Tuesday, March 22, 2022
• and he shall grow up out of his place; raly around this sword!
and he shall grow up out of his place; raly around this sword!
So, beloved ones, thinking of our “Pearls” as a Tree of Understanding and considering each of our gracious readers as a living branch thereof, we are hoping that you will bring forth other branches (expand the number of present Pearl readers)—thus causing to appear upon our “tree” lovely “leaves and fruits”—tangible proof that the branches are accepting and using the life of that tree! Will you help us to bring into manifestation here not only faith in our words but works well done through daily practicing of the laws of life which we have proven, for by daily use of these same laws have we attained! May we count on you—each one—to help us make of our present acorn a mighty oak which shall endure for centuries yet to come? I know we can—and we do! -Morya: Pearls of Wisdom 2:9 ……………………..
“These are the symbols that can be the life-mode for every man, for each tree is itself a symbol of all life. The lower boughs droop toward the earth; but as one follows the branches there is a steady rise of the angle until, with the tall sentinel of the central branch, one and all point skyward, the corollaries around it braced as cups to serve a central purpose. Thus higher branches are remote from lower ones yet all are part of the same.…It is the Father who taketh away the branch that beareth not fruit. It is the Father who purgeth every branch that beareth fruit that it may bring forth more fruit. Within and among the members of this community who abide in Him and His Word–His manifest Word, His living Word, His revealed Word, His prophetic Word–they ask what they will by science of invocation of the Word that is in them, and it is done unto them. Here the Word in disciples bears much fruit, abundant fruit, the fruit of God- consciousness sufficient for all nations of Earth. -Kuan Yin: Pearls of Wisdom 12:52
Vol. 22The beloved Christ Self, the Good Shepherd of thy soul, is the representative of the householder which planted a vineyard, and hedged it round about, and digged a winepress in it, and built a tower, and let it out to husbandmen, and went into a far country. The householder is the Father in the Son (I and my Father are one) who has planted the vineyard of the earth. And the grapes of the vine are the… Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. Now ye are clean through the Word which I have spoken unto you.
Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.
I AM the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.
If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned….Each grape is likened unto a soul having free will to bring forth the seed of the Word that is within itself, verily the seed of the I AM Presence. Each grape represents a soul identity, a solar awareness. And the measure of that awareness is measured by the great winepress that measures out the essence of the fruit.
…It is the Father who taketh away the branch that beareth not fruit. It is the Father who purgeth every branch that beareth fruit that it may bring forth more fruit. Within and among the members of this community who abide in Him and His Word–His manifest Word, His living Word, His revealed Word, His prophetic Word–they ask what they will by the science of the invocation of the Word that is in them, and it is done unto them. Here the Word in disciples bears much fruit, abundant fruit, the fruit of God consciousness sufficient for all nations of Earth. -Sanat Kumara: Pearl 22:29
………………… And speak unto him, saying, Thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, saying, Behold the man whose name is the Branch; and he shall grow up out of his place, and he shall build the temple of the Lord: And speak unto him, saying, Thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, saying, Behold the man whose name is the Branch; and he shall grow up out of his place, and he shall build the temple of the Lord. - Sanat Kumara and Lady Master Venus, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 21, 1985 at Camelot, Pearl 28:44
For, behold, the day cometh that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch. But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall. -Archangel Raphael, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on February 16, 1986 at Camelot, Pearl 29:32
During the last days of her pregnancy the queen began a journey to Devadaha to visit her parents, as was the custom in India. On the way she stopped with her attendants at Lumbini Park and reached for a flowering branch of a sal tree. There under the blossoming tree the Buddha was born on the full-moon day of the month of May. On the fifth day following the birth 108 Brahmins were invited to a name-giving ceremony at the palace. The king summoned eight of the most learned from among these to ‘read’ the child’s destiny by interpreting his bodily marks and physical characteristics. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15th ed., s.v. “Buddha.”
Edwin Arnold, The Light of Asia (London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., 1930), p. 96.
