Wednesday, March 23, 2022
on the inner calling (Incal)
Therefore find yourselves not in that place of a lesser consciousness or a vulnerable state but make haste to enter into the true ancient mysteries. For Egypt was not a land of the dead, but Egypt in the ancient tradition carried forward the supreme worship of the one God, even the Incal of Atlantis. And therefore we were there to reestablish that monotheism.
This was a challenge not merely to the black priesthood of Egypt, beloved; it was a challenge to that reincarnated black priesthood of Atlantis. Thus you see, those who did cause the sinking [of Atlantis], those black magicians who had even entered the office of high priest in the temple, would not relent but would continue to move against those who worshiped the one God and retained the memory of the golden-age civilizations of Atlantis.
-Lanello: 2-26-1990 at RTR, MT, Pearl 33:47l ………………………….
Cherish well then the need to rule your faith and to establish it sufficiently for the ends which each hour requires. Project ahead the needs of the future for faith as you would plan wisely for supply and learn to concentrate your faith upon the path of the near future. Reins are also needed over the aspects of wisdom. Be not consumed in the search, for practicality will prove to make an arc of light and safety round the use of knowledge. The reins of love must also be bridled when dealing with both God and man, for while men ought to love the Lord their God with all their hearts, and their neighbor as themselves, they must seek to understand that which they should truly love, else in truth their love would be but idolatry. The command, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me” in higher manifestation reveals to the advanced disciple that the altar of God is the domain of true Self where revelation and understanding go hand in hand into the kingdom of the Sun, and thus God is born individually upon the altar of the dawn within the heart of the golden flame of cosmic identity. The golden dawn in the Temple of Incal is the beginning of the newness of eternity and of life in infinity. -Lord Meru: Pearl 9:7 Maxim (or Maxin) light: the Unfed Fire that burned in the temple of Incal on Atlantis for five thousand years. The flame which cast “a light of intense power” burned in the shape of a giant spearhead over three times the height of a tall man. See Phylos the Thibetan, A Dweller on Two Planets, pp. 131-33 in paperback (Harper and Row, 1974); pp. 136-38 in hardbound (Borden Publishing Company, 1952)
“ I AM the Presence of the Great Divine Silence producing always in your world that heavenly feeling of peace and attunement with your own God-source which will make and keep you victorious above every human circumstance and experience. My chelas remember well the old maxim “Silence is golden” and I AM sure will always try to practice keeping silent when silence is wisest and best and yet not fearing to speak when speech is needed to comfort and bless some other part of life, or when a sincere questioner seeks the answer to a besetting problem which may be facing the questing one.
I AM ever so sure too that most of our chelas know that there are trials and experiences which come sometimes expectedly and many times unexpectedly into the worlds of many of the children of men. It is so gratifying to be able to feel at our level that trustworthy chelas are both willing and able to be arms of our Presence and to help smooth the pathway for those around them who may be in need—thus performing the very acts of mercy which we so joyously indulged in before our ascension. The acts of mercy we graciously performed were part of light’s burden as referred to by the loving Christ when he said “My burden (that which I carry) is light (I AM keeper of God’s goodwill for my brother).” -Morya: Pearl 2:36
Beloved ones of light, Maximus does step forward. And he does hold the balance for the coming of Alpha in a mighty star of light over this Heart of the Inner Retreat. And he does communicate and beam to me now that you may apply to him for “the Maxim light.” But you must understand the path of chelaship and receive the interior correction of Christ-mind and receive all emissaries of God, of the heavenly hosts and of the Messengers beneath that you might quickly respond and not resist the will of God that is in the heart of the Maxim light.
O beloved, understand that there is too much resistance in the spiritual people of the planet, even their resistance in the hearing of my Word and in the hearing of this Messenger—as though any human or mortal could convey the sacred fire and the power of God and the dispensations that have been delivered. Beloved ones, it is no time for human questioning and fear and doubt, for these are the antithesis of my living presence and the Presence of God which I bear. -Archangel Michael, via Messenger ECP on July 3, 1987 at RTR. MT, Pearl 30:35
I ask you of what value would a unity of error be? -Saint Germain: Pearl 7:33
Thus you find when the causal body of sons of God does reach the point of the Maxim light the rainbow rays and secret rays begin again. And thus there is the repetition unto redundancy of this abundant life whereby beyond the blue of the sealing presence there begins anew the five secret rays and the seven again.
Thus, beloved, the causal body of Life does repeat itself again and again until you understand the meaning of cosmic consciousness in a sevenfold body of light. This you may observe in great cosmic beings. And this we show not upon the Chart of the Divine Presence, that you might realize that this humanity must first rise to the single manifestation of these bands in divine harmony.
