The bubbles of human vanities are easily shattered even when men desire to sustain them, yet pipes of habit continue to blow what appears an endless stream of bubbles of hypnotic fascination and distraction which turns human attention away from light that is its sustainer and source and keeps a running fever of excitement raging rampant through the strata of human mind and consciousness. When the desire to outpicture Christ consciousness in character is solidified so as to become a firm resolve or determination, all goes well while contemplating the idea, but when the tests of that character are met as the individual’s consciousness meets in a head-on clash with other lifestreams and personalities there is usually a strong pull to revert to more primitive thoughts and feelings. Now when in the radiation of ascended masters these waves of discord do not seem to have much effect. And when caught up in the beautiful idea of being a Christ it seems to individuals as if nothing could sway them from the path. Yet time after time lifestreams have gone down under the negative drag of human emotions only to be rescued once again by the call of their own God Presence which ever tries to lift consciousness into its own realms of peace and harmony. Hence the divine strategy must be planned. Outwitting the wiles of human qualities and momentums does not happen by chance. It can be attained by attunement and meditation, and these can be mightily aided and abetted by study of a divine counterplan based on ascended-master education whose purpose and goal is deliberate encouragement of all actions and techniques which have been found, through trial and error in crucibles of spiritual and human studies to have been efficacious in achieving the given end—in this case the goal of manifesting the character of Christ to its fullness. Actually the character of Christ is spiritual counterpart of the seamless garment he wore. Made with the purpose of an enfolding covering, its white purity symbolized the inner beauty of his nature which constantly held a transcendent image of God-perfection of all with whom he came in contact. His character was not developed with the idea of personal entertainment. He derived his happiness from exalting the God in all he contacted. He loved the elements and forces of Nature; he attuned with the God in all things and thus had dominion over all things, because it is God- consciousness which is centrally omnipotent at the core of every manifestatio The basic structure of every cell of every brick, every stem and bud is the electronic elements of divine electricities! To set men free then, to show them how to find happiness is the greatest blessing, the greatest goal and greatest love for life possible. Divine education to this end must be developed within each chela who intends to do and be that which Jesus and other great ascended masters are! Miscellany—or diversion into a multitude of things—is the downfall of mankind; whereas oneness, centrality, universality or God-centeredness is the concentrated love, wisdom and power that educates the whole being of man so as to perceive in the heart of all miscellaneous things which are in existence the beauteous radiance of intelligent electron controlling form so as to manifest diversely for the use of man—or the many. Now comes the right use of form which is to serve God-intelligence, God-power and God-love of life in obeying its commands, which can only produce happiness of perfection always. Most men are ruled then by a lesser character, a pseudo-character which they and forces of human thought have molded through millenniums of submission to a finite rule, custom, habit and rebellious human stubbornness which has only produced sorrow. From this men must be divinely educated to adorning and adoring the inner man of the heart—the Christ or light of God whose minute flame embodied in all hearts must expand if they are to be free from human serfdom and stand as the exalted creation of God—a living Christ among men. Developing this character must be both from within out and from without in. God is everywhere and unless He is invoked and called into action, both within and without, the lesser long-established human control through entrenched habit continues in command. Those who would begin their divine education then will do so first by determined pursuit of the character of Christ which does not merely worship Christ but follows the highest covenant of his heart by imitating him! This is true educative worship that expands and expands without limit until the whole Christ character in full command declares “All power in heaven and earth is given unto me”—and it will be absolutely so for you! This is the will, which is also the wisdom of God for you. I AM revealing A Goal of Transcendent Glory -Lanto:Pearl 4:19 ……………..