Friday, September 4, 2020
We cannot have you among the immortals in your present level of sluggish vibration!
to understand how they can live together in brotherhood and in the light of hope--but the rumblings of war and war’s delusions have again and again spilled over into the world community, spilled over into mankind’s realms and have caused untold misery, degradation and suffering.…///////////////////////////////////
And therefore as the children of Israel overthrew also the warlords of ancient Egypt, so shall it come to pass that the powers of Gog and Magog shall find themselves thrown as the horse and rider into the sea!And mankind seeing the great wings of an eagle uplifted in this land shall behold the fruit of the Spirit as a tribute to bring new hope to every child, to every person, to the ages that the ages themselves- echoing forth as a peal of thunder the words of infinite light from the heart of God-will bring to the world a new sense not of struggle but of victory, a new sense of victory over the tyrannies that have held men in bondage.//////////
I come then this night to bring to you a fountain of truth, to implant within you a new hope, to create within you a new spirit and a new faith that God in this age will through you bring forth and work hope anew, a tribute bright and filled with light to cherish both every day and every night. O beloved ones, let your hearts be lifted up! Let your spirits be lifted up! Let all things be lifted up! -Godfre: 2-22-1972 at Colorado Springs via Messenger Mark Prophet, POW 19:25
For all lands and all peoples were called by the infinite purposes of God. I then raise my sword to cut the tie to the rebellious priests of Mu who rebelled against the Mother-flame and caused the sinking of the continent. This hour, by edict of the Lords of Karma, the ties of innocent souls in this nation to those dark ones are cut. Blaze the light! Blaze the light! Blaze the light! Blaze the light! Blaze the light! Blaze the light! It is done.//////////////////////////////////////
Now you see, the source, the germinating power of rebellion is cut off. These individuals yet have freewill; but by severing the tie to those who have used them as anchor-points for rebellion these souls will be free to choose the way of love. -Godfre: 2-26-1974 at Santa Barbara via Messenger ECP, POW 19:26
We cannot have you among the immortals in your present level of sluggish vibration! We must accelerate the top of your identity. We must spin the wheel until the Sun behind the sun becomes the blazing, whirling, sun-fire star of the Mother Herself appearing within you. …Forty years in the wilderness of the human consciousness they wandered, recycling and recycling the patterns of their electronic belts, as they continue to do. He is risen, yet they remain. Is this not the story of every teacher and avatar who has come in the name of the I AM THAT I AM? ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Hierarchy is tired of children, children on earth who follow the teacher and who refuse to become the teaching! How long will you continue this nonsense before the Lord God? How long will you follow the teacher and allow the teacher to be the light and, when the light is no longer in this octave, fall back again to old ways of witchcraft and black magic and manipulation of the Law to your own ends? This has been the outcome of our plan for many, many centuries. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
We are determined that it will not be the outcome in this age! We have greater hope than we have ever had before because the teaching is made plain. -Godfre: 2-22-1976 at Colorado Springs via Messenger ECP, POW 19:16-7
As you have well seen, there have been virulent attempts to shake the foundation and the fabric of God-government through the shaking of virtue, morality and religion in the very heart of hearts of the I AM Race.
Therefore I lend my flame and my heart to the restoration of true religion under God that did come forth from the beginning and will fulfill herself in the ending--that will not be moved by men’s doctrine or their dogma but will fly beyond these moorings and be fitting as the ark of the covenant blazing in the hearts of all who are of the light….//////////////////////////////
Therefore let it be known that it is the true religion that binds the soul to God and the false religion that binds them to bigotry, human hate and hate creation, and all of the darkness that the actual absence of God does allow…. //////////////////////////////////////
I AM the starry body! I AM the fulfillment of the promise! And I AM the sealing of America’s victory!
I seal it in your heart! I entrust it to your care! I give to you the key to that victory!
Now, will you not take it and place it in the door of the heart of the Cosmic Christ? /////////////////
Turn the key and let all life, all America, all the world who are of the light--let them in! Let them win! Share with them the heart of fire, the blood of Christ, the essence of Alpha and Omega! Share with them even the water, the bread and the wine!… /////////////////////////////////////////////
My hand is on the Liberty Bell. And one day you will know the healing of the flaw. -Godfre: 2-22-1982 at Camelot, Los Angeles
for the mighty purpose of fulfilling that work left undone and that had to be fulfilled in the latter part of this century--and this was due to the fact of the non-response of those who should have come into the mighty power of decree work, and also to the opposition of the black magicians, the dark ones who determined to hold back the full expression of the light through those who remained (in the I AM Activity)…. //////////////////
For you shall come full circle, but unless you retreat to the heart of God and that quickly, you will find, my beloved, that you will go a wide circle of experience in maya before you return to the Holy of Holies.
