Saturday, April 16, 2022
Include Saint Germain in every undertaking
In his Sermon on the Mysteries of the Kingdom, Jesus said “...the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it.” You see, when you want that pearl of great price more than anything else in the world you will give up everything for it. The pearl of great price stands for self-knowledge, self-mastery and ultimately self-fulfillment.
The parable teaches us that all of the goods of this world are as nothing by comparison to the kingdom of God that is within you. The pearl in your hand is your Holy Christ Self, is your Mighty I AM Presence, is your divine spark that is sealed in the secret chamber of your heart. And if after hearing the teachings I have imparted to you, you still hanker after the world, well, modify your lifestyle, beloved. Take it one step at a time. After all, Rome was not built in a day. You don’t have to stop your bad habits all at once as if you were setting the air (brakes) on a fast-moving train, but you should whittle away at those habits a little every day. Think about the things you do that are most detrimental to your spirit, your soul, your mind and your body and begin to eliminate them one by one.
Do not fail to call and call and call again to the Archangels to cut you free from addictions of nicotine, alcohol and sugar. And if at first you don’t succeed, try, try and try again, as the saying goes. For when I, Gabriel, come to you with the purity of my being ready to pour God’s light into your crown chakra what do I find? I find a brain filled with nicotine, alcohol and sugar. And then what happens, beloved? You cannot receive the impartations of God through the crown chakra unless you first clear your brain of accumulated residues of these and other substances.
NowI say to you, beloved, test the Archangels. Call to us every day and say “Beloved Seven Archangels, come help me that I may never again be a part of the nicotine entity, alcohol entity or sugar entity that is destroying my body and compromising my spiritual attunement with God!”
When you are burdened by bad habits and you do not feel strong enough to resist pulls of the senses never, never condemn yourself! But do call to the Archangels! And we will cut you free! And if you fall back into your old lifestyle and then you decide you don’t want it anymore, it isn’t for you, we will come to your defense! We will come again and again! This is not a one-time deal, beloved. Our deal with you is this: as long as you keep getting up every time you fall down--and you keep calling upon us--we will keep answering you! Yes, as many times as you call us, just so many times and more will we answer your distress signal.
Teach your children to daily pronounce the names of the Archangels before the altar of God. Teach them to give their “Heart, Head and Hand Decrees” each morning before or on the way to school. Read to them accounts of the valor of Archangel Michael and tell them how he has saved many souls from perdition by waging war against the fallen angels.
Teach them to memorize their prayers so that when they are confronted with wrongdoings on the playground of life they can immediately give the fiat, whether aloud or from within:
“Archangel Michael: help me! Help me! Help me!”
Yes, teach the children how to decree with the Archangels for the arrest and conviction of Colombian drug lords, and you will find that it is the children who will take up the banner of the cosmic honor flame and fight for the rights of a drug-free Colombia.
This do and I, Gabriel, shall protect and reinforce your efforts even as Archangel Michael shall protect your households and your jobs.
I ask you, in the name of God I AM THAT I AM: will you take up my offer and my promise?
[Audience responds: “Yes.”]
My beloved, the love of the angels is upon you. You are beautiful souls, you have beautiful hearts and beautiful minds. And you are rich in the spirit of kindness through your oneness with the Holy Spirit, but to have your victory in this lifeyou must study this path and this Teaching. Then you will know exactly what to do and how to do it when you are confronted with major challenges. Take us up on this, beloved, for very few people escape the vicissitudes of daily life on planet Earth, the reason being that very few people are without karma.
When you have had a victory in a matter that is of concern to you, your neighborhood or your nation take note of when you began to call upon the Seven Archangels. Determine if their presence among you was the real catalyst for change. If so, beloved, your faith will wax strong, unwavering like the Rock of Gibraltar. Such faith will never fail you, for you will have the living proof of what the Archangels can and will do for you.
The Messenger has given you the “Angels” decree booklet to take home with you so you can give the decrees she has taught you as well as many others that are in the booklet. Especially do I encourage you to recite the “Transfiguring Affirmations of Jesus the Christ” and the transfiguration mantra from “Heart, Head and Hand Decrees” three times each.
Along with the violet flame, you can work with the transfiguration flame to purge your four lower bodies of much misqualified energy. This flame transfigures your soul according to your capacity to internalize the purity of God within your being. White in color, the transfiguration flame reminds us that the saints in heaven are clothed with white robes. These are they which came out of great tribulation and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. The transfiguration flame will also remind you of the original purity of your soul and of how in dark ages all but the saints allowed their souls to become tarnished, often through witchcraft and black magic. During the Enlightenment
many of you returned to the path of self-knowledge, and today you can make up for lost time by invoking the transfiguration flame.
Walk the path of enlightenment, for many souls are waiting in the wings to be united with their parents-to-be. Even as we speak they are peeping through heavenly curtains to see your faces, to study your expressions.
Their time is come! They would embody, yet they wonder and wait. And in their innocence they ask me, “Archangel Gabriel, are there those among them who will receive us as their children and who will become our mentors? Are there few or many in Colombia who will recognize what we can give to this civilization when the Lords of Karma allow us to descend to Earth once more?”
O what a joyous time to be on Earth! O what a joyous time to experience divine and human intercession!
This is the time to challenge the fates, to challenge astrology, to challenge the weight of world karma and to say to them all “Thus far and no farther! Thus far and no farther! They shall not pass! We will take command of our planet, for through the apostle Paul our God has said ‘The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world and they that dwell therein.’”
And so, beloved, life itself is a momentous opportunity. Embrace it with zest and drink the full cup that it offers you. Consider life’s options and don’t let golden opportunities pass you by. Include Saint Germain in every undertaking, for he will add to the admixture of your alchemy that secret ingredient that will make all the difference in your successes and your failures.
And so, discomfit yourselves if you must, but never lose an opportunity to walk side by side with the Hierarch of the Aquarian age. Whether he comes to you as Merlin the magician or the Count St. Germain or the Wonderman of Europe tarry with him, for the secrets he imparts are well worth waiting for. Yes, make time for Saint Germain and his violet flame and he will make time for you!
I AM Gabriel of the Sun!
I AM Gabriel of the Annunciation!
I AM that Gabriel who appeared to the prophets of old and spoke through them even as I have been speaking through the Messengers of the twentieth century, as have all the archangels. In the name I AM THAT I AM we are the legions of light who do the bidding of the hosts of the Lord! We bow to the threefold flame within you! Now balance that flame! For we have come to serve the sons and daughters of God. And we serve you best when your threefold flame is balanced.
In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother I send forth bolts of lightning for the shattering of mankind’s recalcitrance in this and every nation. Vajra! Vajra! Vajra! Vajra! Vajra! Vajra! Vajra!
So let the bolts of blue lightning descend! So let them rearrange molecules of matter in the four lower bodies of these who are becoming the saints in the Earth. So stand fast and you shall see the transformation of yourself and of your world!
Therefore I seal you in the light of God that never, never, never fails! [57-second standing ovation] via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet
on March 16, 1996 at Bogotá, Columbiam Pearls of Wisdom 40:6
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