in Europe and even in Africa have purported to represent the Brotherhood of Light.
Beloved ones, you can see that the false hierarchy behind them is complete and by their misuse of energy of chakras they too may create a simulation of vibration and all that which appears to be real and is not.
Now when children of the light do not have a direct experience with the Holy Spirit, with the Lord Christ, with their own I AM Presence because they have placed other gods before these, they have not therefore reached a level of discrimination.
Let them come and sit at the feet of the ascended masters. Let them set aside all goals of self-aggrandizement—very subtle desires whereby those on the psychic path or so-called spiritual path see themselves as being above others and therefore able by their so-called powers to command respect. These powers range all the way from phenomena to actual healings to that which even appears to be the raising of the dead. This has been done by fallen ones by mechanical means and even by misuse of the energies of chakras.
Beloved ones, some of you have no idea of the path you walk and the path that you shall walk when you determine to become a disciple of the Cosmic Christ. I come before you with utter love not to shock or frighten you but to tell you that when you plead with me from your heart for initiation that initiation must first be your encounter with the one who is my counterfeit.
By law I must determine whether you are worthy to stand in the presence of your own Christ Self and the level of scintillating light and cosmic consciousness that the Lord God has given to me. These counterfeits are numerous, so I say to you, initiation is not mere touching of your chakras for the passing of a current of energy. It is sending you forth as though blindfolded, saying “Now find your way back to me by vibration. Meditate until you feel my presence as a pulsating cosmic love-wisdom and then direct your course to me though you see me not.”
I can guarantee that that course will then be fraught with those who take you this way and that way into primrose paths, justified by the fact that they are constructive and serve some human good, some lesser purpose. Therefore they say “Why not combine them with the search for Maitreya, inasmuch as Maitreya is so far away?”
And you reply “Since it is unlikely that I will find him today or tomorrow or the next day I will engage myself in this or that.” So you become entangled in the marshes, the lowlands, the deepest valleys and even sublevels of Earth in the canyons of the astral plane, thinking you do God service.
I come then on the wake of the wave of light released in the dictations that have been given by our Brotherhood from this platform—dispensations of a thrust for purity and wisdom and love, dispensations whereby the teaching has gone forth on the mantle of responsibility.
Inasmuch as Alpha and Omega have communicated their simple word to you through the beloved God of Freedom we are counting upon this body of lightbearers to secure the future of freedom on Earth. I AM come. I come because I know well that to accomplish the task in Saint Germain’s name, in the name of innocent souls of innocent victims you must have Cosmic Christ initiation.
I say to you also that if you did not need the Messenger, the Messenger would not be here. Quite simply it is a fact understood by the Brotherhood that you have many hurdles to jump before you have full Christ-discrimination that will enable you to understand the difference between a bearer of light and one who is of the seed of the wicked.
Therefore bypass not the counsel of the Messenger. Do not fancy that in merely writing letters and communications to us and burning them you will have full manifestation in this octave of deliberations of the Christ mind through the Messenger.
It is well then for you to understand that we are of the same being and consciousness, level upon level upon level even as you see the mandalas of the Buddhas, as they come in every level of cosmic consciousness. So then as I am in Spirit, so I am in matter. And therefore if you would have my counsel in matter and if the problem is pressing and if it is a matter concerning life and death and the path of your soul and decisions you must make, do not allow demons to tell you “Mother is too busy. She will not hear from me. She will not read my letters. She does not have time to answer me.”
Beloved ones, this only necessitates a very large circumventing of the return and answer to your request. For by and by we must create the circumstances where the Messenger comes to you, many times regretfully, after it is too late and you have made decisions that have taken you far afield from concentrated initiations of your life.
Of course then there are those chelas who fill their houses with focuses and photographs because these enable them to enter into a fanciful relationship with our Brotherhood; for, you know as we have said, pictures do not talk back. Then you may imagine any response you desire from ascended masters.
Well, beloved ones, our embodied Guru is one who talks back to you. And you must have the courage to hear that Word else dwell forevermore in the twilight area of the coward, in fear and trembling yet never knowing in actuality what is the Word of the Lord unto your soul.
Well, that is a decision that must be made, and a number have made it– the decision whether or not to be a part of our circle of community, whether or not to be tied to one who will talk back to you and decipher for you the levels of your consciousness or to be outside of the circle, to read the books, take the teachings, do what you will with them and chart for yourself a zigzag course.
