Saturday, April 2, 2022
artians and their misuse of Mother-flame
So many of you have been long time in the presence of our dictations, and yet you continue to think that the receiving and giving of a dictation from on high is somehow a sealed, guaranteed, mechanical process. You are very accustomed to modern technology and not so much accustomed to interaction of the Holy Spirit. -John the Beloved, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet March 31, 1983 at Camelot, Pearl 26:25b
Thus the more mechanical aspects of alchemy, called magic, have been employed down through the centuries by those who have used their knowledge of God’s laws for selfish ends. This was demonstrated at the Court of Pharaoh when Aaron, a true alchemist of the Spirit, was challenged by the magicians who cast down their rods that also became serpents.
The mechanical aspects of the law are often combined with trickery to produce phenomena which in the eyes of God are meaningless. Once a man has attained the position of a true spiritual adept he has developed powers of love and wisdom within the framework of universal law. He is innocent of harm to any, and his alchemical feats reflect his selflessness. Then the miracles he produces are of far less importance in his own eyes than the miracle of his oneness with his Creator.
-Saint Germain: Pearl 13:10
Those who are egotistical enough to believe these luciferian lies—which would have men bypass the hierarchical system of initiation and ignore the Godhead—may fall under their power; but they will never find the way to emancipation which comes only through Christ consciousness. Mechanical apparatus can be triggered by known laws. These laws can be taught and used to further the lie, and humanity can set up a catalytic form of environmental control. Through tampering with genes they can alter the face of life both within and without. But not without accountability….
To suppose that one is successful simply because he is able to fulfill personal desires through mechanical manipulation of various mental and even spiritual faculties is a gross error that will eventually lead to the downfall of man’s recognition of and attunement with his God Presence and his Christ Self. This breakdown in the great common bond of infinite love between the Father and embodied Son always results in a stultification in the design of life. The individual may acquire all things of the world that he desires, but he will be lacking in the great gifts of true God-happiness and oneness with the Eternal Creator through the Christ consciousness.
Mechanical methods may be effective in brainwashing used in military and psychological warfare, but these have no place in the kingdom of God where man fulfills his destiny through his attunement with reality. Beware then of those who would duplicate by mechanical means the various feats of nature in order to wrest a form of control over the minds of their fellowmen. Knowinstead that the ascended nasters’ level of consciousness is not lacking in any elements of perfection. These we offer gladly to those who would receive them. -Leonora: Pearl 13:34
Human attempts to explain the warp and woof of the universe according to mortal, mechanical concepts are understandable but they do not afford opportunity for clear seeing that is needed before the initiatic system can be meaningful. Therefore those who aspire to the initiations of the Brotherhood probe beyond a mere surface rationalization of causes behind effects which they observe in their physical environment. -Maitreya: Pearls of Wisdom 14:41
Whereas I recognize that there may seem to be mechanistic factors in the scientific direction that I am about to give you, I am sure you have noticed the many safeguards which I have inserted into this course to make certain that you are never of the wrong opinion; for none should ever assume that by a mere scientific or mechanical ritual he will be able to perform the highest types of alchemical manifestation.
Not so! For highest alchemy, greatest change is that which changes man into a god: wherein the son becomes one with the Father; and this can never be accomplished by mechanical means. -Saint Germain: Pearl 13:11
And that perfection is alive! It is moving! It is not mechanical. And it bears the mark of the light and lilt of those who truly know that joy wherein they can say “There is no more night here.” -Jesus Christ: Pearl 33:49
And when Hierarchy scans the consciousness of humanity they can scarcely find any who will give themselves the opportunity to daily make calls for the elemental kingdom; for there are very few among mankind who accept the existence of these beings and forces of nature. Mankind have reduced all to a material science of chemical causes and effects and mechanical outcroppings and manifestations, and thus the very spirit of nature goes unrecognized. And therefore the desire of these elementals to cooperate with mankind is lessened by the ignorance and in many cases the hostility, of mankind toward them.
