Sunday, April 3, 2022
to set the most able mariners on a true course
To All Who Would Know the Divine Intelligence of Creation that Endows Freedom with the Power to Create Joyfully,
We Come to Break the Mechanical Sense:
…It is the mechanical sense which carries over particularly into outer phases of creation which is especially disadvantageous to the soul which, because of its fiery nature, requires even greater freedom from restraint than does the outer man; nevertheless every resolve of the latter is slanted toward nature, as exhibited by Thoreau in his adventures at Walden.
I think that as you proceed in thought to analyze more and more concerning forsaking of the mechanical sense and asserting of powerful gifts and graces of God in your daily affairs you will see why the Brotherhood would in this age deliver men from the evils that so easily beset them and provide a chart and compass from time to time to set the most able mariners on a true course.
Involvement in the whirling energies of this mechanical age can be with the honor of advantage when rightly used or with dishonor of confusion of face where the sense of reality is lost in the miasma of a fraudulent civilization. To provide new highways of deliverance I am breaching the old prisonhouses of temporal detainment and calling for a return to peace and sanity, to balance and blessing, to surety and salvation. Where can these be found? Why, right within your own mighty I AM God Presence! Where else? -Master R, Pearls of Wisdom 8:5
As we continue our dissertation concerning the mechanization concept, studying how mechanical sense can be avoided and the infinite creative grace of God expanded as a mighty fiat of life in the consciousness of the individual, we are firmly aware of many pitfalls to be avoided by the aspirant….
The issuing-forth of the spoken Word formulated in response to the call of the heart and its power of regeneration is a creative action wholly separate from mere mechanical tracings of old, unregenerate energy which often occur in prayer given by rote. Yea, this is true re-creation, or recreation, which mankind today crave so much and yet never really seem to find….
Behind the screen of our spoken words there is a throbbing affinity with the being of every man. All outer gaiety and wit of mankind can never compete with the vibrant strength of the soul. Hence, I urge the avoidance of what we may term blind acceptance of mere mechanical action of the subconscious as the controlling factor of your being. -Master R: Pearl 8:7
To You Who Fear No Evil Because the Lord Is with You, I Expose the Insidious Mechanical Grids and Floating
Forcefields of Mankind’s Misqualified Thoughts and
Feelings—and the Soul’s Defenses against Them:
Beloved ones, mindful now of the cherished words of the Psalmist of old “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me,” I would speak of the insidious mechanical grids and forcefields which exist invisibly but subtly in the planetary atmosphere.
Let all take into account then how very important is the law governing affinitized vibration. Likewise let all examine the fact that the solar plexus as a center unless guarded may become a doorway through which negative vibrations enter to bring about a descent of levels of normally happy consciousness, clouding the sun of man’s being with thoughts of fear or threat, foreboding or danger. As discord is never a part of the divine plan but is solely an action of universal law in its application with respect to karma, I think it wise that the mechanical nature of this law be understood so that our chelas [disciples] can become reasonably free from unwanted conditions.
-Master R: Pearl 8:9
…………………………. To Men and Women of Progress I Outline the Interplay of Subtle Forces of Religious and Political Thought whose Impinging Vibrations Ultimately Produce the Discordant Mechanical Sense That Can and Shall Give Way to Harmony by Your Invocation of Violet
Transmuting Flame:…
You may ponder as to what occurs when a number of these forcefields do themselves begin to set up a mere mechanical clash in the sense that the electronic rate of vibration causes them to impinge upon one another. The end result is usually mass confusion, for many sensitive people do pick up the electronic release which, like subtly invisible atomic radiation, does have its effect upon those in proximity to it….
Hence, taken in the larger sense it ought to become increasingly clear that an understanding of mechanics of the universe may be both interesting and beneficial. But an understanding of mechanics of the universe should also reveal that mankind do often become mentally entangled and identified solely with mechanics, thus developing what we may term a mechanical sense about everything while losing sight of great spiritual values of being. Thus mankind fail to apprehend that the universe was made for man as a manifestation of God, not the being of man for the mechanical structure of the universe.
The creative powers in man will thus expand in the golden age through shedding of mechanical sense and recognition that all power in heaven and earth is given into the hand of man—the manifestation of God—in order that he himself might be perfected thereby and might by right action perfect all things.
-Master Rakoczy: Pearl 8:10
Now you may wonder why I have spoken of a mechanical doctrine involving the ascension and of the great error in this doctrine, but I shall attempt here to put it into focus for you so that you may be on guard to maintain a correct understanding of the ascension….