If you could only see yourself in perspective, you who have desired to become a law unto yourself in your ship at sea. I would like to show you where you have gone without the polestar, without the real and genuine tie. Your zigzag course has led you nowhere, even as the children of Israel wandered in that wilderness forty years when it would have required not even the fullness of a year to pass through.
It was because of their rejection of the Guru in embodiment. And the rejection of the Guru came because of manifestation of discord, bickering, complaining, lamenting, always wanting something more, something better—never being satisfied. No, not with the daily manna that fell from the heavens as mighty teaching of God, as nourishment for soul, as food for body. No, not being content with miracles, the parting of the Red Sea, the writing of tablets of the Law, confounding of the Egyptians and all that transpired even before the court of Pharaoh.
Was this enough? Nay, I tell you, for rebellious ones it was not enough. They continued to complain and to complain and to complain, and so they charted what might be considered from our point of view to be an amusing course.
One day you will sit with me as I am the captain of a mighty ship, a sailing vessel in which I take you on journeys of the soul. I will show you our charts and many layers of charts and then you will be shown by me the charting of your own course without intercession of our Brotherhood. You will be amazed, beloved ones, to look at the track of your life for many, many incarnations. Some of you, believe it or not, have never even left port. You have zigzagged back and forth within the distance of a few knots, yet it has taken perhaps thousands of years. But somehow in the smallness and smugness of the human mind you have stood proudly at the helm of your vessel, considering that you were traversing miles and miles of a journey so utterly important unto the destiny of the planetary evolution.
We have seen enough Walter Mittys on the path. We have seen deluded ones filled with fantasy. We have seen more malicious ones who have determined at all cost to control the Messenger, to seize the light but never to bend the knee before the Law of Love. They take the path for their own way. It is always tragic.
Beloved ones, there is a certain sickness, a certain insanity, a certain condition of psychology that I would point out to you who serve as counselors and ministers--that of individuals who have compromised their souls. Somehow a blind spot is within them whereby they never truly understand that the hour comes when by their denial of the Christ they are cut off from accessing the energy of our Brotherhood through the Messenger because they have rejected the path of initiation. And they remain deluded with their quotations of scripture that the mercy of God endures forever
Without the discipline of the law of Christ this disease cannot be cured. It demands a shock that is the very jogging of the cells of brain and of body, shocking those cells from their rebellious patterns and bringing them back into alignment with the will of God. Because their minds are crazed and full of self-pity and a sense of injustice they become angry and intensely malicious when they may no longer drink freely of the milk from the breast of the Mother.
Beloved ones, we must cut off the flow of light by the very mercy of the Law so that they no longer misqualify the great quantities of light that are available to chelas who are tied to the chain of Hierarchy. This is the mercy of the Law, but that mercy is rejected by fallen ones. They have another mercy and their mercy is called sympathy.
Their sympathy for themselves makes them fail to see that the compassion of God acts in the defense of the soul against this wretched carnal-mindedness that breeds disease. That disease, known as the cancer of soul and of astral body, can and does spread among children of God by the example of fallen ones who by their revenge and their resentment move in echelons, especially in the entertainment industry so that they may parade themselves before the children of God and by the flow of their attention usurp their light.
As the children of God give fallen ones their attention over the return flow comes the out-of-rhythm cycles of their rebellion, their self-pity and a lifestyle that is incompatible with a Christed one. All of this feeds subconsciously into the souls of lightbearers while they are having an evening of enjoyment applauding their favorite stars. They surely become those stars, even as you can surely become the Buddha and Mother by equal, if not shorter attention spans.
The quality and ability known as plasticity of soul and being itself, the ability to take on and assimilate the object of one’s affection is the very means whereby God becomes God within you. We cannot—we dare not—cut off this talent, this ability. For you see, though it might protect this generation from fallen ones, it would also successfully exclude them from light- emanations of our offering—our humble offering of the spoken and written Word and the teaching of the new age.
Now you see, beloved ones, how the poor and needy and fatherless must be fed and cared for by you. Not simply by social welfare programs but by the much greater need, then to program all of society to reflect the blueprints of the etheric cities. They must be protected by setting up forcefields of prayer, by energies of Archangel Michael and by perpetual prayer invoked by you to protect their chakras and their souls.