-Elizabeth Clare Prophet: Pearl 26:4
This tree has anchored my love and the love of many in this season. With the feast of Epiphany I draw the etheric matrix now to my heart and I consign it to physical fire that you might realize that the green bough must also be in thine own heart a living tree, a living Word, a healing light, a branch that is the righteous Branch of Israel! -Saint Germain, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on January 6, 1982 at Camelot, Pearl 25:15
Hail, sons and daughters of sacred fire! I come as the Representative of the Holy Spirit. And I stretch forth my hands, and from the centers of my hands there come forth the twin secret rays of Alpha and Omega to blaze forth through your consciousness that specific radiation which is sent to you this hour from heart of Father-Mother God. For the comfort of the Holy Spirit desires to acquaint your consciousness gently with piercing fires of secret rays that you might become habituated, acclimatized to the new sense of awareness of God–a sense that you have not known before.
The consciousness of secret rays portrays to you the minor key of Elohim who have stayed within the Great Central Sun to hold the balance of the manifest creation. They hold the focus for the unformed–the five mighty Elohim and their divine complements–even as the seven mighty Elohim are the builders of form and manifest the beauties of Life in tangible expression–yea, and brought forth the entire cosmos with release of fiat of spoken Word.
Until the hour of the release of secret rays from the heart of Mighty Cosmos on the eighth of April in this year of our Lord the secret rays were yet unspoken. But upon that occasion the Lord God Himself spoke the Word of the secret rays, and so came forth mighty Elohim and their divine complements from whitefire core of Being.
A new fire infuses the all of the Cosmic Egg for culmination of cycles of perfectionment. All life, then shall be quickened by the Holy Spirit as a new breath is inbreathed into the nostrils of every living soul and every creature. Life will be different in many ways. Prana will have a new quality; the sunlight will filter through not only seven rays but also five secret rays; and flowers in their fragrances will emit the essence of fiery core.
Gradually the Holy Spirit, wed to the Divine Mother, will bring forth in nature a glorious fulfillment, an awareness, a sensitivity. You have been divorced from nature and the God of nature. Your souls cry out for that reunion! Know you not that the yearning is for Holy Spirit and that the yearning shall be fulfilled, the call shall be answered in this age, and mankind shall return en masse to the feet of their Creator?
How the archetypes of civilization have separated brother from brother, sister from sister and all mankind from the very Fount of the living God in physical, tangible manifestation! Do you not understand that the forces of antichrist have worked diligently for centuries step by step? And today it is a fact upon this planet that some among mankind from cradle to grave never contact Earth itself with their bare feet. Can you imagine such a thing–never to feel the currents of Terra, of the Divine Mother, flowing through the form?
I have come to restore man to his original innocence–innocence in the Holy Spirit. I have come to anoint you with sweet fragrances of pine and balsam, of deodar and cedarwood and of the stars that fill the heavens. I would fill the mind’s eye with snowy peaks, with roar of oceanwave beating upon the breast of Mother Earth. I have come to invigorate you with prana, sacred essence of Holy Spirit.
O Lord God Almighty, I AM Thy Spirit in manifestation in these branches of the great vine of Life. I AM the vine and ye are the branches. Come then into the spiral of Holy Spirit! Let fire and earth proclaim union in the hearts of these precious ones of fires of Holy Spirit and of essence of Mother Earth. So let the Hierarchy of Aries step forth to pass the torch of the age to Hierarchy of Taurus! So let the immaculate Virgin of God’s heart, the Divine Mother, descend from the Throne in the Great Central Sun to anoint mankind in this hour!
As Mary anointed the body of Jesus in preparation for the hour that was to come when resurrection would deliver mankind to newness of life, so I anoint the bodies of these precious ones, pilgrims of Holy Spirit, with oil of Holy Spirit that there might be the blending of Father and Son, of Mother and Holy Spirit, that the great square at the base of the Pyramid of Life might become apex of realization in Christ- mind. This is a time for building–when fire becomes concrete, when fires of Helios and Vesta, fires of Aries, become the building within in the secret place of the Most High within the citadel of every man’s heart. So let the temple be built by builders of form.
Angel devas of Holy Spirit, come forth now from vast reaches of Earth untouched by man! From forests and mountain heights come forth, angel devas! Blend your spirals with spirals of these hearts and let them be one with the wilderness consciousness of Spirit and of Mother. Angel devas, hover over these children and begin building the new heaven and new earth. Line upon line, precept upon precept let the temple rise within the chamber of heart as perfect blueprint of Golden Age building, of Mother culture, of nature’s God. Mighty archangels who serve Holy Spirit, come forth to blend the feeling, the great love of God.
