Saturday, September 5, 2020
obedience to precepts pure
O dear hearts, could you but know that each of you is constantly held within an aura of our personal God-protection and loving care! If you consciously realize and accept this gift of our love by turning your attention to us every so often during the day, we can cause it to act more readily and powerfully for you…. ////////////////////////////
Believe me when I say to you from personal experience that the truly indescribable perfection that we enjoy is worth every effort you have ever made to serve the light in the appearance world; it is worth every so-called sacrifice of the human you have ever made or ever will make to attain your eternal victory. Keep yourselves in tune with your own beloved I AM Presence and with us, maintaining a consciousness of divine love and harmony at all times…. ///////////////////////
I tell you that one day those individuals who create discord or consciously allow it to express in their worlds shall truly regret it, especially those who profess to love and serve the light.
-Godfre: Pearls of Wisdom 1:17
The great God-flame, the mighty I AM Presence was given to man when he first sprang forth from the heart of God. There is no need for men to placate God. He is not a tyrannical being but one who bestows the highest graces upon His creation which He framed, not in ignorance but out of the wisdom of His heart…. ///////////////////////////////////////
America is not a land of bondage. Here the sweet air of freedom is yet breathed. Regardless of restrictions and impositions of government, the bane of what may seem to be unjust taxation and a host of excesses, this land is still the cradle of liberty and the cup of light to the family of nations….The ancient pyramids of Atlantis reveal the destiny of America. She was intended to rise stone by stone—lively stones all—as a living temple of monumental achievement pointing the way to the stars…. ////////////////////////////////////
There is no time for idle drift or partisan dreams,/There is no time for common rift—/ Let all men mend their seams/
For in the craft of unity,/The olive branch so green,/ Beside the dove of peace is seen/ An eagle heard to scream,
“Eternal vigilance is the price for liberty!” //////////////////////////////
I urge every son and daughter of liberty in whom burns the spirit of cosmic evolution to understand that not by senseless revolution but by progressive evolution can the world be moved forward. To this let us ever be dedicated, that America go not down into the dark night of mankind’s violence but pass ever upward by its own inner transcendence into the light of hope for a brilliant tomorrow. -Godfre: Pearls of Wisdom 11:31
When the souls of men draw together in the understanding that God is our savior, that Christ the beloved Son is the certificate of each man’s immortal inheritance and that he was given to every man to assist him in building his character and expanding his light, then and only then will America be united under God. ///////////////////////////
I come to proclaim the Messengership of the avatars who descend from the height of Cosmic Christs to bring good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people. When members of Hierarchy consent to descend into form for the purpose of bringing truth to a world darkened by error they stand as Messengers for the Most High God and for those who walk the invisible realms. Angels of light are they, and they descend to mold the perfect will of God into the perfect will of man. //////////////////////////////////////
I come bearing the flame of obedience. For I have found that to build a nation, to build a destiny and to complete the spiral of the Law man must manifest obedience strict and stern to the sacrifice of all self and all selfishness that the kingdom might reign and come into manifestation upon earth…. /////////////////////////////////////////////
I know well the image of the Liar, of his lie, and of the fallen angels who move with him in a sea of darkness clouding men’s minds, clouding issues, interfering whenever truth is to be brought forth. And my confrontation with the devil and his disciples occurred then (as Washington), even as it occurred in my final embodiment of devotion to Saint Germain….
