Friday, April 15, 2022
Truth is a mighty rock and it is also a premise. [continuing Gabriel’s dictation of 3-30-1983]
Now you can understand that the overcoming of death and hell itself is an overcoming of the fallen angels—hell being the forcefield and death being the consciousness thereof; death being ensouled and embodied, and hell being that place where those abide who have outpictured it. Thus it is a cross of time and space, of death and hell on which the Christ of each one is crucified.
And it is the eternal light, it is the eternal sphere of Being, it is the mighty action of the Godhead that does swallow up time and space where death and hell abide. And the twain are cast into the Lake of Fire, and all the inhabitants thereof are no more. And this is the understanding of the mystery “How long, O Lord? How long, O Lord? How long, O Lord?” As long as there is the consciousness of time and space as a limiting factor, as long as there is the lower vibration of the material octave you will see that there is a biding place for fallen ones.
When the consciousness of the planetary home is raised by the light of Christ and Buddha in every heart then you see there is a planetary acceleration. And therefore there is no longer a biding place for death and hell, for time and space have merged with eternity and golden-age consciousness has anchored souls of light to higher spheres. And therefore death and hell have no longer any power over them, for they do not dwell in time and space—the only place where these can abide.
Therefore you see, beloved ones, if acceleration of light on planet Earth is what we are after—and it is—if we must move forward with greater light, then we must have advanced souls embodying as other advanced souls take their ascension. And therefore if we are going to have advanced souls embodying, we must tackle the most severe problem, which then becomes the international drug trade—marijuana at the base—and the international terrorist and totalitarian movements manipulating governments, economies, society and education of the people to the death of their own souls.
Do you not see that in every case greed of these fallen ones, whether moving against America or Central America or disciples of Christ or one single son of God, all of these are to that end—that the soul itself may be destroyed, that activities of the Great White Brotherhood may be destroyed, that the Union that is America may be destroyed? It is to get at the very white fire core of each individual’s soul that these individuals put across their mass infamy on planet Earth.
Therefore let you who are wise and understand and who shall surely shine as the stars in the firmament realize that this is the hour to move forward with all your strength and all your heart in defense of light, in defense of the activity, in defense of your own path and, by that end and to that end, the defense of the path of the Messenger and the Messengership itself and the mantle thereof.
Realize then that as you see the network of light that must be lowered in manifestation, death and hell also have become a network of darkness, a gridiron as it were on planet Earth. And therefore realize that the network of darkness is overcome by the great antahkarana of the Great White Brotherhood, which is the web of life.
Understand then, beloved hearts, that though we move on all fronts we must accelerate and accentuate on some. And therefore you realize that the closer the enemies are to this community the more they occupy a position of exaggerated importance against the backdrop of world conditions.
It would be our desire to see the Messenger and chelas direct all of their attention on planetary forces that assail lightbearers and threaten then to cause Cosmic Councils to render their decisions. But, beloved ones, a mighty effort must also be given to that which is magnified because it is close at hand, even breathing down the very necks of our community members, as it were.
Therefore, understand that even as there is the mockery of the light and of America and of all noble and good forces, so heaven and the Almighty shall also have the fallen ones in derision. And He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh! And therefore understand that Almighty God knows that the adversaries of light are not real. He knows they have no power. He knows that these world wars have no power. And it is up to you, beloved hearts—and I offer my heart as a vessel and vehicle for your own—to contact that point of light in the Almighty that absolutely knows they have no power! They have no power! They have no power, their day is done!
And therefore not the betrayers, not those in league in marijuana, not those determining to destroy Central America and all light in it—none of these have any power at all in the living Presence of God which you are. Yes, I said which you are, for you are in this moment the integrated personality of the Godhead in manifestation if you will it so, if you will accept it, if you will confirm it, and if you will stand on that reality! [Audience rises.]
Truth is a mighty rock and it is also a premise. But you must stand on it and stand for it and open up your mouth as I have opened my mouth, as the Messenger has opened her mouth that God might declare the reality of being in this octave, in your very physical cells. And I am speaking now in those cells that have been afflicted by chemical substance of marijuana. I am speaking right to that substance. I AM the binding of its consciousness. I AM the flushing out by light of the residual substance in the astral body, etheric body and mental body and in the chakras and in delicate nerve cells and in brain cells!
