Saturday, April 16, 2022
Do not attempt to empower yourselves Do not attempt to empower yourselves
Hail, communicants of Church Universal and Triumphant!
I AM Gabriel of the Sun and my legions are with me. Therefore, stand in their midst and receive the blessing of angels of God who come from the Central Sun with filled chalices of fiery God, fiery God, fiery God! [Congregation stands.] Receive then the hosts of the Lord. For we are thy servants, even as thou art the servants of God. Be seated, then, beloved.
I come in the whiteness of the glory of the rings of the Great Central Sun. I come so that the rings may intensify round about this place and also seal it.
I come with the annunciation, for I AM the Angel of the Annunciation. And I announce to you that God has called you to a higher purpose and a higher consciousness. And God has sent untold angels of my bands to deliver unto you the wavelength of whitefire of being. Now receive it in your seven chakras and in the chakras of the five secret rays.
Receive the fire of God and know that according to thy will and the will of God which thou dost espouse thou shalt be mighty conquerors in this age. For the glory of God shall descend upon you, and the glory of the Holy Spirit and the glory of the Son and Divine Mother.
This then is your calling. You must strive daily to rise to the place of yesterday’s attainment, to maintain that place and to rise another niche on the morrow. Do not backslide. It will be costly to you and to your sponsors among the heavenly hosts. I say to you, beloved, the whitefire of God is able to annihilate all war upon this planet in an instant. I ask you to heed the word of Uriel! Heed the word of the Archangels! Come into a divine allegiance and understand that purification of your temple by whitefire, which we now bear to you, is the key to the annihilation of war.
Therefore surrender. Surrender to the light and the beings of light. And do not give an inch to fallen angels who come as impostors to lead the children of light astray. Let the angels empower you. Do not attempt to empower yourselves, but self-empty and be filled again and again with the light of God.
Do not be concerned with the passing of decades. For the spiral of eternality is upon you, and you may receive from Saint Germain a tremendous boost in consciousness and in strength of the body—strength of the etheric body, strength of mind and heart and soul and physical chalice. Strength is the requirement of the hour that no foul or unclean spirit may come nigh thee but only tremble at thy footstep and flee! Thus be known as conquering heroes and heroines.
Yes, beloved, when you come to the altar you see clearly. When you are in my presence you see clearly. I tell you, sometimes not more than once in a lifetime or once in ten lifetimes or longer do sons and daughters of God receive a personal visitation from me. Cherish this! Cherish my presence and my words through this instrument. For to be found worthy once in a lifetime of visitation of an Archangel should be enough to seal you on a course of victory wherein you look neither to the right nor to the left but up into the face of Alpha, of Omega, your Father-Mother God.
I AM Gabriel of the Sun! Now I draw the physical Sun of this system close to Earth, and I am sending fire for the purging of those whose time is up! The fire of the Sun will consume all reprobate ones who have not given allegiance to the Inner Christ and Son of God sent by the Father-Mother God for the redemption of all souls.
There are Christs in heaven— many. And there are those on earth who bear Christ consciousness and have attained bonding to the aacred heart of Jesus. But I tell you, beloved, those who have that whitefire, those who have that bonding are an elite corps. I say this in a spiritual context, for you who are of that corps move with my legions and the legions of Serapis Bey, Mighty Astrea and Purity.,..
Therefore I say, increase your visualizations. Whether you are an artist of some merit or not an artist at all, draw sketches illustrating the mighty rings of Astrea’s circle of blue flame round the Earth, round yourselves, round the towns and cities and unto the very core of Earth. Why, beloved, if you will only believe in the power of the spoken Word, if you will only believe in the power of your Mighty I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self to speak through you, then you shall know the victory! We of the hosts of the Lord join you. And we say, there is absolutely no possibility of defeat when we are one—when you accept the purging of your four lower bodies and when you accept ultimate union with the Sun of the I AM Presence as we walk with you on this Earth!
I charge you not to get caught up in mundane matters, for very soon you will feel burdened in body and soul. Take hold! take hold! take hold of your beings and understand that you are the sons of Sparta come again! You stood and still stand (as Commicants) as guardians of the pass at Thermopylae! Hold the fort and give the fiat: In the name of the Mighty I AM Presence, we will not turn over our planet to the fallen angels! Should you not give this fiat, beloved? [Congregation responds: “Yes!”] Stand for the victory of planet Earth! [28-second standing ovation] Remember it is written: “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world and they that dwell therein.” Now if you are also the Lord’s and you attach yourselves in this hour to the Lord God, personified in your Mighty I AM Presence, never again to allow yourselves to become detached from that Presence then you will see how this Earth will be yours because you are in the Lord and the Lord is one with you. Do not give up the territory of this planet to those dark and evil ones who continue the slaughter, continue the slaughter, continue the slaughter. Do not surrender the planet into the hands of those spineless ones in governments of nations who do not step in and defend innocent souls who are being slaughtered nation by nation by nation even by their own governments, as in Chechnya!
Yes, beloved, these foul and unclean fallen spirits who have come out of the octaves of death and hell have caused war after war after war. I say, devote yourselves for the remainder of this conference, in the name Jesus Christ, to offering dynamic decrees for judgment of fallen angels in incarnation who occupy the space that you, the sons and daughters of God, ought to occupy.
It is time for victory! It is time for judgment! It is time for the glory of God to sprout from every tree—and the tree is man, is woman, is the stature of your Christhood that is superimposed over you now. For in this moment and in my honor and in the honor of your own souls your Holy Christ Self has descended over you fully, each one.
