Friday, March 18, 2022
where Anti-christ has taken over states and nations
These may be days of great trial and hardship, but they are days of immense opportunity. There has not been another time in the history of Earth save in past golden ages when the ascension was such a present possibility. Because the legions of light are, so to speak, desperate for assistance of their counterparts in the Earth, they are willing to go to any lengths that the Law will possibly allow to assist souls to come into that point of such a realization of inner fire—when that fire ignites in one’s being and there is the whoosh of the flame and then the power is present.
And then from that moment on there is fire infolding itself as you draw and pull down and pull down the fire of your mighty I AM Presence, increasing and increasing and increasing. And there comes a point of critical mass when you know that you have a counterbalance of light and you are determined that you will not be moved this way or that but you will stand and still stand as that Christ in the Earth wearing the armor of God—and that whole armor of God—and prepared then to stand against the wiles of the Devil and to make them shrivel by a touch of the sword of flame that is now yours.
Many of you are reaching that point of inner fire being more than just a tiny prick, a flame in the secret chamber of the heart. Move for it! Go for it! We have given you that example. Now you can become it.
Thus, beloved, nothing can be said to be a shoo-in, can be said to be permanent. There is no situation in Earth about which we can speak this evening and say “We are confident all will be well,” whether it is the Middle East or Somalia or your own White House or what was the White House in Moscow. As events move on and as the signs of prophecy written in the heavens are read you will see that fewer and fewer people will find themselves able to deal with solar-plexus vibrations that are sweeping Earth from this group and that group, from this catastrophe and the next catastrophe. The upheaval, beloved, is not over with. Therefore make your peace with God.
You can have all the things of this world you want, but why forsake God in the process? Why forsake your path? These parallel paths are possible. There is a way that is made plain. It is the Middle Way. The Middle Way is the right way, the way whereby the foot in earth and the foot in the sea become a portion of oneself in the etheric octave and in the levels of Christ consciousness. - K-17, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 6, 1993 at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana, Pearl 47:38
K-17, often referred to as “Friend,” heads the Cosmic Secret Service. His flame is teal green and white. K-17 is equally familiar with the Kremlin, although they are not aware of his true identity.” “Both K-17 and his sister were able to maintain life in their physical bodies for over three hundred years prior to their ascensions in the 1930s. Continuing their evolution and service to embodied mankind, they now maintain a villa in Paris and focuses in other parts of the world for the training of unascended chelas” (Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, pp. 163, 161. Members of the Cosmic Secret Service, “devotees of the All-Seeing Eye of God,” are “guardians of the destiny of liberty in America and in every nation on Earth.” Mark and Elizabeth Prophet have taught that the Cosmic Secret Service uses “God-vision to warn the citizens of cosmos of threats to the security of the individualization of the God-flame—threats to life and liberty, threats to the governments of the world and to the family as the basic unit of the Aquarian society.” In 1973 K-17 described the work of the Cosmic Secret Service and how we can help: “My legions are agents of the Cosmic Christ, and they are ever on the alert to search out those manifestations that are subversive against the Christ and the unfolding Buddhic consciousness in mankind. We do have openings in our ranks for those who would participate, by the use of the All-Seeing Eye of God with the help of Cyclopea, in calling to the attention of hierarchy the persons and conditions, organizations and happenings that are not in keeping with the Law and that are... a threat to the advancement of light upon the planet. You know that God is omniscient. But God’s omniscience is manifest through His awareness of Himself in man. God uses your hands and feet. He also uses your eyes. And thus it is not out of order for those in embodiment to call to the attention of hierarchy conditions that are in the making and on drawing boards that require the seal of whitefire—the ring-pass-not. Many in embodiment...serve with the Cosmic Secret Service...because many ascended masters who serve on councils of the Great White Brotherhood have not been embodied recently. Once they ascend they are no longer in touch with the world situation and contemporary society in the same measure that they were when they were embodied on Earth. While they possess the power of tuning in to mankind they don’t spend any more of their energy than necessary to accomplish their service. My legions have computers recording all types of information on all types of people; for we must be ready as we serve with the Keeper of the Scrolls to provide any ascended master at any time with what you would call a dossier on a lifestream. The unascended branch of the Cosmic Secret Service assembles information on specific cases, writes reports on world situations and offers opinions as to what should be done about certain matters. The reports of various agents are put together and examined. The masters compare their own views with suggestions of unascended agents. In most cases they pass on the results in concise form to the Karmic Board. The final actions of the Brotherhood are based then to some degree on intelligence gathered by those in embodiment.” (Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, pp. 160-61, 160, 161-62).
