Thursday, April 14, 2022
they play upon religious feeelings
Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us
that we should be called the sons of God. I, Gabriel, am come this day. I AM here to bring you the radiance of the morning, the splendor of Almighty God as expressed through the natural kingdom and as expressed through the angelic hierarchy and through the perfection of Life itself in the eternal realm of inner spheres.
I AM come to charge you with all of the qualities of faith, hope and charity, to bring to each of you an annunciation of the fullness of your nativity, to remind you that you were born of the flame and of sacred fire and that you are a part of God now and forevermore.
Therefore as a part of the Eternal Presence it behooves you to expand your understanding, to expand your sense of gratitude, to expand the flame of that Presence through all of your four lower bodies and exalt them into the fullness of the Godhead so that you may no longer delay the manifestation of outpicturing of Deity, but that you may arise as a Christ to grow up to the full stature of the measure of the divine manhood—the man of God, the man and woman of destiny, destined to be all that God intends here and now. Thank you. Will you please be seated.
The eternal cycles of the Father, worlds without end, are a cause of perpetual rejoicing to our being—the continuity of Life, the beauty of announcing to mankind the birth of perfection within them, the perfection of Christ. And therefore this morning I AM announcing to you the birth of perfection within the flame of your being. The pulsations of resurrection flame, the divine energies that flow forth through you today ought to continue forever to rise in magnification of the Deity.
I know, blessed ones, that there tends to be in the law of cycles a rise and then a minute fall. But, blessed and beloved ones, if you will notice carefully, there is always a continual rate of progression so that although you may rise to a certain height and apparently descend you will always continue to ascend a little higher each time. And so there is cause for rejoicing in that also. Therefore be not dismayed at the appearance world nor be frightened by it. Remember the words of the Master, the Christ, who said: Be of good cheer, O little ones; for I have overcome the world….
Without resurrection from the decaying elements of humankind you would never be able to reach the goal of the ascension…. For this same Jesus which was taken up into heaven has descended from heaven on numerous occasions to manifest even in your time. And this is no strange fact but a truth that may seem stranger than fiction. Beloved ones, the Christ has appeared upon this Earth in visible, tangible form. He has returned to Earth on numerous occasions. And I take particular note of the fact, beloved ones, that he declared that he would return and that the angelic host declared that he would return. And it has been fulfilled, and the end is not yet. For the cycles of Christ are recurrent, and to each time and to each age the benediction of Christ consciousness descends.
Mankind through warped religious understanding of prodigious intellect which is not illumined persist in thinking according to human thoughts. And they, beloved ones, feel that there is a certain specific age when the Christ will come and that mankind will be left behind and will have no hope. And they play upon religious feeelings of the multitudes and urge them to do their bidding and embrace the particular theology and tenets of the faith which they advocate.
The eternal faith in God, beloved ones, is the faith in the everlasting resurrection. The resurrection of the Christ Spirit was known to Melchizedek, priest of Salem —and this was thousands of years before the birth and nativity of beloved Jesus. The eternal cycles of the Father did not begin one thousand, two thousand, even ten thousand years ago; and therefore the great error which mankind make is realized so clearly by the angelic host who in our sense of eternal devotion feel no sense of time or span of space. And therefore it seems but yesterday that our band descended with glad hosannas and cries of joy and appeared to the shepherds upon the hillsides and announced to them “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men of good will.”
Beloved ones, the cry of the angelic host is heard through the ages. Therefore early Christian writers declared “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.”
You were told recently that several in the Washington group were part of the angelic host descended into the forgetfulness of human consciousness. Do you think, beloved ones, that those that descend from pristine purity and the glory of heaven can ever within their being forget the love of God? I tell you, nay. They can never forget, and therefore no one will ever be able to forget. No one who has ever looked upon the radiant splendor of the Father’s face, who has beheld the Father’s face in shining splendor can ever forget its radiance. It would be a total desecration for mankind to think that such a beauteous image having once been perceived by immortal consciousness of man could be forgotten through the maya of human density! The Gloria in excelsis Deo, the glory of His Presence is beyond mortal ken—but it is not beyond immortal memory.
The immortal memory, fdeep within the heart of everyone, deep within the heart of Earth stirs the lethargies of mankind, and there arises a spiral of Spirit within man which desires to exalt all that is divine within the nature and to transmute energies of the flesh into glories of the Spirit.