Here in this place in time there is a victory to be forged, there is a light to be won. This is the building of the new day. This is the anointing of planetary body unto hour of crucifixion. This is time for fusion of light. This is time when heaven becomes earth realized in man consecrated to light. So then let forces of anti-God, anti-Christ, anti-Mother and anti-Spirit be no more! Let them be canceled out by fires of Holy Spirit that mighty pillars in the temple of life should stand to deliver the age into the hand of the Mother and the victory of Her flame.
O Cosmic Mother and all who ensoul the Mother, form the mighty spiral of the feminine ray! Come forth now, almighty beings who have pledged energies to this hour! Let the great spiral of lives ascended roll! Let the great spiral roll! And let it reach the mighty zenith high in the heavens where there stand twin flames of Alpha and Omega rejoicing that men and women of Earth have determined to come home and to raise the planet–a planet whose very heart has cried out in distress to the Throne of Almighty God.
Virgo and Pelleur, blessed holy ones who have held the balance of Earth, let the gnomes be free from the impositions of darkness! Let resurrection flame focused in the pillar, mighty spiral of lives ascended, penetrate the level of Earth now for t freeing of gnomes from a certain portion of energies from which they might be freed this night according to decree of Alpha and Omega! So let the burden be lifted! Let gnomes hold high their heads and march now in rejoicing and those who have been burdened by Earth’s oppressive weight be freed now in flame of the Mother and flame of Holy Spirit!
O Aries and Thor, beings of air, step forth now! For the time has come when mighty sylphs should be free of pollutants of air and that portion so designated by Alpha and Omega. And let Holy Spirit now purify the plane of air, the untrammeled heights of Mind of God in man. So let the heavens in earth, in air element, be purified.
Step forth, Oromasis and Diana, for freeing of fire elementals–those iprisoned in animal forms. Let those forms now, the weight thereof, the density thereof be cleared by action of Holy Spirit! And let the beasts of the field and of mountains and of sea know a greater freedom and a rejoicing that they live in the body of God and not in the body of mankind’s density. Let all creatures know freedom. Let them know it by the power of the heart.
O mighty Neptune and Luara, ruler of waters, let undines this hour be raised in consciousness by fiery spirals of Holy Spirit! Let undines be free from pollutants of mankind! -Maha Chohan, via Messenger ECP at Land of Lanello near Colorado Springs on July 8, 1973, Pearl 16:27
Hail, Children of the Sun, Legions of My Bands! I count you every one a part of my own. In the flaming presence of my sword of blue flame, O legions of the will of God, my very own chelas, be seated now, for I have surely come in joy to rescue \ lightbearers of Earth! [25-sec. applause]
To whom shall I go, Lord, except to these, as here and there bonfires of blue flame are found upon the mountains where chelas of will of God will recite the rosary, will give calls to my heart? Yes, I come, beloved, and I do have a plan for implementation by Hope and Faith and Charity of the call, divine direction and decree set forth by our Lord Gautama Buddha, by beloved Alpha.
I AM the flaming Presence of the I AM Who I AM. Therefore, beloved, come with me, listen with me.
First and foremost I must have from you ere forty-eight hours have passed a perfect Alternate Preamble for the defense of freedom in America in the three branches of government and in all departments of state, local and federal agencies.
Beloved hearts, I must have a complete statement that is not unwieldy but that does direct my angels each morning, according to your dynamic decrees, into those areas where, as I have shown the Mother this day, there is a fumbling of the ball of America due to nonalignment of her people with the Divine Mother—through the Immaculate Heart of Mary and with the living Buddha by the parallel paths that are indeed one path of Christ and Buddha.
Blessed hearts, the indecision of this people, the self-pity that has become self-indulgence, the absence of lowering into manifestation of the divine plan for victory—all these are signs that have been coming, and coming again and again, but are nowhere more apparent than in this dark cycle.
Therefore I have determined and volunteered to come forth on the wings and heels of the light of Wesak that I might address you while the Sun is yet in the month of May. O blessed hearts, hear me then. For in earth under the sign of the Buddha in the very element physical whereon you stand I take my sword, I place it into the ground and I say to you, rally around this sword! And let it be placed now in the very presence of every chela at that six o’clock line. Beloved, on that line we shall stand and conquer, [for] on that line is the greatest vulnerability to failure. Understand, beloved—now moving toward the Fourth of July when the Sun shall again be in this Mother-sign that the foundation must be laid.