O my children of Earth, O my children of heaven, I open my heart to you this night. I receive you. I receive you in all of your love and your striving to be whole. I receive you who have gone astray from the path yet would be in it yet know not how. I receive you who rebel against me, who if you had ever known me might not have indeed found the affection for me which you find in your hearts today. I embrace the children of the world in all octaves, for I have long, long, long been in Earth. And as Saint Germain was wont to say as the Wonderman of Europe I too am very old. Thus I know the millions upon millions of souls in Earth from the vantagepoint of the etheric octave, the ascended master octaves and of having been in Earth myself on every continent. Indeed you might find my footprint on the lands of every nation. So on the ground you find my signature, so in the star of your being.
As you have assembled this Wednesday evening to commemorate life, to adorn elemental life with violet flame, with vision and even to draw forth the pattern of the City Foursquare by the call to Cyclopea, so I am pensive. And in my pensiveness I think of those to whom I would give my hand, to whom I reach out. Yet it is not the time nor season. I think many of you have come to this place which is called wisdom. And that wisdom is, as it has been said: you can lead a horse to water; you cannot make him drink. In this then find consolation, as I find it, that there are always ripe souls waiting to be plucked from the orchards of life. They are there, beloved. And thus do not be concerned of those that are yet green, not able to be plucked. Be nonattached then as I am, [or] inasmuch as I can be, being the Father presence to all.
Realize then that God ripens the fruit and sends angels to pluck the fruit; and then the fruit itself when partaken ofconveys a higher consciousness. The fruit of souls contains within itself that essence of light of Holy Spirit, that essence of becoming, the becoming one with God in the natural time of the harvest of life.
Therefore, beloved, as we look beyond the circle of fellowship of this community and listen again to the nations, the rumblings of nations, the rumblings in Moscow, Somalia, Bosnia, so many places, beloved, where life is chaotic, life has no center—where is the center of the living Christ? It is in the hearts of lightbearers. And where is the center of the living Christ that is raised up, that is strong in heart and mind and body? Where that Christ is there is a rallying- point for those who see and know that this is what they shall be. -Lanello: October 6, 1993 at RTR, MT, Pearl 47:36
I ask you then to remember that your original Saturday night services were based upon your decrees and calls for the reversing of the tide of momentums of World Communism and world socialism and engines of war building between the two power nations of Earth. This matter is not done with. This is not the end of it. Even if there is a merging of space stations of the United States and Russia, yet these matters are not done with. Yet there are still powers, whether they be in the top nations of the world or whether they be in those of fanaticism and those who have a vengeance against the United States and are preparing to act when the time comes. -Pallas Athena, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 2, 1995 at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana, Pearl 47:13
And they realize at the etheric level—to which some of these peoples of Eastern Europe and Mother Russia have been drawn for the very first time while out of their bodies— that they may make great advances at inner levels in the heart of America which is truly still the heart of freedom to Ea rth. And therefore there is renewed hope! For by the cosmic mirror and the screen before them they see exactly what you are about in the physical octave. And therefore they seek to narrow the gap between the etheric octave and their own physical plight in their home nations, and they will do so.
And by the decree of your heart and the call which is a dispensation from the ascended masters you have the authority to make the call whereby unascended souls may join you in the giving of dynamic decrees. And you will notice the presence of these with you by a certain heaviness at first, and you will feel the weight of Eastern Europe and their physical and mental consciousness. And therefore you will begin to increase the violet flame, and you will know when you are giving enough of that flame to assist them in transmuting what has accumulated in their four lower bodies from the oppression that has been upon these nations since the very turn of the century and the Soviet Bolshevik Revolution. -Saint Germain, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 4, 1983 at RTR, MT, Pearl 48:43
Cuzco, given in Cuzco, Peru on December 23, 1973: You have heard of the avatars who have walked the Earth during 1973 behind the Iron Curtain and those places where Anti-christ has taken over states and nations. You have heard of heavenly hosts who have walked among Christian martyrs, those who have kept the faith in the face of all persecution….There has been brought forth this year through the assistance of the blessed Virgin and of Igor the tying of the knot of Hierarchy and of brotherhood with emissaries in physical embodiment in Russia, in China and behind the Iron Curtain in the satellite countries.... Therefore I am assigning to each one of you one individual soul standing for the Christ in Russia, in China or in Eastern Europe. And I am this moment securing an arc of light from each of your hearts to one son dedicated. And I am giving forth the dispensation that all of your invocations and decrees given daily and hourly for the remainder of this embodiment shall go to uphold that soul for the victory of light. Remember then that when you fail to make the call, when you fail to give communion to the Most High God you are also letting down one brother, one sister who without your support might not be victorious when that hour comes when all strength and all the full-gathered momentum of your decrees will count in the scale of victory. in Pearl 55:15
……………….. Blessed sons and daughters of the Holy Church, I am come as the Mother-flame of the Church. I stand in your midst with blest Raphael to bring the flame of a higher order of dedication to the Holy Child. I have summoned legions of angels in the service of the Holy Child upon earth. I come in answer to the call of my Son and of so many parents on earth whose lamentations are heard at the very throne of God. They cry out for their lost children. Some are indeed lost in the darkness of Earth while others are lost to parents because they have ascended to a higher order of service.