……………Vol. 13 No. 40 - Lord Maitreya - October 4, 1970 When the Word of the Lord is declared unto him, saying, “Thou danced with me in the flame before the world was” he is given a prescience of being whereby he can identify with the beauty of that moment when he was held in the bosom of God. It is as though it had never occurred, but is freshly occurring.The sense of his individuality becomes timeless.He is no longer circumscribed by outer purposes but is wedded to inner purpose.Vision is the key. It ordains the reality of Self. Man lives no longer according to concepts of a given epoch in time. Yet he is able to capture a vision of time as though it were a bubble floating in the mystic sea of being. The bubble moves onward, but he is neither bubble nor sea. He contains all within himself as a vision of the great reality of timeless nature of being. There is a fountain of living flame of yellow-white fire that bubbles and rises and falls in the center of our retreat, focal point for the precipitation of fire as the water of the Mother. O sacred fire in the heart of man that is the heart of God, rise now as the fountain of illumination, increase the awareness of God’s mind. Let the topaz of that mind now be as a magnet to increase in the hearts of all the wisdom of the Solar Logoi. ELOHIM. ELOHIM. [Chanted.] The seven mighty Elohim are forming a stellar formation across the cosmos this night, focalizing the five-pointed star of man’s identification as the Christed one. This is the star of the appearing of the Christ consciousness. We raise our hands and there is the quivering of the bow. The arrow of a cosmo-conception is released and energies flash forth between Elohim as a certain light is released from the heart of Alpha and Omega. Now visualize that starry configuration of the five-pointed star–five points of light within you–and you will feel as energy flows from the points of the star, each Elohim and divine complement sending forth the fire to every other point of the star. Now for this macrocosmic miracle we desire to have a counterpoint in form. You are that counterpoint as you are in the starry body of man. So now let Elohim and their energies flow through your forcefield. ELOHIM. ELOHIM. OM ELOHIM OM ELOHIM OM ELOHIM OM. [Chanted.] And now the release of fires of the secret rays for the alignment and balance of consciousness of every living soul throughout the cosmic egg. ELOHIM. ELOHIM. ELOHIM. ELOHIM.ELOHIM, ELOHIM, ELOHIM. OM ELOHIM OM ELOHIM OM ELOHIM OM. [Chanted.] Fire flashes forth across the sky and there appeared a great wonder in heaven, the “woman clothed with the Sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars.” Twelve cosmic beings of cosmic consciousness are the crown of the Divine Mother worn by Elohim as they carry that crown throughout the reaches of time and space and beyond. Now see then portrayed across the skies the image of the Cosmic Virgin. See Her face compassionate, mild, understanding, with a sigh and a longing for the Father and Child and Holy Spirit, attending the birth of the whole of creation. So is the Cosmic Virgin adorned by Elohim, the builders of form. We come with our offering, the science of the Mother. We come with the wisdom of Her flame. ELOHIM. ELOHIM. ELOHIM. [Chanted.] Now hear the word of wisdom’s rod and see conferred that Logos. See fire of the rod purge a system and systems of worlds of their ignorance of the Law. Blaze forth! Blaze forth! Blaze forth! Shatter, shatter, shatter, shatter, shatter. Blaze through! Blaze through! and let the fiat of Solar Logos be for the quickening. Let the quickening appear. Let the flames be quickened. Let the golden petals of sacred fire increase and pulsate now within your starry body. See how they dance. See how they dance and prance–proud little flames, joyous flames, elementals in the flames. Mighty salamanders, sylphs, gnomes and undines imitate the dancing and prancing of the flame. And so they march and so they perform their calisthenics, their gymnastics, their ballet all in imitation of the fla me. Blaze forth the light of solar fires! O Helios and Vesta, Helios and Vesta, Helios and Vesta, the Elohim call for the release of solar fires....
Saturday, May 14, 2022
While many men idle away hours in developing their negatives (that is, their human tendencies much in the same manner in which a photographer develops a photographic plate), mankind would do well to use instead every method which God affords whereby they may transmute, heal and bless the Book of their Life (their own etheric memory body. To begin again—to begin anew countless times—is better by far than to be blown off- course or to follow the whims of those blind leaders of the blind who refuse to hearken to the voice of conscience or to listen to the voice of God! Truly the laborers are few and the harvest is plenteous. The time of threshing, the time of purging and of purification in this golden age is at the very door! Love however, not fear, should be the welcome to draw men to the harvest festival with rejoicing. The cultivation of joy in contemplation of divine possibilities which are the blessed hopes of heaven is a wise way of expanding the light activities of our dear chelas who understand the hourly need to bring practicality of a mystical Christianity into daily action before men that they may see the good works of the children of light and desire to be like them! I AM the smile of God bestowed on all the children of faith. -Maitreya: Pearls of Wisdom 3:39
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