Blessed hearts, the protection of America must become physical swiftly. Let defenses be raised up. Let necessary programs be espoused. Let there be a meeting of the minds and a stripping action.
I promise you, beloved, as the Chohans have promised me, that you may come every single night with my bands to go forward and strip public servants and citizens of all that has been laid upon them by a rotten press and a rotten educational system!
Let it crumble from the foundations and let the new system of divine education appear! And let the great systems of communications now deliver reality and truth to a people who have been prepared by my bands in answer to your calls and by your own action.
For, beloved, do you understand that inasmuch as Earth is in your hands we must have those in physical embodiment at our sides? We must have with us the lightbearers who have been given the dispensation to join us in those hours of sleep that we might indeed strip this nation of astral hordes and karma, and truly light a fire of violet flame such as the world has never seen, that in the name of Saint Germain it become the most blazing bonfire that shall complement the blue flames of our rosary, hillside by hillside!
Blessed ones, the plan then is for the most effective and incisive call. It must not be too long, for all must give it daily. Understand this, beloved. We have not had for some years a very specific call that could be given to our legions. And when it is given at night, beloved, they spend the next eight hours going after those forces that are preventing right decision, right action, right-mindfulness, right strategy in the defense of freedom and light.
I have heard the Word of the Lord. I believe it. I AM it, for I stand before and in His Presence. Therefore it is possible for lightbearers of Earth united indeed to turn the world around and to widen the crack in the door that has yet been left open. Is this not the great miracle of this Wesak that the door has not been shut on opportunity? Beloved, be grateful and praise the Lord! [29-sec. applause]
Therefore you peep through that door to our octave, we peep through that door to your own. Our hands yet fit through. We clasp hands and as millions join us the door widens, beloved.
My heart’s fire and plan then is to greet our beloved Alpha and His hosts in the Heart over this Fourth of July conference and to present Him such a momentum, such a gain for the very intensity of our determination that our Father might well go before the Cosmic Council and deliver to us some greater measure of protection, some timing and timetable.
O beloved, I dare not tell all that I see and know. But be reminded that there are daily advances being made by a Soviet system and by its participants with one goal in mind, to assume the power, beloved, to assume the power and then wield it or hold it as a threatening woe unto the United States, even as fallen ones in earth have received those woes.
Beloved, do you see? Surely you have seen, but I open your eyes this evening to a greater vision, that World Communism and all of its conspirators in the West have done this for one reason alone: for amassing of power. Blessed ones, it is not alone for the power of the Father or of the Son—it is for the power of Holy Spirit, for these three as well as for the power of the Mother that they have done this.
Therefore inasmuch, beloved, as the Judgment of the Lord is upon them you may invoke it daily. Each time there is a manifestation repeated, again you may multiply the judgment wherever there is a betrayal by fallen ones of the Trinity in the hearts of these little ones.
Blessed ones, a defilement of threefold flame or personages thereof is surely the triggering for the Judgment Call to be given again and again by sons and daughters of God in Earth. You may shout the calls that you have in your decree books with greater intensity, with greater righteous indignation. For you are but confirming a judgment that is already judged and demanded in order that all elemental life may now concentrate it in the physical domain of those who remain spoilers in Earth.
Thus, beloved, though a serious message from the God Star was this proclamation and dictation, realize that for those who are astute and those who know the Law the message provides a better opportunity than that which has been given for many a year, even though it may be as a razor’s edge in its accomplishment.
Blessed ones, ere these fallen ones realize what has transpired and what will come upon them shall we not scoop then a victory? Shall we not move forward, beloved? And shall we not gain such ground in our calls and in our action that they will be stopped before they are able to recognize the outcome or even to know what has happened to them?
Blessed ones, we are of the first ray. And all chelas of El Morya present surely have an increase of that blue fire by the very love of his diamond heart.
I then give to you with the heart’s gift of the Messenger my heart, the heart of an archangel, a diamond heart of blue fire, white intensity and a secret chamber with all rays and secret rays and all gradations of color. Thus, beloved, although I am “true blue” and do not wear upon my sleeve all colors God has given me, yet I salute the colors of all nations as focus of the Cosmic Christ and I bear truly the Great Causal Body of the I AM THAT I AM.