For you see, blessed hearts, many do not understand the Law. The children of the light have never had the attainment which Lucifer had when he fell. In order to challenge him successfully they must first rise to that level of attainment and then, by their light, challenge the perversion of that light in the darkness of the dark ones. ////////////////////
Until the time that that Christhood is attained and that authority is gained it is wise to challenge darkness generally rather than specifically and not to take upon yourself the total warfare of Armageddon as a brave knight who goes forth to battle without his armor….Therefore that to which you have attained is that which you may challenge in the opposing side and in the opposing forces…. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Make these invocations but keep yourself well protected in the Light by calling forth your tube of light, putting on the whole armor of God, invoking blue lightning and establishing the perfection of your own soul that is your soul protection in the day of the challenge and in the day when you must be prepared not only to meet your God but also to meet the adversary….It is not only a warfare of the flesh and a warfare unto the death, but it is a total warfare in which the enemy has determined to capture the souls of millions through false indoctrination from the very inception of life. And so I say, your obedience and your merging with the flame of obedience will give you the greatest protection in the greatest hour of need….I cannot overstate my case for obedience, for the very cells of your being must come to know unflinching obedience to the laws of God if you would pass your tests and rise into the victory of the ascension…. //////
I salute the Mother of the Flame who passed before the Lords of Karma in the very year of my ascension and pledged to me personally her life to continue the work which I had begun….My confidence is with you, one and all; for many of you fought with me in the battle, the mighty revolution, for the preservation of liberty on this very soil. Our hearts are one, and you may think of me as your general in the field…. //////////////////////////////////////////
I thank you and bless you with the fire of my heart’s devotion to obedience to precepts pure. -Godfre: Pearls of Wisdom (POW) 17:1
................................................................................................................... for 7-3-1975 Godfre dictation
In this hour it is the spiritual continuity of the foundations laid that is being challenged. And because you have laid the foundations and placed the capstone on the pyramid of America it is known by all forces that have ever assailed this nation that this is the point at which the victory shall take place…. ////////////////////////////////////////////////
As you are students of the I AM Law of Life you carry in your hearts the destiny of America. It is important to realize this, for you must have a recognition of your calling and your reason for being and then be filled with a fervor of the light of all saints gone before in the understanding that you can and shall achieve the victory! Blessed ones, first and foremost no matter what, the Teaching must be spoken. It must be delivered up and down this nation!…
You must recognize your responsibility in delivering this teaching and [you must] recognize that if you do not understand it clearly and study it well, you may make the karma of sowing seeds of error in the minds of your hearers. And they may not recover from that error and its consequences in this or a number of embodiments, and [your neglect will] lie upon your own record [until the error is corrected in the minds of those you have misled]…. //////////////////////////////////////
be absolutely unmoved by whatever untruths are published in the press against [that Word and that truth] or by those who would sow seeds of unrest [among the brethren]. Blessed hearts, what is that to thee? Follow thou the I AM and the Lord Christ!…But never let a day go by that you do not reaffirm your vow, by the sacred fire, to the Lord God that you will stand for the survival of one nation undivided under God and one Church Universal and Triumphant that is truly the home of all students of the I AM, whether or not they know about it in the outer. Therefore, beloved, to take your stand by giving decrees is the way…. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Blessed hearts, as there is much delusion in this nation so there is much treachery and intrigue, and the forces at work are moving at sublevels not apparent to your eyes. Many of these [individuals] are in embodiment and in collusion with one another, and many are on the astral plane. Thus when all seems well and all seems quiet know that it is only that seeming and you must not trust that seeming….Now comes the ultimate test of the heart, whether the heart will faint not and endure, whether the physical heart then can be strengthened to become a physical chalice for the threefold flame and for the heart chakra. … ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
This battle therefore requires the engaging of the hosts of light and the engaging of yourselves in the fight against the fallen ones. They also see it as a fight to the finish, for they know that their time is up and they know that there is no more opportunity for them to destroy this nation, to destroy freedom upon earth or the freedom of the soul to take flight in that victorious union with God. Thus, beloved, there are final ends, and there are final ends to Evil itself….
