Friday, May 13, 2022
tech transfer
The emotions of the nation affect the economy as does the faith of the people in God and faith of the people in themselves and in the free enterprise system. This system must not be put down by the easy giveaway of technology and secrets to the enemy; it must not be deterred or discouraged by inappropriate tariff systems or an attempt to equalize international trade at the expense of the American manufacturer.
As we have mentioned before, we are greatly concerned regarding the fact that the nation’s resources are not being used as a deterrent to world war. This is not as it should be. You ought to decree for the technology I have given for the preservation of world freedom to be used for the defense of America and the free world against a nuclear strike by the Soviets or other hostile powers. And you ought to make your position known to …
Even today the Western bankers are admitting that they are in an insurmountable crisis through loans to Communist nations in the Third World. One of these days, beloved hearts, despite the support of the seed of the Wicked One there shall come the hour when there are simply no more funds to supply the beast of world socialism, no more grain or technology to fan the fires of world totalitarian movements.your representatives.
…Beloved ones, we are not in favor of the supplying of the current regime in Red China with technology and wherewithal to build itself up to become a power that can be used against the West at will. Knowing the ancient cruelty of these lifestreams (the Chinese Communist leadership, not necessarily the people themselves) as demonstrated in ages not even chronicled, we can tell you that when it comes to the uses of power, both divine and human, they have abused that power almost more than any other group evolving on earth. And therefore we are not in favor of the decisions that have been made by the president or those contemplated in this current trip to Red China.
…This dilemma ought to occupy a large share of your determined decrees. You must call for the binding of those individuals who when given power, use it to reek upon mankind an unmitigated evil. And you must call for enlightenment of American leadership and judgment of those who are the betrayers of both Chinese and American people as they supply the Communists with technology and trade that guarantees them power over the people. -Saint Germain , via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Easter , April 22, 1984 at Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearls of Wisdom 27:31
The war that must be fought and won is the war of those who are the sons of God, the children of God and the root races that have been sent forth by Elohim. Therefore, beloved, your calls for binding of the dweller-on-the-threshold of fallen angels have never been more important in your entire history. For insofar as you give those calls and reduce the momentum of these fallen ones in their ultimate science and technology, so you will see the diminishing of their power. You shall see the liberation of Earth. And you shall see that you will have protected the new sixth root race and ultimately the seventh root race from having to engage in these ancient wars, warriors and warfares, such as the war that cost ultimately the sinking of the continent of Lemuria.
-Lord Himalaya via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on June 29, 1995 at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montanam Pearl 47:1
What is so sad, beloved, is that it is Saint Germain who has carefully given this technology to this nation only to see it piece by piece, point by point transferred to the enemy.
How then do you feel? How then do you feel when you are an Ascended Master who has to be told by the Lords of Karma, “No more scientific dispensations until the protection is raised up.” Well, at least you know you have already given to a nation the means for its defense and protection and for deterrence. At least you know if the will be there, the technology is already secured.
-via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on January 3, 1988 at the Royal Teton Ranch, Pearl
Yes, Atlantean technology is returning. Atlantean technology is at the very door with computer science, with reengineering, with the rethinking of ways and means of pushing right through barriers of limitation. Yes, modern technology is pushing through ignorance. But you must see to it that it comes out on the other side with a unity of the Mind of God that can inspire you day by day to accelerate and bring to new heights every lofty endeavor. -Elohim Peace and Aloha, via Messenger for the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on March 27, 1997 at RTR, MT, Pearl 40:22
A great gamble is being taken by the leadership of this nation and of the Soviet Union. And those who stand to lose most are those who have most, both of freedom and of the technology of this world and of a civilization unparalleled since certain times on Atlantis….
And yet they have not used this technology that I have released for the purposes to which I have released it: to win the fight for freedom in every nation, to rescue every heart and soul and mind and person who is oppressed, beginning with those who are oppressed in these United States and moving on to those who do not have equal rights and equal opportunity throughout the world….
Beloved, I have released a technology that has been used to subvert and pervert the consciousness and the sacred fire of the youth, whether in the amplification of rhythms of hell in rock music, whether in drugs, whether in purveying across television all manner of maudlin sentimentality in soap operas and in episodes dealing perpetually with misuse of sacred fire and pastimes of those individuals who are not in any way a part of our bands in [that they are not] raising the Kundalini. All of this does tear down moral integrity and sense of self-worth of the youth who have high ideals that are [at times] quickly shattered by these scenarios.
Blessed ones, it is a shame that technology should be used to perpetuate and proliferate a civilization that is decadent and self-indulgent and closing in upon itself. Yes, beloved, it is an hour of narcissism. It is an hour when individuals are in love with themselves. [Instead of practicing devotions to God,] they preen themselves and their bodies.
- Saint Germain, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 14, 1991 at New Orleans, Pearls of Wisdom 34:64
Understand that enemies that are physical yet unseen are deadly. And they use all manner of technology in disobedience to God; their time is short but in their time they cause much destructivity. This is the root of planetary hypnosis—the blinding of minds, hypnotic spells that cause the people of Earth to be nonresponsive to the call of the Great White Brotherhood and Ascended Masters or to the dangers at hand magnified by fallen angels at every level.
-Archangel Gabriel, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Holy Thursday, April 16, 1987 at Dallas, Pearl 30:12
The history of the descent of these ones is known. Thus, they are not free but bound to earth bodies. And therefore, they take their technology and their science, stolen from the Ancient of Days and the Sons of God, to wreak havoc in the physical octave—their sole determination to see to it that the sons of God in embodiment should not rise and take dominion and learn to invoke the judgment and call to us for the binding of these fallen ones.
-Archangel Michael, via Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 11, 1987 at Baltimore, Maryland, Pearl 30:60
Blessed hearts, all must be instruments and therefore join him as one body of light to defeat once and for all ‘rock music’, so-called of the fallen angels on this Earth. The foundations of hell have entered society at every level through the misuse of sound systems, electronics, and technology.
-Surya, Pearl 30:33
……......Pearl 31L8 is from Archangel Michael........
Pearl 31:8a
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