And in that experience of the karma that comes upon you in place of divine opportunity you will find that, once on that roller-coaster, you will then long for the day when you can once again be in the heart of Lanello, be in the heart of the Mother…. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
Well, beloved hearts, it sharpens one’s mind and stills one’s chattering teeth, for it is more the enemy at times than the love of God that keeps one alert…. /////////////////////////////////////////////////
Thus you see, self-love is the greatest single obstacle to the path because it can never be seen. It is like a shadow. You turn around and you cannot see it, yet it limits the divine expression and blinds you to the first order of the day and the duty to rise with the Sun, to be the Sun. When you greet the dawn at the horizon you can climb with the Sun to the zenith. //////////////////////////////////////////////
Thus, beloved ones, the rising Sun is the sign of your rising Christ consciousness. Greet the dawn with joy! Be industrious! Build a new nation, a new culture and a new world of the Spirit, for this is a tangible manifestation of the City Foursquare…. /////////////////////////////////////////
I seal you in the honor of God. As you give your allegiance to that honor so the honor of God will never forsake you. -Godfre: 7-6.1984 at RTR, Montana, POW 27:50
There must be a new understanding by those who founded this nation and have moved forward in their Protestantism, in their Catholicism and in their Judaism that in this hour none may have a monopoly on the path of religious freedom, that the way made plain must be acknowledged to be made plain by the one God and the I AM Presence of that individual and the beloved Holy Christ Self….
One may taste the fruits of the orchards of life--sweet and sour, bitter, dry, or filled with the juice and nectar of the Buddha, the Christ. Beloved ones, one accepts or rejects by the senses of the soul. Tasting, then the offering one concludes what is the best philosophy by the fruit that that Tree of Life has produced….
God has entrusted every man and woman with an inner standard. Thus you are called to be standard-bearers. And the path is that thou might go to the heart and determine what is the divine standard, what is the human standard—in what way shall I walk. The unerring voice of God and inner conscience do make known to every soul that which is approved by the living Word and that which is not approved…. //////////////////////
Because Elohim trust in the divinity within each individual they do not interfere with the learning process, the experimentation when the children of light experiment with this or that activity and then hopefully draw early the conclusion that the way of light--the fullness of life not death—is the chosen way….///////////////
Only God can guarantee freedom of religion. Only God can champion the right of free men and women to worship. And so it is with the other basic freedoms you cherish. Only God can guarantee freedom, for freedom is a living flame of God. It cannot be defined by some men’s concepts of what is religion.///////////////////////
Therefore, beloved, see that it is a spiritual victory that you are about—and we with you. See, beloved ones, that you must push back the barriers that heretofore have defined the context of religious freedom.
Many have set themselves as authorities as to what is the true religion of Jesus or of Gautama or of Moses. They have banded together and they have said, “All other theories are null and void.” And therefore the council of churches, who call themselves Christian, have denied fellowship to all who may differ in the doctrine of Christ’s love…. ///////////////////////////////////
Beloved ones, the Holy Spirit is the power, the wisdom, and the love of God to draw men’s souls back to the real. This turning around and this elevation of life must be the duty of every messenger of God in every pulpit, in every house of worship worldwide. Our testing of the righteousness of any movement is the presence and power and purity of the Holy Ghost upon its leadership, its membership or student body….Beloved ones, once they have used the freedom of the press dangerously and irresponsibly to brand any man’s religion as a cult or a dangerous doctrine you can see how difficult it is to undo the impression, for the clichés have made their way as the poisoning of men’s minds…. ///////////////////////////
Beloved ones, houses of worship, as institutions of learning and all public places, must have doors opened where people may enter if they choose and leave if they choose. As Archangel Gabriel has said, it is the responsibility of parents and teachers to teach children how to think, how to reason, how to draw a series of conclusions from premises at hand but not to indoctrinate them, not to point the finger and prejudice their minds from early youth…. /////////////////////////////////////////////
When you study the great heroes, the heroines of East and West you come to realize that they faced the human equation. Many fell beneath the cross of personal and planetary karma as did Christ the Lord himself. This is to teach that the least unto the greatest may err, may make mistakes, may receive help in bearing their burdens from friends, disciples and communities of light. Beloved ones, it is important that you make the effort to rise again beneath the seemingly unsurmountable weight of your personal karma or the portion of planetary karma you bear with this Messenger…. ///////////////////////////////
“Keep on keeping on” is the way of the cosmic cross of whitefire…. The tests are spiritual ones. They leave the moorings and the support systems of all rules and regulations of the world and they bring you directly to the heart of Christ—not what he would do but what did he do…. ////////////////////////////////////
Beloved ones, this nation will not be safe for any new idea, for any revolutionary of the Spirit, for anyone whom we might send into the midst of darkness to bear the present message of the present dispensation of Saint Germain and Portia and the Aquarian age unless these forces receive the absolute word that they may not interfere with any man’s religious freedom….And the highest liberty that must be guaranteed on earth is the liberty of sons and daughters of God to commune with the Almighty and to deliver the fruits of their communion to children of the light. This must not be gainsaid by hordes of the astral plane, by fallen angels in embodiment and their godless creation….if any part or portion of the Ascended Masters’ Teaching should be denied you and prohibited as church councils have done in past ages, if the Messenger should not have freedom from fear to be the instrument of whatever we may say concerning personal and planetary conditions—then, beloved, your loss of a part of this freedom becomes loss of the whole. Only the whole wafer can make you free….