-Lotus: Pearl 17:2
Do you realize that hospitals have steadily escalated their fees, having less and less regard for the well-being and healing of the patient and placing greater and greater emphasis on mechanical efficiency? -Hilarion: Pearl 11:5
Beloved hearts, it is a key to the victory that is won, as you have been taught, by a spiritualization of consciousness and not by mere repetition of the words of the decrees. If it were so—and listen to my reason—you could record yourself decreeing and then play the tape of the decree and thereby gain a mechanical victory. See to it then that you do not become a tape recording of yourself, repeating words but failing to endow them with a spirit and the Spirit of God that is won by facing and conquering that carnal-mindedness. -Meru: Pearl 29:79
Show your children, with the joy and excitement of the discovery of invisible worlds of Mater, that Mater is certainly theirs to conquer. Show them how crystals are formed of salt and of sugar. Show them how crystals form and how within the crystal is opportunity for God-flame. Show them how the flame makes permanent the creation—man—how within the soul endowment of the flame gives wholeness to life and being so that they will not inherit the shell of a mechanization concept and of a way of life that is mechanical, robot-like, following after Martians and their misuse of Mother-flame, following after so many who have conquered the vast reaches of space but who have failed to endow that hallowed space with the f-lame of God Self-awareness. -Leto, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on April 15, 1976 in Los Angeles, Pearls of Wisdom 63:25
a mechanical way of quickening the atomic vibration of the human body...and assisting to raise it into the pure Electronic Body which Jesus referred to as the seamless or bridal garment of the Spirit. -Messenger E C Prophet: Pearl 38:17a
Would you not desire to have restored to you the faculties of soul which you once knew—divine talents, the ability to portray in this octave the true beauty of God, the wonders of God? Would you not like to have that energy, that impetus that removes you from drudgery and from toil of a mechanical civilization?
-Meru, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on March 23, 1974 at Detroit, Pearl 61:10
Moreover he said unto me, Son of man, all my words that I shall speak unto thee receive in thine heart, and hear with thine ears—the inner acceptance of my Word, not the mechanical recording on the mere mental body. -Elohim Cyclopea: Pearl 25:41
We see then because individuals have not extended love, because they no longer think in terms of service to one another that laws and rules and regulations have been made--endless, endless rules. And therefore instead of going by initiation of the heart and by flow of the heart in making decisions and tuning into a fiery destiny, people operate in a mechanical consciousness as though they were tin soldiers, according to rules.
And they defend right and wrong not according to conscience, not according to the voice within but according to rules, the fine line of the rule and who is on one side and who is on the other and what is the interpretation of the rule. These interpretations are made by those who are not centered in Christ but who are centered in the sense of a social economy, an economic determinism, a philosophy whereby all that occurs is the result of cause-effect sequences in natter. -Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst: 7-3-1976 at Washington, D.C. via Messenger ECP, Pearl 44:24
I come then on the gentleness of the great flowing stream of your own divine lover, your own cosmic lover who provides you with energy, bliss, joy and consciousness to fill you with that unspeakable momentum for life in life, in the very midst of a death culture and a death civilization. I have said that television is death in Technicolor. I have said this because of mass projections of death—death as a way of life, linear, without feeling, mechanical, driving, driving and impelling children and adults to program the brain, mind and soul to the plots of fallen ones. I see then the captivation of our people not only by the television set— which should be “thrown out the window”—but also by every form of mass hallucination and manipulation. -Kuan Yin: Tvia Messenger ECP on 10-6-1977 at Pasadena, Pearl 59:13
Thus you also understand rejection [by the human body] of the mechanical heart. When there is rejection of the true heart of Christ there is nothing that can be done whether by myself or the Messenger or Elohim. For so to do would be the abrogation of the covenant of freewill which God has ordained, and the Father does not supersede freewill. -Jesus Christ: 12-25-1985 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 29:14
The fallen ones who move among children of God upon Earth have taken their training at inner levels from the archdeceivers of mankind. In the same way as your souls journey to the retreats of the Great White Brotherhood, those who are committed to the path of ambition and pride journey to other retreats on the astral plane.
Meeting individuals there who pose as most advanced adepts on the path, they truly are convinced at inner levels that they are working with the elite of Earth’s evolutions who are descended even from Almighty God Himself. The false hierarchy has an entire evolution—all the way back to the one who sits on the throne of the impostor of the Almighty One, the counterfeit throne of God.