We have convoked this seminar on education of the heart for you, my beloved, to enter in to the secret chamber of our heart where we deliberate the plight of the little children upon Earth. Our concern is very great as conditions are even more grave than you have heard.
We seek a cradle for the remnant. We seek the shepherds. We herald the new day of the coming of four points of service envisioned by our servant Maria Montessori. As you have heard of her dream so you have looked round about and discovered that here at Camelot the four components are already established and accelerating as the base of the pyramid, the golden pyramid of a New Age education for all children. Where shall we place the base of this pyramid?
We must also consider the larger problems of this nation and of all nations of Earth. Century by century the momentums of war have outplayed themselves, even in the very year of Maria Montessori’s dedication of her work as the work of God. So did my message go forth—1917, the hour when the bell tolled and millions of souls passed to other octaves at the hand of World Communism. -Archeia Mary, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on February 24, 1980 at Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearl 56:10 ………………………….
I center then energies of the fiery core of my being here in the heart of the city, the New Jerusalem. And I place here the magnet of my devotion to the Mother for the calling in of the rays of the house of the Lord, the rays of Ikhnaton, who saw the one God and the people of God as one, the rays that will call back the 144,000 flames of the twelve tribes of Israel.
• I call those flames to the mastery of the heart chakra in this quarter of the archangels of the love ray. I call forth the children of light that we might forge a witness in this age. I call forth those wonderful souls who keep the flame for Mother Russia. I call you to come home. Watch how the angel of the Lord will also open the doors for you as you make your way to the feet of the Cosmic Virgin and the interpretation of the ascended masters’ release to mankind. -Saint Patrick, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Palm Sunday, April 3, 1977 in Pasadena, Pearl 56:2
And so I will remind you, as we take leave of that mighty cathedral, that these are your brothers because they are my children, even as you are my children. Though God is no respecter of persons, no respecter of creeds or dogma, yet He respects the God-flame within each one, in each place, wherever He may be in prayer attaining that divine attunement which each lifestream needs so much and yearns to have.
As we circle Earth then we pass over the Middle East. We see the devotion of a people in Russia, in the Communist lands also. That devotion is too a manifestation of the God-flame, but it is without direction, without purpose, the devotion placed to a lesser concept, a concept that is indeed without vision and has only the sight of the physical senses to devote itself to the state, to Communism, to man as a mortal, limited form. Alas, these need our prayers, for these too are God’s children.
We behold the temple of Kuan Yin above Peking. We see the ministrations of angels of the Temple of Mercy reaching out to the people of China who also know not the direction in which their devotion is intended to be manifest, and we pray for these also. We pray for the little children taken from their mothers so early. And we gain a cosmic sense of the world need, of hearts of the world which are indeed one throughsacred fire manifesting there, and then of the human needs, the needs of the people. -Archeia Mary, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 19, 1964 in San Francisco, Pearl 58:24
It has been demonstrated in Russia that Communism cannot completely dim or shut off the flow of divine feelings in the hearts of the people. And so there in that land even to the present time the rulers have been unsuccessful in stamping out feelings of religion, even in that nation, to their dismay and to their surprise.