Your beloved Saint Germain, “holy brother” —he declared to you the message of the violet transmuting flame known to all the sons of heaven but required not by us who have not descended into human impurity and impiety. Our use of violet flame is different than the use to which mankind put it to. Our use of violet flame is to magnify the mercies of God because the mercies of God are great qualities of the Godhead. It is the mercy of God and the love of God combined that desire to maintain a perpetual creativity in order to give expression and opportunity to those that are the created to become one with the Creator and thus retain a permanent identity and coequality with God!
We of the angelic host know the Father’s tremendous love. This is the love of the king who goes to the peasant and places his crown at the feet of the peasant and saith unto him, “Come up to my castle, my palace of light. Take my crown and sit upon my throne and rule. For I love you so much that I would wash your feet and caress you and anoint you with all that I have and place you upon the throne of my kingdom.” The Christ epitomized this idea at various times but at no time so clearly as the hour when he stood before the apostles and called for water; having received the laver, he proceeded to kneel before them, the Master kneeling before the disciple and saying, “I will wash your feet.” And the Master washed the feet of all of the apostles. You will recall how Peter balked and said “You cannot wash me.” And the Christ said to hi“If I wash thee not, ye have no part of me.” And I tell you, this is a chela (disciple)/master relationship, beloved ones. It is a great cosmic law.
The words of Jesus to Peter would have bound the universe, and Peter would not have obtained his ascension (which he has not yet done) nor would he have attained eternal progress in the light at all or entered into the kingdom until he had obeyed the behest of the Christ.
This is a very important point, beloved ones. When a true Guru, a spiritual teacher utters a request to his chela it becomes binding upon the universe. And those who refuse to obey that request—made by divine law, understand—are only excluding themselves from the kingdom. But Peter did not. He said “Not only my feet, Lord, but also my hands and my head.”
So, beloved ones, there is such hope in the universe. There is such hope that these flowers with all of their beauty are but the dimmest of reflections of that hope. The eternal star-flowers of the angelic host, immortelles—they are dim by comparison to the hope of God for each lifestream, the hope of God that says to each man “You are my son, you are my daughter. I will give you the kingdom.”
Although made a little lower than the angels, you are crowned with more glory and honor. And we are happy that this is so. Even archangels rejoice to give you our feeling of divine beneficence that you may feel that eternal benefits conferred upon all mankind and upon they who will accept it are without limit simply because the Father’s love is without limit.
Limitation is human. And those who point the finger at mankind today in search for flaws are outpicturing the greatest human quality that will bar them from the kingdom. You do not search for flaws, beloved ones, in one another. You do not search for flaws in the universe. You recognize God magnificence in these floral offerings. Are they not lovely? They may be dim perceptions of an immortelle, but they are lovely perceptions of God and beauteous to your eyes.
You may expand your comprehensions of all offerings of God until unlimited light pours through and elevates you into the octave of the ascended masters. From thence you will be launched to still higher realms to become cosmic beings; for the Father intends to place every peasant upon the throne, and therefore there shall be many peasant-princes of the realm of the eternal kingdom of heaven. Only time remains for this realization to become a fulfillment.
And so there stands now a ship of light upon the sea of time, and all of you are entering into that ship. The wind of the Holy Spirit billows out and causes the sails to come to fullness, and it moves across a shining sea, bound for a shore of transcendent perfection. Mankind may choose to jump overboard and to swim back to human thought consciousness. But the ship will come again and again and again because it represents eternal hope. And eventually every son and daughter of God who has ever beheld the face of the Father shall enter into their perfection.
The only requirement is a maintenance of the faith of the fathers—the faith which has already produced countless saints. We of the angelic host know, for we have attended the coronation of every saint that is crowned by God and exalted into the realm of their ascension.
I have brought you this morning some of my thoughts concerning the destiny of man. And they are the thoughts of an angel’s heart, the ponderings of how beautiful God is to extend to His creation all the loveliness and heights of His own loveliness which you shall become. This is a priceless gift, a treasure of such magnitude as to be scarcely comprehended by an angel.
How can I expect you to understand? And yet you shall. For that spark within you shall respond to the spark within the Eternal Presence of perfection, and your destiny stand revealed and annunciated clearly by Gabriel. I AM come to announce to all the birth of Christ perfection, the hope of eternal resurrection paramount within every life who will respond to the moving call of divine love poured forth from the heart of God. I thank you and bid you good morning.
—Archangel Gabriel was delivered through Messenger Mark L. Prophet on April 22, 1962 in Washington, D.C. Pearl 25:48 In Christian tradition, Archangel Gabriel, whose name means “God is my strength” or “man of God.”