I am speaking to it. I am driving the power of light into every lightbearer on Earth who has ever partaken of these substances that it might be cleared and that you might be strong and that you might understand how much your golden-age consciousness will increase by the power of God and Goddess Meru and the flame of Lake Titicaca, by the power of God Himalaya and the flame of the blue lotus in the Himalayas—how your God consciousness will increase when you are free of that substance, beloved hearts. Thus I speak, I speak with a power of fohat of the messengers of God of all ages. For we are determined as we gather one and all together to impress upon the molecules of this planet that it is an hour of change and of world change. And those who are moving toward the spiritual path must accelerate lest they be taken from it, lest in an absence of self-knowledge the light that they receive is squandered then in misuse of the life-force in any of the chakras.
Most especially are we concerned with misuse of the whitefire core of being in the base chakra, beloved ones. For when that energy is distorted, when it is diverted there is no feeding of higher consciousness, and the soul is not elevated and the Christ cannot descend.
And when the individual has passed the formative years and established channels of flow and there has not been enough of that light flowing to the formation of Christ mind, that individual may spend an entire lifetime in lower levels of the lower mental body and in misuse of light without probing the bliss of the Buddha, without developing the crown chakra and mighty intelligence of God that does indeed infuse/intensify, infuse and intensify the activity of the mind within the body—even expanding the capacity of the brain without transplants, without genetic engineering, without a manipulation of the body temple itself.
I say to you, beloved hearts, Christ in you has the capacity to create a vehicle and a vessel that has a greater ability even than the most advanced computers that shall ever be invented. For there is no mind, no computer that can excel or exceed the Mind of Christ, the Mind of God in Maitreya, in Buddha, in Jesus, in Kuthumi and in your own Christ Self. And therefore recognize that designs to improve the species on the drawing boards and in laboratories of fallen scientists of Atlantis and the Nephilim who came from other systems of worlds is also a part of the planetary death consciousness. And this itself is death—the death of the individualization of the God- flame by heart and fire of heart and the raising up of the soul. And there is no other immortality, there is no other entering in to eternal Life no matter what they do. The individual must move Godward by that which is already implanted in him by the Tree of Life, by the Mighty I AM Presence, by the Christ Self. And therefore you have all you need in this hour to lift yourselves up by your own bootstraps, as it were, with a mighty call and a mighty shout to your Mighty I AM Presence!
You have all you need to merge at inner levels with your own Christ Self, and you will find that the only way to enter in to unlimited capacity of Almighty God is once and for all to transcend this mortal coil, to finish your round, to ascend to higher octaves and enjoy the golden ages and vastness of a cosmos that awaits you. I do not encourage you to set aside your karma or the duties of life or your love of this world but only to remember that you prepare not for death but for eternal Life and for the resurrection. And those who do not think of the morrow and of their last day on this planet and consequences of their evolution and where they shall go and what mansion they shall occupy are of all beings most foolish.
And therefore let none criticize you for placing your attention upon your I AM Presence and your ascension. For after all it has been proven again and again that those who do dwell in the physical body and physical octave come to that moment where they lay that vehicle aside. And I am concerned then with the soul’s integration with the personality of the Godhead, with the very Christ Presence. I am concerned with one-pointedness of your love, your heart and your energy for the battle and for the victory.
I have made myself as clear as I am clear. I AM Gabriel of the Sun. I ascend the shaft whence I came, but I only go so far as to hold the balance and polarity of the work of Uriel. And therefore as he has placed his feet in Earth I place my feet in the etheric octave of your own lifestream, of this planetary body. And I hold my position there to magnetize your Christhood, one and victorious in the physical octave that it might have a counterpart in the etheric, and from the etheric to the physical then hold the balance for your mastery in mental and astral planes.
I place the feet of living fire and of my own heartflame that I AM in the etheric octave of life. I stand with you now for the clearing of your etheric bodies that you might also have an increase of fire and individuality in that etheric envelope, in that consciousness and body temple where your souls journey in the very fire body. For that is the place of greatest permanence in this octave, and you ought to be banking those fires and increasing them to know that your identity will survive death and hell as Jesus did.
This is my message, beloved ones—that you follow in his footsteps and realize, in this hour as then, it was, it is a planetary challenge to be crucified and to be resurrected.
I am with you, but the victory is unto the one of love, of courage, and wise dominion. The victory is unto Almighty God within you. Therefore I say, get God and be victorious! Get God and be victorious in the light!
(Messenger’s Sealing: Let us keep the glorious light of Alpha and Omega, of Almighty God, and the Buddhas, and the Christs, and of blessed Gabriel, let us keep this light in our chakras and in our hearts and go to our places of rest without further conversation. I AM the sealing heart of the World Mother tending the fires of your life, tending the fires of the soul, the heart, the mind, and the base of the pyramid. In the name of Mother Mary you are sealed.)
-Archangel Gabriel, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Holy Wednesday, March 30, 1983 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl
………………….. 26:24
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