I ask that all of you take a little more cognizance of your blessings than you have in the past. I ask that you intensify your feelings of gratitude for your own beloved country, both America and Canada, and realize that eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. And therefore do include people of the land of China and enslaved peoples of the world in your calls daily. Do not be satisfied to make these calls weekly. Make these calls with the strength of your light. It is not always necessary that they be shouted from the housetops. This may be quiet, but it is an intense focus of your love and your calls to heaven’s heart—knowing that Mercy shall answer you— that shall produce the result, giving us the authority to act in your world. -Kuan Yin, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark Prophet on July 4, 1960 at NYC, Pearl 59:7
Millions in the Soviet Union and in China have lost their lives for the love of that Mother-flame of Mother Russia and of the wisdom of China. They are the saints robed in white who are on the etheric plane, not yet ascended, and who cry out “How long, O Lord? How long? How long will our brothers and our sisters on Earth bear the cross of the crucifixion?” And the Lord God answers “It is not yet—not yet time or space to draw them into the whitefire core.”
These saints and these sages are the ones who walk the Earth in deference to life and to freedom, preferring that life and that freedom beyond the self. These are the devotees of the masters! These are the devotees of Jesus and Gautama and Mohammed and Confucius! And wherever they are in evolution they are willing to bear witness to the truth which they believe. They are our chelas! They are the ones who belong to the mantle of Saint Germain and Morya! We find them where they are and we take them, niche by niche, higher and higher in consciousness until those who are at the top of the spectrum are able to receive the crumbs from the masters’ table of the teaching, of the Law, and then to eat, to assimilate and to become that Law. -Saint Germain: via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 13, 1975 in San Francisco, Pearl 62:46
• The fallen ones who misuse the light of Father fear with an utter desperation the coming of the Mother! They fear Her coming in South America, in China and in Russia! And so they have erected their concept of a Mother Russia as the superstate. They have provided an alternate to the Divine Mother. They have perverted that flame and they think that they will fool the people. But the people will not be fooled! For I sponsor these people, these stalwart souls! They are my people, and they will not be fooled and God will not be mocked! Whatsoever the fallen ones have sown that shall they also reap!
See then how World Communism itself is the stench of tyranny holding back the flow of light of the Mother, enslaving woman to those labors that ought not to be hers, tearing her from her children, her family, from her hearth, from the tutorings of her soul by Sanat Kumara, the Ancient of Days, in the keeping of the flame of life. -Great Divine Director, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 29, 1975 in Anaheim, Pearl 63:1
With you—as with God—all things are possible. There is no other or higher way. For example, the brilliance of present Soviet science cannot win the universe for the blessed children of Mother Russia. Only God can bring eternal satisfaction to the whole Earth. Let the ungodly tremble, for they shall be cut down as grass; but the righteous shall shine as the sons of the Great Alchemist, Almighty God!
Further studies in alchemy are available to all who would progressively advance in this science of self-dominion. Some of this material I am releasing in the lessons of the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity, some in the weekly Pearls of Wisdom written by the Masters of our Brotherhood, and some I shall bring to you individually in answer to your heart’s calls. But call you must if this cause which is just shall be fulfilled in you!
-Saint Germain: Pearl 5:34
“In God We Trust,” written on the coins of the United States of America, is a mantram invocative of cosmic protection to the Earth that ought never to be removed and that ought also to be written upon the heart. Then the movement of the nation toward the reestablishment of an Ascended Master culture can rightly begin. These words should also be enshrined in the hearts of the people of the whole world, for all nations can benefit from the radiance released through this simple yet powerful fiat. The people of Russia and China, dominated as are the people of Tibet and Eastern Europe by the red dragon of Communism, have found their dreams of culture, of beauty, of love, of order and of the strength of the law of infinite love suppressed by a godless tyranny that is spreading as a looming shadow across the face of Earth, blighting the world with a plague of darkness, hopelessness and despair. -Tabor: Pearl 14:15
Saint Germain together with the Darjeeling Council sponsored Mark and Elizabeth Prophet to carry on the work not only of the Ballards and the I AM movement but also of Nicholas and Helena Roerich. The Roerichs set forth the word of Morya destined to reach both the Russian and American people with the energy and enlightenment that should deter the red dragon of World Communism. And so the Mother-flame of Russia and Mother-flame of America converge in spirals of freedom and victory for sons and daughters of God in both nations and in every nation upon Earth.
Hierarchy is no respecter of persons, of politics or of polemics. Hierarchy’s call knows no barrier. It cannot be stayed by the iron curtain or by the iron wall that a mechanistic civilization has erected around the children of God. The beam of our eye is a laser beam; it is the action of the ruby ray. It goes straight to the heart of the devotee; and no hand and no force and no ideology can stay the will of the Master who sends forth that ray to call the souls of God home. -Morya: Pearl 18:16 ………………………….