I delight in the law of thy heart. I delight in friends of Christ keeping the vigil for a new day. I delight in the crystal clear water of Life that may even descend from your I AM Presence if you keep clear the channels of light, of fire and of victory unto the new day.
I AM Gabriel of the Sun. I descend from other spheres, for the Lord has called me. And I am here in the name of the Ancient of Days. Unto you and unto the hosts of light I say: hail legions from out the Great Central Sun!
Hail to thee! Hail to the One! Hail to Alpha in that Sun! Hail to Omega in the starrylight!
O children of my heart, as that flowing River of Life now moves through me I am wont to discourse to you this evening of the power of light and the moving force of that light in the heart of the Maha Chohan, as the Holy Spirit comes again to quicken a nation in the consciousness of self-defense.
Blessed ones, beginning at the beginning you understand that the drug marijuana itself has lessened responses of many, many in this nation to a sharp-mindedness concerning survival—survival of self as an integrated personality in God. Yes, I said an integrated personality in God! I said an integrated personality in God! And I desire to show you that you do not often enough think upon the point of integration where all streams of light from that Sun, from the center of Being, all that comes to you does intensify that point of identity—even the point of the diamond-shining mind of God that is able, with the magnificence of fire, to seize upon a point of identity and to understand that this, this crystal of identity must now come to the fore for the victory here and now.
Now, my beloved, hear the word of Helios and Vesta concerning the law of gravity itself which of course is a state of consciousness of a mighty action of twin flames who always hold the center of the sphere by love, by wisdom in love and by the power of the Godhead.
Think then of this integrated personality in God. Think then of the force, the moment of consciousness that must strive to be in the center. Think of how you stray from that center in small ways and in great ways. Think how fallen angels you know have strayed so far from that center that it is as though they existed miles and miles from any point of I AM Be-ness.
Beloved ones, the straying from the center of the Great Central Sun was their mistake in the very beginning of the cosmic folly into which they entered. Blessed hearts, there comes a moment when, straying too far from the point of Christ Selfhood, the individual himself loses the thread of Life and of contact and therefore slips, as it were, into a sea of oblivion. This as you knowwas done through an outrageous disobedience of fallen angels through their challenge of the Godhead. The clenched fist, sign of world totalitarian movements, sign of aggression of peoples, binding of souls, suppressing of light, and finally ultimate physical torture and cruelty, murder and death, bloodletting, et cetera—all of this began with the infamy of those fallen angels, the Watchers themselves and Nephilim.
But in this hour, beloved hearts, you must understand that they have sought and succeeded in purveying that level of consciousness to youth of the world through that drug marijuana. And I will speak upon it again, for it has not turned around yet.
And I am determined that it shall turn around by the power of your own integrated personality in God, by the very point of the magnet of your heart’s love, by the very devotion of your heart to your I AM Presence, to the Godhead, and to your twin flame that absolutely affirms God-harmony in the center of being, that absolutely wills to express peace and wisdom and lightning fire of Lord Maitreya and will not lie down at night without a prayer for that youth who yet takes marijuana to cure his ills and in the process becomes less and less integrated and therefore disintegrated with the Central Sun of being, loses touch with that God-reality, loses touch with the true meaning of love and substitutes therefore a human oneness with others who are on the same wavelength of the marijuana entity, which is the canceling out of life and the will to be.
I demand spine! And with Morya, I say: let there be backbone. Let there be the will of the spine to conquer now the infestation of this planetary body through those fallen angels of that marijuana entity—devouring then the will to life, the will to be, the will to ascend, the will to be crucified with him, the will to be resurrected, the will to bear every burden, the will to take responsibility for life.
You have no power, you fallen ones that come to take over youth of the world or this activity of light! You have no power now, I say! And let the marijuana entity be bound! Let it be bound by the living Word, by the power of Christ, by the grace of the Most High in these souls who are attentive to the will of the sacred fire and refuse to be diluted with cares of this world, to forget that little children, babies in the womb and in the crib of life are inhaling that deadly smoke and are breathing in then that substance to which they then become accustomed and therefore create the desire and ultimately even the addiction. Meanwhile there is a wearing away of the cell and certain elements within that cell, including the surface of the cell.
Beloved hearts of light, understand that when there is a consciousness of marijuana, as it has saturated this nation and others for almost twenty years now—understand, beloved hearts, that it must be that also this consciousness with or without the drug itself begins to influence mores, standards and attitudes, business practices. And a mediocrity sweeps over the land and a sense of absence of self-worth; for that which has worth becomes the marijuana entity itself, which is the death entity.