Blessed hearts, though you may know my history or know it not, I can assure you that you may win all that I AM, all that I have. I have not gained it without sacrifice dear, surrender total, unending service, beloved. Surely you must understand that at least this trinity must be manifest out of the four pillars of life. Then, beloved, you will be the Spirit of Selflessness, and when you are you will discover the key to the courage, honor and bravery of my legions. For in selflessness there is no self that can live or die, for that Self merely is, always has been and ever shall be. Selflessness—without the human self and fully endued with divine Self, beloved. Thus if you stick out a little itty-bitty toe outside the circle of your service, blessed ones, be prepared. For that little toe of self-awareness in the human-finite condition will render you vulnerable. Stand on and in the circle of infinity, beloved, and know that it is an armor beneath you and one day it shall be a dais from which there shall spring forth spontaneously in the presence of Serapis Bey truly the ascension flame.
To this end we have called you. To this end we prepare you. And we believe that our service and our legions present the most fantastic opportunity ever known to meet the demand of an unparalleled victory in conditions of unparalleled vulnerability.
Blessed ones, let all of your vulnerabilities become mighty victories, diamond points that you might see that an armor is forged and won by conscious determination to remove weak spots.
Therefore, beloved, my plan begins with the call incisive, a call so determined that no longer shall America be undecided, no longer shall decisions be made for her people that are not the fullness of perception of the will of God by the Fourteen Ascended Masters who govern this nation.
Blessed ones, the Lords of Karma have also heard the message of Gautama. And here at my side is the beloved Goddess of Liberty who must, for she is determined, speak to you in this moment. And therefore I step aside for the mighty Lady of the Lamp who does wish to give you her word of comfort. [congregation rises]
The Beloved Goddess of Liberty
Most beloved ones,
as Spokesman for the Karmic Board I must tell you that the dispensation of a light tenfold to lightbearers of Earth is being deliberated for implementation of maximum effectiveness through the seven rays to your seven chakras.
We are determined also that lightbearers shall not be without a rallyingpoint, a banner, a presence, beloved, that they shall know the way and walk in it, that they shall be cut free and stripped truly of those very elements which they desire to be rid of in their deep desiring to effect this rescue of planet Earth.
Therefore, beloved, in these weeks until our July conference we are looking to you to prepare yourselves, to write your letters and to ask for dispensations at this half—year level as to implementation of the light allotment, indeed the mathematical formula that was given to you on Wesak.
It is our desire then no longer to see disorganization or disunity among lightbearers of the Earth. And therefore we shall place as great a momentum of your dispensation as you allow us to the fetching of greatest hearts, truly those who are knights at inner levels, to come into the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity.
Decree for them night and day, beloved. There are many in the United States and there are also those scattered throughout the whole world. Blessed ones, miracles are needed that they might be found at the right place in the right time, even to make the contact.
Thus I come representing the Lords of Karma. I stand and I keep my vigil and I gaze across the Atlantic. I am searching, beloved, and holding a light to all souls around the entire world and throughout the Pacific who must be a part of the flame that is America.
I ask you to call to me, as I call to you now, for multiplication of my own opportunity to gather these so that you might have a miraculous reinforcement in all service and especially in decree services never-ending. For this to take place, beloved, there must be a mighty increase of decreers.
Let them come then, beloved. For we are preparing for a victory to defeat defeat before defeat comes upon our doorstep. Therefore, beloved, it is an hour to appeal to each of the seven of us [members of the Karmic Board] and to understand what we may offer as our own causal bodies of expertise. (I thank you for your welcome, beloved, and ask you to be seated.)
The plan of Archangel Michael is our own. He is the great cosmic being who did leap immediately in anticipation of the coming of this opportunity and present to us surely a way out, surely a way for the changing of the mood and very winds of [public opinion in] America.
Let none then doubt the efficacy of decrees or intercession of elemental life. Let none doubt that all power in heaven and in earth is surely at the dispensation of the mantle of the Lord of the World upon the Messenger. [And you must call for the power of this mantle to implement each and every aspect of the divine plan that must be outpictured if you are to have your unparalleled victory.]
