Monday, May 2, 2022
Relative good is in polarity with relative evil. It is the other side of the coin—now the active/now the passive but always the same low-frequency vibration that can be no more/no less than the limits of its own self-expression until the self is no longer that self but through Christ has become the great Self.
Relative good and evil personified in the alignment of human polarities to the right and to left, now active/ now passive are indeed the salt which has lost its savor which the great Teacher said was “thenceforth good for nothing but to be cast out and to be trodden under foot of men.”
The soul need not light a candle and put it under a bushel, and men and women need not remain in the valleys of mediocrity. No God has ever condemned them to an eternal damnation of relativity. Yet there they abide playing ring around the rosy, a pocket full of posies, then the ashes—the ashes of vain repetitions and relativities—and they all fall down: down the spiral of vibrations that lower and lower, year by year are more and more self-convinced that truth is here….As human evil is a mockery of human goodness, so human goodness cloaks an underlying passivity to human evil while mocking the Absolute Good of the Person of God in the Christ immanence of His true sons and daughters.
The Lord God sends His judgment upon the ‘good’ people of Earth who masquerade as His sons and daughters. Wearing robes of righteousness they come, pretenders to the Throne of grace, imitators of the way of peace. Promising salvation, they stand side by side with the wicked themselves and are even worse. For they say they are good while denying the Good of the Son of God, cursing his body and his blood in each of his little ones.
While those who do evil know they do evil and are identified clearly as such, those who do good—resisting not the devil but passively receiving his deified evil and his idolatry of the energy veil—are in fact the negative polarity of the evildoers posing in the Personality of Good.
Those who allow evil, passively tolerating social injustice, outrage upon outrage that defies the dignity of God in man and woman and child—these are the very ones who are responsible for evil in its inception. For without the passive receiver the aggressors of evil could not anchor their dark deeds in Earth….
How often the friend who is the friend of human goodness and the foe of human evil will be on this side and that from year to year and lifetime to lifetime. They come posing as disciples of Christ. They know where the power is and, by their masquerades of human vice and virtue, move when expediency requires from sinner to saint and back again—a puzzlement to the children of light whose one desire is to know the Self as God….
Pearls of Wisdom 22:4
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