Therefore I, Gabriel, stand and I say: you ought to celebrate this Christmastide, this Eastertide, this spring equinox—that is both the celebration of the birth of Christ and resurrection of Christ—now the overcoming of death and hell by that Christ within you, by that Lord Jesus Christ. And realize that this toxic and noxious substance is indeed the substance of death! And it is the power of the Lord Christ’s resurrection whereby it is consumed, whereby it is put down.
Therefore I say: let the blazing light of cosmic freedom go forth! Let the invincible light of that freedom be manifest!
And you must claim that in this hour—the victory over death and hell, the victory therefore over the marijuana entity, over morbidity and the suicide entity and its increase in the younger generation through the very presence in the world of the marijuana composite which has become a beast of planetary proportions fed by organized crime, fed by the Moloch of human greed—greed for money and refusal to turn the mighty fire of the heart into a sacred labor to produce that income for livelihood.
Beloved ones, it is a sad excuse pronounced against the soul, by the soul, that because there is no other way to make money in this depressed economy marijuana is the solution and blessing of life. This is as if to say it were a sacrament, as it was touted in the ‘sixties. Now it becomes the solution to economic problems. And, of course, the alcohol industry and cigarette industry have long also declared that it too has become a source of livelihood and tremendous income. And, of course, it has for those who pocket those interests, who pocket those profits as they are the abusers of the capitalist system and free enterprise system to the hurt and destruction of those body temples that must be fit for souls to rise.
Blessed hearts, I tell you, the path is difficult enough, the way stations of the chakras that you must mount and conquer severe enough that you and the youth of the world do not need this beast hanging over the planet spreading the shroud of death and moving then upon children of the light! Therefore it is unthinkable that this substance should remain as a deterrent to new souls of light!
I tell you, beloved hearts, Alpha has sent me, Sanat Kumara has sent me, Lady Venus and Omega have sent me to declare unto you that this element and this substance must be wiped out, and the forces of freedom must go forth and join themselves to the war on drugs in this nation for the cutting free of children and youth as never before. I tell you that it is inevitable that Cosmic Councils will decree and put a ban on incarnation of lightbearers if there is not the binding of the world beast of drugs—of heroin, cocaine and all addiction which seems to begin with many with marijuana substance itself.
Blessed hearts of light, though there is a great need and though there be a place prepared, the Four and Twenty Elders have reported to Alpha and Omega that they cannot allow souls of great light to descend and then be taken over by drugs because it is a setback in their lifestreams that sets them back many embodiments. And it will take many, many embodiments—perhaps even ten thousand years—for some of these individuals to restore within their consciousness, within their hearts and chakras that state of God-attainment in Christ and Buddha which they had before they entered the physical octave.
And therefore I tell you, unless this planetary home be raised to a new standard and a new level of cosmic consciousness that edict will go forth and it will be decreed. And you will discover, beloved ones, that it is holy innocents and babes in arm who have kept the flame of life on Earth, who have held the balance with angels, with elementalsand with the avatars who have also dwelt here, and that these little ones play a very important part in planetary evolution long before they can talk and tell you what is in the fire of their hearts. And therefore we will not allow them to descend into these cities and school systems where it is at such odds that they will indeed partake of that substance and destroy themselves, and therefore open themselves to fallen angels who are waiting to take over their bodies, their minds, their hearts, their nervous systems and enter there with demons whom they grow to believe are their own and their own consciousness. And therefore it is supremely difficult for them to recognize Lord Maitreya who is indeed the Savior of their souls through Jesus Christ and other Christed ones of this evolution.
Understand, beloved ones, that in the hour when Cosmic Councils in past ages have decreed a stop to the incarnation of advanced souls on a given planetary system it has meant the stopping of evolution and the beginning of a great darkness. I tell you, beloved ones, the darkness of the dark ages from which the planet is now emerging and the great wars and bloodshed and all that has happened cannot be compared to the darkness that occurs in a planetary home where there are no further advanced souls embodying.
Beloved ones, I am speaking of the integrated personality in God. And I tell you that even without the marijuana entity some of you are in your vernacular simply sloppy when it comes to holding the line of consciousness, of meditation, of one-pointedness. It is as though you have too much energy and you scatter it. And there is entirely too much unnecessary and unfruitful conversation where there ought to be a recognition that many wars are being fought on this planet simultaneously and Armageddon is in full swing. And even in this very week you have seen the attack of that fallen one against the person of the Messenger and the Church. And you understand that these fallen ones have come and they have gone within this activity of light. And they have come for the judgment and for outplaying of a great darkness that they might also be judged.