This is the reason for the founding of America--that when it was time for these white stones to reach the apex they might have the place to graduate from the exercise of physical freedoms to the consummate spiritual freedom, the right to ascend to God, the right to earn that ascension and to receive it by the grace of the Son of God, and the right to preach this path to all children of God and to all peoples….
For I tell you, what is given here which is limited because of the force of darkness moving against this Church and this Messenger is the foundation Teaching, as the Founding Fathers set the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution as a guide to build upon. ////////////////////////////////
In order to disseminate many of the mysteries that should follow from inner retreats there must be a guarantee of protection of life to all who espouse those truths. There must be a guarantee of freedom of the press to publish them, of people to assemble to practice them, of soundness, beloved ones, of the individual right to free speech that either the one isolated or the many may speak his mind without being mobbed, killed or maimed…. /////////////////////////////
It is a pity that more do not see the handwriting on the wall. The lightbearers of all ages have been called to carry a banner, which in many times the masses of the people have not understood….Beloved ones, when you see these fallen ones turn and rend you--who hate the light because the light through you has been their judgment—it is time to realize that this calling of the Lord Christ to give the decree “They Shall Not Pass!” must be protected and protected again through Archangel Michael’s rosary….You must learn to wield the sword of the Spirit and be fearless…. /////////////////////////////////////////////
I seal you in this hour in the presence of our twinflames and Lanello. -Godfre: 2-23-1986 at Camelot, POW 29:35
O veils of the Divine Mother, part now. For I, Son of the Republic, would reach my own. Blessed Goddess of Liberty, assist me in this hour as I would impress upon them this my command to my Minutemen and
-women, to my soldiers on the frontline: Do not give up the ship! I command you in the name of Elohim! Do not quit this city until commanded to do so, for there is a fight to be fought and won…. Blessed hearts, it is a moment when those of the victorious sense may snatch from the teeth of the villains who think they are the victors, all that they would take from the light of the son, the daughter of God…. ////////////////////
Blessed hearts, if little by little the self-concerns, private concerns deprive you of this altar in the house of Saint Germain which he has dedicated, how then shall a nation be founded under God?…It can be done, O blessed ones. Except ye become as little children, ye shall in no wise enter in. For the little children believe, but the adults become cynical….Those who are not, yet retain a certain glaze and gloss of the astral substance that may shine as silver but never as gold…. //////////////////////////////////////////////
But what do you think would happen to this nation if those who keep the flame here [in Washington, D.C.,] should pull out at this crucial moment in the history of the hemisphere, just at the very hour when by your decrees you may bring in a true and strong strategic defense and defeat years and years of war preparations of these fallen ones, of the Soviet buildup of arms in order that they may never be used effectively against anyone?… //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Let us march with God Harmony. Let us march to our own tune and not to that of the pied piper of restlessness, procrastination and self-concern. Let us see what life will afford those who give their lives and give them ultimately in a spiritual sense…. Remember, you are engaged in expanding the first secret ray and therefore it is an inner walk with God…. Blessed hearts, I tell you, World Communism can be defeated yet! It needs only fervent hearts who understand this and know that it is relentless and demands a relentless fight. -Godfre: 7-14-1987 at Washington, D.C. via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet
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