When the vibration of the seed of the wicked contains within it the desire for self-annihilation—the death wish, in psychological terms—that desire momentum is transmitted to all who are a part of an interchange with such an individual. Beware then of those who have that death wish, the inverted desire that becomes desire for self-annihilation. Beloved ones, you all understand the meaning of the self to include every self of God. That meaning is also contained in the energy within the seed of the wicked. Therefore listen well as I explain that the desire for self-annihilation is not fulfilled within the wicked but is fulfilled by the destruction of other selves.
Therefore the death wish is transferred. And because in the death process the energy of life is released from the matrix as when a flower dies and the light goes back to God, so whenever there is the death of a soul of light there is a release of a tremendous amount of energy.
This desire for self-annihilation, the death wish, is always projected upon those who have the greatest light; and when they die the one containing the death wish will assimilate that energy to perpetuate that same death desire. This is the insanity of insane minds. All who have betrayed the Lord Christ are considered insane, having communicable illness of rebellion. Therefore we send our legions to protect the Christ consciousness upon Earth.
When a soul or a body is in the process of dissolution, decay and death and when that individual has been a part of the light in some form in this or previous incarnations then during the period of the degeneration spiral a great deal of light is released from those cells, from that body temple.
That light would naturally flow back to the Great Central Sun if it were not for the fact that those who are a part of these death cycles take that energy and use it over and over again. It should be compared, beloved ones, to partaking of the very sewer of life and passing it through the body many times over.
When energy passes through a body or passes through chakras (because it passes through something that is not moving) there is the sensation of friction between the movement of energy and the chakra or vehicle that remains still. This release of energy as sensation is used to heighten sexual experience, the pleasure cult, drug experiences and all forms of hallucination that come from the unreal world.
Let me state this again: when there is the death of souls of light because they have rebelled against God, because they have been corrupted by rebellion the process of decay is by definition a process of releasing energy. The energy released is itself misqualified energy which is regurgitated and re-assimilated as it passes through many times.
As it passes through it may then take on the simulation of life and its many processes. Therefore an entire evolution on the planetary body is a part of the spirals of death in this very hour and these individuals are having a heyday of enjoyment. They seem to experience life intensely and richly and they are motivated by intense sexual desire and the need for sensual experience.
This is because they are in the very process of losing their soul sensitivities and contact with life. And to keep their grasp on life they must create and
re-create day by day activities that are degenerate and immoral. This, beloved ones, becomes the cult of death—the cult of sweet death—whereby individuals enjoy the very last dregs of misqualified energy unto the hour of death of body and death of soul.
Now when children of light who are daily giving all of their energy to God in service, in joy, in singing and in all things that are a part of reality, come and observe the fun and games and activities of those individuals who are already in unreality, if they are not taught by their parents to understand what is happening, they will be lured into parties, into taking drugs, into taking alcohol and massive amounts of sugar and unreal chemical foods.
So the children of light go the way of a death generation simply because fathers and mothers do not have the courage to extend discipline which indeed may make them unpopular with their offspring but which will incur to them forever and forever the gratitude of souls of their children who after maturity will realize that they have been spared deceptions of this age.
I encourage you then to meditate deeply upon the great sphere of my cosmic consciousness, to penetrate deeper mysteries of life and not to be satisfied with surface appearances. Beneath the surface, beloved ones, there are causes behind effects and other effects with causes behind them—almost a chain of causation and effects of causes that are karmic chains moving through the entire mass consciousness.
Motives must be studied—not smiles but the motives. Discern motivation by the light of purity and then come to understand how you may well defend millions of souls in this age who would if they were left alone and not tampered with, go straight to the throne of the Cosmic Christ.
I am waiting to receive them, beloved ones. Go and find them. Take them by the hand and bring them to my fount of everlasting life. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit I open the way of initiation for all who make known to me in this hour that they are desirous of this path even in the face of the information I have given.
The opening of the way is at hand. Let the wary, the courageous and the soul filled with love fear not to step upon the threshold and pass through from glory unto glory. Amen.
-Maitreya: July 2, 1978 at Pasadena and Camelot, L.A. via Messenger E C Prophet, Pearls of Wisdom 43:34
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