So souls who are duped are souls who have not a sincere and pure desire for reunion with God. Nevertheless they seem sincere in their activities; and those who train them give them to understand, by a very distorted means, what are the goals of life upon Earth and how they [the trainers] are concerned for the greatest good, the greatest happiness and the greatest expansion of Earth’s people.
When you consider this you must be aware of the fact that among spiritual groups and religious teachings there is a danger for individuals who have not left off or transmuted the desire for ambition (the desire for success through pride) to come into a circle of devotees and by imitation present a counterfeit path, a counterfeit initiation, a counterfeit manifestation of how the soul leaves the body temple and enters into the etheric octave.
Movements have in actuality promised soul travel to their devotees. They have invented names of masters and contacts on earth. Many books and organizations in North and South America, in Europe and even in Africa have purported to represent the Brotherhood of Light. Beloved ones, you can see that the false hierarchy behind them is complete and by their misuse of the energy of the chakras they too may create a simulation of vibration and all that which appears to be real and is not.
Now when children of the light do not have a direct experience with the Holy Spirit, with the Lord Christ, with their own I AM Presence because they have placed other gods before these, they have not therefore reached a level of discrimination. Let them come and sit at the feet of the ascended masters. Let them set aside all goals of self-aggrandizement—the very subtle desires whereby those on the psychic path or so-called spiritual path see themselves as being above others and therefore able by their so-called powers to command respect. These powers range all the way from phenomena to actual healings to that which even appears to be the raising of the dead. This has been done by fallen ones by mechanical means and even by misuse of energies of chakras. -Lord Maitreya, via Messenger ECP on July 2, 1978, Pearl 43:34
Let sons and daughters of God therefore challenge those who are in the field of science who were present on Atlantis, who were the very ones who caused its sinking, those who are experimenting in their psychotronics in all sorts of rays. They then use that energy without the sense of responsibility to life and to the path of initiation. By fervent calls of chelas of the light we are determined to avert each such potential disaster. -Lord Himalaya: 4-1-1979 at Camelot via Messenger ECP, Pearl 54:10
By the power of God therefore I press and impress upon you—all of your bodies as you allow it now—this my message of peace. For it does release from you, beloved, a certain tension from the belief that you had to arrive at a brittle, mechanical perfection to be considered a worthy chela of the Master. Let the quality of heart endure. Let love endure. Let ministration to one another prove the purity of heart. And let the light itself be known as perfect in ye all.
-Archangel Uriel, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on May 25, 1986 at Vancouver, B.C., Pearls of Wisdom 29:56
It can hold a mechanical interchange of personalities and it can definitely use its magnetism to adore you and make you feel wonderful, but it isn’t that very, very special quality of a father’s love for his child that the true Guru is able to impart to the chela. -Mewssemger ECP, 43:39
Our purpose is not to move from a position of human lack to one of human abundance but to move from a state of absence of awareness to one of full awareness that we have the abundant life within us. The mechanical creation and the fallen ones lead us on in a have-not consciousness by encouraging us to think that we’re going from a state of not having something to having it.
They do this because they don’t have a flame in their hearts and an inner God-consciousness out of which to draw the abundant life. They have to go about in their mechanical way because that’s all they have. I’m speaking of the tares, the fallen ones found among the wheat. They put their consciousness upon us and we adopt it. We pattern ourselves after them. We follow them around and we say, “Okay, I’m going to get this and I’m going to get that,” instead of letting them do the running around while we sit back and realize that we already have it all because we are offspring of God. -Messenger ECP: Peael 43:5
Yet to this day the charm and appeal of a rustic scene set in a garden or farm remains ever so pleasing to the nostalgic sense of both men and women. Oxen in yoke plowing an ancient furrow give way to more familiar settings of today’s mechanical progress spelled out in strong, sometimes harsh and raucous “words” of steel or iron and the miracles of electronics. In a material sense changes sweep from West to East in reverse of ancient currents of the Spirit which have for so long flowed out of the mystic East toward Western culture. -Nada: Pearls of Wisdom 4:5
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