Wednesday, March 16, 2022
acceleration of the judgment of oppressors
And I tell you it is necessary for the collapsing of the ring of old men—the criminals who occupy the Kremlin—ere Russia can be converted and the lightbearers be raised up.
As with all things, time, time itself is on the side of light-bearers. And their time is running out. And again by your understanding of your role in the position of Christ the judge you may call for acceleration of karmic cycles and judgment of the oppressors of the people in every nation. -Saint Germain, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 5, 1982 at Camelot, Pearl 25:65
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So the carnal mind can spend all of its waking and sleeping guarding its sense of self-importance. And beyond that, beloved, you see parading in Russia and other nations today leaders who are literally insane with pride, who have no moorings in Christ and therefore are willing to place before the world threats of nuclear war, nuclear weapons and direct conflict with the United States. Blessed ones, never take for granted or consider idle the words of a tyrant, the words of an insane tyrant, the words of a godless tyra nt. Am I not describing each one’s dweller-on-the-threshold? Are you aware moment by moment throughout the day and night who is governing your life, who is the real man within you and who is the tyrant? Make no mistake, beloved: knowing at all times who is the real you is the most subtle challenge as well as the greatest challenge you will have in this embodiment. So, blessed hearts, now you read the handwriting on the TV screen. You read it, beloved. You look at one such as Zhirinovsky and others who are making their threats. You look at a nation–a nation, I tell you, that I am very familiar with, the nation of Russia, Mother Russia.
-Lanello, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 24, 1993 at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana, Pearl
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