Now savor this moment of knowing what it is to stand in the presence of the living Christ who is your guardian, your mentor and bridegroom of your soul. Know this and know that it is a foretaste of eternal bonding that you shall one day have because you have said:
We will overcome! We will have the victory! And the fallen angels shall have no power to defeat us, to defeat our oneness with our Holy Christ Selves or our oneness with legions of God without number who have come to reinforce his glory in us today!
[23-second standing ovation]
The entire hosts of heaven are fed up with the people’s indulgence of fallen angels and their deeds. For they have refused to challenge and bind fallen angels and to enter in to the path of glory whereby the science of the spoken Word becomes sharper than the two-edged sword and descends to strip these betrayers of the people of their power.
Beloved ones, we wish harm to no one, not even to those who are evildoers. Your calls to God for restraining of fallen angels are legitimate before the Court of Sacred Fire and the Four and Twenty Elders. For as a result of your calls these individuals stand trial before the Court and are stripped of the light of God that they have stolen from His children and then used against them, confining them in concentration camps and torturing and murdering them.
Do you understand that the judgment is for the stripping of evildoers of their evil momentums? Yet they have freewill. And they have the opportunity, until their time is up, to turn around and face the light and accept the calling of Almighty God. Nevertheless, many blaspheme God unto their very last breath.
Beloved ones, it is up to you, sons and daughters of God, to call upon us, the Archangels and legions of light to step in, in the name I AM THAT I AM, and bind these fallen angels incarnate when the heads of state of nations refuse to send their armies against these murderers who murder again and again and again!
And how many years have we continued to see the war in Bosnia, in the former Yugoslavia, and town after town, village after village destroyed? Blessed ones, as Saint Germain has said, those who see the genocide and do nothing will not be without culpability.
See to it that you do something rather than nothing. See to it that you go to the altar of God and call for judgment of those who commit genocide. And pray for complete alteration by way of violet flame transmutation, of the planetary consciousness.
The consciousness of planet Earth must change! And you are torchbearers! The sacred fire is rising in you now through the ministrations of your Holy Christ Self. Experience this moment and retain it!
And remember that the Faithful and True who appears in Revelation is the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (overshadowed by Maitreya, Gautama and Sanat Kumara). You can march with him and his armies of light, and the light will perform its work through you.
You may lawfully pronounce the judgment of fallen angels and call to the Archangels to present them in chains in the judgment hall at the Court of Sacred Fire on Sirius to hear the sentence of divine Justice that is meet. Understand that divine Justice is always measured out on behalf of both the least and the greatest, the purest and the most impure of beings.
The Archangels respond to your commands according to consistency and intensity of your decrees. Thus know that you have nothing to fear when you regularly call for binding of massive dwellers-on-the-threshold of evildoers—even those who have amassed such power that few would dare to strip them of that power.
I say, your Messenger dares! The legions of light dare! And you dare to strip them of their power! You dare to offer fervent calls to God! For by those calls you stand in defense of the little children and innocent people nation by nation.
Yes, beloved, it is time for you to understand the meaning of empowerment and to know that if we are to empower you, you must be trustworthy. You must not allow yourselves to enter into anger and lose that empowerment. You must not allow the light we would give you to go to the Other Side [the Dark Side] because you have entered into vibrations of the Other Side. This is a strict path but it is worth all the effort! It is the liberation of Christendom! It is the liberation of all peoples who pray and yet have not been empowered because there was not a Messenger to be the instrument of our delivery of that empowerment or to teach its correct use.
Thus we have anointed a Messenger. Thus your Holy Christ Self may be unto you your teacher and your guide. Know the truth, beloved! Know the truth and set this planet free! Only a very few people with hearts of fire are needed to accomplish this task. Yet ye are many, and many more are coming as you have heard.
Beloved hearts, councils have met, including councils of angels and the Darjeeling Council. A conclave has been held at the Royal Teton. All the hosts of heaven who are ministering to Earth are meeting in various retreats. We maximize the effectiveness of those meetings. We seal our findings in the files of akasha, to which every member of the Great White Brotherhood has access. By the Mind of God we accomplish in an hour and in days what it might take you literally an aeon to accomplish. We are there! We are determined! And we say once again to all: Defeat is absolutely unthinkable! It is unthinkable, beloved! And therefore if you would have the victory, you must have the drive and fire for the victory as you have never had it before!
I, Gabriel, place upon you now a mighty action of light in the thoughtform of the calla lily, each one a trumpet. Keep the thoughtform of the calla lilies trumpeting the victory of Christ, along with the Easter lilies and magnificent blossoms prepared by elemental life.
Yes, beloved ones, you may have your victory, but you will have to fight for it and hold the line every day of your life! You can see a planet glorious, a planet entering a golden age. I command you to go forth and achieve this for Almighty God and your posterity! In the love of the living presence of the Savior I seal you now. And I am your companion, your teacher, mentor and disciplinarian—Gabriel, Archangel of the Sun! [36-second standing ovation]
The Messenger:
While your Holy Christ Self is over you and upon you and within you you are free to pray, to kneel and to make your determination to have your victory and Earth’s victory—to save all souls of light in E arth. [Messenger and congregation kneel in prayer.
-Archangel Gabriel, via Messenger of the Great White BrotherhoodElizabeth Clare Prophet on Good Friday, April 14, 1995 at RTR, MT, Pearl 38:17
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