The statement beloved Jesus made long ago concerning the kingdom of heaven reading thus, “The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force” enters into many areas of doctrine. And therefore I would interpret to you that the mechanical sense of attainment is usually behind the violence of mankind who seek to force their way of spiritual grace and their unfolding divinity through erroneous supposition that the secrets of the universe can be mechanically mastered, including the ascension itself.…
In the religious field the comparatively few actually circulate the doctrine of mechanical ascension at the present time, but I am interested in having our students well-rounded in their understanding of truth. There are times when it is wise to point out doctrines of error so that the sincere are not led into byways of delusion where loss of time and energy occurs and karmic responsibilities of misleading others also enters into the picture. For usually when individuals become tethered to wrong thought they are not aware of the nature of the thought and thus presume it to be light and truth. Believing thusly they do not hesitate to impart their knowledge to others who may have less comprehension than they do and be misled to a greater degree, all of which could become a karmic responsibility of the one who misleads the other. -Master Rakoczy: Pearl 8:11
To That Man who is the Manifestation of God I Unveil the Infinite Self that is Obscured by the Veils of the Finite
Self. I Place before You Your Human Ego—Born of a Mechanized Sense Consciousness, the Idolator of the Mechanical Man, the Godless, Soulless Creation of Laggard Scientists. And I Summon You to Forsake
the Former for Your Own Mighty I AM Presence whereby You Shall Surely Vanquish the Latter and its Sinister Strategies:
But, precious ones, I am certain that if you will ponder this a bit you will recognize that your present knowledge far exceeds the cumulative sense of life gained through passing years. Since the manifestation called man so frequently feels a sense of immortality he often develops a very dedicated sense of I am, but sometimes this sense of being extends only to self-identity rather than to God Self-identity. It is the acknowledgment “I think, therefore I am.” But men must come to realize and to know that that which thinks in them is God—the I AM THAT I AM. And therefore that which is, that which exists and has being in man is God. Thus the overshadowing of mortality by immortality sustains man’s tie to his God-reality to whom, whether or not it be acknowledged, the finite self must bow.
One of the confusing factors concerning the universal being of God and universal consciousness is the state of individualization. Some will ask: “Are we then a mere mechanical accumulation of experiences so that our reality is actually one conglomerate soul?” There are many mysteries here, and it is our wish to clear up mankind’s speculation upon this subject….
You have observed that mankind are not alike and yet they are not unalike. The advent of genius is known to you. The sadness of idiocy is also a part of life, but surely no one can deny that in the human spectrum of consciousness there are vast differences which may be categorized and recognized. The admonishment “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him,” spoken by beloved Jesus, contains the great germ of truth which now prepares us to separate mechanical aspects of man’s being from realities. And we allude here to the difference between the personal ego wherein mankind lay up treasures upon earth and the great causal body wherein the treasures of heaven are stored.
The ego is born of sense consciousness. But let us return for a moment to Jesus’ statement: “If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” See in this how clearly the Christ has pointed out not that it is wrong to love nature or physical aspects of the planet but rather the material, mechanical sense of building a separate world or an identity that is apart from the great world of God-identity, your own mighty I AM Presence….
Lord Bulwer-Lytton in his writing called The Coming Race revealed certain facts concerning the creation of mechanical man—i.e., the creation of automatons. Those who wish to read the story which he told concerning the descent of a young man into Earth and his finding of a strange city and its exalted inhabitants may do so if they are so inclined. I promise you—and I shall not fail—that I will have some surprises in store for you, and I wish to plant one such a surprise in your consciousness here and now. These facts may startle some, but I speak them in order that all may be forewarned.…
The extent of the evil of these hordes and that of their mechanical creations has been very great, and the oppression they have wreaked upon mankind has been terrible to behold. The infiltration of the planet by these creatures is indeed a manifestation of human creation, not of divine creation. God did not create evil, neither did He create destruction nor hatred nor egoism nor any form of vanity whatsoever. -Master R: Pearl 8:15
To Men and Women who Would Become God Oriented, I Would Speak on that Reality which Frees from Mechanical Reason and Experience Criteria and Will Bring You to the Feet of the Master Presence of
Your Being, Free at Last from Enslavement of the
Finite Self:
Let us now deal honestly with reality that we may cast aside the unwanted and unreal. As ladies and gentlemen of this twentieth century take such simple objects as the dishes from their tables and place them in an electric washing machine, they are completing with relative ease and in a most practical way a task which for generations has been most undesirable. The mechanical contrivances of this age have freed mankind from many undesirable tasks, and the future holds promise of even greater freedom.
Now I do not think that there are many who suppose that we, in our releases, would propose man’s abandonment of these aids and assistances, and I feel certain that most individuals have grasped, at least in part, the message we have sought to convey. However as I begin to discuss reality I wish to make certain that all understand that we seek to free mankind from the mechanical sense itself and not from mere apparatus. -Master R: Pearl 8:20
Yet some measure of thought and attunement is perhaps required before the full understanding dawns with all of its wonder upon mankind. Herein lies a phase of the great macrocosmic/microcosmic interchange. The Creator with all of His wisdom and grace has no need of the mechanical sense; for by simple power of the will to do, all life bows to obey in the infinite world of God. The phrase “made a little lower than the angels, and crowned with glory and honor” signifies that mankind holds within his hand of thought and feeling, most specifically within his hand of acceptance as an individual monad, the full authority for his world.…
The freedom of man lies as a gift in his hand. When he desires it enough it will manifest in part, and little by little he will emerge from the cave of materiality and mechanical sense into the light of divine grace. Even the concept of chastity and chastisement are linked. The phrase “Whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth” should be understood as the action of Spirit divine and pure chastening the flesh form that cannot inherit the kingdom of God, in order that soul consciousness abiding therein may do so. -Master Rakoczy: Pearls of Wisdom 8:23
-Rakoczy Castle, Transylvania
Yes, Mark and Elizabeth did a great service with staff and students of light to bring this forth! This material has filled something like the last 8 posts here. Halleluia, Hailleluia
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