For judgment I AM come into this world! is the statement of the Lord Christ in each and every one of you. It is the sole purpose for incarnation— that fallen ones who move against that light may then be judged. And you will understand that this is the purpose of the crucifixion and mode which it took.
Beloved ones, the Lord Christ would have proved the immortality of being and victory over death and hell no matter what the means of his transition, but he allowed and the Father allowed this crucifixion—not by lightbearers but by fallen ones in church and state—in order to bring forth their judgment and judgment of the seed of the Watchers.
Understand, beloved hearts, that those who have gone before have descended to this level of density for a cosmic purpose, that you might live. And therefore there is no exception—not to this Messenger and not to your own lifestream when you reach that level of attainment. And reach it you must, beloved hearts! For you understand that unless you reach that level of attainment of one-pointedness in your own Christhood you will soon discover, beloved hearts, that you will not be able to pass: neither through the trial by fire nor through the crucifixion itself. And unless you pass through these you cannot inherit the mantle of the resurrection flame and seal the weaving of your own deathless solar body.
And therefore there is a war to be fought and won by your very own soul. And therefore I strongly urge you to consider that the saving of your soul itself for one-pointedness in Christ is paramount, and parallel to it is the saving of other souls by the binding of death.
Step by step, little by little, you move ahead. You move ahead as a community of light-bearers, as a nation of parents concerned for their own, and light-bearers in every walk of life who will not stand by and watch the destruction and murder of body temples by this substance.
How is it that the murder of soul and brain and mind can be tolerated by society? How is it that those who allow it, those who purvey this drug are not considered common criminals, even as the rapist and murderer is so considered? I tell you, it is a warped view of life and it is warped by the marijuana beast itself, planetary in scope.
And therefore, beloved hearts, beware of a false peace that is a relaxation that withdraws from the sense of self-identity in God. Beware of that straying from the center which always happens under the influence of this drug and causes individuals to stray from an accurate perception of reality and the dangers to that reality in life that is existence on Earth in this hour.
Most beloved ones, in the hour of your individual crucifixion I can assure you that sustainment of the light of threefold flame in the heart is the only contact, is the only fire, is the only way that you can pass through death and emerge God-victorious in the oneness of your own Christ Self, in the oneness of your own I AM Presence. It is the fire of your heart, it is the love you have sent forth that will return to you in that hour of your own fastening upon the cross. It is the ruby ray that you have exercised. It is the love of freedom that you have shared. It is every kind word and work and deed. And, above all, it is the discipline of the life-force within you.
Understand then, beloved hearts, that this battle must be won. And there must be a mighty thrust and a sharp sword and an edge that states clearly what are the dangers of that drug and sets forth without compromise knowledge that must be had now.
I AM Gabriel. My eye is on every soul upon planet Earth in this moment who has the potential to ascend either in this embodiment or in the next. And I tell you the vast majority of those gathered here may count themselves among this group if they so determine to understand that this path is not won easily and that it requires diligence and full power of beloved Serapis Bey.
Understand it requires the full power of the Holy Ghost and a flexing of discipline of will, mind, heart, love, soul, fire breath and the body itself. It requires that alertness of sacred fire whereby each day there is a deliberateness in your step, in your speech, in your actions—and you know that each day you have conquered some element of the planetary beast of death that indeed does manifest in other ways than marijuana itself but is so carried by that substance that it must be hit in a head-on confrontation with the powers of Elohim.
Therefore I announce to you that from this hour forward in this conference we shall dedicate our decrees, our energies of life to that very problem which I have outlined for you and its ramifications. And when you consider this substance itself you will find that there are activities and vibrations directly related, such as organized crime which you have begun to tackle—such as the beast of money and beast of the misuse of the life-force itself.
Blessed and beloved ones, there is the consciousness of the Great Whore that seeks to devour the light and takes that light when it is released under the influence of drugs in the nervous system of every child and every adult. There is an unfortunate release of light, and it is an inversion and a perversion of the mighty release of the Holy Spirit by the ascended masters and their disciples whose very breath does emanate that sacred fire.