You must invoke in the name of Gautama Buddha those dispensations that you know must take place. Beloved ones, do not allow yourselves to think either that it takes long hours or that it is impossible. Nothing is impossible to you if you make the call. However in this octave we require willing hearts and receptive hearts. Thus has Saint Germain written, and it is so, that as of Wesak he no longer has an opportunity, a dispensation to intercede in Europe. Therefore with his Mediatorship withdrawn you will see events taking place unfortunate. Yet the sponsorship remains of all lightbearers upon that continent, and upon these must we concentrate.
Thus the golden chain of Hierarchy remains intact from the Great Central Sun through this heart to the chelas in Earth. You are strong links in this mighty chain, beloved. And therefore understand: with Hierarchy as God in manifestation through the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood nothing shall be impossible to you. Only act! Only act by word, by deed, by ingenuity.
Now in this hour with the offering and presence of Archangel Michael you will see how much greater receptivity there shall be with each and every one of you engaged with his hosts throughout the night. Blessed ones, you still shall have a shortened session in the universities of the Spirit as the Chohans have agreed. Understand then that time is infinity when you will it so, and much can be compressed in those hours of rest.
I AM the Goddess of Liberty and I look forward to the coming of Alpha. Moreover, I look forward to the coming of Alpha’s Sons, Christed ones. For out of Elohim so were they born; male and female created he them.
In the presence of the light of the heart of devotees heaven is attentive, heaven is available. The authority of your causal body and I AM Presence is the authority of God with you which by the Word, beloved, shall be manifest. Remember, we enter the door through you.
In the joy of this love of our oneness, of this great family of light I seal you in this hour, beloved, for those events taking place in the Middle East demand our full attention. Keep the vigil, beloved, for the hour of the Judgment is come. ——
Beloved Archangel Michael
Blessed ones, the Seven Archangels bow in gratitude before the presence of this Woman clothed with the Sun, the Goddess of Liberty, and the entire Karmic Board. And we are grateful that in this humble place there is indeed a crossroads of cosmos and truly a Place of Great Encounters.
Is there anyone you would rather meet in this hour than the Goddess of Liberty, beloved? [“No!”] As she takes her leave (now already in the higher octave), won’t you, then, send your great gratitude to her flame. [37-sec. applause]
As she traverses the night sky of America, it is a cosmic sight: billowing garments and a torch held high, a crown of stars dazzling, truly, more brightly than the stars in the heavens. A great figure, beloved, large of stature, her form expands when in higher octaves and therefore she can be seen far and wide as the hope in the heart of so many who are brought to the tensions of this hour.
Blessed ones, it is no surprise that following Wesak it would be the Middle East where tensions would erupt. It is the crossroads of all fallen ones of all systems, and the Lightbearers that are there, beloved, must truly be strong to survive.
Thus, it has been the concentrated area of the comings and goings of the fallen ones where they have fought their wars of the gods, unleashed their nuclear holocaust and on and on, counting not the cost of their ancient rivalries. Beloved, with the coming of Wesak all of this is past. They will not admit it. They will not accept it. Understand this attitude of the enemy. He does not accept defeat, he does not accept your Victory!
Therefore know, beloved, that when they are judged by God they must be bound hand and foot by our legions and restrained in order that they may not go beyond the binding power of the Law. As God has spoken, so the Archangels and our legions implement that Word. And because we are the embodiment of the I AM Presence, the moment the Word is spoken it is directed into the physical earth through us. This may appear as time and space and cycles to those evolving in this Earth.
Therefore catch a glimpse at inner levels. See the falling star Wormwood and see the stars of Archangels who bind him simultaneously. Compress time and space and know that as they are judged in the beginning so they are judged in the ending. And this beginning and ending are compressed, for time and space are not.
And when, beloved, the sacred fire of the purity of the Mother within your heart comes forth from the secret chamber thereof, you will understand all that has ever taken place between the beginning and the ending as time and space is collapsed and consumed by sacred fire. And when the white flame does burn in your heart as this action of a divine initiation and you magnetize the white fire of the Mother below, of the Father above, it is the hour, beloved, of your ascension.
Thus I have given you a gift of an understanding that it is the whitefire of the Mother, sealed in the secret chamber of the heart that comes forth from the heart only upon that point of readiness. For once the ampule is broken, as it were, so this mortal is swallowed up in Immortality, so man can live no longer as man but as God, as the Divine One, beloved. Thus may you remember it is the day to which the chela of Morya, Serapis Bey and Archangel Michael is called.
