Sunday, June 26, 2022
because they have an intellectual knowledge of the Word they therefore have attainment?
When we say this therefore we call to the elect who know the meaning and the call of the divine decree, who know and understand the Word—that if you fail to gather and affirm that Word but perceive only intellectually the solution, then you have not made your body the habitation of the Most High God.
....shall all of these Teachings now be put to naught and be wasted because of those who imagine that because they have an intellectual knowledge of the Word they therefore have attainment?
Let there be mastery of the sacred fire and not merely of siddhis. Siddhis may be the instrument of power, but by no means the guarantee that Lord Krishna dwells within that temple. For even devils may usurp the light of the Mother and imitate. But they are forever imitators; whereas you, when you imitate the Word desire to become that Word and are willing to make that sacrifice and put aside your preconceived notions and enter the heart of living flame.
-Unknown Master (Babaji) of the Himalayas vua Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on June 30, 1985 at Camelot, Pearl 28:31
Thus the history of the Grail is the history of each one’s path in the internalization of the Word. And the gleams of the Grail as the chalice of old become to you, beloved hearts, an awareness of your portion of the cup until ye also may drink of the whole as Jesus did indeed hang physically from a physical cross in order to transmit a message that might never be lost: that the power of the resurrection is greater than all rulers of this world who would crucify the Christ in you or nail even the very soul, if they could, in impalement upon a wooden cross.,,, And I speak that you may know that there are the avenging ones who usurp [in the planes of relativity] the avenging sword of the archangel—if they could. But they cannot [in the absolute sense].
And therefore they move against even the very decrees of the Word that have been sent forth as missiles of light which do not err to bind astral debris and consciousness and hordes that reinforce a world consciousness of tyranny and totalitarianism equal to and greater than that of the Roman Empire or of Babylon, Assyria or of ancient China. ,,, I, Gabriel, assure you that the archangels will not allow in this Dark Cycle the covering over of this Earth by these fallen ones who left off from the service of our God so long ago. -Archangel Gabriel via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Good Friday, April 20, 1984 at Camelot,
Pearl 27:30
out of the East, out of, therefore the nefarious forces of manipulation coming forth out of the Soviet Union for domination of the Arab states and of Israel and of all those who are there.
We draw a circle of fire that is the circle of Helios and Vesta and we stand with the forces of freedom for defense of the light of Saint Germain, for the defense of world freedom, for the defense of light against all evolutions pitted against that light and against one another. Therefore let laggard forces be bound and let the servants of light be set free!
I AM Uriel, and once again we must hold the citadel of light against that encroachment of darkness, always threatening, of the abuse of light in the Middle East—to turn it against the Woman and her seed, always threatening to make that point, that point of definition for who shall conquer the whole world.
And we stand in the Middle East also for the judgment of Nephilim gods who have usurped that land for more than a half a million years and beyond, into the very mists of antiquity, to overturn the light, even the promised light that was sent. ...
Standing with the forces of freedom I, Uriel, archangel of the Sun, deliver to Earth the first light of the dawn, a ring of light as a corona preparing this planetary home for the coming of beloved Helios to the Heart of the Inner Retreat in summer, 1984.
-Archangel Uriel, Pearls of Wisdom
and I have spoken it in the name of Helios and Vesta.
Let Gog and Magog be bound! And therefore let their power be reduced and let their karma be upon them and let it be turned unto them—and let the blood of the prophets be required of them.
So I also say, Let the seed of Serpent then be plucked out of their midst and be bound and removed this day! I, Saint Germain, therefore defy those serpents as infiltrators in America, in the Earth and in Holy Church. Let those then who deny sacred freedoms to any now have taken from them the very thing which they have denied to others.
-Saint Germain, Pearls of Wisdom
We are not interested in building personality cults wherein the leader, usurping the position of the Christ, is looked to as the savior of the members.... Even the skeptics, \ scoffers and scientists who have stood so rigidly behind those bars of so-called proven truth which again and again have been altered, shall acknowledge the supremacy of the higher Law; and at last the scales that have blinded the eyes of the soul, that have actually hidden his divine potential, shall drop away.
Then they will see that all seeming miracles of the Christ can be their own; for they are natural graces and gifts that God gives to every man. They will see at last that by rescheduling their thinking and by exalting the mind out of the plane of dense and dark human creation and discordant jungle rhythms of the world they can find the peace of the kingdom, not as an empty room but as one that is full of light and that always opens into another as the vista of consciousness is broadened.
At last then their mission will become a vital link in the passing scene. They will acknowledge themselves as one with God, and out of that sense they will pledge to do what they can to follow in the master’s footsteps. Thus the many illumined sons of God will become the voice of the World Teachers.
Adventurously, I AM yours through the seventies and on until the symbol of perfection lives in you.
-Kuthumi, Pearl 13:3
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I am the Goddess of Mercy–so named by Alpha and Omega, for I have tended the God-flame of mercy for an incomparable span of time and space. Long ago in another system of worlds, in the evolution of the brothers and sisters of a particular planet I perceived the need for mercy, for the ark that provides the way of escape for evolving consciousness that arrives at the place of desire–God-desire–a desire so great for the Law and for true Being that it becomes a magnet to draw God into manifestation.....
Millions of souls have passed through the travail of maya, of samsara, of the perversions of Mother- flame because I have held the flame of mercy....
This is the means Hierarchy is using to lower into the planes of Mater the Ascended Masters’ consciousness; for these patterns are taken from the very Causal Bodies, the I AM Presence, of the sons and daughters of God. And thus Hierarchy serves with unascended evolutions this day to press in upon the mass consciousness a higher way, a better way, a more merciful way of attaining Godhood.
-Kuan Yin, Pearls of Wisdom: 15:43
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