Therefore in this moment give that call with me. Together:
I AM, I AM, I AM the fire breath of God from the heart of beloved Alpha and Omega. This day I AM the immaculate concept in expression everywhere I move. Now I AM full of joy, for now I AM the full expression of divine love. My beloved I AM Presence, seal me now within the very heart of the expanding fire breath of God. Let its purity, wholeness and love manifest everywhere I AM today and forever. (3x) I accept this done right now with full power; I AM this done right now with full power. I AM, I AM, I AM God-life expressing perfection all ways at all times. This which I call forth for myself I call forth for every man, woman and child on this planet.
I call now for freedom from all influences of death and suicide and demons of hell itself who move under the influence and momentum of this drug!
Beloved hearts of light, I am sending now the shafts of light, the crystal clear light of Alpha into Earth. I am now sending it forth into your hearts as one would fill those hearts with a pitcher of crystal fire poured into the chalice of your hearts. Beloved ones, now be filled with this sparkling light, the bubbling light of the action of sacred fire descending. Now be filled with that light and recognize that as the goblet is filled so you may remember that that grail chalice was also held against the body of Christ for the bearing of the blood that is the essence of sacred fire.
Understand then that a full cup is enough if you do not squander it. A full cup in each of your hearts is enough to set back the forces of drugs, to bind them and to drive them into the very lair whence they came until the hour of full consummation of that entire momentum by the action of the Lord God Almighty.
I enlist therefore the channeling of your energies for manifestation of this victory. And I expect results and a practical application of that which we must accomplish by your own ingenuity, by your own cosmic purpose and will, lest you see one day your own children or children’s children beset by one or more of these substances and realize in your heart, as you shed a tear in vain, that all of your efforts to bring forth children of ,./ light have been set aside because the beast itself has been allowed to grow upon this planet while you have pursued private interests and those in the narrow room of self and family instead of allowing the crystal energy of Life to overflow the very border of your chalice for healing of America, for healing of Earth.
Now, beloved ones, on a parallel with this cause you discover therefore that the purposes of World Communism on the part of those of the Watchers and Nephilim—and their purposes which they have even manifested in other nations not yet taken over by the world totalitarian movements—is death itself, is the destruction of souls of light. And therefore when you examine death, the consciousness of death and the entity of death that Christ does overcome on Easter morn you realize that Central America is a battle against the souls of light by fallen ones. No matter what their name or what their armbands or from whose very caches they derive their weapons, it is, beloved ones, an attempt to snuff out individuality, nationhood, the way of group karma, and the way of life.
And therefore let us also dedicate our calls to the victory of Life not death, to the integration of the whole man and the whole woman, to the integration of the little ones in Central America, to the infilling of that area with light, light, light from the heart of the Great Central Sun.
For this is the threat, beloved hearts, and it has always been the threat of which we have warned you—that this battle erupt into the United States. For those who are fallen ones are jealous and covetous of this land and of this nation, even as are the betrayers of this activity who have dared to sue then this Church and this Messenger for millions and millions of dollars. They covet the light, they covet the energy, and they demand their piece of the pie without ever having offered the blood of their hearts for the victory of its God-flame or the victory of the children of the light on the planet. Therefore understand that this jealousy of the community of the Holy Spirit is a worldwide action, and it does occur wherever men and women are free, wherever they invoke that light to have a creative society and a forward-moving society. Wherever there is light in the chalice of the heart those who have it not will try by any means—by calumny, by disinformation, by divide-and-conquer tactics, by the outright lies and falsification of papers, et cetera—to move against that forcefield and to steal it for their own.
And they would steal that light by the rape of the Mother, as you have seen in America this very week, as there is a mounting now of that entity of group rape which is the very torture of the Mother. And it is an attack as much against La Pieta and Mother Mary as it is against the feminine being of your own soul. And this too is the death entity directed against woman as the death of woman. And I tell you, there is an anger in the carnal mind of some of the men of this nation that is tied in to the very pit, that is an anchor against the feminist movement and the rising up of women and the belittling of men and the emasculating of men that has occurred through misunderstanding, through rebellion and through the reincarnation of fallen Amazonian women who once were in the mystery school of beloved Amazonia, who fell from grace and who mutilated themselves and also members of the masculine ray and its incarnation.
Beloved hearts of light, the imbalance in the life-force in this nation, created through the perversion of that life-force in homosexuality and bestiality and every form of misuse of chakras is in itself the imbalance that does turn and rend woman—does turn and rend the child, does abuse the child.
Beloved hearts, understand then where one imbalance is tolerated (such as abortion) so another will come behind it. And the abuse of woman is one that has been espoused by the hordes of hell itself in this very hour. [to be continued] -Archangel Gabriel, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet March 30, 1983 at Camelot, Pearls of Wisdom 26:24
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