When you look at the tasks at handremember the co-measurement. And imagine, beloved, if you can what it is like to feel this intensity of the Mother-fire emerge thus, pronouncing the Word of eternity forever.
O eternal ones of God, thus in form you remain limited. For if you were not so, you could not minister to human life here below. But you are immortal already and forever. Now know the potential of the fire of the Mother within you and recognize why you must have a place apart and vast acres so as to contain the increase of light that is yours for the call. As the light increases it must merge with nature, with mountain and stream. It must not be absorbed in the cities.
Thus, you were once told long ago by Maitreya that the day would come when you would be at a place on the path that this retreat would become an absolute necessity for your further advancement. Each one will know that time and moment, beloved, when he must be in the mountain of God.
Therefore my plan is to sweep the nation clean of this substance misqualified on the cosmic clock, to cut free the current representatives. But, beloved ones, the judgment of serpents leaves many a vacuum. Sons and daughters of God and children of the Sun must be prepared quickly. And I tell you, beloved, this is not hopeless, for my cohort beloved Jophiel has reminded me of the conversion of the Holy Spirit in the twinkling of an eye by wisdom’s rod, by Chamuel’s ray!
Therefore, know that as you encapsulate truth and logic of the right path, the right action and right decision in a simple statement, in an article, in a message, those who are ready and of the light will take it. It will enter them as a fiery coil. It will enter them, beloved, as a transforming message. They will not need six years of higher learning to understand how to defend the people, how to make right choices.
Blessed ones, only see that chelas are truly literate, not only in the ability to read but in ability to comprehend. Comprehension again is by the Holy Spirit.
Why do you suppose the Lords of the Seven Rays devised such a system of intense training at their universities of the Spirit? Beloved, it is because through the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit individuals will gain the ability to take their place in this society even though they may have been programmed to wrong ideas or been deprived of a correct education. And thus the Chohans would hasten the day of your receipt of those gifts that all of the areas of necessity might be filled in. Blessed ones, of a truth had your own beloved Mark been more educated it would have been more difficult to use him as the instrument, so bad have the systems of education become in their programming of true servants of God away from the inner calling.
There is no greater gift that any teacher or parent may give a child than the exercise of listening to the inner voice of Almighty God. Do not neglect this, O teachers who understand the necessity of preparing children for institutions of the day. Remember that that voice will speak to the heart of the student when his professors or others who might lead him astray may tell him the most convincing lies of logic, philosophy, political and economic theories, may deliver all of the developed speeches of the serpent in the Garden to woo the child away from the inner life.
Blessed ones, I was the voice of God in the heart of this Messenger as she would sit in the halls of university, having one page for the voice of the professor and his comments and the opposite page for the tutoring of God. So the inner voice, beloved, should not be drowned out (by the wrong kind of educators or education) even here at the Inner Retreat. Let children be taught to know the vibration and sound of the voice of Christ and to differentiate between it and spirits that mutter and peep—the harsh and strident sounds of fallen ones who whisper in the ear. Beloved, this is the necessity.
Therefore know the prophecy, dispensations and opportunity at hand and do not be dismayed or discouraged. The cleaning out of America by our work at night and your calls given through this very special preamble you shall write, combined with publishing and sending forth of the outline of the path that must be walked to extricate this nation under God from the toilers, will accomplish much. And when the message is hurled and preached, beloved, we will see that those who have ears to hear are there to listen, that those who have hearts that can comprehend are also there and that those who can read and run will have in hand the message.
Therefore, beloved, my rod does place now a magnet to liberate those and only those who can write and organize our message and various organs of publication that have to be our mouthpiece.
Blessed ones, I send forth the true power of God, the true wisdom of God and true love! By the power of the Trinity let it be so. And by the power of Almighty God who has taken to Himself that light misused let those who have perverted these three go down now by effective action of legions of angels and all who join our bands!
So, beloved, I AM the call! And I send this call to the hearts of those who know and will answer. Thus may they also remember the warning of Gautama. Let those who hear my call come then and be a part of this rescue mission. We have never been more ready, never more determined, never more totally engaged in the saving of any world anywhere, beloved! And it is indeed for your sakes, the sakes of all lightbearers upon planet Earth.
-Archangel Michael and the Goddess of Liberty, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on May 17, 1987 at the Royal Teton Ranch, MT, Pearl 30:26
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