-Jesus Christ, via Messenger ECP on December 25, 1985 at Camelot, Pearls of Wisdom 29:14
O lnvincible majesty of the light, O Maximus, O Maxim light—I call it forth for these Thine own! O Eternal Flame of Alpha and Omega, let this oneness nevermore be broken but signify that in earth we are the wafer of God and in heaven we are sacred wine for the Lord’s sacred supper. -Lanello, via Messenger ECP on September 24,1987 at the Royal Teton Ranch, MT, Pearl 30:52
Therefore we hold the line of light, the maxim light which can be anchored in the Earth in time of distress. And we hold that light for the protection of souls of light against the day of the oncoming judgment.
-Himalaya, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on April 1, 1979 at Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearl 54:10
I have given to you clues for a meditation that leads to a penetration of the inner spheres of God. If you will prepare yourself properly (through fervent, fiery prayer and God Self-determined decrees) for your ten-minute interval when you are held in the embrace of the Lamb and in his consciousness of love, both you and the evolutions of earth will benefit immensely from the uninterrupted descent of the maxim light. If you can imagine a Niagara, an Iguassu, or a Victoria Falls, you will get the idea of a teeming torrent of light that is available to all who approach the pure stream of God, of the crystal cord, with utmost devotion unqualified by any human condition of time or space or the desire for self-gain or even self-fulfillment. -Sanat Kumara: Pearl 22:48
And when he is found worthy—worthy in all points of the Law—then the Four and Twenty Elders and the four beasts bow before that one in recognition that he has become the allness of God and that the allness of God given unto him has returned to God, multiplied by the light of Maximus. And millions of souls in matter spheres have been touched by the mission of the Lamb.
The one who then is worthy to wear the mantle and the crown of the Lamb may take from the hand of the Ancient of Days the seven-sealed book. And the seals are the sealing of the seven rings of the causal body and the seven days of creation and the seven chakras. And the opening of those seals for the transfer of light unto the children of God may come only through the hand of the one who has balanced that 100 percent portion of light and who is found not wanting in all points of the Law.
Therefore the seven chohans standing before you are the representatives of the Lamb worthy to open the seven-sealed book on the seven rays for the initiation of their chelas.
Therefore the Lord Jesus Christ is pronounced the Lamb who is worthy. And all of Christendom worships the Lamb and sings hosannas and the new song of that Lamb. And indeed it is true—the Lord Jesus Christ is become the Lamb. -Maha Chohan, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on August 12, 1979 in San Francisco, Pearl 48:52
Sun Tzu’s ideas in the maxim “Hide order behind a cloak of disorder.” That is just what the Soviets are doing today. They are using their real weaknesses to hide their real strengths….(Many America s) do not see that the Soviets still wish to use military force to dominate or destroy the United States and capture Western Europe. - -Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 14, 1991 at New Orleans, Pearl 34:63
The attention must not be placed on the unwanted condition and no battle must be engaged. Such attention stirs up the dust of emotional energies which tend to strengthen negation while opposing it rather than successfully eliminating and transmuting the undesirable habit. …Centered in the Christ Self, their own High Priest, in the place of the Holy of Holies, they call for their soul’s purification by the essence of God’s heart. They count on the answer of immortal Life to the call of their lifestream. And they go forth victoriously with the tread of mighty conquerors, lords of life and victors over human destiny, putting death and hell beneath their feet through the omnipotence of divine love.
Consider the beautiful flame of Life in the ever-green trees whose lightness and verdure are perennially lovely! Think upon the wonderful angel devas and elemental spirits guarding and blessing God’s precious children upon the highways and byways of nature. Revel in Godly happiness in the cloud shapes drifting effortlessly through the skies above the treetops.
Love the aureole of the dawn becoming the radiance of the solar path, announcing the journey of the Sun of man out of the East unto the West. Let the hours of dawn and noonday speak to your heart of hope and prayer activating all Good. Move with the gold of the western sky hushing into even as an Angelus of Christ-peace, resting like a mantle of deeds well done (accomplished in God’s name I AM) upon the villages, the hamlets, the spires of city and country as upon the aspirations of the tender hearts of men everywhere.
Go forth daily in the name of God as a sower of good seed, saturated anew with the bounties of heaven. Let love prevail by the power of new habits of thought and feeling which make it easy for you to forget the rugged past. Gaze with childlike eyes into the mighty accumulation of Good without limit that is the universe in action.
Of all this say to yourself: I AM apart from manifestation, for I AM the all of God—the allness of God, the wholeness of God. The I AM is my Father, and the I AM and I are one! So do thou establish the habit of Christhood, of the divinely Good Samaritan, of the Great Shepherd of the sheep, the victorious Son of God. In love’s victory I AM Kuthumi, Pearl 5:50
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