Monday, May 2, 2022
diabolical religious frenzy
Such is the sometimes pious, sometimes diabolical religious frenzy of humanity when they are not rooted in the rudiments of cosmic love—the fullness of cosmic grace! Although the inward, impartially acting law of love is written by the finger of God upon the pure screen of each man’s heart, yet it is often clouded over with human fear and duress and a network of discordant crosscurrents which create a state of temporary confusion in the mind, making for double-mindedness or human instability. ‘ -Nada, Pearl 4:6
Are people to treat themselves as animals and test themselves within a maze of problems based on a theology recorded in mere creed or rote? To prescribe infinity with finite bans is far worse than attempting to catch Niagara Falls in a teacup. The mighty onrush of infinity would wash away the film of (human) reason from the mind of man; and therefore God in His infinite wisdom and mercy has gently tempered the wind to the shorn lamb. <3>…“I AM my brother’s keeper” is the fulfillment of the law but not in blind attachment or sympathy; for the latter phase of human error is a mechanical tie, a pull upon the passions of men who see in the failures of others the possibilities of their own personal loss and by the bond of sympathy they are pulled in a downward spiral into the maelstrom of imperfection.
Compassion is otherwise—
it would extend assistance to those who
desire it and seek to rise
And mercy to the fallen but not at any price—
For there ought to be some longing or desire in all,
Some spark of hope or faith
That answers call
From God on high.
For men were born, not to die
But to live—and live again on higher plane
Until the soul, no longer vain,
Might pierce the veil of human pain
And see the clearer counterpane—
The window to a heaven above
Where reigns the Father of all love,
Whose holy breath does ever flow
To all mankind here below
And sees within their heart of flame
A Christly banner, never vain,
Whose every act will men redeem
And lift them to a fairer scene. 8:24
for man is the place where time and eternity meet. In man does the sublime touch the ridiculous. The highest culture, like a canopy, gleams above the bottomless pit of human desire.
…As you make God’s laws an integral part of your spiritual awareness, you will be building a defensive against perils to come and, in moments of crisis, you will be able to deflect those blows which otherwise might paralyze the soul and throw you backward, at least temporarily, in that evolution we call progress….
Our care has been very great and it has been centered on the progress of the valiant—those who love truth for its own sake and are willing to be told whatever is necessary in order that they shall escape the snare of the fowlerand find greater comfort in the knowledge of God’s expansive kingdom. 0Master R: Pearl 8:26
Are people to treat themselves as animals and test themselves within a maze of problems based on a theology recorded in mere creed or rote? To prescribe infinity with finite bans is far worse than attempting to catch Niagara Falls in a teacup. The mighty onrush of infinity would wash away the film of (human) reason from the mind of man; and therefore God in His infinite wisdom and mercy has gently tempered the wind to the shorn lamb.
: Pearl 8:30
When all the world crumbles about thee and the afflictions of Job come upon thee as the test of thy love of the Lord, then remember Wisdom. “Forsake Her not, and She shall preserve thee: love Her, and She shall keep thee.” For the instruction of the Lord in the laws of His righteousness is sent forth to the children of mankind from Her hand this day–from the hand of the Divine Mother–that they might surmount all tribulation.
-Lord Lanto: Pearl 16:18
The Mother’s love for the Holy Spirit is so intense that in receiving that flame of the Holy Spirit she is almost in the frenzy of Kali, dispensing energies of action in work, work and work. And when you come into the aura of the Mother you find yourselves working day and night for the cause, and you wonder how you can keep on keeping on. You wonder “What is this pace and what is this intensity and what is this fury, and why is there such a responsibility to serve and to serve and to serve?” - Lanto, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 12, 1975 in San Francisco, Oearks if Wisdom 62:40
Beloved ones, the time to entertain fear and doubt and human questioning is long past. For when you come upon the energy of this darkness–projected as a frenzy, as chaos, as confusion, as insanity, as sudden illness you must be ready to leap in sacred fire, to roll it back! You must be absolutely certain of who you are, of who I AM and who is this Messenger who stands before you. For if you will enter into doubt and fear and human questioning, you will find that that will be the very inroad to unseat you from your horse. And as we have seen in the past these unseatings have for many been permanent; for they come in the hour of your greatest opportunity for victory, and the victory cycles are wide and they do not come often in ten thousand years.
- Jesus Christ, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet at Camelot on August 6, 1978, Pearl 21:33
We search, then, to reinsert individuals with a true and lasting Christ consciousness into positions of key responsibility—positions that are pivots in the turning of the nation and turning of the laws. And when the nation and the laws turn, beloved hearts, in many areas there will not be an undoing or a turning back without a mighty effort. -El Morya, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 4, 1981 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 24:35
Thus the individual who has disobeyed the laws of the Holy Ghost, of the Third Person of the Trinity, which is the universal love of Almighty One, is in the dilemma of the fallen one who must seek the source of the threefold flame in order to have the opportunity renewed.
- Nada, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 7, 1983, Pearl 26:51
I come in a year that promises to be one of many challenges of the unreal—this unreality mounting in a frenzy of revenge, retaliation, resentment, envy, jealousy and ignorance coming through that Dark Cycle this spring, whose shadow already casts itself upon the pages of the new year.
-Lord Maitreya, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on January 1, 1986 at Camelot, Pearl29:23
What happened after Mother’s reirement in 2000s was that some at RTR decided they themselves were the lawgivers or patriarchs of this activity rather than patrons and patriots. In their frenzy to push their program the delicate threads of the Word are distorted, the path is often lost and false hierarchy impostors get a foothold at RTR. -R, Siskiyou County, Calif.
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