What about the people who do not know the law of reincarnation, who have no sense of an afterlife, who know not where the soul departs when the body is no more? For us we see another day and another opportunity for these souls who have been lost. And many of them, the most beautiful children of light in Russia and in China, have been received into incarnation in this land of America. Many of these are here, and they bring with them a great light of the ages.
We then have hope, even after death. But those who do not and who see life as only in this life, more callous are they when they allow the decision to be made for these ones to be abandoned. And so you see, according to their own understanding they have a greater karma. For them in their minds this is the ultimate death; and still they have no compassion and still there is no fervor. -Saint Germain, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet at Washington D.C., on July 4, 1976, Pearl 20:51 …………………………
You think there has been compromise in America, you think that the souls of the American people have been sold, sold away to fallen ones? Well, it is true! But I tell you, the great race of Chin, the people of light of China who are sponsored by Archangel Jophiel and Christine and Lord Lanto and Confucius, they also have been betrayed, and the people of Russia, and the people of Africa. I tell you, there is the betrayal of the children of Israel throughout the planetary body. And it has come over the centuries, and for some it has been centuries long; and therefore they have fallen into a darkness and they have not accepted the light of Christ when he has come. Therefore you see, we send emissaries, we send our missionaries, we send messengers of light. -Archangel Chamuel and Charity, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet at Pasadena, on December 31, 1976 , Pearl 20:20
We have, then, the situation on earth where those who are closest to the Christ Self and to the energy of God are the farthest removed, in many cases, from the positions in government to which they have attained rightfully; for he who is closest to the Governor of the flow of energy is the one who has the right to rule on earth. As we survey world government this day, we see that those who are closest to the dark ones who govern the flow of dark energies are the ones who rule in America, in Russia, in China. And the dark ones who have ruled in India have been put down by the voice of the people who were closer–even in the villages–to the heart of God than their leader. But one leader of light is not enough. There must be many souls of light who are in the positions of government who can turn the tide of the nations. -Gautama Buddha, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet in Pasadenaon May 3, 1977, Pearl 21:28
As I stand before you today I am looking into the eyes of souls who are kneeling in prayer in Russia and in the eastern nations of Europe, who are looking to God and to Jesus and unknowingly to me, and who are praying, and whose entire hearts and souls believe in the promises of God and in the coming together again of the people of Israel. Can I look into their faces and into their eyes and receive their prayers and not go forth to answer that prayer by building the bulwark of freedom and of salvation unto the victory in America? I cannot! And I say to you that you are a part of my gaze and a part of my eyes and a part of my body, my soul, and my heart. And as you become the instruments of the victory, you become the answer to that prayer; for in order to answer this prayer in this octave, we must perform that work of the Lord through dedicated hearts and hands. - Saint Germain was dictated to the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet in Pasadena, on April 24, 1977m Pearl 21:2
We will then go after the harlot, even the Great Whore perverting the light of Mother Russia, of America. We will surround the nation of Poland. We as bodies of light—we will lay down our bodies and we will also stand in our ascended master light bodies with you, through you, as one, and we will be the reinforcement of the light. And where we stand there stands the Great White Brotherhood and there is the sign of the cosmic cross of white fire and there is the upraised right hand—They shall not pass! They shall not pass!
Let there be the hearing of the Word of Portia who sets her hand upon this people for the deliverance of those who will in glory recite the Hail Mary as the rosary of Life. Let pilgrims of the sacred fire the world around go forth for the healing of hearts in Northern Ireland. Let them heal them in Belfast and Ulster and in each and every place.
-Saint Germain, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet at Camelot on December 7, 1980, Pearls of Wisdom 23:52
Know then the meaning of that star of Chernobyl as the descent of a judgment upon those fallen angels cast down to Earth by my cohort Archangel Michael, who have taken embodiment and yet are aliens in your midst, whose agenda is to take the light and in the process destroy a world. Know them, beloved, and call unto the Lord Christ with the Judgment Call that is given; for it is written, as it is spoken, by Jesus. -Archangel Chamuel, via Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 7, 1987 at Boston, Pearl 30:59
Beloved hearts, these things ought not to be. Therefore it is necessary and you must understand—one accident in Chernobyl and pollution of the environment that has not been told that has reached your own bodies. Another accident, the pollution of a river.
Beloved ones, how many “accidents” have the Archangels prevented? How many have they spared you because you have kept the light in the city? And how long will they hold back this karma?
-Saint Germain, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Thanksgiving, November 27, 1986 at Los Angeles, Pearl 29:75
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