Therefore, beloved, do not feel burdened by this responsibility. For you see, your victory in the One in the defense of church and state shall become your victory of your soul’s union with God. All things do work together for good to those who are called, to those who truly love the Law of the I AM….recognize that your own union with your Holy Christ Self does come about [through reaching out to extend the hand of the Brotherhood to the many who are almost here but need that helping hand of a friend]….And it is a race to the finish to see who will get there first–those bent on the destruction of the nation and the Church or those bent on the absolute God-victory of both…. ///////////////////////////////////////
Do not allow yourselves that vulnerability whereby you are placed in the position of being apprehended through agencies of the government. You must tend to the law in all affairs and in all circumstances. And where you find individuals who are a part of this activity who are ignorantly (or willfully) on the wrong side of the law I ask you to hasten to instruct them [as to what the law is] and to encourage them to [obey it and to] get legal advice in all of their doings. Be protected by the laws of the land, such as they are, and be protected by the laws of Almighty God….Is there a group of souls who can face that karma, personal and planetary, and survive and be victors? Is there a group, beloved?… Do you understand, beloved, that the gift of truth comes to you not without price?… ////////////////////////////////////
And we have known what it is like to have black magicians opposing our service. We have known throughout our lifetimes what it is to have betrayers and what it is to have those who would go out with all manner of distortions and lies regarding our activity and service…. But you must understand that this truth is to go marching on and all the legions of light are there at your command…. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Beloved ones, you must overturn that [defeatist attitude]. You must seek a reprieve. You must take a rest. You must change your circumstance and perhaps change your diet. But [come what may] you must recuperate [and regroup] your forces and know that all of these are lies and the attempt of the force to defeat you. And that force does insert its own voice into your mind, mimicking your voice, as though you were thinking or speaking to yourself; yet it is no part of your reality…. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
It is always well to turn and face the Mighty I AM Presence. It is always well to count on Cyclopea for that unerring ray that does make clear what is the absolute choice that must be taken. Relative choices—though seemingly good choices—will not do. You can [always] be a “do-gooder” and you can always find a reason to go hither and yon to take on another project, to embark on another journey or [get involved in] another scheme or another venture…. ////////////////////////
And it is patently clear that the cause of the continuity of America as the place of the gathering of the I AM Race must be paramount and that the cause of the preservation of the Church and its expansion and the delivery of the message to the lightbearers who are also called to ascend in this life is paramount! I would that some among you would not rationalize [your involvement in] all kinds of lesser endeavors [simply] because they contribute some good to society…I tell you, it takes a great deal of fire in the rocket to propel you into your ascension! And that fire must be banked daily until the eyes shine with a fire that is holy and unseen in most places on the planet. It must be a fire that builds in the chakras, for you never know when you are called [Home]….Let the heart glisten with wisdom, let it glisten with pure whitefire and the love that deepens with the years….And without the vision of the I AM Presence America could have been lost decades ago. Yet she has been preserved by this continuity of the Word, the bulk of which has been carried [forward] by yourselves. -Godfre and Lotus: 7-7-1990 at RTR, Montana, POW 33:30
For the elementals are calmed when they know that they can count on your decrees…. //////////////////////////////
It is truly incredible to see how many (US Presidents) have been corrupt and incapable of running the nation, whereas in many cases the people themselves have had a far greater ability to do so…. ////////////////////////////////////////
So therefor when all is said and done we will know what we shall have accomplished. And if it is not enough, I pray that you will come back bigger and better and able to carry greater burdens for yourselves and for the Messenger. And gradually you will come to realize that it is not the flesh but it is the Spirit of your great causal body which you have built for aeons that is enabling Saint Germain to have his victory….With the sign of the heart, the head and the hand to you I seal you in the light of cosmic freedom. [28-second standing ovation] -Godfre: 8-10-1997 at RTR, Montana, POW 40:50
I AM Godfre; I come with Lanello. We move round this planetary home. We seek to take from the nations all that is dark and dank, all that never should have been. We come, for it is an hour of tremendous victory. It is an hour of victory for our Messenger. It is an hour of victory for you. Will you not claim the victory, beloved? For that great victory must become your own…. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
What is the manifestation and the tremendous energy that you feel, that I feel, going out and now returning, going out and now returning? It is the energy of God that you have applied to the flame of forgiveness, the flame of the Holy Spirit. This energy, beloved, is there for you to draw down from the magnificence of your own great causal body…. //////////////
Consider the worlds within worlds. Consider your Lord Gautama Buddha, then go to the streets of the world and do something to turn around the planetary body…. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
We counsel you to call for the judgment of those who take life through abortion. We come for the manifestation of light where you are. We come for the victory of light where you are. We come for this action that many, many of you might say, “Thus far and no farther!” We come that you might help us, for we are determined to help the souls who must come into embodiment…. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Therefore we together call you to come again and again to know the Holy Spirit, to give life through the Holy Spirit, to pass on to the children of the world the life, consciousness and energy of the Holy Spirit….We have come to you because we understand that if the nations are to accelerate, to go upward and onward in the light there must be a transforming change. And that change is yours to accomplish. You can accomplish it! You can accomplish it city by city, day by day.
...Recognize that God in His great manifestation kneels before you so to speak and says to you: “Here, I give you My Causal Body. I AM the Lord of the World, I AM the manifestation of the Buddha. Now give back to Me what I have given to you.” I call upon you, beloved, in this hour, I call for the victory of the God-flame. And I ask for you to now sing to Mighty Victory that you might anchor here in this very spot that flame of Victory, for the legions of Victory await your call. -Godfre: new year 1998 conference at San Antonio, Texas, via Messenger ECP, POW 41:8
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